10/24/2012 - Village of Corona

Special Meeting
October 24, 2012
1:30 PM
A Special Meeting of the Corona Village Council was held on October 24, 2012 at 1:30
P.M. at Corona Village Hall, Corona, New Mexico.
William Hignight, Mayor
Samuel Seely, Councilor
Cal West, Councilor
Monica Zook, Councilor
Jacque Davis, Deputy Clerk
Denise Williams, Librarian
See attached list.
Sherrill Bradford, Councilor
Janet Verna, Clerk/Treasurer
Kyle Davis, Public Works Director
The Mayor called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge to New Mexico Flag
Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Review of Purchase Vouchers
The Mayor stated he wanted to review the Purchase Voucher Report before discussing
the Purchase Requisitions. He asked if there were any questions regarding the Purchase
No questions were asked.
The Mayor stated two Purchase Requisitions were presented for approval and were
actually numbered #28 and #29. He stated there was a typo on the agenda which listed
Requisition #29 twice.
The Mayor introduced Ms. Jean Hudson to present information regarding the Cemetery
records. He stated Ms. Hudson had transferred all the old map information into the
Pontem Software the Village had purchased several years ago and was now ready to add
to the records with the software purchases proposed in the two Purchase Requisitions.
Ms. Hudson showed the Council the notebook she had assembled from the records
entered in Pontem. She noted she can print reports by different categories such as all
Veterans, all reserved spaces, etc.
Ms. Hudson played a video from Pontem Software which explained their products and
showed maps which are online from cemeteries which use the Pontem product proposed
in the Requisitions.
The Mayor and Ms. Hudson further explained what had been done to this point with the
cemetery records. Ms. Hudson stated one step she will still be working on was to add all
available plots to the maps. She stated that at this point the mapping she had done shows
the occupied plots.
The Mayor stated that the Requisitions were proposing two additions to the software for
the cemetery. One was software to allow the Village to publish the cemetery records
online. The second was the purchase of an integrated image-document scanner which
will allow pictures of the grave stones and other images.
The Mayor stated that the benefit of the internet access was easy access for people who
wanted to look up a grave or needed information without coming to Corona. The Mayor
stated that the cost of the online set up software was $1450, which was the more
expensive of the two Requisitions.
Councilor Seely asked what could be included in the records with the scanning package.
Ms. Hudson stated any scan-able image can be added, such as photos, obituaries, etc.
using the package referenced in Requisition #28. The internet option referenced in
Requisition #29 is the more expensive and will include a yearly fee to continue service if
it is approved.
The Mayor stated it may be possible to use some of the software the Village will acquire
with the Asset Management project to do GIS mapping. He will research whether the
software the Village will acquire will be able to produce better mapping for the Cemetery
Councilor Seely asked where the payment for the proposed packages would come from.
The Mayor proposed that the payment be taken from the general fund for immediate
payment, and when the Cemetery CD matures the amount spent be replaced in the
general fund by a withdrawal from the Cemetery CD.
The Mayor stated there are plans to expand graves into the vacant area in the Cemetery.
He stated roads need to be built and trees planted to make this expansion, but the Mayor
stated the Village has funding to pay for the improvements. The Cemetery CD funds are
not needed for any other project that he would foresee therefore he would propose
payment by a withdrawal from the CD in the manner he suggested.
Councilor Seely made a motion to approve Requisition #28 and Requisition #29.
Councilor West seconded the motion.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Deputy Clerk called the roll
Councilor Seely: Yes
Councilor Bradford: ABSENT
Councilor West: Yes
Councilor Zook: Yes
None opposed.
Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes
The Mayor asked for a motion to approve the Minutes.
Councilor Seely made a motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting on
October 9, 2012.
Councilor Zook seconded the motion.
The Mayor asked if there were any corrections or questions.
No corrections or questions were noted.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Deputy Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Bradford: ABSENT
Councilor Seely: Yes
Councilor West: Yes
Councilor Zook: Yes
None Opposed.
Motion Passed.
Discussion of Ordinance #12-02 Regarding Regulations of Salvage Yard/Junk Yard
The Mayor stated that before he asked for a motion in regard to Ordinance #12-02 he
wanted to explain that he had instructed the Clerk to send the letter which was included in
the Council packets to Mr. Bob Burroughs of Bob’s Auto to give him notification of the
discussion to be held at this Council Meeting in regard to a Salvage Yard/Junk Yard
Ordinance. He stated a copy of the proposed Ordinance was also sent to Mr. Burroughs.
The Mayor stated that he would like to inform the council of events that had happened
after the letter had been sent to Bob’s Auto. The Mayor stated that Bob Burroughs had
called him and asked to discuss the letter. The Mayor informed the Council that Mr.
Burroughs stated he would move his business out of town if the Ordinance was approved.
The Mayor went on to say that Mr. Burroughs stated he would voluntarily make the
changes to his property if he was asked, but would not if the Ordinance was approved.
The Mayor further stated that he had been specific about the needed changes to include
moving all vehicles off the streets and inside a fenced area and installing a
screening/privacy fence around the property.
He stated Mr. Burroughs had been upset because he had not been contacted before the
Ordinance was proposed. The Mayor stated he had informed Mr. Burroughs that he
could only talk to him as a citizen, as any other citizen could, but could not do anything
in an official capacity unless there was an Ordinance in place. He stated he told Mr.
Burroughs he wanted him to have a “heads up” about the discussion and that was his
reason to send the letter to him. He stated Mr. Burroughs would not come to discuss the
Ordinance with the Council.
The Mayor stated that after his discussion with Mr. Burroughs he felt that postponing the
posting of the ordinance would be appropriate and he wanted to move on the side of
trusting people.
Councilor Seely stated that he had talked with Mr. Burroughs and also wanted to give
him the “benefit of the doubt”. He stated he had agreed to relay the council discussion to
Mr. Burroughs as well.
The Mayor stated that Mr. Burroughs was concerned because he read the ordinance but
was under the impression that the section of the ordinance that would apply to any new
yard would apply to his business. The Mayor stated he had explained the proposed
Ordinance in regard to its effect on existing businesses. He went on to say that it was
reasonable to give Mr. Burroughs six months to clean up his property voluntarily.
Councilor West stated that an ordinance should be used to clean up all the junk around
town and also the vacant houses and get it all over with at once. Councilor West stated
he would be more inclined to agree with the Ordinance if it included other junk issues.
The Mayor stated that he started out to present an Ordinance for all issues of property
clean up that the Council had previously discussed, but decided it would be very
complicated to enforce. He went on to say that it was easier to start out with the easily
enforced ordinances and then work our way up to the more difficult.
The Mayor stated that another problem he had considered was the Village does not have
anyone qualified as a code enforcement officer to determine what was bad. The property
clean up becomes a very complicated issue because the Village could easily be placed in
a position where clean up ended up costing the Village if property owners did not
reimburse charges if the Village had to do the work. He did not want to place the Village
in that position.
Councilor West stated that there should be more town cleanup and the ordinance should
not be focusing on just one individual or a business which brings revenue into the
Village. He would be in agreement if the Ordinance addressed additional issues of
property cleanup.
The Mayor asked for a motion to postpone Ordinance #12-02.
Councilor Seely made a motion to postpone Ordinance #12-02.
Councilor Zook seconded the motion.
The Mayor asked if there was any discussion.
Mr. Dan Williams asked the Mayor to confirm that Mr. Burroughs was planning to put up
a fence around his property at the intersection of Highway 42 and Highway 54.
The Mayor confirmed that was correct.
Councilor Seely stated that in his discussion with Mr. Burroughs he had stated he planned
on installing a fence for himself anyway because of theft issues.
Mr. Williams asked if the property on Old Crown and Katrina which Mr. Burroughs had
recently acquired was discussed because it appeared to be the start of another Salvage
Yard/Junk Yard.
The Mayor stated that Mr. Burroughs stated he never intended to make the property a
“wrecking yard”. The Mayor further stated that as part of his discussions with Bob, Mr.
Burroughs had offered to sell the property to the Village for about $1500 more than what
he purchased it for. The price proposed was $30,000.
The Mayor stated he wanted to propose to Council that they should consider purchasing
the Burroughs’ property and using it for a fire station. The Mayor stated property
adjoining the Burroughs’ property was to be donated to the Village. Mr. Fuller was in the
process of preparing the paperwork to give his lots to the Village. He stated he wanted to
have Council approval to discuss with the Fire Chief the possibility of purchasing the
Burroughs’ property with fire funds. The Mayor stated the Fire Department could afford
this purchase, but the Village could also help with the cost. He felt the property would be
best used by the Fire Department, noting it was not needed by the Public Works
The Mayor stated he had informed Mr. Burroughs that he would bring the idea of the
Village purchasing his fenced lots with an existing building on Old Crown to the Council
and ask for approval to pursue a purchase agreement.
Councilor Seely stated the property could give the Fire Department more room in the
current department and make an area for training for the Fire Department.
Discussion followed in regard to the price Mr. Burroughs paid for the property in
Discussion followed in regard to putting an Ordinance in effect at a later date when Mr.
Burroughs had completed the work he agreed to. The Ordinance would then only
regulate any future Salvage/Junk Yards.
The Mayor reminded Council they were only postponing the Ordinance. It would have to
be acted on at a future date with a vote for or against.
Councilor Zook asked about setting precedence in working with other problems by giving
a grace period to Mr. Burroughs.
The Mayor asked if there was any further discussion or questions.
No more questions were asked.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Deputy Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Zook: Yes
Councilor Seely: Yes
Councilor West: Yes
Councilor Bradford: ABSENT
None Opposed.
Motion Passed.
Discussion Items from the Mayor
Wastewater System:
The Mayor reviewed the significant issues with the Wastewater System that had occurred
while he had been out of town during the first two weeks in October.
The Mayor stated that the most significant problem was the loss of both pumps for the
dosing tank at the football field. This was an emergency because the wastewater plant
was overflowing. He went on to say that Mr. Davis had to have a septic pumper with a
6000 gallon tank come in and stay all day to transfer water from the football field to
Vaughn’s sewage ponds.
The Mayor stated Mr. Davis took the pumps to Albuquerque for repairs. He stated that it
was a 24 hour process to repair the pumps and rewire them. The Public Works
Department hooked up their sump pump to pump the tank at the football field and hook it
up to the drip system until the pumps were repaired and reinstalled.
The Mayor estimated the total costs in repairing all the problems would be $12,000 to
$14,000. He stated the pumping fees were the largest cost of the problem.
The Mayor stated an electrician would be coming to look at the wiring situation for the
panels at the football field to see if there was a problem that had caused the pumps to fail.
The Mayor further discussed the problems with the pumps.
Councilor West asked about the cost of the pumps.
The Mayor responded that the pumps cost $6000.
Councilor Seely asked if both pumps had to be running at once.
The Mayor explained how the pumps are set up to alternate.
The Mayor stated the Wastewater construction was still behind schedule, but the
contractor has made a couple more changes to save money on the project. It appears
$63,000. will be left over but he was hopeful that the final total might be closer to
$100,000. Smith Engineering has agreed to waive charges for the added inspection
services that are necessary. They will also be engineering the dewatering system at no
additional charges.
The Mayor stated the engineer will be looking at a plan for removing the sludge from the
plant and hauling it with a tank to spray on the park area. This method would be the
lowest cost plan to solve the sludge situation with the Wastewater system.
Hamilton Construction Project on Highway 54:
The Mayor stated he has not met with any of the James Hamilton Construction Company
officials since his return, but planned to discuss the situations with the railroad underpass
and the casing for the Village water line with them as soon as possible.
Brush Clearing on Highway 42:
Mr. Dan Williams stated the clearing is now past mile marker 1. A prison inmate crew is
doing the chipping and trimming, but they were called off to do fire work at Questa. He
has heard remarks that the clearing is leaving the area ugly, but the grass will now grow
and it is going to make the road safer. He stated the crew is amazed at the number of
deer carcasses they are finding.
Library Update:
Denise Williams stated she will be attending a mini conference from the state libraries in
Carlsbad. She stated the meeting will inform librarians of new items and changes. She
mentioned the General Obligation Bond B to be voted on in the upcoming election
supports libraries.
Budgeting Update:
The Mayor announced since June the Village has billed $40,000. for water hauls from the
tanker fill meter which has contributed to the balance in the water fund.
He also mentioned the gross receipts income last month was $16,000. The Mayor stated
the solid waste fund was a little behind in revenue compared to the fees being paid.
The gas fund is not showing good revenue, but that will change with cold weather and
increased use of gas. The Mayor stated he felt the wastewater fund might have to have
money loaned to cover the debt payment, but there should be six months of additional
revenue when all connections from the final phase are made.
The Mayor asked if there were any more questions or comments. No more questions
were asked.
The Mayor asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Councilor Zook moved to adjourn the meeting.
Councilor Seely seconded the motion.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Deputy Clerk called the role.
Councilor Zook: Yes
Councilor Bradford: ABSENT
Councilor Seely: Yes
Councilor West: Yes
None Opposed.
Motion Passed.
William Hignight, Mayor
Jacque Davis, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer