Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) The need for a personal emergency evacuation plan should be assessed at initial induction or enrolment by the responsible person(s) for anyone who may require assistance to evacuate the premises in an emergency. Occasional visitors who may require such assistance can be accommodated by the use of a generic emergency evacuation plan which should form part of the whole premises evacuation plan. It is important to note that any personal or generic plan will normally be location specific within a premise and any impromptu room or area change may necessitate reassessment of the plan. Any personal plan should be cross-referenced and incorporated within any other personal risk assessment or care plan and arrangements made to share with all involved persons (plan holder, premises managers, fire wardens, fire brigade etc) as maybe indicated. This form is intended as a generic guide and may be amended as required to suit departmental needs. 1. Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan for Name: (The Plan Holder) Contact details: Location / Address building/floor/room Department/Team (if applicable) Separate plans may be required for multi location working or to accommodate operational differences caused by shift patterns, if more than one plan per person state Plan…..of……. 2. Arrangements in the Event of an Evacuation Alarm/Warning The Plan Holder will receive warning of an emergency by: Existing alarm system Pager device Visual alarm system Nominated persons (name in assistance below) Other (please specify) Assistance Does the Plan Holder require assistance to evacuate safely? Yes No This should be discussed with the plan holder as they may feel that in the event of an emergency they could make an exceptional effort and escape unaided in a safe manner The Plan Holder will require assistance from…..people to evacuate safely (state number), and provision needs to be made to ensure this number of people is available at all times the Plan Holder is on the premises. It is important that anyone required to provide assistance understands what is required of them, is provided with appropriate training and a copy of this plan Name Contact details I understand the duties required of me Signed Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Page 1 of 4 Name I understand the duties required of me Contact details Signed I understand the duties required of me Name Contact details Signed I understand the duties required of me Name Contact details Signed I understand the duties required of me Name Contact details Signed I understand the duties required of me Name Contact details Signed Equipment required (include location) Evacuation procedure (Step by step from first alarm to outside the building, including detail of any routes that may be used, a sketch or plan may be attached) Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Page 2 of 4 Plan Attached Practice Practice will depend on the type of escape required. Generally escape plans should be practiced on a regular basis and at least every six months. Some systems may need testing more frequently than that, for instance paging systems and other specialist equipment. All the people involved in the escape plan should take part, however it may be more appropriate to simulate such procedures as carry-down so as not to cause any unnecessary risk. Where a person has elected to make an exceptional effort to get out unaided it would probably not be practical for them to practice, however timing a short section of the escape will help in establishing how long a full escape might take. Young persons or people with a learning difficulty may need to practice their routes for escape more frequently, If so this should be written into their plan. Type of test/practice Frequency Where records are kept 3. Plan completed by The plan Holder has been made aware of this plan by appropriate means of communication and understands what is required in the event of an emergency Name Date Position Contact Details 4. Copies of Plan given/sent to: *as required Plan Holder Date *Carer/Parent/Guardian Date *Line Managers/Teachers /Care Managers Date *Assistants/Care Support workers Date Premises Coordinator / Head Teacher / Site Manager or Responsible Person Date 5. Review Procedure This Plan will be reviewed every 12 months, or following; An evacuation Any change in the Plan holder’s ability Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Page 3 of 4 Any significant change in layout, design, management or use of building or other operational circumstance which may affect the enactment of the plan Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Page 4 of 4