
Daniel Philip Giudici
4849 Mohr Ave
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone (925) 963 4031
US Citizen
Able to organize, lead and or perform work on multi-disciplinary projects. Capable of software and mechanical
design, in addition to the design of digital and analog electronics.
California State University, Chico – Mechatronic Engineering with minor in Computer Science
GPA 3.79 (Magna Cum Laude) , Graduated May of 2007
 Applicable Technical Coursework:
Differential Equation/Vector Calculus, Dynamics, Materials Engineering, Machine Design, Strength of
Materials, Linear Circuit Analysis (Analog), Logic Design, Digital Systems Design, Electronics, Computer
Interface Circuits, Electronics II, Measurements and Instrumentation, Three Semesters C++ programming,
Control Systems, Machine Automation, Senior Mechatronic Engineering Project
Reliability Engineering Associate, JPL (sec. 513)
May – August 2007
 Combined Sec. 337 and Sec. 513 Partial Discharge Facilities
Pasadena, Ca
 Designed electronics, mechanics and systems for integration of facilities
 Breaking new ground in Partial Discharge research
Reliability Engineering Intern, JPL (sec. 513)
May – August 2006
 Developed Sec. 513 Partial Discharge ( Facility
Pasadena, Ca
 Designed electronics and mechanics for facility
 Set up preliminary Partial Discharge testing under various conditions
 Supported Component Ambient Life Study
Manufacturing Engineering Intern, BEI Systron Donner
May – August 2005
 Expanded current manufacturing processes
Concord, Ca
 Designed fixture for quartz wafer aperture cleaning
 Created studies/tests and analyzed data for throughput improvements
Tutor, CSU Chico Dept of Engineering/Private Contacts
January 2005 – May 2007
 Instructed Calculus I discussion class
Chico, Ca
 Tutored : Physics – Calculus I & II – Electronics
 Solid understanding of C/C++/68000 MCU Instruction Set and
familiarity with Visual Basic/ PICmicro Instruction set
 PSpice
 Solid Works/AutoCAD
 Linux/Window
 Logic Works
 Micro-Mouse – Consisted of software, mechanical
detection system.
and circuit design for an autonomous, hand sized
 Partial Discharge Research Facility (JPL) –
maze solving robot.
Research/Testing facility to access insulation in
operational conditions.
 Intelligent Ground Vehicle Motion Control System
– Designed and implemented motors, amps and
 Aperture Cleaning Process and Fixture (BEI
motion controller for intelligent ground vehicle and
Systron Donner) – Designed fixture and modification
created windows application for control of vehicle.
of a process to increase through put of cleaning and
 2 Axis Platform – Consisted of PC programming and
of manufacturing of support items for micromicrocontroller programming to demonstrate
machined Quartz wafers.
interaction between microcontroller and PC.
 Engineering Development Workshops – Taught and
 Ultrasonic Scanning System – Single unit to
organized workshops to introduce students to PIC
supplement intelligent ground vehicle’s object
 American Institute of Mechatronic Engineers –President August 2005 – May 2006
 Forward’s Captain Tri- Valley Vikings Rugby Club (2002-2003)
 Guitar Teacher (2002-2003)
Engineer In Training/Fundamentals Exam – April 2006
Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society – March 2006
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society – January 2006
Dean’s List 2004 - 2007 All Semesters (CSU, Chico)
Eagle Scout (2001)