AN ANALYSIS ON THE TYPES OF SENTENCES USED IN BILINGUAL TEXT BOOKS OF THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL THESIS By: LUKLUATUL FUADIYAH 3213063011 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION STATE ISLAMIC COLLEGE (STAIN) OF TULUNGAGUNG 2010 i APPROVAL Thesis entitled “An Analysis on the Types of Sentences Used in Bilingual Textbooks of the Junior High School Level” written by Lukluatul Fuadiyah has been approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by Board Examiner: Tulungagung, 28 July 2010 Advisor Sukarsono, M.Pd. NIP. 19710514 200501 1 002 ii LEGALIZATION This is to certify that the sarjana’s thesis of Lukluatul Fuadiyah has been approved by the Board Examiners as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Education Program. Board of the thesis examiners Chair, Secretary, Dra. H. RETNO INDAYATI, M.Ag NIP. 19530329 198303 2 002 SUKARSONO, M.Pd NIP. 19710514 200501 1 002 Main examiner, NANIK SRI RAHAYU, M.Pd NIP. 19750707 200312 2 002 Tulungagung, August 18 2010 Approved by Chief of STAIN Tulungagung Dr. MAFTUKHIN,M.Ag. NIP. 19670717 200003 1 002 iii DEDICATION I dedicated this thesis for: My Beloved parents, Mr. Suyud Al Amin and Mrs. Mardhiyah, who always give me spirit and make me to be wonder woman to face my life. My beloved brother, Nasrul Hanif Hidayatulloh, who teach me how brotherhood is. Someone who will be my husband in the future. Someone who teaches me how ‘syakirin’ is. My teacher partners and children in KANA English Club, TPQ An-Nahdliyah, SDI Qurrota A’yun. Thanks so much for trying to make me be a real ‘teacher’. My friends in AISHITERU Class. You bring a ‘different’ color of life. My beloved lecturers in English Department, and my university, STAIN Tulungagung, because of you I know many things in life. iv MOTTO Proclaim (read) in the name of the lord and cherisher, who created . v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful, peace is upon the Lord who Guided Our Master Muhammad SAW the most appropriate track and shed light upon the most straightened course. Allah’s blessing and peace be upon and his family in the course of companion and geniality. Eventually, due to his charity, the researcher is able to finish this thesis entitled an analysis of on types of sentences used in bilingual text books as partial fulfillment of the requirement for getting Islamic Educational Degree in English Study Program of Islamic Education Department in STAIN Tulungagung. In this chance the writer would like to express the gratitude to honorable: 1. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag., as the principal of The State Islamic College of Tulungagung. 2. Sukarsono, M.Pd., as the researcher’s advisor in writing this thesis due to his valuable guidance as well as his constructive suggestion. Without his help and devotion of time, the completion of this thesis is supposed to be impossilble. 3. All lecturers of Tulungagung for their guidance and knowledge have been obtained during the researcher was studying in STAIN Tulungagung. 4. The parents, brothers and sisters, who always pray, support, and love in all their life. vi The researcher is aware that this thesis if full of shortcomings or far from being perfect, therefore of the researcher hope constructive suggestion or criticisms, which make this thesis much better. Finally, the researcher prays to Allah, may this thesis be useful and may God bless us. Amien. Tulungagung, August , 2010 The writer vii TABLE OF CONTENT COVER ...................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii LEGALIZATION ................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ......................................................................................... iv MOTTO .................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................ viii LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................... x LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................ xi ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ xii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Back ground of research......................................................................... 1 B. Formulation of research problem .......................................................... 5 C. Purpose of the study .............................................................................. 6 D. Significance of the study ....................................................................... 6 E. Scope and limitation of the study .......................................................... 7 F. Definition of key term ........................................................................... 8 G. Organization of the research ................................................................. 8 viii CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Sentences ............................................................................................. 10 B. The sentence pattern ............................................................................ 11 C. Clauses ................................................................................................ 14 D. Type of sentence ................................................................................. 20 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research design ................................................................................... 26 B. Population and sample ......................................................................... 28 C. Data collecting method ........................................................................ 30 D. Data analysis ....................................................................................... 31 CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Finding ................................................................................................ 36 B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 54 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 59 B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 61 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES ix LIST OF TABLE Table 1 Sentence Pattern ..................................................................................... 14 2 The Function Of Noun Clause ............................................................... 16 3 The Function Of Adjective Clause......................................................... 17 4 The Classification Of Adverbial Clause ................................................ 19 5 Step to count the frequency of occurrence of types of sentences in bilingual textbooks .............................................................................. 34 6 Step to count the frequency of occurrence of types of sentences (active and passive) in bilingual textbooks ......................................................... 34 7 Step to count the frequency of occurrence of clauses in bilingual text Books ...................................................................................................... 35 8 Adjective Clause In Bilingual Text Books ........................................... 40 9 Noun Clause In Bilingual Text Books ................................................... 42 10 Adverbial Clause In Bilingual Text Books .......................................... 43 11 Frequency Of Occurrence Of Clauses In Bilingual Text Books .......... 48 12 Frequency Of Occurrence Of types of sentences In Bilingual Text Books .............................................................................................. 50 13 Frequency of Occurrence of Types of Sentence Based on Active and Passive Sentence in Bilingual Text books ............................ 52 14 The Occurrence of Transition Signal Used in Compound Sentence in Bilingual Text books ............................................................................ 53 x LIST OF APPENDICES I. Guidance Letter II. Guidance Card III. Biography IV. Certificate of Authorship V. Appendices of Bilingual Text Books xi ABSTRACT Fuadiyah, Lukluatul, 2010, Registered number 3213063011, “An Analysis On The Types Of Sentences Used In Bilingual Text Books”. Thesis, English Education Program, Islamic Education Department, The State Islamic College of Tulungagung. Advisor: Sukarsono, M.Pd. Key words: Analysis, Types of Sentence, Bilingual Text Books The background of this research is the fact that our bilingual students face by problem that they have to mastery English and use it in their teaching learning process, even, in their text books. So, the researcher analyzes the types of sentence in these textbooks in order the students can study easily after knowing the types of sentence and the teacher can make them understand easier. The formulations of the research are (1) What types of sentences are found in bilingual textbooks? (2) How is the frequency of occurrence of sentence types are found in bilingual textbooks? The purposes of the study are: (1) To find out types of sentences are found in bilingual textbooks. (2) To identify the frequency of occurrence of sentence types are found in bilingual textbooks. The writer uses descriptive quantitative research design, since it is aimed to describe the data as they are found in the field. Then the frequency of occurrence analysis is used to get the number of their frequency. The population is all sentences in bilingual text books. Two sampling techniques are used to get the sample; they are random sampling technique and purposive sampling. The finding show that the frequency of simple sentence is 52.06%, compound sentence is 8.83%, complex sentence is 32.89%, and the leas compound-complex sentence is 6.20%. In simple sentence, active sentence is 38.15%, and passive sentence is 13.90%. In the compound sentence, active sentence is 2.81% and passive sentence is 6.01%. While in the complex sentence, Active sentence is 16.16% and passive sentence is 16.72%. In this type of sentence also found dependent clause; they are adjective clause 41.90%, noun clause 6.19%, and adverbial clause 51.90.7%. In compound-complex sentence, Active sentence 2.25%, passive sentences are 3.94%. From the percentage analysis, it is found that active sentence is 59.40%, and passive sentence is 40.60%. xii