Predation as an important process • predation on a population may restrict distribution or reduce abundance of a prey Useful to man if the prey is a pest, undesirable if the prey is a valuable resource • Predation like competition can influence the organization of communities • predation is a major selective force, and many adaptations such as warning coloration and mimicry have arisen What effect has the predator on its prey population? This depends on • the density of the prey and the predator • the efficiency of the predator to catch the prey and the efficiency of the prey to escape been caught. Graphical models to explain fluctuations in predator-prey populations (Chapter 7). Model based on the Lotka-Volterra equations: For the prey population, it is assumed that • in the absence of predators, the prey population increases exponentially • the rate of removal of prey increases with an increase in encounter rate by predators • the efficiency of the predators to catch prey is denoted (a) • the rate of removal of prey is dependent on o the number of predators C, and o the number of prey N. • the number of prey consumed by predators is thus = aCN • in the presence of predators subtract from equation (1) the amount of individuals eaten by predators For the predator population • the reproductive rate of the predators depends on the number of prey available. • in the absence of prey predator numbers decline exponentially through starvation thus • the rate of growth of the predator is dependent on: • the rate at which food is consumed aCN • he predators efficiency of turning the food eaten into offspring f Thus the birth rate of the predator is faCN • The Lotka Volterra equation for the predator is thus The prey zero isocline • At equilibrium, the predator or prey population must exist somewhere on the zero isoclines. • a) the prey zero isocline • rN = aCN or C = r/a • prey abundance increases at low predator abundance and decreases at high predator abundance. The predator zero isocline C • faCN = qC or N = q/fa C • predator abundance increases at high prey densities and decreases at low prey densities • c) when the predator and prey zero isoclines are combined we obtain the behavior of joint populations in which we r/a have regular oscillations of predator and prey, this occurs indefinitely. Weak points and limitations of the Lotka-Volterra model • the model is to simple q/fa NN • • assumes homogeneity in the environment and among the organisms themselves. the predator zero isocline in the Lotka-Volterra is vertical which means that the same number of prey (q/fa) is sufficient to maintain any number of predators. Unlikely!! The predator zero isocline • More predators need more prey • Predator zero isocline • larger populations of predators must require larger populations of prey • at high densities, even in the presence of excess food, most predator populations will be limited by availability of some other resource • thus the predator zero isocline is represented as a curve As predator density increases, interference among predators increases, more fighting instead of feeding, thus more prey is required • At high densities of prey the rate of growth of predators will be limited by other factors, nesting sites, safe refuges etc. A B C C The prey zero isocline in the Lotka-Volterra is horizontal unlikely!!! • The prey zero isocline is best represented as a curve • At low prey densities there is no intraspecific competition • As density increases intraspecific competition increases, the isocline decreases and reaches the prey axis at the carrying capacity • at the carrying capacity the prey population can only just maintain itself A more realistic situation is obtained by superimposing both isoclines Predator population high • has the most predators and the least number of prey at the equilibrium point • the predators are relatively efficient • the least stable (most persistent oscillations) • extinction of both the predator and prey could occur Predator population intermediate • At the equilibrium point a large number of prey are needed to maintain a small population of predators • predators are less efficient • there are less persistent oscillations. Predator population low • eliminates oscillations altogether • Most stable, strong predation limitation • At the equilibrium point C* the number of predators is low and N* is close to K, the carrying capacity. • Introducing heterogeneity into the model Presence of a refuge • predator feeds on surplus prey which due to some reason or other are unable to find a refuge. • if the prey is provided with a refuge in which predation could be avoided the cycle becomes stable without any further change. • Example Macro-algae as a refuge from predation for recruits of the mussel Chloromytilus chorus. JEMBE 191. 181-193 (1995) • Testing the assumptions of predator-prey models Laboratory studies o Gause's experiments: i) Paramecium (prey) ii) Didinium (predator) o when predator and prey are reared in oatmeal medium, the predator eats all the prey and dies of starvation. b) Gause provides a refuge for the prey =sediment; Paramecium in the sediment were safe from the predator. The predator ate all Paramecium found above the sediment but could not get to Paramecium in sediment-predators die of starvation. o added immigrants into the experiment to maintain predator-prey interaction. Conclusion predators and prey can coexist, if there is enough diversity to allow for a refuge for the prey Introduced Predators 1. Dingo are predators on kangaroos in Australia 2. European foxes and feral cats in Australia damage domestic livestock Functional response How an individual predator responds to prey density can affect how predators interact with prey The three types of functional response Type I: Individuals consume more prey as prey density increases (linear) Type II: Predators can become satiated and stop feeding, or limited by handling time. Type III: Feeding rate is similar to logistic curve; low at low prey densities, but increases quickly at high densities (sigmoid) •