
Simpson 1
Homer Simpson
English 180/Section 6
October 15th, 2008
Paper #3
Human Cloning is a subject that has been disputed for many years. Human cloning is wrong because it
is unethical and religiously wrong for scientists trying to create a human clone. However, there are
advantages that come with cloning for example medical reasons. There is so much conflict with the religious
aspect of this subject and the ethics involved. People were put here on Earth for a purpose.
Cloning has been a topic that a lot of scientists have loved to study. They have successfully cloned
animals such as Dolly the sheep, which was the first cloned animal ever. They have also successfully cloned
insects and have tried cloning our primate cousin the monkey. One scientist has even tried cloning hundreds
of monkey eggs with embryos having looked healthy, but they never resulted in any pregnancies.
Scientists have studied this topic for many years and have gotten very close to being able to perform
the procedure of human cloning. Scientists that have tried to clone human embryos and have been successful
say that they are not cloning humans, they are cloning for therapeutic and medical reasons like diabetes and
cancer. Meanwhile, there are other scientists that have tried to clone a real human being. The scientists that
have tried this developed four to six cells in a human embryo, which survived only for a few hours, and the
experiment was considered minimal. The difference the scientists are trying to make is one is for medical and
a totally other reason is to give people a baby that can’t have a baby. This is why I think it is unethical and
wrong because you are flirting with human nature and real people. By cloning humans, we are messing with
human life which could be costly for us in the long run. I believe that God made us all different for a reason
and if we allow scientists to play God then that is where it is immoral. In the bible it says that “God the father
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the creator” he was the only one who made us all. According to Genesis 1:27, “God created man in his image
in the divine image he created him male and female he created them.”
It would be considered natural birth when two people have a child that they created together. When
you start cloning humans, that is not natural at all, you think you could just run right out and go pick up your
cloned human. That sounds scary to me because no matter how you look at it is not considered a natural
birth. If one human clone is ever successful do you think it will live just as long as a natural human being or
will it die in the middle of the birth? The scientists in England tried to open up a nucleus and insert sperm and
estrogen with the monkey and it never produced a pregnancy. Why do these scientists want to spend all this
money to try to clone a human? If it doesn’t work the scientists lose all that money and time trying to play
If they do make a cloned human how do you know when it is born that it won’t have problems? You
can’t just think things will run smoothly and everything will be all right. Our genes aren’t perfect and you can
catch all kinds of diseases at any time. If we ever get a cloned human how is he going to act in society? This is
where you get into playing God so to speak. God knows when each of us is going to be born and when we are
going to die. It is his plan, not the scientists. If you start cloning humans then you have two of somebody how
do you react to something like that? I think of a cloned human being as a robot not a real person. We were all
created by God and that is something we all should feel is precious.
Human cloning is a topic that has been debated ever since the idea existed. Scientists have
successfully performed cloning on animals in the past and are now looking to human beings. They are closer
than they have ever been before. I am a firm believer that this should not be put into our hands and plays
God sort of speak. I am very opposed of this idea and just wanted to inform you that this subject will be
debated for years to come.