AK CV Jan. 09

Professor of Microbiology
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Business Address:
Department of Microbiology
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
3610 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6076
215-898-8828, Cell, 215-370-9799
B.S. University of Tokyo, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, McCollum Pratt Institute (Dr. W.
D. McElroy)
Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. (Dr. S.W.
Guest Investigator at the Rockefeller Institute, New York (Dr. F.
Research Associate, Department of Microbiology, Vanderbilt School
of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee (Dr. S. P. Colowick)
Visiting Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee (Dr. G. D.Novelli)
Associate, Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, as above
Associate Professor, as above
Professor of Hygienic Chemistry, the University of Tokyo, Faculty
of Pharmaceutical Sciences
1972-Present Professor, Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
John Simon Guggenheim Scholar at the Imperial Cancer Research
Fund Laboratories, London (Dr. R. Dulbecco's lab), and the
University of Tokyo, Japan
Fogarty International Senior Fellow, Visiting Professor, Kyoto
University, Kyoto, Japan
Honors and Special Training:
Recipient of the Special Fellowship from the Japanese Government
Fulbright-Smith-Mundt exchange student. Enrolled as a Fulbright
Student in Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Recipient of Dazian Predoctoral Fellowship
Recipient of Japan Society Fellowship
Guest Investigator of the Rockefeller for Medical Research, New
York (under Dr. Fritz Lipmann) Feb. 18 to Mar. 18
Attended "General Microbiology Course" by Dr. Van Niel at
Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellowship, Vanderbilt University
Helen Hay Whitney Investigator, University of Pennsylvania
Recipient of John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Recipient of U.S. Government Fogarty International Senior
Member of Board of Scientific Councilors for National Institute of
Editorial Board:
Editor, Journal of Biochemistry, Japan
Sigma Xi
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Biological Chemists
American Society of Chemistry
American Society of Cell Biology
Immigration Status:
U.S. Citizen
Teaching Experience:
Participate in Medical Microbiology & Cell Biology teaching in the
Medical School
In charge of Molecular Genetics course in the Biology Department
Taught Graduate courses in the Microbiology Graduate Group (513
A&B) (Course leader)
Conduct seminar course "Oncogenesis" (Course leader)
Seminar Course "Control of Eucaryotic gene expression".
Administrative Experience:
Director of the Interdepartmental course entitled "Biology and
Biochemistry of Bacterial and Mammalian cells". This course
involves more than 20 faculties from Departments of Anatomy,
Microbiology, Veterinary School, Dental School, Wistar Institute
and the Institute for Cancer Research. The director organizes and
coordinates the faculty members so that the lectures will be coherent
and organized.
Chairman of Curriculum Committee for Microbiology Graduate
Group. The committee serves as an advisory board to graduate
students, decides requirements for Ph.D. degrees, and decides
whether or not students are qualified.
Member of Curriculum Committee, as above.
Member of a promotion Committee for the promotion of Assistant
Professor to Associate Professor.
Chairman and Professor. Department of Biochemistry and Hygiene.
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Tokyo, Tokyo,
Member of promotion committee for the promotion of Associate
Professor to Full-Professor.
Member of the Genetics Graduate Group Student Advisory
Committee. This committee is equivalent to the Curriculum
Committee for the Microbiology Graduate Group as described above.
Admission Committee Genetics Graduate Group.
Steering Committee for Molecular Biology Graduate Group.
Executive Committee of Microbiology Graduate Group.
Research Experience:
Protein biosynthesis.
Protein modification. Plasmids. Tumor Viruses.
Differentiation and Oncogenesis. Molecular biology of oncogenes. Interferon.
Recombinant DNA technology.
Kaji, A. and McElroy, W.D. Enzymic formation of choline sulfate. Biochem.
Biophysics. Acta. 30:190, 1958.
Kaji, A. and McElroy, W.D. Mechanism of hydrogen sulfide formation from
thiosulfate. J. Bacteriol. 77:630, 1959.
Kaji, A. and Gregory, J.D. Mechanism of sulfurylation of choline. J.Biol.Chem.
234; 3007, 1959.
Kaji, A., Trayser, K.A. and Colowick, S.P. Multiple forms of yeast hexokinase.
Ann.N.Y. Acad.Sci. 94:798, 1961.
Kaji, A., Kaji, H. and Novelli, G.D. A soluble amino acid incorporation system.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 10:406, 1963.
Kaji, H., Novelli,G.D. and Kaji, A. A Soluble amino acid-incorporating system
from rat liver. Biochem.Biophys.Acta.76:474,1963.
Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Specific interaction of soluble RNA with polyribonucleic acid
induced polysomes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 13:186, 1963.
Dudel, J., Gryder, R., Kaji, A., Kuffler, S.W. and Potter, D.D. Gammaaminobutyric acid and other blocking compounds in crustacea. I. Central nervous
system. J. Neurophysiol. 26:721, 1963.
Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Specific interaction of s-RNA with polysomes: inhibition by
LiCl. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 87:519, 1964.
Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Specific binding of sRNA with the template-ribosome
complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 52:1541, 1964.
Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. and Novelli, G.D. Soluble amino acid-incorporating system. I.
Preparation of the system and the nature of the reaction. J. Biol. Chem. 240:1185,
Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. and Novelli, G.D. Soluble amino acid-incorporating system.
II. Soluble nature of the system and the characterization of the radioactive product.
J. Biol. Chem. 240:1192, 1965
Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Specific binding of sRNA to ribosomes: effect of
streptomycin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 54:213, 1965.
Momose, K. and Kaji, A. Sedimentation studies of aminoacyl-sRNA synthetase
and activation of aminoacyl-sRNA transfer factor. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
111:245, 1965.
Kaji, A. Partial proteolytic digestion of yeast hexokinase and its relation to multiple
forms of the enzyme. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 112:54, 1965.
Suzuka, I., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Binding of specific sRNA to 30S subunits comparison with the binding to 70S ribosomes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs.
21:187, 1965.
Kaji, A. and Colowick, S.P. Adenosine triphosphatase activity of yeast hexokinase
and its relation to the mechanism of the hexokinase reaction. J. Biol. Chem.
240:4454, 1965.
Kaji, A., Kaji, H. and Suzuka, I. Binding of soluble RNA to ribosomes. (in
Japanese) Seibutsu Butsuri 5:279, 1965.
Kaji, A. The reaction of yeast hexokinase with sulfhydryl reagents. Biochim.
Biophys. Acta. 122:43, 1966.
20. Kaji, H., Suzuka, I. and Kaji, A. Binding of specific sRNA to ribosomes: binding of
sRNA to the template 30S subunits-template complex. J. Biol. Chem. 241:1251,1966.
21. Suzuka, I., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Binding of specific sRNA to 30S ribosomal subunits
Effect of 50S ribosomal subunits. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 55:1483, 1966.
22. Kaji, H., Suzuka, I. and Kaji, A. Binding of specific sRNA to template ribosome
complex: effect of proteolytic enzymes. J. Mol. Biol. 18:219, 1966.
23. Momose, K. and Kaji, A. Soluble amino acid incorporating-system. III. Further
studies on the product and its relation to the ribosomal system for incorporation. J.
Biol. Chem. 241:3294, 1966.
24. Nakada, D. and Kaji, A. Function and properties of the "native" 30S and 50S
ribosomal subunits of Escherichia coli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 57:128, 1967.
25. Kuriki, Y. and Kaji, A. Inability of sRNA derived from peptidyl sRNA to accept
amino acids. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 26:95, 1967.
26. Kuriki, Y. and Kaji, A. Specific binding of sRNA to ribosomes during polypeptide
synthesis and the nature of peptidyl sRNA. J. Mol. Biol. 25:407, 1967.
27. Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A. On the nature of two ribosomal sites for specific sRNA
binding. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 58:1971, 1967.
28. Suzuka,. I and Kaji, A. Studies on diphenylalanine synthesis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.
149:540, 1967.
29. Kaji, A. and Nakada, D. On the functional activity of conventionally prepared
chloramphenicol particles. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 145:508, 1967.
30. Takeda, Y., Suzuka, I. and Kaji, A. Comparative studies on specific and nonspecific
binding of transfer ribonucleic acid to ribosomes. J. Biol. Chem. 243:1075, 1968.
31. Suzuka, I. and Kaji, A. Reversible effect of lithium chloride on ribosomes. J. Biol.
Chem. 243:3136, 1968.
32. Kirtikar, D.M.W. and Kaji, A. Stimulation of phage ribonucleic acid-dependent
incorporation of amino acids by 5 S ribonucleic acid. J. Biol. Chem. 243:5345, 1968.
33. Kuriki, Y. and Kaji, A. Factor- and guanosine 5'-triphosphate-dependent release of
deacylated transfer RNA from 70S ribosomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 61:1399, 1968.
34. Kaji, A. Techniques for measuring specific sRNA binding to Escherichia coli
ribosomes. Methods in Enzymology 12:692, 1968.
35. Kuriki, Y., Fukuma, I. and Kaji, A. The role of the adenosine terminus of transfer
ribonucleic acid in the specific binding to ribosomes and their subunits. J. Biol. Chem.
244:1365, 1969.
36. Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A. Evidence for one functional phenylalanyl-tRNA binding site
on the 30S ribosomal subunit. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 62:498, 1969.
37. Kuriki, Y. and Kaji, A. On the nature of tRNA isolated from polyphenylalanyl tRNA.
Biochemistry 8: 029, 1969.
38. Igarashi, K., Ishitsuka, H. and Kaji, A. Comparative studies on the mechanism of
action of lincomycin, streptomycin and erythromycin. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
Communs. 37:499, 1969.
39. Kaji, A., Igarashi, K., Kuriki, Y. and Ishitsuka, H. Interaction of tRNA with
ribosomes - binding and release of tRNA. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol.
34:167, 1969.
40. Ishitsuka, H. and Kaji, A. Release of tRNA from ribosomes by a factor other than G
factor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 66:168-173, 1970.
41. Ishitsuka, H., Kuriki, Y. and Kaji, A. Release of transfer RNA from ribosomes - a G
factor and guanosine triphosphate-dependent reaction. J. Biol. Chem. 245:3346-3351,
42. Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A. Relationship between sites 1,2 and acceptor, donor sites for
the binding of aminoacyl tRNA to ribosomes. Euro. J. Biochem. 14:41-46, 1970.
43. Igarashi, K., Ishitsuka, H., Kuriki, Y. and Kaji, A. Use of antibiotics in studies of
protein synthesis. Progress in Antimicrobial and Anticancer Chemotherapy, Vol. II.
University of Tokyo Press, pp.445-451, 1970.
44. Hirashima, A. and Kaji, A. Factor dependent breakdown of polysomes. Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Communs. 41:877-883, 1970.
45. Kaji, A. Something I recall. (Historical hind thoughts of Biochemistry, in Japanese).
Biotech Vol. I, No. I, p.78, 1970.
46. Igarashi, K., Tanaka, S. and Kaji, A. On the aminoacyl-tRNA binding site of the 30-S
ribosomal subunit and its relation to the chain initiation site of the ribosome. Biochim.
Biophys. Acta. 228:728-731, 1971.
47. Kaji, A., Igarashi, K., Kuriki, Y. and Ishitsuka, H. Mode of action of antibiotics on
various steps of protein synthesis. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Cell
Biology and Cytopharmacology, Venice, pp.99-111, 1971.
48. Ranu, R.S. and Kaji, A. Effect of sulfhydryl reagents on the ribosomes of Bacillus
subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 107:53-60, 1971.
49. DiJoseph, C.G., Pon, C., Rapaport, N.D. and Kaji, A. The effect of monovalent
cations on the sedimentation behavior or Escherichia coli ribosomes. Biochim.
Biophys. Acta. 240:407-419, 1971.
50. Gualerzi, C., Pon, C. and Kaji, A. Initiation factor dependent release of aminoacyltRNA from complexes of 30S ribosomal subunits, synthetic polynucleotide and
aminoacyl tRNA. Biochim. Biophys. Res. Communs. 45:1312-1319, 1971.
51. Cocito, C. and Kaji, A. Virginiamycin M-A: specific inhibitor of the acceptor site of
ribosomes. Biochimie 53:763-770, 1971.
52. Ishitsuka, H. and Kaji, A. Release of ribosome bound transfer RNA by enzymatic
digestion of messenger RNA. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 262:75-87, 1972.
53. Ishitsuka, H. and Kaji, A. Prevention of ribosomal donor site from occupation by
aminoacyl tRNA during polypeptide synthesis. FEBS Letters 20:218-220, 1972.
54. Tanaka, S. and Kaji, A. Does translocase (G-factor) require the presence of
unesterified tRNA on the donor site for its action? - The effect of fusidic acid.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 46:136-142, 1972.
55. Hirashima, A. and Kaji, A. Factor-dependent release of ribosomes from messenger
RNA. Requirement for two heat-stable factors. J. Mol. Biol. 65:43-58, 1972.
56. Hirashima, A. and Kaji, A. Purification and properties of ribosome-releasing factor.
Biochemistry 11:4037-4044, 1972.
57. Ranu, R. S. and Kaji, A. Evidence for specific inhibition of translocation of
aminoacyl-transfer RNA by the pretreatment of ribosomes of Bacillus subtilis with pchloromercuribenzoate. J. Bacteriol. 112:188-194, 1972.
58. Tanaka, S., Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A. Studies on the action of Tetracycline and
Puromycin. J. Biol. Chem. 247:45-50, 1972.
59. Fukuma, I. and Kaji, A. Effect of Bacteriophage Ghost Infection on Protein Synthesis
in Escherichia coli. J. Virology 10:713-720, 1972.
60. Kaji, A. Bipolymer synthesis with emphasis on protein biosynthesis. (in Japanese)
Seitai to Energii 3:286, 1972.
61. Kaji, A., Otaka, T. and Kaji, H. Mechanism of protein synthesis and use of inhibitors
in the study of protein synthesis. (in Japanese) Prog. Molec. Biol. 55:73, 1972.
62. DiJoseph, C.G., Bayer, M.E. and Kaji, A. Host cell growth in the presence of the
thermosensitive drug resistance factor, Rts1. J. Bacteriol. 115:399-410, 1973.
63. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Evidence that fusidic acid inhibits the binding of aminoacyltRNA to the donor as well as the acceptor site of the ribosomes. Eur J. Biochem.
38:46-53, 1973.
64. Hirashima, A. and Kaji, A. Role of EF-G and a protein factor on the release of
ribosomes from messenger RNA. J. Biol. Chem. 248:7580-7587, 1973.
65. Kaji, A. Mechanism of protein synthesis and use of inhibitors in the study of protein
synthesis. Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology 3:85-157, 1973.
66. Kaji, A. On the mechanism of translocation. Kagaku (Science, in Japanese) 43:550555, 1973.
67. Tanaka, S., Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Further studies on the mechanism of erythromycin
action. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 331:128-140, 1973.
68. DiJoseph, C.G. and Kaji, A. The thermosensitive lesion in the replication of the drug
resistance factor, Rts 1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 71:2515-2519, 1974.
69. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Inhibitory effect of EF-G and GMPPCP on peptidyl transferase.
FEBS Letters 44:324-329, 1974.
70. DiJoseph, C.G. and Kaji, A. Molecular nature of the deoxyribonucleic acid of a
thermosensitive R factor, Rts1. J. Bact. 120:1364-1369, 1974.
71. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Micrococcin: Acceptor-site-specific inhibitor of protein
synthesis. Eur. J. Biochem. 50:101-106, 1974.
72. Yamamoto, T., Yokota, T. and Kaji, A. The role of cyclic AMP in the
thermosensitive lesion of the formation of closed covalent circular Rts1 DNA.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 62:546-552, 1975.
73. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A.
Release of (oligo) peptidyl-tRNA from ribosomes by
erythromycin A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 72:2649-2652, 1975.
74. Ogawa, K. and Kaji, A. Ribosome run through of the termination codon in the
absence of the ribosome releasing factor. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 402:288-296, 1975.
75. Takeishi, K. and Kaji, A. Presence of active polyribosomes in bacterial cells infected
with T4 bacteriophage ghosts. J. Virol. 16:62-69, 1975.
76. Holtzer, H., Biehl, J., Yeoh, G., Meganathan, R. and Kaji, A. Effect of oncogenic
virus on muscle differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 72:4051-4055, 1975.
77. DiJoseph, C.G. and Kaji, A. Change in the cell envelope of Escherichia coli carrying
the thermosensitive drug resistance factor, Rts1, at the nonpermissive temperature.
Antimicrob. and Chemoth. 8:504-509, 1975.
78. Ko, T.S. and Kaji, A. Effect of Ricin on biosynthesis of myeloma protein (IgA) and
general cellular proteins in MOPC-315 cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 414:155-160,
79. Ogawa, K. and Kaji, A. Requirement for ribosome-releasing factor for the release of
ribosomes at the termination codon. Eur. J. Biochem. 58:411-419, 1975.
80. Kaji, A., Kaji, H. and Otaka, T. "Inhibitors of Protein Biosynthesis". In Handbook of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (G.D. Fasman, ed). pp.555-625, 1975.
81. Kaji, A. Recollection: In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Japanese
Biochemical Society. Biochemistry (in Japanese) 47:995, 1975.
82. Kaji, A., Kaji, H. and Otaka, T. Preparation of in vitro system for protein biosynthesis.
(in Japanese) In Protein Biosynthesis vol. 1, pp. 1-23. Edited by K. Imahori, Y.
Kaziro, and S. Nishimura. Tokyo Kagaku Dojiin Press, 1975.
83. Kaji, A., Otaka, T. and Kaji, H. Methods of analysis of the product formed in vitro
protein synthesis system. (in Japanese) In Protein Biosynthesis vol. 1, pp. 23-37.
Edited by K. Imahori, Y. Kaziro, and S. Nishimura. Tokyo Kagaku Dojiin Press,
84. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Mode of action of Bottromycin A2. Release of aminoacyl or
peptidyl-tRNA from ribosomes. J. Biol. Chem. 251:2299, 1976.
85. Takeishi, K. and Kaji, A. Protein synthesis in bacteriophage ghost-infected cells. J.
Virol. 18:103, 1976.
86. Okayama, M., Yoshimura, M., Muto, M., Chi, J., Roth, S. and Kaji, A.
Transformation of chicken chondrocytes by Rous sarcoma virus. Cancer Res. 37:712717, 1977.
87. Roth, S., Delotto, R. and Kaji, A. Changes in leucine aminotransferase isozymes by
viral transformation and its correlation with the isozyme changes occuring during
differentiation. Cancer Res. 37:1147-1153, 1977.
88. Muto, M., Yoshimura, M., Okayama, M. and Kaji, A. Cellular transformation and
differentiation. Effect of Rous sarcoma virus transformation on sulfated proteoglycan
synthesis by chicken chondrocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 74:4173-4177, 1977.
89. Yamamoto, T. and Kaji, A. Replication of thermosensitive Rts 1 plasmid DNA at the
nonpermissive temperature. J. Bacteriol. 132:90-99, 1977.
90. Kaji, A., Yoshimura, M., Muto, M., Chi, J.S., Roth, S.L., Delotto, R. and Okayama, M.
Differentiation and cancerization - an in vitro experiment using a temperature
sensitive Rous sarcoma virus mutant. (in Japanese) Cancer and Chemotherapy 4:35,
91. Toole, B.P., Okayama, M., Orkin, R.W., Yoshimura, M., Muto, M. and Kaji, A.
Developmental roles of hyaluronate and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. In Cell
and Tissue Interactions, ed. by J. Lash and M. Burger, Raven Press, New York, 1977.
92. Yamamoto, T., Yokota, T. and Kaji, A. Requirement of cyclic adenosine 3',5'monophosphate for the thermosensitive effects of Rts 1 in a cyclic adenosine 3',5'
monophosphate-less mutant of Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 132:80-89, 1977.
93. Arbogast, B.W., Yoshimura, M., Kefalides, N.A., Holtzer, H. and Kaji, A. Failure of
cultured chick embryo fibroblasts to incorporate collagen into their extracellular
matrix when transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. J. Biol. Chem. 252:8863, 1977.
94. Kaji, A., Otaka, T. and Kaji, H. Inhibitors of protein biosynthesis. Handbook of
Biochem. and Mol. Biology. CRC Press, 555-625, 1977.
95. Muto, M., Yoshimura, M., Okayama, M. and Kaji, A. Cellular transformation and
differentiation. Effect of Rous sarcoma virus transformation on sulfated proteoglycan
synthesis by chicken chondrocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 74:4173, 1977.
96. Yamamoto, T., Bricker, J., Ishaq, M., Arkin, S. and Kaji, A. Rtsl: A unique
thermosensitive drug resistance factor that replicates in an unusual manner at the
nonpermissive temperature. Microbiol., p.115, 1978.
97. Kobayashi, N. and Kaji, A. Induction of DNA synthesis in terminally differentiated
myotubes by the activation of the src gene of Rous sarcoma virus. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. 75:5501-5505, 1978.
98. Sabran, J.L., Hsu, T.W., Yeater, C., Kaji, A., Mason, W.S. and Taylor, J.M. Analysis
of integrated avian RNA tumor virus DNA in transformed chicken, duck, and quail
fibroblasts. J Virol. 29:170-178, 1979.
99. Mason, W.S., Hsu, T.W., Yeater, C., Sabran, J.L., Mark, G.E., Kaji, A. and Taylor,
J.M. Avian sarcoma virus transformed quail clones defective in the production of
focus forming virus. J. Virol. 30:132, 1979.
100. Kaji, A. and Ryoji, M. Mechanism of action of antibacterial agents - tetracycline.
Antibiotics V-1:304-328, 1979.
101. Roth, S.L. and Kaji, A. Change of isozyme pattern during activation of a transforming
gene product. Its relation to other biochemical markers of cellular transformation and
differentiation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 583:241, 1979.
102. Taylor, J.M., Mason, W.S., Hsu, T.W., Sabran, J.L., Yeater, C., Mark G.E., Kaji, A.,
Guntaka, R.V. and Lai, M.M.C. Avian RNA tumor virus before and after integration
into the host genome. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quant. Biol. XLIII, p. 865,
103. Ishaq, M. and Kaji, A. Mechanism of T4 phage restriction by plasmid Rtsl: Cleavage
of T4-phage DNA by Rtsl-specific enzyme. J. Biol. Chem. 255:4040-4047, 1980.
104. Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. Aggregation properties of chondrocytes infected with a
temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus. J. Cell Science 43:407, 1980.
105. Kobayashi, N. and Kaji, A. Phosphoprotein associated with activation of the src gene
product in myogenic cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 93:278, 1980.
106. Raghavan, N., Ishaq, M. and Kaji, A. Bacteriophage T4-related macromolecular
synthesis under restriction of the plasmid Rtsl. J. Virol. 35:551, 1980.
107. Tanaka, A., Parker, C. and Kaji, A. Stimulation of growth rate of chondrocytes by
Rous sarcoma virus is not coordinated with other expressions of the src gene
phenotype. J. Virol. 35:531, 1980.
108. Kobayashi, N., Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. In vitro phosphorylation of the 36K protein in
extract from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chicken fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem.
256:3053-3058, 1981.
109. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Mode of action of Bottromycin A2: Effect on peptide bond
formation. FEBS Letters 123:173, 1981.
110. Ryoji, M., Karpen, J.W. and Kaji, A. Further characterization of ribosome releasing
factor and evidence that it prevents ribosomes from reading through a termination
codon. J. Biol. Chem. 256:5798, 1981.
111. Yamamoto, T., Finver, S., Yokota, T., Bricker, J. and Kaji, A. The region controlling
the thermosensitive effect of plasmid Rtsl on host growth is separate from the Rts1
replication region. J. Bact. 146:85, 1981.
112. Yoshimura, M., Iwasaki, Y. and Kaji, A. In vitro differentiation of chicken embryo
skin cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. J. Cell Phys. 109:373, 1981.
113. Yoshimura, M., Jimenez, S.A. and Kaji, A. Effects of viral transformation on
synthesis and secretion of collagen and fibronectin-like molecules by embryonic chick
chondrocytes in culture. J. Biol. Chem. 256:9111, 1981.
114. Ryoji, M., Berland, R. and Kaji, A. Reinitiation of translation from the triplet next to
the amber termination codon in the absence of ribosome-releasing factor. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. 78:5973, 1981.
115. Yamamoto, T., Yokota, T. and Kaji, A. Molecular organization of heat-labile
enterotoxin genes originating in Escherichia coli of human origin and construction of
heat labile toxoid-producing strains. J. Bact. 148:983-987, 1981.
116. Kaji, A. Transformation of differentiated cells by Rous sarcoma virus. Science of
Living Matter 32:361, 1981.
117. Kaji, A. Transformation of differentiated cells by Rous sarcoma virus. (in Japanese)
Seitai No Kagaku 32:360, 1981.
118. Kaji, A., Yamamoto, T. and Schwartz, L. M.
Advanced Cell Biology). 1981.
Bacterial Plasmids (Section 8 of
119. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Inhibitory action of erythromycin on protein biosynthesis by
isolated polyribosomes. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 214:846-849, 1982.
120. Ryoji, M. and Kaji, A. High sensitivity amino acid sequence determination of
radioactive proteins made in vivo or in vitro. Anal. Biochem. 122:322, 1982.
121. Yamamoto, T., Tamura, T., Ryoji, M., Kaji, A., Yokota, T. and Takano, T. Sequence
analysis of the heat-labile enterotoxin subunit B gene originating in human
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. J. Bact. 152:506, 1982.
122. Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. Transformation-defective Rous sarcoma virus mutants with
altered p19 of the gag gene and their inhibitory effect on host cell growth. J. Virol.
46:974-984, 1983.
123. Yoshimura, M., Lash, J.W., Vasan, N. and Kaji, A. Inhibition of precartiligenous
chick somites by oncogenic virus. Dev. Biol. 97:70-80, 1983.
124. Ryoji, M., Hsia, K. and Kaji, A. Read-through Translation. Trends in Biochem. Sci.
8:88-90, 1983.
125. Amini, S. and Kaji, A. Association of pp36, a phosphorylated form of the presumed
target protein for the src protein of Rous sarcoma virus, with the membrane of chicken
cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80:960-964,
126. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Mode of action of bottromycin A2: Effect of bottromycin A2
on polysomes. FEBS Letters. 153:53-59, 1983.
127. Yamamoto, T., Nakazawa, T., Miyata, T. Kaji, A. and Yokota, T. Evolution and
structure of two ADP-robosylation enterotoxins, Escherichia coli heat-labile toxin and
cholera toxin. FEBS Letters. 169:241-246, 1984.
128. Okawa, N., Yoshimoto, H. and Kaji, A. Identification of an Rts1 DNA fragment
conferring temperature-dependent instability to vector plasmids. Plasmid 13:88-98,
129. Ryoji, M., Yamane, T., Gordon, M. and Kaji, A. Two modes of amber codon readthrough in vitro. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 238:636-641, 1985.
130. Kaji, A., Tanaka, A., Hsia., K., Sabran, J., Furuse, T., Iwasaki, Y. and Park, H.
Infection of terminally differentiated myotubes with Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV).
Japan Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo, pp.427-436, 1985.
131. Okawa, N., Suyama, Y. and Kaji, A. Reduced cleavage by sodium hydroxide of
methyladenine in DNA sequencing. Nucleic Acids Research 13:7639-7645, 1985.
132. Okawa, N., Tanaka, M., Finver, S. and Kaji, A. Identification of the Rts 1 DNA
fragment responsible for temperature sensitive growth of host cells harboring a drug
resistance factor Rts 1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
142(3):1084-1088, 1987.
133. Tanaka, M., Okawa, N., Mori, K., Suyama, Y. and Kaji, A. Nucleotide sequence of
an Rts 1 fragment causing temperature-dependent instability. J. Bacteriol. 170:11751182, 1988.
134. Kaji, A. A book review on Microbial products II. The American Scientist 76: 194,
135. Kaji, A., Okawa, N., Tanaka, M., Mori, K. and Finver, S. Rts 1: A multi-phenotypic,
unusual temperature sensitive drug resistance factor. The Roots of Modern
Biochemistry, Kleinkauf, von Dohren, Jaenicke. Walter DeGruyter & Co., Berlin,
New York, pp.397-406, 1988.
136. Ricker, R. and Kaji, A. Separation of formyl-methionyl transfer RNA, methionyl
transfer RNA, and transfer RNAfmet using mixed-mode high-performance liquid
Biochemistry 175:327-333, 1988.
137. Ichikawa, S., Ryoji, M., Siegfried, Z. and Kaji, A. Localization of the ribosomereleasing factor gene in the Escherischia Coli chromosome. J. Bacteriol. 171:36893695, 1989.
138. Ichikawa, S. and Kaji, A. Molecular cloning and expression of ribosome releasing
factor. J. Biol. Chem. 264:20054-20059, 1989.
139. Fujihara, M., Milligan, J.R. and Kaji, A. Effect of 2',5'-Oligoadenylate on herpes
simplex virus-infected cells and preventive action of 2',5'-Oligoadenylate on the lethal
effect of HSV-2. J. Interferon Research 9:691-707, 1989.
140. Higuchi, H., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Enzymic synthesis of oligonucleotides containing
methylphosphonate internucleotide linkages. Biochem. 29:8747-8753, 1990.
141. Yonemitsu, H., Shimomura, K., Satake, M., Mochida, S., Tanaka, M., Endo, T. and
Kaji, A. Lobeline production by hairy root culture of Lebelia inflata L. Plant Cell
Reports 9:307-310, 1990.
142. Mochida, S., Tsuchiya, H., Mori, K. and Kaji,A. Three short fragments of RTS1
DNA are responsible for the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype (Tsg) of host
bacteria. J. Bacteriol. 173:2600-2607, 1991.
143. Ito, R., Matsumoto, H., Uchida, K., Kubo, T., Tsukii, Y., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Novel
muteins of human tumor necrosis factor alpha. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1096:245-252,
144. Higuchi, H., Mori, K., Kato, A., Ohkuma, T., Endo, T., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A.
Antiretroviral activities of anthraquinones and their inhibitory effects on reverse
transcriptase. Antiviral Res., 15:205-216, 1991.
145. Shimizu, I. and Kaji, A. Identification of the promoter region of the ribosome relasing
factor cistron (frr). J. Bacteriol. 173:5181-5187, 1991
146. Furusho, H., Ogata, T., Kato, A., Sato, Y., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Synthesis and
antiherpetic activities of several acyclic analogues of guanosine. Nucleosides and
Nucleotides 10:739- 753, 1991.
147. Ricker, R. and Kaji, A. Use of single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides in programming
ribosomes for translation. Nucleic Acids Res. 19:6573-6578, 1991.
148. Yamamoto, T., Okawa, N., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Expression of chimeric ras protein
with OmpF signal peptide in Escherchia coli: localization of OmpF fusion protein in
the inner membrane. Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 35:615-621, 1991.
149. Fujihashi, T., Ogata,T., Ohkuma, T., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Synthesis and biological
action of a new cyclic AMP analogue. Nucleosides and Nucleotides 11(2-4):295-310,
150. Matsuyama, N., Okawa, N., Tsukii, Y., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Nucleotide sequence of
a cDNA encoding human tumor necrosis factor from B lymphoblastoid cell RPMI
1788. FEBS Letters 302:141-144, 1992.
151. Tanaka, A., Hara, H., Park, H.T., Wolfert, J., Fujihara, M., Izutani, R. and Kaji, A.
Infection of terminally differentiated myotubes with Rous sarcoma virus: lack of DNA
integration but presence of RSV mRNA. J.Gen.Virol. 73:1781-1790, 1992.
152. Hsia, K.J., Hara, H., Izutani, R., Park, H.T., Fujihara, M. and Kaji, A. Infection of
terminally differentiated myotubes with Rous sarcoma virus: reduced synthesis of env
and v-src proteins. J.Gen.Virol. 73:1791-1798, 1992.
153. Ricker, R.D. and Kaji, A. Studies on antisense inhibition of translation in vitro:
anomalies and re-evaluation. FEBS Letters 309(3):363-370, 1992.
154. Moriyama, N., Kuzumaki, N., Hirano, H., Kurimoto, S., Ueki, T., Nagase, Y., Kaji, A.,
Okawa, N., Matsuyama, N., Tajima, A. and Aso, Y. Immunohistochemical Analysis
of the Expression of RAS Oncogenes in Human Renal Cell Carcinomas. Acta
Histochem. Cytochem. 25(5):591-599, 1992.
155. Ogata, T., Higuchi, H., Mochida, S., Matsumoto, H., Kato, A., Endo, T., Kaji, A. and
Kaji, H. HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor from Phyllanthus niruri. Aids
Research and Human Retroviruses 8(11):1937-1944, 1992.
156. Morishige, H., Okuma, T. and Kaji, A. In vitro cytostatic effect of TNF (tumor
necrosis factor) entrapped in immuno liposomes on cells normally insensitive to TNF.
Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 1151:59-68, 1993.
157. Okano, I., Yamamoto, T., Kimura, T., Mizuno, K., Nakamura, T. and Kaji, A.
Cloning of CRP2, a novel member of the cysteine-rich protein family with two repeats
of an unusual LIM/double zinc-finger motif. FEBS Letters 333:51-55, 1993.
158. Iizuka, A., Watanabe, T., Kubo, T., Yamamoto, M., Ogawa, K., Ohkuma, T. and Kaji,
A. M13 Bacteriophage DNA inhibits duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) during acute
infection. Hepatol. 19:1079-1087, 1994.
159. Janosi, L., Shimizu, I. and Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling factor (ribosome releasing
factor) is essential for bacterial growth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 91:4249-4253,
160. Fujihashi, T., Sakata, T., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Short, terminally phosphorylated
oligoriboguanylic acids effectively inhibit cytopathicity caused by human
immunodeficiency virus. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs., 203(2): 1244-1250,
161. Janosi, L., Yonemitsu, H., Hong, H. and Kaji, A. Molecular cloning and expression of
a novel hydroxymethylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme (PvuRts1 I) modulated by
glucosylation. J. Mol. Biol., 242: 45-61, 1994.
162. Mochida, S., Tsuchiya, H., Yonemitsu, H., Morishige, H. and Kaji, A. Three Short
Fragments of Rts 1 DNA are responsible for the temperature-sensitive growth
Phenotype (Tsg) of Host Bacteria. J. Bacteriol., 173:2600-2607, 1994.
163. Yonemitsu, H., Higuchi, H., Fujihashi, T. and Kaji, A. An unusual mutation of RepA
protein which increases copy number of stringently controlled plasmid (Rts1
derivative) over hundred fold. Mol. Gen. Genetics, 246: 397-400, 1995.
164. Fujihashi, T., Sakata, T., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Antiviral action of oligodeoxyguanylic
acids against human immunodeficiency virus type 1. AIDS Res. Human Retroviruses,
11: 461-471, 1995.
165. Fujihashi, T., Hara, H., Sakata, T., Mori, K., Higuchi, H., Tanaka, A., Kaji, H. and
Kaji, A. Anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) activities of halogenated gomisin
J derivatives, new non-nucleoside inhibitors of HIV type I reverse transcriptase.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother., 39 , 2000-2007, 1995.
166. Park,H.T., Hara,H., Fujihara, M., Hsia,K.J., Tanaka, A., Furuse,T., Iwasaki,Y. and
Kaji,A. Productin of defective virus by terminally differentiated myotubes infected
with Rous sarcoma virus. Acta Virologica, 39:197-204, 1995.
167. Hara, H., Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. Presence of a hyper-variable region within the hr2
domain of the host range determining sequences of the envelope protein gp85 (SU) of
subgroup-A avian sarcoma-leukosis viruses. Virus Genes, 12 (1):, 37-46, 1996.
168. Mori, K., Kubo, T., Kibayashi, Y., Ohkuma, T. and Kaji, A. Anti-vaccinia virus effect
of M13 bacteriophage DNA. Antiviral Res., 31: 79-86, 1996.
169. Sugimoto, K., Honda, S., Yamamoto, T., Ueki, T., Mondenumi, M., Kaji, A.,
Matsumoto, K. and Nakamura, T. Molecular cloning and characterization of a newly
identified member of the cadherin family, PB-cadherin. J. Biol. Chem., 271 (19):
11548-11556, 1996.
170. Janosi, L., Hara, H., Zhang, S. and Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling by ribosome
recycling factor (RRF) -An important, but overlooked step of protein biosynthesis.
Adv. Biophys. 32:121-201, 1996.
171. Janosi, L., Ricker, R., Kaji, A. Dual functions of ribosome recycling factor in protein
biosynthesis: Disassembling the termination complex and preventing translational
errors. Biochimie 78: 959-969, 1996.
172. Yonemitsu, H., Fujihashi, T., Higuchi, H., Hong, H., Morishige, H., Mochida, S. and
Kaji, A. Instability of Rts 1 (Drug-Resistant Factor) Replicon: Stabilization by DNA
Fragments Derived from Rts 1. Plasmid 36: 143-152, 1997.
173. Taniyama, M., Morita, T., Yamagishi, Y., Kato, A., Bando, C., Okawa,N. and Kaji, A.
Human lymphotoxin mutein without hypotensive activity but with higher in vivo
antitumor activity than lymphotoxin or tumor necrosis factor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. 94: 3324-3329, 1997.
174. Hara, H., Park, H.T., Fujihara, M. and Kaji, A., Production of env-Deficient Rous
Sarcoma Virus (RSV) Early after Infection. Folia Biologica 43: 63-70, 1997.
175. Zhang, S., Hara, H. and Kaji, A. Inhibition of HIV Type 1 RNA Dimerization by
Antisense DNA Corresponding to the 17-Nucleotide Sequence Downstream from the
Splice Donor Site of HIV Type 1 RNA. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 13: 865-873,
176. Hara, H., Fujihashi, T., Sakata, T., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Tetrahydronaphthalene
Lignan Compounds as Potent Anti-HIV Type 1 Agents. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses
13: 695-705, 1997.
177. Hara H. and Kaji A. The U3 region of the long terminal repeat of a subgroup A
transformation-defective rous sarcoma virus (tdPH2010) converts a noncytopathic
virus to a cytopathic virus. Virus Genes. 15:171-80, 1997.
178. Hara, H., Tanabe, T. and Kaji, A. Molecular Basis of the Altered gag p19 Protein
(MA) of the Transformation-Defective Mutant of Rous Sarcoma Virus, tdPH2010.
Folia Biologica 43: 175-182, 1997.
179. Janosi, L., Mottagui-Tabar, S., Isaksson, L. A., Sekine, Y., Ohtsubo, E., Zhang, S.,
Goon, S., Nelken, S., Shuda, M. and Kaji, A. Evidence for in vivo ribosome recycling,
the fourth step in protein biosynthesis, EMBO J. 17: 1141-1151, 1998.
180. Grentzmann, G., Kelly, P.J., Laalami, S., Shuda, M., Firpo, M.A., Cenatiempo,Y. and
Kaji, A. Release Factor RF-3 GTPase activity acts in Disassembly of the Ribosome
Termination Complex. RNA, 4: 973-983, 1998.
181. Hara, H. and Kaji, A. A Single Amino-Acid Substitution in gag p19 Protein (MA) of
Rous Sarcoma Virus Suppresses Virus Production from Infected Cells. Virus Genes
16: 149-152, 1998.
182. Kaji, A., Teyssier, E. and Hirokawa, G. Disassembly of the Post-termination
Complex and Reduction of Translational Error by Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF) -
A Possible New Target for Antibacterial Agents. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,
250: 1-4, 1998.
183. Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling step, the fourth step of protein synthesis, catalyzed by
ribosome recycling factor. Japanese. J. Bacteriol., 53: 55-56, 1998.
184. Ohnishi, M., Janosi L, Shuda M, Matsumoto H, Hayashi T, Terawaki Y. and Kaji A.
Molecular cloning, sequencing, purification, and characterization of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa ribosome recycling factor. J. Bacteriol. 181: 1281-1291, 1999.
185. Hara, H. and Kaji, A. Two point mutations in the U3 region of the long terminal
repeat convert a subgroup A transformation-defective Rous sarcoma virus to a
cytopathic virus. Folia Biol-Prague 45: 39-45, 1999.
186. Rolland, N., Janosi, L., Block, M. A., Shuda, M., Teyssier, E., Miège, C. , Chéniclet,
C., Carde, J-P., Kaji, A., and Joyard. J. Plant Ribosome Recycling Factor homologue
is a chloroplastic protein and it is bactericidal in E. coli carrying temperature sensitive
RRF. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96: 5464-5469, 1999.
187. Kaji, A., Hirokawa, G. and Atarashi. K. Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF): A Factor
which Disassembles the Post-termination Complex and Reduces Translational Error.
Protein, Nucleic acid, and Enzyme (Japanese) 44: 831-844, 1999.
188. Selmer, M., Al-Karadaghi, S., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, A. and Liljas, A. Crystal Structure
of Thermotoga maritima Ribosome Recycling Factor: a tRNA mimic. Science 286:
2349-2352, 1999.
189. Kashimori, H., Yoshida, T., Kijima, H., Shimahara, H., Uchiyama, S., Ishino, T.,
Shuda, M., Nakano, H. ,Shibata, Y., Saihara, Y., Ohkubo, T., Kaji, A. and Kobayashi,
Y.,(1999) Backbone NMR assignment and secondary structure of ribosome recycling
factor (RRF) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa., J Biomol NMR, Vol.15., p 341-42.
190. Selmer, M., Al-Karadaghi, S., Hirokawa, G., Kaji A. and Liljas, A. Crystallization
and preliminary X-ray analysis of Thermotoga maritima Ribosome Recycling factor.
Acta.Crystallogr D55, 2049-2050, 1999.
191. Janosi, L., Mori, H., Sekine, Y., Abragan, J., Janosi, R., Hirokawa, G. and Kaji. A.
Mutations influencing the frr gene coding for ribosome recycling factor (RRF). J. Mol.
Biol., 295:815-829, 2000.
192. Kaji, A. and Hirokawa. G., (2000) Ribosome recycling factor: an essential factor for
protein synthesis, p. 527-539. In R. A. Garrett, S. R. Douthwaite, A. Liljas, A. T.
Matheson, P. B. Moore, and H. F. Noller (ed.), The Ribosome: Structure, Function,
Antibiotics, and Cellular Interactions. ASM Press, Washington, D.C.
193. Atarashi, K.,and ,Kaji, A. Inhibitory effect of heterologous ribosome recycling factor
on growth of Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol., 182:6154-60, 2000.
194. Inokuchi, Y., Hirashima, A., Sekine, Y., Janosi, L. and Kaji, A. Role of ribosome
recycling factor (RRF) in translational coupling: inducing ribosomal recognition of the
initiation codon of the coupled cistron. EMBO J. 19:3788-3798, 2000.
195. Kaji, A. and. Janosi., L (2000) Ribosome. Craighead,W.E., Nemeroff,C.B.(eds), The
Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science. John Wiley & Sons,
New York, Vol.1, pp.1412-1421.
196. Yoshida, T., Uchiyama, S., Nakano, H., Kashimori, H., Kijima, H., Ohshima, T.,
Saihara, Y., Ishino, T., Shimahara, H., Yoshida, T., Yokose, K., Ohkubo, T., Kaji, A.
and Kobayashi, Y. Solution Structure of the Ribosome Recycling Factor from Aquifex
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197. Kaji, A., Kiel, M. C., Hirokowa, G., Muto, A., Inokuchi, Y. and Kaji, H., 2001. The
fourth step of protein synthesis: Disassembly of the post-termination complex is
catalyzed by elongation factor G and ribosome recycling
factor, RRF, a near
perfect mimic of tRNA. CSH Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Vol.66., pp 515529.
198. Hirokawa, G., Kiel, M. C., Muto, A., Selmer, M., Raj, V.S., Liljas, A., Igarashi,K.,
Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. (2002) Post-termination complex disassembly by ribosome
recycling factor, a functional tRNA mimic. EMBO J, 21:2272-2281.
199. Lancaster, L., Kiel, M.C., Kaji, A. and Noller, H.F. Orientation of Ribosome
Recycling Factor in the Ribosome from Directed Hydroxyl Radical Probing. Cell,
111:129-140. 2002.
200. Hirokawa, G., Kiel, M.C., Muto, A., Kawai, G., Igarashi, K., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A.
Binding of Ribosome Recycling factor to Ribosomes - Comparison with
tRNA. J.
Biol. Chem., 277, 35847-52., 2002.
201. Murata, T. Ohnishi, M., Ara, T., Kaneko, J., Han, G., Li, F. Y., Takashima, K.,
Nojima, H., Nakayama, K., Kaji, A., Kamio, Y., Miki, T., Mori, H., Ohtusubo, E.,
Terewaki, Y. and Hayashi, T. Complete Nucleotide Seqence of plasmid Rts1:
Implications for Evolution of large Plasmid Genomes. J. Bacteriol., 184:3194-3202.
202. Teyssier, E., Hirokawa, G., Tretiakova, A., Jameson, B., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H.,
Temperature sensitive mutation in yeast mitochondrial ribosome recycling factor
(RRF). Nucleic Acid Res., 31:4218-26.. 2003.
203. Kiel, M.C., Raj, V.S., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A., Release of ribosome-bound ribosome
recycling factor by elongation factor G, J. Biol.Chem., 278:48041-50. 2003.
204. Agrawal, R.K., Sharma, M.R., Kiel, M,C.,Hirokawa, G., Booth,T.M., Spahn,C.M.T.,
Grassucci,R.A., Kaji,A. and Frank,J., Visualization of ribosome-recycling factor on
the Escherichia coli 70S ribosome: Functional implications, Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci.,10:.8900-5, 2004.
205. Kaji, A. and Kaji, H., The History of deciphering the genetic code: setting the record
straight. Trends Biochem. Sci., 29:293, 2004.
206. Hirokawa, G., Inokuchi, H., Kaji, H., Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A. In vivo effect of
inactivation of ribosome recycling factor-----Fate of ribosomes after unscheduled
translation downstream of open reading frame., Molec. Microbiol. 54:1011-21,2004.
207. Seo, H. S., Kiel, M., Pan, D., Raj, V. S., Kaji, A., Cooperman, B. S. Kinetics and
Thermodynamics of RRF, EF-G, and Thiostrepton Interaction on the Escherichia coli
Ribosome., Biochem.,43:12728-40, 2004.
208. Moll I, Hirokawa G, Kiel MC, Kaji A, Blaesi U., (2004) Translation initiation with
70S ribosomes: an alternative pathway for leaderless mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res.
Vol.,32, Pgs 3354-63.
209. Raj, V.S, Kaji, H. and Kaji, A., Interaction of RRF and EF-G from E. coli and T.
thermophilus with ribosomes from both origins-----insight into the mechanism of the
ribosome recycling step. RNA, 11:275-284, 2005.
210. Hirokawa, G., Nijman, R, M., Raj, V, S., Kaji, H., Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A., The role
of ribosome recycling factor in dissociation of 70S ribosomes into subunits., RNA,
11:1317-28, 2005.
211. Hirokawa, G., Demeshkina, N., Iwakura, N., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. The ribosome
recycling step: Consensus or Controversy? Trends Biochem. Sci. 31:144-149,2006.
212. Demeshkina, N., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, A. and Kaji,H. Novel activity of eukaryotic
translocase, eEF2: dissociation of the 80S ribosome into subunits with ATP but not
with GTP. Nucleic Acids Res. 35:4597-4607, 2007.
213. Borovinskaya, M. A., Pai, R. D., Zhang, W., Holton, J. M., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, H.,
Kaji, A. and Cate, J. H .D. Structural basis for aminoglycoside inhibition of bacterial
ribosome recycling. Nat. Struct. and Mol. Biol.,14:727-732, 2007.
214. Barat, C., Datta, P.P., Raj, S.V., Sharma, M.R., Kaji, H., Kaji, A. and Agrawal, R.K.
Progression of the Ribosome Recycling Factor through the ribosome dissociates the
Two Ribosomal Subunits. Mol. Cell. 27: 250-261, 2007.
215. Hirokawa, G., Kaji, H., Kaji, A., Inhibition of Anti-Association Activity of
Translation Initiation Factor 3 by Paromomycin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother., 51:
175-80, 2007.
216. Kiel, M.C., Kaji,H. and Kaji, A., Ribosome Recycling: An essential process of
protein synthesis. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Education, 35:40-44, 2007.
217 Pai RD, Zhang W, Schuwirth BS, Hirokawa G, Kaji H, Kaji A and Cate JH (2008)
Structural Insights into Ribosome Recycling Factor Interactions with the 70S
Ribosome. J Mol Biol ;376(5):1334-47.
218 Hirokawa1, G., Iwakura, N., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. The role of GTP in transient splitting
of 70S ribosomes by RRF (ribosome recycling factor) and EF-G (elongation factor
G). Nucleic Acids Research. 36 (21) 6676-87. 2008
Abstracts of papers presented in meetings
1. Eliot, C.R., Kaji, A., Seeman, P., Ubell, E., Kuffler, S.W. and Burgen, A.S.V.
The effect of nervous system extracts on inhibition and excitation in single nerve
cells. Presented at Marine Biological Lab, 1957.
2. Kaji, A., Trayser, K.A. and Colowick, S.P. ATP-ase activity of crystalline yeast
hexokinase. Fed. Proc. 20:2336, 1961.
3. Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. A soluble amino acid incorporation system from E. coli.
Fed. Proc. 22:302, 1963.
4. Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Specific attachment of sRNA to polysomes. Fed. Proc.
23:478, 1964.
5. Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Further studies on soluble amino acid incorporation system.
Abst. 6th International Biochemical Congress, New York, p.77, 1964.
6. Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Further studies on the specific binding of s-RNA to
template ribosome complex. Fed. Proc. 24:408, 1965.
7. Suzuka, I. and Kaji, A. The role of 50S ribosomal subunits in the binding of
specific sRNA to ribosomes. Fed. Proc. 25:403, 1966.
8. Kaji, A. and Momose, K. Soluble amino acid incorporation system----its relation
to the ribosomal incorporation system. Bacteriol. Proc., p.81, 1966.
9. Kuriki, Y. and Kaji, A. Specific binding of sRNA to ribosomes during
polypeptide synthesis and the nature of peptidyl sRNA. Abstract of 7 th
International Congress of Biochemistry in Tokyo, Japan, 1967.
10. Gordon, J., Kaji, A. and Nakada, D. Function of "native" 30S and 50S ribosomal
subunits of Escherichia coli. Bacterial Proc., p.119, 1967.
11. Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A. The role of sRNA binding sites of the 30S and 50S
ribosomal subunits in polypeptide synthesis. Fed. Proc. 26:611, 1967.
12. Kaji, A., Suzuka, I. and Takeda, Y. Comparative studies of specific and
nonspecific binding of sRNA to ribosomes. Bacteriol. Proc., p.120, 1967.
13. Kuriki, Y., Fukuma, I. and Kaji, A. The role of adenosine terminal of tRNA for
the specific binding to ribosomes. Fed. Proc. 27:800, 1968.
14. Kirtikar, D. and Kaji, A. Studies on the functional role of 5S RNA in protein
biosynthesis. FEBS meetings, 1968.
15. Suzuka, I. and Kaji, A. Studies on diphenylalanine formation by Escherichia coli
ribosomes. Bacteriol. Proc., p.114, 1968.
16. Kuriki, Y., Ishitsuka, H. and Kaji, A. Factor and GTP dependent release of tRNA
from 70S ribosomes. Fed. Proc. 28:598, 1969.
17. Kaji, A., Igarashi, K., Ishitsuka, H. and Kuriki, Y. Mode of action of antibiotics
on various steps of protein synthesis. Presented at 1st International Symposium
for Cell Biology and Cytopharmacology, Venice, 1969.
18. Igarashi, K. and Kaji, A. Differential effect of tetracycline, NH+4, and Mg++ on
two ribosomal sites for specific binding of aminoacyl tRNA. Bacteriol. Proc.,
p.146, 1969.
19. Ishitsuka, H. and Kaji, A. New soluble factor which releases tRNA from
ribosomes. Fed Proc. 29:538, 1970.
20. Gualerzi, C., Igarashi, K., Chatterjee, S. and Kaji, A. New factor which releases
aminoacyl tRNA from the complex of aminoacyl tRNA and 30s subunits.
Bacteriol. Proc., p.49, 1970.
21. Hirashima, A. and Kaji, A. Release of messenger RNA from ribosome- A
process dependent on G factor and an additional factor. Fed. Proc. 30:1290, 1971.
22. Tanaka, S. and Kaji, A. Studies on the mode of action of erythromycin,
tetracycline, puromycin, and fusidic acid. Bacteriol. Proc., p.137, 1971.
23. Fukuma, I. and Kaji, A. Effect of phage T4 ghost infection on Escherichia coli
protein synthesis. Fed. Proc. 31:859, 1972.
24. Ranu, R.S. and Kaji, A. Evidence for specific inhibition of translocation of
aminoacyl-tRNA by pretreatment of ribosomes with p-chloromercuribenzoate
(PCMB). Bact. Proc., p.162, 1972.
25. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Evidence that fusidic acid inhibits the binding of
aminoacyl-tRNA to the donor as well as the acceptor site of the ribosomes. Fed.
Proc. 32:494, 1973.
26. Takeishi, K., Fukuma, I. and Kaji, A. The effect of T4 phage ghost infection on
ribosomes of Escherichia coli. Bacteriol. Proc., p.210, 1973.
27. DiJoseph, C.G., Finver, S. and Kaji, A. Studies on replication of the
thermosensitive drug resistance factor Rts1. Fed. Proc. 33:721, 1974.
28. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Micrococcin -- Acceptor site-specific inhibitor of protein
synthesis. Bacteriol. Proc., p.110, 1974.
29. Yamamoto, T. and Kaji, A. Effect of cyclic AMP on the expression of thermo
sensitive characteristics of Rts1. Fed. Proc. 34:555, 1975.
30. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Further studies on the mode of action of erythromycin A Release of oligopeptidyl tRNA from ribosomes. Bacteriol. Proc., p.1, 1975.
31. Yamamoto, T. and Kaji, A. Replication of thermo sensitive circular plasmid
DNA in a non-covalently closed circular form at the non-permissive temperature.
Fed. Proc. 35:1376, 1976.
32. Toole, B.P., Okayama, M., Orkin, R.W., Yoshimura, M., Muto, M. and Kaji, A.
Developmental roles of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans.
30th meeting of Society of General Physiologists, Woods Hole, Mass., 1976.
33. Otaka, T. and Kaji, A. Mode of action of Bottromycin A2---Release of aminoacyl or peptidyl tRNA from ribosomes. Bacteriol. Proc. of 76th ASM Annual
Meeting, p.5, 1976.
34. Kaji, A., Yoshimura, M., Muto, M., Chi, J., Roth, S.L., Delotto, R. and Okayama,
M. Differentiation and Oncogenesis (in Japanese). Proceedings of the Japanese
Cancer Association of 35th Meeting S1, p.3, 1976.
35. Okayama, M., Roth, S., Chi, J., Muto, M., Yoshimura, M. and Kaji, A.
Transformation of chicken chondrocytes by Rous sarcoma virus. Cold Spring
Harbor RNA Virus Meeting, p.31, 1976.
36. Roth, S., Delotto, R. and Kaji, A. Cell transformation and differentiation:
Biochemical studies of cell transformed by RSV ts LA24. 10th International
Congress of Biochemistry, Hamburg, Germany, 1976.
37. Okayama, M., Yoshimura, M., Muto, M., Huang, J. and Kaji, A. Cell
transformation and differentiation: Molecular basis for the inhibition of myotube
formation by oncogenic viral transformation. Abstract #30, p.14A, 30th Annual
Meeting of Society of General Physiologists, 1976.
38. Kobayashi, N., Sabran, J. and Kaji, A. Infection of myotubes with Rous sarcoma
virus. Presented at International Meeting of Developmental Biology, Tokyo,
August, 1976.
39. Roth, S., Delotto, R. and Kaji, A. Change in leucine amino transferase (LAT)
isozyme pattern during activation of transforming gene in rat kidney cells
transformed by temperature sensitive Rous sarcoma virus (RSV). Fed. Proc.
36:738, 1977.
40. Bricker, J., Arkin, S., Ishaq, M. and Kaji, A. A smaller derivative of Rts1. (A
thermosensitive kanamycin (KM) resistance factor.) Abstract page 142, Annual
Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, 1977.
41. Ishaq, M., Raghavan, N. and Kaji, A. Mechanism of T4-phage restriction by
thermo sensitive drug resistant factor Rts1. Mid-Atlantic Extra-chromosomal
Group Meeting, Virginia Beach, Virginia, October, 1978.
42. Kaji, A., Yamamoto, T., Ishaq, M., Raghavan, N., Finver, S. and Bricker, J. The
drug resistance factor Rts1. Its replication, influence on host DNA synthesis and
mechanism of T4 phage restriction. EMBO workshop, West Berlin, April, 1978,
p. 62.
43. Taylor, J.M., Hsu, T.W., Mark, G.E., Mason, W.S., Sabran, J.L., Kaji, A., Lai,
M.M.C. and Guntaka, R.R. Avian tumor virus genome: structure and replication.
Cold Spring Harbor RNA Tumor Workshop, 1978.
44. Kobayashi, N. and Kaji, A. Differentiation and cellular transformation expression of src gene in terminally differentiated myotubes. Cold Spring Harbor
RNA Tumor Virus Workshop, p.190, 1978.
45. Finver, S. and Kaji, A. Studies on the interaction between an Rts1 (kanamycin
resistance) plasmid derivative and an E. coli DNA B mutant. Mid-Atlantic
Extrachromosomal Group Meeting, Virginia Beach, Virginia, October, 1978.
46. Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. Morphology and cell-cell interaction of chondrocytes
transformed by temperature sensitive Rous sarcoma virus. Eighteenth Annual
Meeting American Society For Cell Biology, J. Cell Biol. 79:404a, 1978.
47. Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. Two separate functions of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)
src gene. 79th Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1979.
48. Ryoji, M. and Kaji, A. Translation of R17 RNA beyond the amber codon in the
absence of ribosome releasing factor. Fed. Proc. 38:329, 1979.
49. Yoshimura, M. and Kaji, A. The possible role of elevated hyaluronic acid in
inhibition of differentiation of myogenic cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus.
Abstracts of 11th International Congress of biochemistry, Toronto, Canada, July
8-13, p.499, 1979.
50. Ryoji, M. and Kaji, A. Reinitiation of translation without formylmethionine from
a triplet immediately after a termination codon. Fed. Proc. 39:1874, 1980.
51. Hsia, K. Sabran, J.L. and Kaji, A. Infection of multinucleated myotubes with
Rous sarcoma virus. Cold Spring Harbor RNA tumor workshop, 1980.
52. Tanaka, A., Kobayashi, N. and Kaji, A. Phosphorylation and protein kinase
activity in differentiated myotubes and chrondocytes infected with Rous Sarcoma
Virus. RNA Tumor Virus Meeting at Cold Spring Harbor. May, 1980.
53. Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. Stimulation of growth rate of chondrocytes by RSV
infection. Cold Spring Harbor RNA tumor virus workshop, 1980.
54. Yoshimura, M. and Kaji, A. In vitro culture of chicken epidermal cells infected
with Rous sarcoma virus. Second International Conference of Cell Biology in
Berlin, 1980.
55. Yoshimura, M. and Kaji, A. Differentiation of RSV-infected skin epidermal cells
in vitro from chick embryo. Second International Conference of Cell Biology.
Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1980.
56. Hsia, K., Sabran, J. and Kaji, A. Differential expression of Rous sarcoma viral
genes in terminally differentiated myotube cultures. Second International
Conference of Cell Biology in Berlin, 1980.
57. Finver, S., Yamamoto, T., Bricker, J. and Kaji, A. Isolation and identification of
a DNA fragment of Rts1 plasmid responsible for temperature sensitive growth of
host bacteria. Molecular Biology, Pathogenesity and Ecology of Bacterial
Plasmids, edited by Levy, Clowes & Koenig, p.602. Plenum Press, 1981.
58. Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. A transformation-defective RSV mutant with altered p19
of the gag gene: inhibitory effect of this mutation on host cell growth. Cold
Spring Harbor Mtg. on RNA Tumor Viruses (1981), p.84 and 72nd Annual
meeting of American Society of Biological Chemists. St.Louis, Missouri, 1981,
Fed. Proc. 40:1828, 1981.
59. Amini, S. and Kaji, A. Localization of pp36K, the presumed target protein for the
src protein kinase of RSV to the membrane of chicken cells transformed by RSV.
Cold Spring Harbor RNA tumor virus meeting 1981, p.105 and VIIth
International Biophysics Congress and 111th Pan-American Biochemistry
Congress, Mexico City, 1981.
60. Hsia, K. and Kaji, A. Effect of cell differentiation on expression of Rous sarcoma
viral genes. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on RNA Tumor Virus, p.230, 1981.
61. Yoshimoto, H. and Kaji, A. A small DNA fragment of plasmid Rts1 which
confers cis-instability to pBR322. Fed. Proc. 41:1279, 1982.
62. Tanaka, A., Sabran, J., Hsia, K., Iwasaki, Y. and Kaji, A. Production of RSV by
terminally differentiated myotubes. Cold Spring Harbor RNA tumor virus
meeting, 1982.
63. Amini, S., Tanaka, A., Kobayashi, N. and Kaji, A. Relationship between
stimulation of growth rate of condrocytes by Rous Sarcoma Virus and
phosphorylation level of pp60src and its presumed target pp36. Cold Spring
Harbor RNA tumor virus meeting, 1982.
64. Amini, S., Tanaka, A. and Kaji, A. Phosphorylation of 36K protein is stimulated
by oncogenic transformation as well as by BudR treatment of chicken
chondrocytes. J. Cell Biol. 95:1021, 1982.
65. Lash, J.W., Vasan, N.S., Yoshimura, M. and Kaji, A. The effect of oncogenic
transformation on the extracellular matrix synthesis and chondrogenic
differentiation of chick somites. J. Cell Biol. 95:5006, 1982.
66. Kaji, A., Yoshimoto, H., Yamamoto, T. and Finver, S. Studies on various
phenotypes of drug resistance factor, Rts 1. In "Drug Resistance in Bacteria."
Mitsuhashi, S., Ed., Japan Scientific Press, Tokyo, p.59, 1982. (Proceedings of
4th International Symposium held in Tokyo).
67. Ricker, R. and Kaji, A. An additional mechanism for translational fidelity. Fed.
Proc. 42:2155, 1983.
68. Okawa, N., Yoshimoto, H. and Kaji, A. Identification of Rts1 fragments which
give temperature-sensitive instability to other plasmid vectors. Plasmid, 10:204,
1983. Presented at 6th Annual Mid-Atlantic Extrachromosomal Elements
Meeting at Virginia Beach, Va.
69. Park, H.T. and Kaji, A. Reduced expression of env and src of RSV in the
terminally differentiated myotubes is at the level of RNA splicing. J. Cell Biol.
97(5) part 2, 144a, 1983.
70. Kaji, A. A book review on Expression of Differentiated Functions in Cancer
Cells. TIBS, 58: 309, 1983.
71. Kaji, A. Infection of terminally differentiated myotubes with Rous Sarcoma
Virus. 85th birthday of F. Lipman Symposium (1984) in Japan.
72. Okawa, N. and Kaji, A. DNA sequence of the Rts1 fragments which cause
temperature dependent instability to other plasmid vectors, having this fragment.
ASM Meeting at Las Vegas, 1985.
73. Okawa, N. and Kaji, A. Further studies of the Rts1 fragment which cause
temperature dependent instability to other plasmid vectors. Plasmid, 13:226,
1985. Presented at 8th annual Mid-Atlantic Extrachromosomal Elements Meeting
at Virginia Beach, Va.
74. Park, H. and Kaji, A. Reduced amount of subgenomic RSV RNA and production
of defective virus by the RSV infected terminally differentiated chicken myotubes.
Cold Spring Harbor RNA Tumor Virus Meeting, 1985.
75. Park, H. and Kaji, A. Microinjection of RSV-DNA produces infectious RSV
particles from the terminally differentiated myotubes which have withdrawn from
the cell cycle. Cold Spring Harbor RNA Tumor Virus Meeting, 1986.
76. Tanaka, M., Okawa, N. and Kaji, A.. Studies on Rts1 fragment responsible for
Tdi (Temperature dependent instability) and the fragment causing Tsg
(Temperature sensitive growth of the host bacteria).
Extrachromosonal Meeting held at Virginia Beach, Virginia, October 17-19, 1986.
77. Fujihara, M., Milligan, J.R. and Kaji, A. Antiviral effect of pppA(2'p5'A)n [2'5'A] on herpes simplex virus (HSV) - Infected cells and animals. presented at
ASBC Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 1987.
78. Fujihara, M., Milligan, J.R. and Kaji, A. Further studies on antiviral effect of
2'5'A on herpes simplex virus. Abstract page 74, Twelfth International Herpes
Virus Workshop held in Philadelphia, 1987.
79. Shoji, A., Park, H. and Kaji, A. Unusual properties of RSV particles produced at
early period post infection - presence of viral DNA and reduced amount of env
protein. Cold Spring Harbor RNA Tumor Virus Meeting, 1988.
80. Mori, K., Tanaka, M., Okawa, N. and Kaji, A. Site directed mutagenesis of
temperature dependent instability gene of Rts1. 1988 ASM Annual Meeting,
Miami Beach, Fla., May 8-13, 1988.
81. Ichikawa, S., Ryoji, R., Ricker, R.D., Siegfried, Z. and Kaji, A. Cloning,
expression, and localization of the E. coli ribosome releasing factor gene and the
role of this factor in error prevention. ASM, Conference on Ribosomes. August
6-11, 1989.
82. Morishige, H., Ohkuma, T. and Kaji, A. Enhancement of cytotoxic activity of
TNF by entrapping into liposomes. Presented at the Fourth Princeton Liposome
Conference at Princeton, NJ., May 15-16, 1989.
83. Tsuchiya, H., Mori, K. and Kaji, A. Temperature sensitive growth phenotype of
drug resistance factor Rts1-Nucleotide sequence of the responsible fragment.
ASM, 89th Annual Meeting, 1989.
84. Mochida, S. and Kaji, A. The 116 bp fragment of Rts1 exhibits temperature
sensitive growth phenotype. 13th Annual Mid-Atlantic Extra-chromosonal
Elements Meeting, 1989.
85. Shimizu, I., Ichikawa, S. and Kaji, A. Identification of the promoter region of the
ribosome releasing factor cistron. ASBMB/AAI, 1990.
86. Hara, H., Tanabe, T. and Kaji, A. Molecular basis of altered p19 protein (MA) of
transformation-defective Rous sarcoma virus tdph2010. Cold Spring Harbor
RNA Tumor Virus Meeting, 1990.
87. Yamamoto, T., Okawa, N., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Localization of OmpF Signalp21ras fusion proteins expressed in Escherichia coli into the inner membrane.
ASM Conference on Biotechnology, 1991
88. Janosi, L. and Kaji, A. Molecular cloning and expression of T-even phage
specific restriction enzyme coded by drug resistance plasmid Rts1.
ASBMB/Biophysical Society Meeting, Feb. 9-13, 1992.
89. Janosi, L., Shimizu, I. and Kaji, A. Ribosome releasing factor is essential for
growth of Escherichia coli. International Conference on the Translational
Apparatus, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1992.
90. Shibata, C., Endo, T. and Kaji, A. Construction of sturgeon GH gene and its
expression in E. coli. Symposia on fish pituitary hormone research, Kitazato
University, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 21-25, 1992.
91. Janosi, L., Shimizu, I. and Kaji, A. Ribosome releasing factor is essential for
growth of Escherichia coli. ASBMB/DBC-ACS Joint Meeting, San Diego, CA,
May 30-June 3, 1993.
92. Fujihashi, T., Yonemitsu, H., Higuchi, H., Hong, H. and Kaji, A. Temperature
Sensitive Partition of Plasmid Derived from Drug Resistant Factor Rtsl Restoration of Partitioning by Another Rtsl Fragment with the Par like Function.
17th Annual Mid-Atlantic Extrachromosomal Elements and Molecular Genetics
Meeting, 1993.
93. Sugimoto, K., Hara, E., Yamamoto, T., Ueki, T., Monden, M., Kaji, A. and
Nakamura, T. Molecular cloning and expression of new cadherin family in neural
tissues. Annual meeting of the Japanese Molecular Biology Society, Kobe, Japan,
December, 1994.
94. Yamamoto, T., Hiramitsu, K. and Kaji, A. Mode of action of CL 331,928 (DMGDMDOT), a new glycylcycline. 34th Interscience Conference On Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy, Orlando, Fla., October 4-7, 1994.
95. Zhang, S. and Kaji, A.
Only A Very Specific Antisense 20mers
Oligodeoxynucleotide inhibits HIV RNA Dimer Formation. ASM, 95th Annual
Meeting, 1995.
96. Hara, H. and Kaji, A. Unusual mutational changes in the U3 region of the long
terminal repeat convert a subgroup A transformation-defective Rous sarcoma
virus to a cytopathic virus. The 96th General Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 19-23, 1996.
97. Janosi, L. and Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling -- Indispensable and crucial step of
protein synthesis. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Wind River Conference on
Prokaryotic Biology, Estes Park, Colorado, June 5-9, 1996.
98. Janosi, L., Zhang, S. and Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling by ribosome recycling
factor: Indispensable, crucial step of protein synthesis. International OJI Seminar,
Posttranscriptional Control of Gene Expression: The Regulatory Role of RNA.
Hakone, Japan, November 10-14, 1996.
99. Janosi, L., Shuda, M., Ricker, R. and Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling factor, an
essential factor for protein biosynthesis--In vivo and vitro functional tests. 17th
International tRNA workshop, Japan, May 10-15, 1997.
Taniyama, M., Morita, T., Yamagishi, Y., Kato, A., Bando, C., Okawa, N.,
and Kaji, A. Human lymphotoxin mutein without hypotensive activity but with
higher in vivo anti-tumor activity than lymphotoxin or tumor necrosis factor. Fifth
Annual Conference of the International Cytokine Society, Lake Tahoe, Nevada,
November 9-13, 1997.
Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling step, the fourth step of protein synthesis,
catalyzed by ribosome recycling factor. The Fifth Asian Conference on
Transcription (AST-V). Lorne, Victoria, Australia, February 22-26, 1998.
Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling step, the fourth step of protein synthesis,
catalyzed by ribosome recycling factor. Japanese Journal of Bacteriology 1998,
53:55-56. 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Bacteriological Society,
Matsumoto, Japan, April 2-4, 1998.
Hirokawa, G., Kaji, A. In vivo inactivation of the ribosome recycling factor
(a possible new target for antimicrobal agent), which catalyzes the fourth step of
protein synthesis; disassembly of the post termination complex. ASBMB Annual
Meeting, Washington, DC, May 16-20, 1998.
Grentzmann, G., Kelly, P.J., Laalami, S., Shuda, M., Firpo, M.A.,
Cenatiempo, Y., Kaji, A. GTP-dependent and -independent functions of RF3.
RNA 98, The Third Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, May 26-31, 1998.
Kaji, A., Emeline Teyssier, Go Hirokawa. 1998. Ribosome Recycling Factor
(RRF), p. 107-112. In Proceedings: First International workshop on structure
research of the ribosome and its functional complexes. GKSS Research Center,
Geesthacht, Germany.
Teyssier, E., Rolland, N., Janosi, L., Block, M.A., Shuda, M., Miege, C.,
Joyard, J., Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling factor homologues in eukaryotes.
Abstracts of papers presented at the 1998 Meeting of Translational Control,
September 9-13, Cold Spring Harbor Lab., Cold Spring Harbor, NY, p.142.
Hirokawa, G., Janosi, L., Sekine, Y., Ricker, R., Kaji, A. Possible reasons
for lethal effect of in vivo inactivation of ribosome recycling factor (RRF).
Abstracts of papers presented at the 1998 Meeting of Translational Control,
September 9-13, Cold Spring Harbor Lab., Cold Spring Harbor, NY, p.268.
Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling step, the fourth step of protein synthesis,
catalyzed by Ribosome Recycling Factor. Presented in a symposium entitled
“Structure research of the Ribosome and its Functional Complexes” at Geesthacht,
Germany. September 9-11, 1998.
Kaji, A., Teyssier, E. and Hirokawa, G. Disassembly of the post-termination
complex and reduction of translational error by ribosome recycling factor (RRF) a possible new target for anti-bacterial agents. Presented at a symposium entitled
Significance of RNA Structure.” Aussois, France. March 22-26, 1999.
Kaji, A and Hirokawa, G. Disassembly of the Post-termination Complex by
RRF (Ribosome Recycling Factor) - A Possible New Target for Antimicrobial
Agents. Helsingoer Conference on “The Ribosome: Structure, Function,
Antibiotics and Cellular Interactions.” Denmark. June 13-17, 1999. p. 527-539.
Teyssier, E., Rolland, N., Janosi, L., Block, M.A., Shuda, M., Wek, R.,
Joyard, J., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Eukaryotic Ribosome Recycling Factor. RNA
‘99: The Fourth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. University of Edinburgh,
Scotland. June 23-27, 1999.
Hirokawa, G., Teyssier, E., Janosi, L., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Ribosome
Recycling Factor (RRF) which catalyzes disassembly of the post termination
complex-Temperature sensitive. lethal and suppresser mutations of RRF.
Translation UK 1999. University of Dundee, Scotland. June 27-29, 1999.
Kaji, A. and G. Hirokawa. 2000. Ribosome recycling factor: an essential
factor for protein synthesis, p. 527-539. In R. A. Garrett, S. R. Douthwaite, A.
Liljas, A. T. Matheson, P. B. Moore, and H. F. Noller (ed.), The Ribosome:
Structure, Function, Antibiotics, and Cellular Interactions. Helsinger Conference
Denmark June 13th –17th 1999. Copenhagen
Inokuchi, Y., Hirashima, A., Sekine, Y., Janosi, L. and Kaji A. Role of
ribosome recycling factor (RRF) in translational coupling: inducing ribosomal
recognition of the initiation codon of the coupled cistron. RNA 2000: The Fifth
Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. University of Wisconsin. May 30-June 4,
2000, pp. 404.
Hirokawa, G., Muto A., Selmer, M., Al-Karadaghi, S., Liljas, A. and Kaji, A.
A Near perfect mimicry of tRNA by RRF (ribosome recycling factor). Its
functional significance. 18th tRNA Workshop "tRNA 2000". Cambridge, UK,
April 8-12, 2000; pp. 7-125.
Hirokawa, G., Muto, A. and Kaji, A. Inhibitors of RRF (ribosome recycling
factor) reaction. Its significance in the action of RRF, a near perfect mimic of
tRNA. FASEB Summer Research Conferences. Post-transcriptional Control of
Gene Expression . Copper Mountain, Colorado. July 16-July 21, 2000
Hirokawa, G., Muto A., Selmer, M., Liljas, A. and Kaji, A. RRF (Ribosome
TRANSLATIONAL CONTROL 2000. Cold Spring Harbor, New York,
September 6-10, 2000; pp. 8 (Oral presentation)
Kiel, M. and Kaji, A. Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF) induces the
release of Phe-tRNA from non-programmed but not poly(U)-programmed 70S
ribosomes. TRANSLATIONAL CONTROL 2000. Cold Spring Harbor, New
York, September 6-10, 2000; pp. 188.
Hirokawa, G., Muto, A., Kiel,M.C.,and Kaji, A. Ribosome recycling Factor,
Near Perfect mimic of tRNA, its functional significance. Second Symposium on
Structural Aspects of Protein Synthesis. Rensselaerville, New York, September
21-24, 2000.
Hirokawa, G., Muto, A. and Kaji, A. Inhibitors of RRF. Symposium on
interaction of nucleic acid and proteins. in Japanese National Biochemistry
meeting, Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 10-14, 2000.
Hirokawa, G., Muto, A. and Kaji, A., (2000) Inhibitors of RRF (ribosome
recyling factor reaction. Its significance in the action of RRF. A near-perfect
mimic of tRNA. FASEB Summer Research Conference. (Colorado).
Inokuchi, Y., Hirashima, A, Sekine, Y., Janosi, L. and Kaji, A., (2000)
Role of ribosome recycling factor (RRF) in translational coupling inducing
ribosomal recognition of the initiation codon of the coupled cistron. pp 404 RNA
Fifth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. Madison, Wisconsin. May 30-June 4,
Hirokawa, G., Muto, A., Kiel, M. and Kaji, A. The Fourth Step of Protein
synthesis: Disassembly of Post Termination Complex The 3rd International
Symposium on Ribosome Engineering, at Tsukuba, Japan. Jan. 22 and 23, 2001.
Kaji, A., Kiel, M., Muto, A., Hirokawa, G. and Kaji, H. The fourth step of
protein biosynthesis catalyzed by ribosome recycling factor, RRF: An ideal target
for new antimicrobial agents. 121st National Meeting of Japanese Pharmaceutical
Society, (plenary lecture). March 29, 2001. Abstract volume 1, 29A 1530, page 75
Kaji, A., Kiel, M., Muto, A., Hirokawa, G., Teyssier, E. and Kaji, H. The
Fourth Step of Protein Biosynthesis Catalyzed by Ribosome recycling factor
RRF: An Ideal Target for New Antimicrobial Agents. Protein Synthesis.
International Conference in Honor of Alexander Spirin. Aug 27-Sept 1, 2001.
Moscow region, Russia.
Kiel, M., Hirokawa, G., Igarashi, K., Muto, A., Inokuchi, Y., Hirashima A.,
Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Disassembly of the post-termination complex by RRF and
EF- G is a five step process: Effect of mRNA sequence surrounding the posttermination complex. The Dynamics of Ribosome Structure and Function.
Queenstown, New Zealand, 27th January –1st February, 2002.
Kaji, A., Kiel, M., Muto A., Raj, S. and Kaji, H. Biochemical similarity of
Ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and tRNA. 19th tRNA Workshop “tRNA 2002”.
6th – 11th April Shanghai, China.
Kaji, A., Kiel, M.C., Muto, A., Raj, S.,and Kaji. H. Biochemical Similarity
of Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF) and tRNA. Seventh Annual Meeting of the
RNA Society Madison, Wisconsin May 28th – June 2nd , 2002. RNA.
Kiel, M.C., Raj, S.V., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A., (2003) The release of
factor (RRF) from ribosome involves the EF-G- Dependent
Translocation of RRF.
8th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. Vienna,
Austria, July 1- July 6, 2003. RNA.
Raj, V.S., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Bacterial Physiology and
Ribosome Recycling Factor. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages,
University of Wisconsin- Madison, August 5-10, 2003.
Kaji, A.,
Does RRF work during chain elongation?--Studies with
polyamines. 8
Workshop on
Experimental strategies for Ribosomal
Research. In Schloss
Ringberg, Tegern See, Germany 17th-21st November
Kiel, M.C., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Function Mimicry of A-site PeptidyltRNA by Ribosome Recycling Factor. Ninth Annual Meeting of the RNA
RNA Madison Wisconsin, June 1st - 6th, 2004.
Raj, S.V., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Evidence for the existence of two binding
for Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF) on the ribosome.
Molecular Genetics of Bacteria & Phages. Cold Spring Harbor, New York.,
August 24- August 29,
Hirokawa, G., Moll, I., Kiel, M.C., Kaji, H., Igarashi, K., Blaesi, U. and Kaji,
In vivo effect of inactivation of ribosome recycling factor - fate of
ribosomes after unscheduled translation downstream of open reading frame.
Translaton Control.,Cold Spring Harbor New York. September 7- September 12,
Kaji, A.,The Fourth Step of Protein Synthesis is Catalyzed by Ribosome
Recycling Factor, a Functional tRNA mimic. Plenary lecture, Symposium for
celebration of Dr. Irwin Rose's Nobel Prize. Fox Chase Cancer Center
Auditorium. November 5, 2004.
Kaji, A., The Fourth Step of Protein Synthesis is Catalyzed by Ribosome
Recycling Factor a Functional tRNA mimic. Jefferson Hospital. March 8th
Kaji, A., The Fourth Step of Protein Synthesis is Catalyzed by Ribosome
Recycling Factor a Functional tRNA mimic. Temple University March 14th
Hirokawa, G., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. The role of RRF in dissociation of 70S
ribosomes into their subunits. RNA, Molecular Genetics and Phages Conference
2005, Madison, WI., August 2-7, 2005.
Raj, V.S., Kaji, A., Iwakura, N., Hirokawa, G. and Kaji, H. Ribosome
recycling factor moves from A/P site of ribosome to a site overlapping with Esite, Conference on Protein Synthesis and Translational Control, EMBL
Heidelberg Germany, Sept. 14-18, 2005.
Hirokawa, G., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Dissociation of 70S ribosomes into
their subunits----effects of paromomycin and role of RRF, 21st International tRNA
Workshop, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Dec. 2-7, 2005.
Raj, S., Kaji, H., Kaji, A., Ribosome recycling. 9th Workshop on "
trategies for
20th-25th March 2006.
Ribosomal Research", Patras- Psathopirgos,
Hirokawa, G., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Ribosomal splitting and mRNA release
during ribosome-recycling. 2006 20th International Union of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Meeting at Kyoto, Japan, June 2006.
Demeshkina, N., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. New action of
eukaryotic elongation Factor 2---- association of ribosomal subunits. Translational
Cold Spring Harbor, New York, September 6-10th 2006.
Hirokawa,G., Kaji,H. and Kaji, A., GTP consumption during ribosomal
by RRF and EF-G. Translational Control, Cold Spring Harbor, New
September 6-10th 2006.
Barat,C., Datta,P.P., V. Samuel Raj., Sharma,R.M., Kaji,H., Kaji,A. and
Agrawal, R. K. Progression of the ribosome recycling factor (RRF) through
the ribosome dissociates the ribosomal subunits. Translational Control, Cold
Harbor, New York, September 6-10th 2006.
Cate, J.H.D., Borovinskaya, M.A., Pai, R.D., Zhang, W., Holton ,J.M., Kaji,
H., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, A., Shoji, S. and Fredrick, K. Structural basis for
antibiotic inhibition of translocation and ribosome recycling. Ribosomes. Sea
Crest Resort,
Cape Cod, MA June 3-8. 2007. (oral presentation)
Demeshkina, N., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Eukaryotic elongation
factor 2 with ATP dissociates 80S ribosomes. Ribosomes Sea Crest Resort,
Cod, MA June 3-8. 2007.
Vivanco-Dominguez, Leon-Avila, G., Zamora-Romo, E., MagosCastro,M.A., Kaji, A., Kaji, H. and Guarneros,G. RRF release peptidyl-tRNAs
from the ribosmes during the early elongation steps IN VIVO. Ribosomes Sea
Crest Resort,
Cape Cod, MA June 3-8. 2007.
Kaji, A., Hirokawa, G., Iwakura, N., Demeshkina, N., Kaji, H. The role of
GTP in ribosome recycling in prokalyotes-- Comparison with eukaryotic
ribosome recycling which is dependent on ATP. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
& Phages. University of Wisconsin-Madison August 7-12, 2007.
Demeshkina, N., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A. Possible involvement of eEF2/ATPdependent splitting of 80S ribosomes into eukaryotic recycling. EMBL
Conference on Protein Sythesis and Translational Control. EMBL, Heidelberg,
Germany, September 12-16, 2007
Demeshkina, N., Kaji, H. and Kaji, A The eEF2/ATP-dependent
disassembly of yeast post-termination complex is efficient enough to be a part of
the ribosome recycling step: The inhibitory effect of acetate, 2008, RNA society
mtg, Berlin Germany.
Cate, J.H.D., Holton, J., Shoji, S., Zhang, W., Pai, R., Kaji, A., Fredrick,
K. ,Kaji, H., Borovinskaya, M., Schuwirth, B.,and Hirokawa, G. Structural Basis
for Antibiotic Inhibition of mRNA and tRNA Translocation and Ribosome
Recycling. RNA meeting,
Berlin, Germany,
July 28-Aug. 3. 2008. (oral
Iwakura, N., Hirokawa, G., Kaji, A. and Kaji, H. Disassembly of ribosomal
post termination complexes (PoTC) by RRF, EF-G and IF3--- Release of mRNA
from PoTC and splitting of ribosomes occur simultaneously.
Translational Control-Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harb or,
New York, Sept. 3-7, 2008.
Demeshkina, N., Kurata. S., Kaji, A.,and Kaji, H. Ribosome recycling step
in yeast cytoplasmic protein synthesis 12th International Congress on Yeasts.
Kyiv Aviation University, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, Aug. 11 - 15, 2008 (oral
presentation in a symposium
Kaji, A., and Kaji, H. Versatile functions of ribosome recycling factor in
addition to ribosome recycling. BIT's 2nd Annual Congress of Gene, Forshan, China,
Dec. 5-7, 2008 (oral presentation)
Kaji, A., and Kaji, H. Ribosome recycling step in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes:An essential step for protein synthesis. BIT's 2nd Annual Congress of
Gene, Forshan, China, Dec. 5-7, 2008. (oral presentation)
Vivanco-Domínguez, S., Gloria León-Avila, G., Martínez, J. B., Marco
Antonio Magos-Castro, M. A., Kaji, H., Kaji, A. and Guarneros, G., Additional
role of RRF and RF3: custodians of the efficiency of protein synthesis and cell
viability by releasing stalled ribosomes. Avanços e Perspectivas da Ciência no
Brasil, América Latinae Caribe Dec. 1-5, 2008. (oral presentation)
Inokuchi, Y., Hirashima, A., and Kaji, A. The role of RRF in the
translational coupling in RNA phage GA—RRF actively reject mRNA from the
terminating ribosomes even when UUAUG is placed near the initiation site (SD
equence). Department of Bioscience, Teikyo University, Utsunomiya, Tochigi,
Japan and Department of Microbiology school of Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania. 31st Japanese Molecular Biology Society mtg. 81st Japanese
Biochemistry Society. Dec. 8-13, 2008.