POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) 1 POPs Laboratory Databank Questionnaire for POPs Laboratories In 2005 and within the framework of the UNEP/GEF project “Assessment of Existing Capacity and Capacity Building Needs to Analyse POPs in Developing Countries”, UNEP Chemicals has established a databank of laboratories capable to analyze persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The final report from this project together with annexes and reports created by this project are available for download from http://www.chem.unep.ch/Pops/laboratory/default.htm. The databank of existing POPs laboratories, one of the main products of the UNEP/GEF project is being maintained by UNEP Chemicals beyond the lifetime of the project. It is searchable and web-accessible from this WebPage http://www.chem.unep.ch/databank/Home/Welcome.aspx . Stockholm COP-4 in 2009 has listed nine new POPs and guidance is being developed for the analysis of these substances. Simultaneously, the POPs Laboratory Databank is also updated to reflect these changes. In order to provide the best service to those interested in POPs analysis, the information on the existing capacity of these laboratories needs to be updated. We have developed this questionnaire to collect specific information from POPs laboratories, Stockholm Convention Focal Points or NIP coordinators. We kindly ask managers of laboratories that perform POPs analysis to fill out the questionnaire and send it back to (preferentially per e-mail) to: Dr. Heidelore Fiedler Senior Scientific Affairs Officer UNEP Chemicals Branch, DTIE 11-13, chemin des Anémones, CH-1219 Châtelaine (GE), Switzerland E-mail: heidelore.fiedler@unep.org I thank you very much for your cooperation and look forward to your input. Sincerely yours, Heidi Fiedler UNEP Chemicals Branch Page 1 of 10 2 POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) 1 IDENTITY AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION Name of laboratory: Address: City / State Country: Telephone: E-mail: Web Site: Contact Person: Type of Laboratory Public/Governmental Function of the Laboratory Postal Code: Fax: Private Research Center Size (in square meters) Total Laboratory: Dedicated to POPs Analysis: Does the laboratory offer services to national and international customers? How long has your laboratory been operational [starting year, yyyy]: Experience with POPs analysis since [starting year, yyyy]: Pesticides: ; PCB: ; PCDD/PCDF: ; BFR: Yes/ ; No PFC: 2 PERSONAL ANALYZING POPS Professionals [Number of staff] Others (Administration, temporary assistants, etc.) [Number of staff]: Ph.D: ; M.Sc.: ; Technicians: 3 ACTIVITIES, EQUIPMENT, AND QUALIFICATIONS Table 1: Indicative list of major clients The laboratory offers services to third parties? Principal clients (%) Yes / Public/Governmental Private No Research Center National Foreign Countries Intra-laboratory (e.g., within the same company / organization) Page 2 of 10 UNEP Chemicals Branch POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) Sampling according to matrix (please indicate typical procedure; more than one answer is possible for a given matrix; ++ frequently, + less frequently) Water* Human Blood Ambient Air Food / Feed GMP Matrices Vegetation Chemicals / Products Effluent Soil / Sediment Residues (solid) Transformer oil Sampling is performed by: Stack emission Matrices of Interest Mother's Milk Table 2: 3 The laboratory Other laboratory Client Nurse / physician The laboratory provides sampling equipment The laboratory specifies the sampling procedure Other (please specify) * Proposed as a useful matrix by the GMP group (2010) UNEP Chemicals Branch Page 3 of 10 4 POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) Table 3: Analysis offered by the Laboratory: Please indicate the method of extraction of POPs according to matrix followed by the instrumental method: Acronyms and abbreviations: Water* Ambient Air Biota / Food / Feed GMP Matrices Vegetation Chemicals /Product Effluent Soil / Sediment Residues (solid) Transformer oil POP Stack emission Matrices of Interest Human Blood Instrumentation: C = Supercritical fluid (SFE) D = Dilution F = Solid phase (SPE) L = Liquid/liquid M = Microwave P = Pressurized fluid (PFE) S = Soxhlet U = Ultrasonic 1 = Packed column or HPLC + ECD or FID 2 = Capillary column + ECD 3 = Capillary column + MSD (LRMS) 4 = Capillary column + HRMS 5 = Capillary column + MS/MS 7 = Liquid chromatography + MS(MS) For example: Soxhlet – Capillary column + ECD = S2 Mother's Milk Extraction methods: Basic POPs Aldrin Chlordane Chlordecone Dieldrin DDT Endrin Heptachlor HCH (, , ) Mirex Toxaphene (P 26, 50, 62) HCB, PeCBz PCB (7 indicator PCB) Brominated Flame Retardants PBB PBDE Dioxin-like POPs dl-PCB (TEQ) PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) Perfluorinated Compounds PFOS/PFOSF * Proposed as a useful matrix by the GMP group (2010) Page 4 of 10 UNEP Chemicals Branch POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) Table 4: 5 Methods used for the identification and quantification of POPs and specific matrices (e.g., EPA 1613, EN 1948, ASTM, etc.) Matrix POP Stack Emission Transformer Oil Solid Abiotic (Residues, Soil, Sediment, Product) Aqueous (Effluents, Water) Biota (Vegetation, Food, Feed) Ambient Air Basic POPs Aldrin, endrin, dieldrin Chlordane Chlordecone DDT Heptachlor HCH (, , ) Mirex Toxaphene HCB, PeCBz PCB (7 indicator PCB) Brominated Flame Retardants PBB PBDE Dioxin-like POPs dl-PCB (TEQ) PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) Perfluorinated Compounds PFOS/PFOSF UNEP Chemicals Branch Page 5 of 10 6 POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) Number of samples analyzed per matrix and POP annually (e.g., in 2008) Reference year: ________ (please, provide year) Water* Human Blood Ambient Air Biota / Food / Feed GMP Matrices Vegetation Chemicals /Product Effluent Soil / Sediment Residues (solid) Transformer oil POP Stack emission Matrices of Interest Mother's Milk Table 5: Basic POPs Aldrin Chlordane Chlordecone Dieldrin DDT Endrin Heptachlor HCH (, , ) Mirex Toxaphene (P 26, 50, 62) HCB, PeCBz PCB (7 indicator PCB) Brominated Flame Retardants PBB PBDE Dioxin-like POPs dl-PCB (TEQ) PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) Perfluorinated Compounds PFOS/PFOSF * Proposed as a useful matrix by the GMP group (2010) Page 6 of 10 UNEP Chemicals Branch POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) Table 6: 7 Costs to external clients per sample according to matrix and POP (USD/sample, Sampling is not included) Matrix Stack Emission Transformer oil Solids, Abiotic (Ambient Air) Effluents, Water Biota, Food, Feed, Mothers’ Milk Human Blood POPs pesticides DDT HCH (, , ) Toxaphene (P 26, 50, 62) HCB, PeCBz PCB (7 indicator PCB) Brominated Flame Retardants PBB PBDE Dioxin-like POPs dl-PCB (TEQ) PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) Perfluorinated Compounds PFOS/PFOSF 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 4.1 Has the Laboratory a quality control system in place? (example: written instructions, manuals, registers, etc.) Yes/ No 4.2 Has the Laboratory a quality assurance program in place? (certification by another institution, e.g., SQS) Yes/ No 4.3 Has the laboratory a person identified responsible for QA/QC? Yes/ No 4.4 Comments ………………………………………………………………………….. UNEP Chemicals Branch Page 7 of 10 8 POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) 5 ACCREDITATION Please provide information according to POPs and matrix and type of accreditation (e.g., ISO 17025) POP Matrix Type of Accreditation Basic POPs POPs pesticides HCB, PeCBz PCB (7 indicator PCB) Brominated Flame Retardants PBB PBDE Dioxin-like POPs dl-PCB (TEQ) PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) Perfluorinated Compounds PFOS/PFOSF Page 8 of 10 UNEP Chemicals Branch POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) 9 6 INTER-CALIBRATION STUDIES Table 7: Participation in inter-laboratory comparison studies according to POP and matrix POPs Year Matrix Coordinator (please specify address and Web Site) Result Satisfactory (Y/N) Participant Code of Laboratory (assigned) Basic POPs Pesticides DDT HCH Toxaphene PCB Brominated Flame Retardants PBB PBDE Dioxin-like POPs dl-PCB (TEQ) PCDD/PCDF (TEQ) Perfluorinated Compounds PFOS/PFOSF 7 INDICATIVE LIST OF MOST IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS Author(s) Title Year of Publication / Journal 8 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS UNEP Chemicals Branch Page 9 of 10 10 POPs Laboratory Databank (12+9) Abbreviations and Acronyms DDD DDE DDT dl ECD EI EN EPA FID GC GEF GMP GPC HCB HPLC HRGC HRMS ISO LR MS NPD PBB PBDE PCB PCDD PCDF PeCBz PFE PFOS PFOSF POP QA/QC SFE SPE SQS TEQ UNEP USD Page 10 of 10 Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, metabolite of DDT Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, metabolite of DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Dioxin-like (PCB that have WHO-TEF assigned) Electron capture detection Electron ionization Euronorm Environmental Protection Agency Flame ionization detection Gas chromatograph(y) Global Environment Facility Global Monitoring of POPs Gel permeation chromatography Hexachlorobenzene High performance liquid chromatography High-resolution gas chromatography High-resolution mass spectrometry International Standardization Organization Low resolution Mass spectrometry Nitrogen phosphorous detection Polybrominated biphenyls Polybrominated diphenyl ethers Polychlorinated biphenyls Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins Polychlorinated dibenzofurans Pentachlorobenzene Pressurized fluid extraction Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride Persistent organic pollutant Quality assurance/quality control Supercritical fluid extraction Solid-phase extraction Schweizerische Vereinigung für Qualitäts- und Managementsysteme Toxic equivalent United Nations Environment Programme United States Dollar UNEP Chemicals Branch