SUPPORTING TRANSITION FROM KS2 TO KS3 IN SCIENCE Unit objectives To examine the background to Key Stage 2/3 progression in science in relation to starting points at Key Stage 3 To examine what most pupils have already done To establish a framework for teachers to discover what pupils know To consider how to establish appropriate starting points for Key Stage 3 work To provide a range of contexts to interest and motivate pupils Synopsis This unit has three sessions. Session 1 enables participants to discuss and share their knowledge of Key Stage 1 and 2 science. This includes identifying key dates of National Curriculum implementation and the implications that this has on future teaching in Key Stage 3. Opportunities are provided for participants to discuss pupils’ levels of attainment at the end of Key Stage 2. These can be compared with local data. Participants follow a video of Year 6 pupils describing the work they have done in science by talking about their own observations of primary science. They then look at activities that take place across Key Stages 2 and 3 to identify progression in pupils’ learning. Session 2 enables participants to look at starting points in Year 7 and 8 units of work that will allow smooth progression in pupils’ learning of science as they enter Year 7, in particular. Participants look through the units of work in the DfES/QCA exemplar schemes of work for Key Stage 3 and identify the range of activities that are used to introduce pupils to Key Stage 3 work. They then identify ways of maintaining pupils’ interest and motivation for science during Key Stage 3. Session 3 enables participants to run an INSET session back in their own school to illustrate some of the key messages arising from the unit. Before attending this unit Before attending this unit all schools represented should have: completed auditing science in Key Stage 3 using Auditing a subject in Key Stage 3 and the Key Stage 3 science supplementary audit booklet; considered how the funding for the National Strategy will be used to develop teaching and learning in Key Stage 3 science; negotiated the continuing professional development needs of the science department with the Key Stage 3 science consultant; started comparing their own scheme of work with, or adopted, the DfES/QCA Exemplar Key Stage 3 Scheme of Work for Science (‘Scheme of Work analysis’); started analysing pupils texts, worksheets and other learning resources to determine essential components of pupils’ learning in Key Stage 3 science (‘learning resources analysis’); implemented booster revision activities for the 2002 national tests; attended the LEA launch of the science strand and the planning and managing progression in science continuing professional development.