This grid is intended as a guideline for progression in English, with ideas on what to teach in what order but it should be adapted to each child’s age, needs, and circumstances. Priority should be given to vocabulary and structures that enable the child to communicate and access the curriculum. Child’s name School: DOB: Y Welcome pack, picture timetable Help cards Picture/ bilingual dictionary Speaking and Listening Basic instructions: sit down, look, listen, etc Hello, how are you? I am fine thank you, and you? Verbs: run, walk, speak, eat, drink, sleep, draw, count, paint, smile, cry, open, close, push, pull, etc miming Colours with nouns bingo I can/ can’t can you? I like/ don’t like + food venn diagrams I have, you have like / don’t like + verbs (ing) School equipment kim’s game He/ she / they Who, when, where, what Parts of the body dice game, song Family relationships draw Opposites: the car is big Animals clothes Home furniture, rooms Prepositions: in , on, under, behind, up, down, (on the train, not in..) Days of the week, tomorrow, yesterday, before, after Numbers, and regular plurals Shapes- 2 d then 3 d feelings Questions: guess who I would like Happy families Months, seasons, dates I went, I saw, I bought I go home, I go swimming, I go to Languages: Culturally relevant / bilingual displays Buddy group Games/ reading rota Reading and writing Sounds jolly phonics If necessary vowel dictations, Letter formation, joined up writing asap Answering closed questions by pointing, then one word answers If literate build bilingual vocabulary book Start on reception words, reading and spelling Copying, labelling Individualised spellings Matching words and pictures sequencing Simple sentences If literate in L1 write story in L1 then make picture story of it Picture story of English story Simple retelling of stories, writing simple sentences magic e.. Spelling rules: y-ie/ double consonants Simple diary writing Simple instructions Description of people I went to the park and I saw.. school, I go to the swimming pool… next, first, finally, then , later. Ed past tenses- sounds like t/d/id Irregular past tenses Was/were Add, plus, minus, take away, etc Geographical terms Scientific vocabulary Topic vocabulary Difference I run/ I am running And, then, but, so Aches and pains Prepositions: next to, beside, over, across, in front of, between Me/My, your, his, her, their, our Mine, yours, hers, his. Because, so, if, before, after in clauses Possessive ‘s Abbreviations: I’m, you’re.. Man/men, children, feet, teeth.. Comparatives, superlatives: bigger, the biggest Basic adverbs: quietly, fast, slowly.. A dog, the dog, dogs, the dogs Irregular comparatives: better, worse, further Time if they know it in L1 Am going to/ will/ won’t 3rd person S in present tense I was working when the phone rang Some, many/much Ordinals: first, second.. Synonyms of common words, building up vocabulary who, when, where, that, to introduce clauses Could, should, would Even though, although, however, unless, instead, therefore, as Ago, then from/since with have been Whether: indirect speech Phrasal verbs: get up, get up to, get away, get away with etc Genres Stories To, two, too They’re, their, there, you’re, your Complex sentences Writing adverts Instructions: barrier games Persuasive writing