Checklist for Grammar, Style, Usage, and Punctuation

Checklist for Grammar, Style, and Punctuation
Prof. Chodorow
Dec. 26, 2007
Grammar: Nouns & Verbs
1. Ensure subject & verb agreement, pronoun & antecedent agreement. (Fajans at 117).
2. Choose precise nouns & verbs over abstractions. (Neumann 16-B; Volokh at 90; Fajans at 124;
Edwards at 251).
3. Put the subject & verb close together. (Neumann 16-C, 16-D; Fajans 119).
4. Use nouns & verbs to let the reader see the action. (Neumann 16-A Fajans at 122-123).
5. Replace the verb “to be” with an action verb. (Neumann 16-A; Edwards at 248).
6. Avoid passive voice except for good reason. (Neumann 16-J; Edwards at 244; Volokh at 91;
Fajans at 122).
7. Replace nominalizations with real verbs. (Neumann 16-A; Edwards at 245; Fajans at 121).
Other Grammar
8. Avoid misplaced & dangling modifiers. (Neumann 16-K; Edwards at 246; Fajans at 120-121).
9. Avoid ambiguous pronoun references.
10. Use parallel constructions in a list and in items joined by a conjunction. (Neumann 16-K; Fajans
at 121).
11. Choose “that” versus “which” properly. (Fajans at 125).
12. Choose “who” versus “whom” properly. (Fajans at 126).
Style: Avoid Wordiness
13. Use fewer words. (Neumann § 16.2; Edwards at 248; Volokh at 85; Fajans at 127).
14. Avoid “throat clearing” introductory phrases. (Neumann 15-B; Edwards at 246; Volokh at 86).
15. Break up unnecessarily long sentences. (Neumann 16-H; Edwards at 248).
16. Avoid intensifiers and unnecessary qualifiers (Edwards at 250-51).
17. Avoid multiple negatives. (Edwards at 252).
Style: Plain English
18. Use terms of art only where appropriate. (Neumann 16-M, 16-N).
19. Avoid legal argot. (Neumann 16-O; Edwards at 249; Volokh at 88, Appendix 1).
20. Use figurative phrases appropriately. (Volokh at 82, 92).
Style: Professional & Formal
21. No contractions. (Neumann 16-P).
22. No slash constructions (and/or, he/she). (Edwards at 236).
23. Avoid inappropriate abbreviations. (Neumann 16-Q; Volokh at 96).
24. Avoid colloquialisms, slang, and clichés. (Edwards at 236; Volokh at 92).
25. Avoid unnecessary personal references. (Edwards at 236-37).
26. Avoid rhetorical questions. (Neumann 16-R; Edwards at 237).
27. Use gender-neutral wording. (Neumann 16-S; Edwards at 239; Fajans at 118).
28. Avoid unduly harsh or personal criticisms. (Volokh at 95).
29. Avoid absolutes in gray areas.
30. Punctuation inside or outside of close quotes?