MRS. GUTH’S CLASS POLICIES College Algebra/Trigonometry Classroom Behavior Students are expected to behave in a manner that allows everyone to learn. Classroom rules include, but are not limited to: 1. Be prepared. You must bring all required materials to class every day. 2. Be on time. You will be counted tardy if you are late. Refer to your handbook for tardy policies. 3. Obey school rules. Read your handbook and understand what is permitted at Avon High School. All school rules apply in this classroom and will be enforced. Here are some highlights: a. Cell phones – Must be off and out of sight. If I see/hear it at any time, it will be taken away and turned in to your administrator. b. Ipods, etc. – You may listen to it ONLY during designated homework time. If I see/hear it at any other time, it will be taken away and you will receive a detention. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE IS AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE TO BE OUT OF YOUR BACKPACK DURING A TEST OR EXAM. The only exception is your calculator. c. Laptops – You may have laptops out ONLY during designated times. 4. Restroom. Do not ask to use the restroom during class time unless it is an emergency. You may use the restroom at the beginning of class, IF you ask me before the bell rings. 5. Be respectful. Unacceptable behavior, language, or treatment of fellow classmates or of me will result in punishment. Stay in your seat until you are dismissed by me (not the bell). Do not talk while I am talking or work on other homework during class. Please do what you are asked without complaining and we will all get along fine! 6. Take responsibility for your actions and education. It is your job to learn the class material. Ask for help if you need it, take notes, complete assignments, prepare for assessments, and complete make-up work. Required Materials Textbook Handouts of notes Scientific Calculator (you may NOT use an iPod, etc. as your calculator) Loose leaf paper Pencil 3-ring binder (recommended, but not required) - you must have some way to organize your work Coursework Assignments completed without copying is the key to success in this class. Assignments are given every day and graded on completion unless I tell you otherwise. Assignments are due at the beginning of the period the day after they are assigned. Late work is not accepted (do not forget a completed assignment in your locker or you will receive a 0). You MUST show your work on all problems to receive credit unless I give you permission to do otherwise. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to keep up with the daily homework. Helpful Hints to Making Homework “Work for You.” 1. Clearly label each HW with the Assignment Section Number and Page, as well as Day it was assigned (e.g. the first day’s assignment is called “Day 1 HW”). 2. Write (or paraphrase) out the directions for each group of problems. 3. Document the problems that you needed assistance with. That way you know to go back and look at them again before a test or quiz. 4. Ask for help when you needed it. This can be done when we are going over homework at the beginning of class, before school, or during SRT. Assessments will make up the majority of your grade. You are not prepared for a quiz or test until you are comfortable with the homework assignments. o Daily Quizzes may be given. They will be short quizzes over the material covered the previous day. These will be multiple choice (unless that is not appropriate for the particular topic). Any Daily Quiz not taken on the day it is given may be a free-response quiz. If you know you are going to be absent, arrangements can be made to take a quiz early. o Multi-Section Quizzes will generally be given mid-chapter. o Tests will cover an entire chapter (or unit). Absences and Make-up Work You can only receive credit for assignments that you have missed if you have an excused absence. NO EXCEPTIONS! If you miss a regular day of class: 1. Please check the classroom website for keyed notes before returning to class! 2. Check the board for the previous day’s assignment. If the assignment is a handout or worksheet, ask me for a copy or get it from the classroom website. 3. If you had an assignment due the day you missed, show it to me as I’m checking the new assignment. 4. You are responsible for the new material. I will work with you during SRT period if you have questions, but only after you have copied the notes that you missed. 5. Show me your make-up homework the next day. If you miss a quiz or test: You will make up the missed quiz or test the next day you are in class. If you have a study hall that day or SRT period falls on the same day, you may make it up during that time instead. If you miss a quiz or test review day: You will take the quiz or test at the same time as everyone else on the day you return. No exceptions or reschedules. If you miss several days: Please see me during homework time or SRT period to discuss your options. Grading Course grades are continuous in nature. The 1st 9-weeks is, essentially, a midterm grade. The semester grade is 20% cumulative final exam and 80% coursework. Coursework is based on the following weighted percentages: Homework Quizzes Tests Final 15% 10% 55% 20% Grading Scale: 92.5-100 89.5-92.49 86.5-89.49 82.5-86.49 79.5-82.49 76.5-79.49 A AB+ B BC+ 72.5-76.49 69.5-72.49 66.5-69.49 62.5-66.49 59.5-62.49 0-59.49 C CD+ D DF Classroom Website It is very important that you become familiar with our classroom website. There you will find valuable information that you will need to access. Assignment Guides (including Quiz and Test Dates) Completed Notes Worksheets Complete Solutions for Reviews