
Emily O’Halloran
What do I know about this topic?
I know that I have to research three castles, and then create one of them
using Google Sketch-up.
What keywords will I use?
Castle, historical and Google Sketch-up.
What questions have I got about the theme?
What skills and knowledge will I be using?
I will be using my knowledge of historic castles and the skills I have
learnt in class about Google Sketch-up.
What specific resources are available for this topic?
I can use the internet to find information about the castles. I can ask Ms
Beadle for help when I need it and I can also use the “help” tool in
Explain the task in your own words
I have to research three historic castles and then use Google Sketch-up
to design and make one of the researched castles.
Investigate some examples
I looked at pictures on Google images and used 3D warehouse as well.
Discuss and list qualities of examples
The Google images are good but not to helpful because it is easier to
make a Google Sketch-up model following a 3D image. For this reason, I
found 3D warehouse better but the 3D warehouse doesn’t have every
castle and some of the models on 3D warehouse aren’t very realistic.
Research three different types of castles - could be from Europe, UK, Asia....
1. Azay-le-Rideau, 1515 to 1527, on an island in the Indre River
2. Eltz Castle, Münstermaifeld, Germany
3. Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Approximately when was the castle built and where.
Azay-le-Rideau - 1515 to 1527, on an island in the Indre River
Eltz Castle - before 1157, nestled in the hills above the Moselle River
between Koblenz and Trier, Germany.
Balmoral Castle – 1390, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
What types of materials were used?
Azay-le-Rideau -The most commonly used material is tufa rock: in the
form of dressed stone for the most upper-class residences, or only for
the most decorative parts of the manor houses.
Eltz Castle Balmoral Castle Find the castle on Google Earth and paste a snap shot into your research
Emily O’Halloran
What purposes did the castle serve? Give details.
How many people typically stayed within the castle?