Chapter 1 - Cengage Learning

Chapter 3 Ecosystems: What Are They and How Do They Work?
General information on books can be reviewed at websites such as
Alibrandi, Marsha. 2003. GIS in the Classroom: Using Geographic
Information Systems in Social Studies and Environmental Science. Newton,
Mass.: Heinemann.
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Baskin, Yvonne. 1998. The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life
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Beattie, Andrew, and Paul R. Ehrlich. 2004. Wild Solutions: How
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Begon, Michael. 2006. Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems. 4th ed.
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Benyus, Janine. 2002. Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. New
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Brady, Nyle C., and Ray R. Weil. 2003. Elements of the Nature and
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