Gerald F. Murray (7/10) Department of Anthropology University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Email: murray@ Web page: Home address 1706 N.W. 26th Way Gainesville, FL 32605 Home phone (352) 374-4149 Cell phone: (352) 359-1927 CURRENT STATUS: Retired faculty member emeritus, Dept. of Anthropology, U. of Florida EDUCATION: Ph.D.: B.A.: Columbia U. (Anthropology), 1977 Harvard, Magna Cum Laude (Soc. Rel.), 1968 UNIVERSITY FACULTY POSITIONS 1985-2010 U. of Florida/Gainesville. 1974-1985 U. of Mass./Boston. 1976-1977 Teachers College/Columbia. 1973-1974 Yale University. (Full time, tenured) (Full time, tenured) (Visiting) (Visiting) COURSES TAUGHT Graduate: Anth. Theory, Computer Applications in Anth., Kinship and Social Org., the Evolution of Culture, Creole Languages, Seminar in Caribbean Anthropology, Seminar Haiti and D.R. Undergrad: Introductory Anthropology, Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean, Anthropology of Religion, Anthropology of Judaism, Descriptive Linguistics, Language and Culture, Applied Anthropology, and Peasants. Community: Killing for God: Anthr. of Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 5 session mini-course. NON-ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 1974-2005 Research and/or consultation contracts in 15 countries with 28 organizations (v. below). 1982-83 Director of a USAID-funded Agroforestry Project in Haiti. I won the Anthropological Praxis Award while Director. 1970 Taught English and H.S. equivalency to migrants in NYC 1964-66 Peace Corps Volunteer, Dominican Republic. Was subsequently hired in Puerto Rico as a trainer of new volunteers. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Fluency: Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, Modern Hebrew, German, Italian Familiarity: Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Papiamentu, Malagasy, Gaelic Ancient languages: Latin, Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic I have taught: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Modern Hebrew PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS I have published 3 books, 22 articles, and have prepared over 70 applied anthropological reports for 28 1 public and private agencies based on fieldwork in 15 countries. I have presented scholarly papers at conferences in 7 countries (U.S., Great Britain, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Panama, Kenya, Norway) RESEARCH EXPERIENCES The Caribbean is my area of major fieldwork. But I have done briefer fieldwork, most of it connected with applied research assignments, as follows. Regions and countries: Caribbean: Haiti, Dominican Republic Meso-Amr: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama S. Amer.: Peru (both Andes and eastern rain forests). Africa: Burundi, Cameroon, Ghana, Madagascar Middle East: Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank N. Amer.: U.S.A. (Inner-city Head-Start, migrant camps, and urban public health clinics) Basic and applied research topics: Agroforestry, biodiversity, deforestation, hillside agriculture Project design and evaluation Involuntary resettlement; human impact of dams Peasant land tenure, land use, and market systems Public and private educational systems Urban microenterprise Anthropology of religion Traditional healing systems and their relation to modern medicine Institutions that have given me contracts, grants, or other professional service requests: Public: USAID, Inter-American Foundation, Peace Corps, OAS, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, UNESCO, IICA, Smithsonian, Off. of Techn. Assess. (U.S. Congress), American Ass. for the Advancement of Science, International Development Research Corp. (Ottawa), Helvetas (Switzerland), Embassy of Canada in Haiti. Private: Pan American Development Foundation , Save the Children, Royal Carib.Cruise Lines, URS Engineering, Ilan Orly & Co. (Tel Aviv), Law Office of H. Nelson Meeks (Los Angeles), Winrock, World Wildlife Fund, Development Alternatives Incorporated, Tropical Research and Development, Management Systems Inc., Datex, Energy Development/International, McKinsey and Company, Scientific Certification Systems, Adventist Development Relief Agency, , International Inst. of Boston (Migrant advocacy), John Snow Public Health Group, Educational Development Corporation, Westinghouse Health Systems, Ronco. Professional Organizations American Anthropological Association, National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, Society for Applied Anthropology, Society for the Anthropology of Religion 2 CONTRACT RESEARCH AND MISCELLANEOUS CONSULTATIONS Date Client Task 2010 I.D.B. / PADF Racial and Ethnic Dynamics. Carried out research on racial and ethnic perceptions among Haitians and Dominicans. 2010 Save the Children Post-Earthquake Needs Assessment. Studied post-earthquake economic disruption and population displacement in three Haitian communes near the Dominican border. Recommended transition from humanitarian to developmental assistance. 2009 I.D.B. / PADF Cross border conflict analysis. Examined interethnic and intraethnic conflicts on Haitian / Dominican border. 2007 Save the Children Rapid Rural Assessment. Gathered data on nine Haitian communes. 2006 Law Office of Nelson Meeks Expert Witness testimony for a Haitian refugee from Limbe seeking to avoid deportation. 2006 PADF / Dom. Rep. Program Evaluation. Midterm evaluation of a binational product promoting organizational development among NGOs along the Dominican / Haitian border. 2005 UNESCO Proposal Evaluation. Contracted to judge a proposal to make Dominican cocolo culture declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The proposal was accepted and the award granted. 2004 USAID/Haiti Identification of cross-border trafficking-in-persons. Investigated accusations of cross-border slave trade of Haitian minors to the D.R. Visited border towns, sugar-cane plantations, and tourist sex-trade centers in the D.R. to detect coercion of minors. 2004 PADF / Dom. Rep. Impact assessment of bi-national NGO border activities. Assisted the Pan American Development Foundation, Dominican Republic, in conceptualization of an impact assessment strategy for an ongoing project giving institutional support to NGOs on the Dominican-Haitian border. 2004 Law Offices, H. N. Expert witness testimony for a Haitian refugee seeking asylum on the basis of Meeks. Los Angeles of bipolar syndrome. 3 2004 Israeli law firm. Expert witness testimony on conditions of insurrection and civil unrest in Haiti during 1904 for the law firm of Ilan Orly & Co., Tel Aviv, Israel 2003 Panama Canal Authority (URS) Assessment of impacts of projected dams. Visited rural communities in Panama that would be affected by new dams. Identified factors that make current options anthropologically non-viable and provided recommendations for possible mitigation measures. 2003 Pan American Dev. Foundation Proposal development – Haitian Dominican border. Was contracted to help in preparation of NGO strengthening in border area 2000 Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Management analysis and village outreach. Was contracted to identify problems in relating with Haitian employees and nearby villagers on a site in Northern Haiti leased by RCCL. 2000 Pan American Dev. Foundation Proposal for Hillside Agricultural Program. Gave input into the development of a proposal for a project in hillside agriculture. 1999 Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Assistance to Villages in Northern Haiti. Cruise company requested input on assisting villages near a beach which their passengers use. 1998 USAID/Dom.Rep. Rapid Rural Appraisal. Was Chief of Party on a three person team doing rapid rural appraisal of villages on the Dominican/Haitian border. 1997 Fondo Micro, D.R. Book contract. Signed a contract to produce a book on the private schools as a microenterprise in the Dominican Republic. 1997 USAID/Dom.Rep. Research design. Prepared a scope of work for binational research in Haitian and Dominican villages on the border 1996 World Bank Quality Assurance Group. Served as outside consultant on an internal pre-negotiation review by the World Bank of a $50 million loan to Gov. of Honduras for Natural Resource Management Project. 1996 Fondo Micro, Dom. Rep. Urban Micro-enterprise Survey. Gathered survey data on businesses in Santo Domingo, and interviewed owners on business practices.. 1996 GTZ/IICA Dom. Rep. Watershed Management. Prepared report on farmer organizations in watersheds of Southwest. 4 1996 MSI/USAID OTI Haiti Transition Initiative. Evaluated a special high impact development program that had been timed to correspond to Aristide's return to Haiti. 1995 Fondo Micro, Dom. Rep. Small Enterprise Research. Carried out qualitative research into the business operations and credit maneuvers of Sto. Domingo food retailers. 1995 Peace Corps 1994 USAID/Haiti & Winrock Feasibility Study of Peace Corps in Haiti Accompanied Programming Officer to Haiti to assess se curity situation for Volunteers and to identify possible programming areas . Special Environmental Task Force. Gave input into design of high impact environmental projects proposed by USAID on return of Aristide government. 1993 Trop.Forest Management Trust Socioeconomic impact of forest plantations. Evaluated impact of Stone Forest Corp. gmelina Costa Rica plantations on the economy of the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. 1993 World Wildlife Fund, Mexico Evaluation of milpa stabilization. Evaluated WWF project on Mayan ejidos on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico in periphery of Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve. 1993 ADRA/Haiti Agroforestry workshop. Gave two-day workshop on design and management of agroforestry activities. 1993 Datex & USAID/ Haiti Evaluation of USAID child survival program. Evaluated rural outreach component of vaccination and oral rehydration activities in rural Haiti. 1992 PADF and USAID/ El Salvador Natural resource management project design. Social soundness analysis of USAID project to protect mangrove and mountain forests on the southern coast of El Salvador. 1992 Catholic Charities Data base analysis. Analysis of the client records of the Catholic Charities Bureau of Gainesville. 1991 World Bank/ Dominican Rep. Small-farmer response to soil conservation. Fieldwork to document the differential impact of two approaches to promoting soil conservation. 1991 McKinsey & Co. Evolution of the nation-state. Contracted to write an analysis of possible alternatives to current nation-state organization in preparation for a conference directed at Fortune 500 CEO's. 5 1990 World Bank/ Wash., D.C. Agroforestry project design. Gave a specially invited seminar on anthropology and agroforestry, and prepared a brief report evaluating a projected World Bank financed program in Haiti. 1990 OAS/Haiti Watershed Management Feasibility Assessment. Assessed the relevance of traditional land tenure for the feasibility of hillside conservation projects in Haiti. 1990 Lasley law firm Expert Witness. Reconstructed (for a murder trial) Afro-Caribbean witchcraft and sorcery practices of a a migrant shot by his son, to explore possible extenuating circumstances. West Palm Beach, Fl. 1990 USAID/Madagascar Conservation/Development Project Design. Designed gascar (TRD)the non-governmental implementing component of a USAID biodiversity protection project in Madagascar. 1989 IAF/Guatemala Evaluation of Indigenous Development Project. Evaluated an indigenous group that had received from IAF several hundred thousand dollars to work with the Quiché Indians of Totonicapán. 1988 USAID/Burundi (ED/I) Biodiversity Assessment. Identified anthro pological factors leading to destruction of flora and fauna in Afro-montane highlands, and proposed policies for USAID. 1988 IAF/Costa Rica Developmental Cash Flow. Evaluated an in-country fund established by Inter-American Foundation for rapid approval of rural projects. 1988 USAID/Costa Buffer Zone Park Protection Strategy. Assessed feasibility of farmer-run Rica (TRD) forest management activities planned by USAID in Cordillera Volcánica Central. 1988 IAF/Guatemala Credit Programs in Indian Villages. Follow-up assessment of a rural credit program of Inter-American Foundation which I had evaluated in 1985. 1987 USAID/Peru Andean Reforestation Project. Evaluated a village tree planting project in Peruvian Andes. 1986 DAI/Haiti Watershed Management. Assisted DAI in design of social component of USAID funded watershed management. 6 1986 AAAS/Honduras Agroforestry Training. Represented American Ass'n for Advancement of Science at cursillo in Agroforestry at Centro Universitario Litoral Atlántico 1985 Int'l Instit. of Boston Haitian Refugees. Gave courtroom testimony as expert witness on Haitian political asylum case. 1985 IAF/Guatemala Credit Programs in Indian Villages. Evaluated the impact of political violence on a rural credit program of the Inter-American Foundation. 1985 USAID/Peru Jungle Resource Management. Visited tropical forest Amuesha Indian communities in rain forest of Peru. Recommended project redesign. 1985 Save the Children Base Communities and Resource Management. Drafted an OPG proposal for a small-group model of natural resource management in Haiti. 1984 John Snow Inst. Puerto Rican and Haitian Health Practices. Assisted in the design of focus group research to increase migrant use of public health services in Northeast cities. 1984 Jamaica Plain Expert Witness. Gave testimony for support of political refugee status Legal Servcs. claims of Haitians in Boston. 1984 IAF/Costa Rica Agroforestry and Cattle Raising. Visited a mountain village of Costa Rica to advise on the organization of projected tree planting activities. 1983 IICA/Dom. Rep. Agroforestry Feasibility Research. Designed rapid rural appraisal instrument to test feasibility of peasant-based commercial agroforestry in two Dominican villages. 1982 OTA/U.S. Appropriate Technology Transfer. Provided input to the Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress on issue of tropical deforestation. 1982 USAID/Haiti Haitian Peasant Organization. Evaluated a project designed to test small-group model of peasant organization 1981 USAID/Haiti Child Feeding Practices and Beliefs. Carried out fieldwork on child feeding behaviors and beliefs in a Haitian village. 1981 USAID/Honduras Forestry Management. Gathered ethnographic data in a mountain pine forest to assist in the design of a forestry management project. 7 1981 USAID/Haiti Agroforestry Outreach Project. Prepared the social soundness analysis for an agroforestry project implemented in rural Haiti. 1981 Educational Development Corp. Infant Feeding Practices. Visited villages in Cameroon to design observational research on the determinants of weanling nutritional status. 1981 Indiana U. Creole-French Bilingualism. Assisted in the design of sociolinguistic research in rural Haiti. 1980 USAID/Guatemala Agricultural Diversification. Did fieldwork in a mixed indigenous/ladino village to assist in the design of an ag. diversification project. 1980 USAID/Haiti Agricultural Feeder Roads. Design of survey instrument for feeder roads project. 1980 IICA/Dominican Republic Institutional Analysis and Regional Planning. Advised IICA technicians in data gathering procedures for systematizing agricultural planning in the Ministry of Agriculture. 1980 IICA/Dominican Agricultural Marketing Systems. Directed design and field testing of Republic diagnostic instrument for identifying types of support needed by rural market organizations. 1979 NYC Supreme Court Caribbean Migrants. Testimony as expert witness in court case involving Caribbean migrants. 1979 USAID/Haiti Reforestation and Soil Conservation. Analyzed determinants of success and failure in forestry and erosion control projects in rural Haiti. 1978 Canadian Traditional Healers Project. Computerized analysis of traditional Government and modern health care behaviors in rural Haiti. Designed model for integrating healers in modern health care system. 1978 USAID/Haiti Land Tenure and Rural Organization. Prepared an analysis of Haitian land tenure patterns and proposed appropriate rural organization models. 1977 Columbia U. Bilingual Language Acquisition. Designed interaction analysis instrument and computer program for researching bilingualism among preschool migrants in NYC. 8 1977 Westinghouse Health Systems Institutional Strengthening. Input into designing assistance package for strengthening Haitian Ministry of Public Health. 1977 USAID/El Salvador Health Sector Analysis. Gathered village health fertility data for health assistance project in rural areas. Worked with Rural Health Aides. 1976 IICA/Dominican Republic Agricultural Marketing Systems. Analyzed the flow of agricultural produce through Dominican markets. 1975 IICA/Haiti Agricultural Marketing Systems. Analyzed the flow of agricultural produce through Haitian markets. 9 BOOKS, ARTICLES, TECHNICAL REPORTS, PROFESSIONAL PAPERS, THESES 2010 La Frontera Dominico-haitiana. (Book co-edited with Haroldo Dilla et. al.) Santo Domingo: edited volume published by Inter-American Development Bank and Pan American Development Foundation. 2010 Lenguaje y raza en la frontera dominico-haitiana: Apuntes antropológicos. In Haroldo Dilla et. al eds. La Frontera Dominico-haitiana. Santo Domingo: book published by Inter-American Development Bank and Pan American Develop. Foundation. Pp. 241-281. 2010 Haitian and Dominican relations: An anthropological exploration of racial and ethnic perceptions and sentiments. Report submitted to Inter-American Development Bank and Pan American Development Foundation, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. May 2010. 42 pages 2010 Ethnic relations on the Haitian / Dominican border: Patterns of peaceful coexistence and conflicts. Report submitted to Inter-American Development Bank and Pan American Development Foundation, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. February 2010. 55 pages. 2010 Bondye, the earthquake, and the Haitian Catholic Church. In the Bulletin of Hortus Conclusus, No. 16, May 2010. Artas, Palestine (West Bank). (A 2 page summary of religious dimensions of the Haitian earthquake.) 2010 Border communes of the eastern Cul-de-Sac: A needs assessment and a program proposal. Report submitted to Save the Children in Haiti, March 2010. 86 pages. 2010 “Haiti, Agroforestry and the Earthquake” Invited paper presented at the conference The Ecology and Ecosystem Services of Native Trees: Implications for Reforestation and Land Restoration in Mesoamerica. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Panama. January 21-22, 2010. 2010 The role of trees in post-earthquake Haiti. Invited paper at the “Seminar on Haiti after the Earthquake” organized by the Oslo Peace-Building Center and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Oslo, May 12, 2010 2010 Water, trees, and credit: A plan of action in post-earthquake Haiti. Invited presentation at a Conference on Watershed Management and the Reconstruction of Haiti. The conference was organized by the Clinton Foundation, the Haitian Ministry of Agriculture, the Yale University School of Forestry, and World Vision. New Haven, May 19, 20, 21. 2009 “La crisis de Rio Limpio: Informe sobre la la destrucción económica de una comunidad campesina de la frontera dominicana.” Report on human rights abuses perpetrated by the Dominican State against Dominican farmers and Haitian laborers in a border community. 10 The report was shared with government officials and community members. 2007 Communes of the Haitian Cul-de-Sac: A rapid rural assessment of Thomazeau, Cornillon, Ganthier, and Fond Verrettes. Report prepared for Save the Children / Haiti. 84 pp. 2006 Fwontyè nou / Nuestra Frontera: Haitian and Dominican NGOs. Midterm evaluation of a binational product along the Dominican / Haitian border. Report prepared for the Pan American Development Foundation and USAID. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 2006 Book Review of The Rebirth of Hasidism: 1945 to the Present Day. Jacques Gutwirth. London: Free Association Books. 198 pp. Anthropos: International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics 101:2, pp. 615-7. 2005 El Colegio y La Escuela: Antropología de la Educación en la República Dominicana. Santo Domingo: Fondo Micro. 398 pp. 2005 Book Review of The Foundations of Despotism: Peasants, the Trujillo Regime, and Modernity in Dominican History. Richard Lee Turits. Stanford University Press, 2003. 384 pp. American Anthropologist 107:1, pp. 170-1. 2005 Cocolo dancing tradition – Dominican Republic: an Evaluation Report. Report prepared for International Council of Social Sciences and UNESCO for the Second Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. 2004 (With M. Bannister) Peasants, agroforesters, and anthropologists: A 20-year venture in income-generating trees and hedgerows in Haiti. Agroforestry Systems 61:383-397. 2004 (With G. Smucker). The uses of children: A study of trafficking in Haitian children. Report prepared for USAID / Haiti. 175 pp. 2004 La niñez en peligro: Un estudio sobre la trata de niños haitianos. Translation from the English of the preceding report. Translated by Gerald Murray and Maria Alvarez. 2003 Pautas para una consulta pública sobre la construcción de represas en Panamá. Report prepared for the Panama Canal Authority under contract with URS/Daines. 25 pp. 2003 Elementos de una metodología para evaluar los impactos de un embalse sobre la calidad de vida en las comunidades afectadas. Report prepared for the Panama Canal Authority under contract with URS/Daines. 33 pp. 2003 Los próximos pasos en las cuencas occidentales de Panamá. Report prepared for the Panama Canal Authority under contract with URS/Daines. 14 pp. 11 2002 Book review of When the Hands are Many: Community Organization and Social Change in Rural Haiti, by Jennie M. Smith. American Ethnologist 1999 Philo-Semitism or Anti-Haitianism: Trujillo and Jewish Holocaust Refugees. The Latinamericanist. Dec. 1999 1998 The fading frontier: An anthropological analysis of the economy and social organization of the Haitian-Dominican border. Report prepared for USAID, Dominican Republic, coauthored with Matthew McPherson and Tim Schwartz. 85 pp. 1997 El Taller: Un Estudio Antropológico del Uso y Reparación de Automóbiles en la República Dominicana. Santo Domingo:Fondo para el Financiamiento de la Microempresa. 325 pp. 1996 El Colmado: Una Investigacion Antropologica del Negocio de Comidas y Bebidas en la República Dominicana. Santo Domingo: Fondo para el Financiamiento de la Microempresa. 375 pp. 1996 Campesinos de la cuenca sureña: Antecedentes antropológicos y pautas para intervenciones institucionales. Report prepared for GTZ and IICA, Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep. 22 pp. 1995 Peasants, projects, and anthropological models: Fragile causal chains and crooked causal arrows. In Science, Materialism, and the Study of Culture, M. F. Murphy and M. L. Margolis, eds. U. of Florida Press, pp. 159-184. 1995 The volunteer niche in post-embargo Haiti. Report prepared for Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. 1994 The Tree Project: Guidelines for reincorporation of high volume wood tree planting in rural Haiti. Report prepared as a member of USAID's Environmental Task Force. Port-auPrince: Pan American Development Foundation 1994 Desde Africa hasta Haiti: Fases evolutivas en la relación entre ser humano y bosque. In Humanidad y Naturaleza, Jose Serrulle Ramia, ed. Santo Domingo: Fundacion Ciencia y Arte. Pp. 23-56 1994 Technoeconomic, organizational, and ideational factors as determinants of soil conservation in the Dominican Republic. In Economic and Institutional Analyses of Soil Conservation Projects in Central America and the Caribbean, Ernst Lutz, Stefano Pagiola, and Carlos Reiche, eds. (World Bank Environment Paper Number 8). Washington, D.C.: World Bank, pp. 131-149. 12 1993 The organization of rural development projects under conditions of political repression: The case of Haiti. Invited paper presented at the Caribbean Conference on Alternative Production, Work, Management, and Organization. Havana, Cuba, Dec.5 -- Dec. 11, 1993. 1993 Transformations in Cuba: The dismantling of State Farms. Unpublished report submitted to the Center for Latin American Studies and the Department of Anthropology, U. of Florida. 1993 The socioeconomic impact of wood tree plantations on the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica: An evaluation of the Stone Forestry gmelina project. Gainesville, Fl: Tropical Forest Management Trust and Scientific Certification Systems. 42 pp. 1993 The Maya of Quintana Roo: evaluation of a program on the periphery of a biosphere reserve. NYC and Cancun, Mexico: World Wildlife Fund and Amigos de Sian Ka'an. 55 pp. 1993 Peasants, trees, and the domestic mode of production: Competing program models. Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Antonio, Texas, and March 10 -- March 15, 1993. 1993 Institutional systems and community systems: Observations on child survival activities in Haiti. Port-au-Prince: USAID/Haiti and Datex. 22 pp. 1993 Tree planting by Ghanaian villagers: An evaluation of ADRA/Ghana and Peace Corps tree planting initiatives. Silver Spring, MD: Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA). (78 pp.) 1992 Emergency aid to the poor of Gainesville: An analysis of the database of the Catholic Charities Bureau. Gainesville, FL: Catholic Charities. (44 pp.) 1992 Natural resource use by farmers and fishers of southern El Salvador: A USAID Project Paper social soundness analysis. San Salvador: USAID (48 pp). 1991 The tree gardens of Haiti: From extraction to domestication. In D. Challinor & M. Hardt Frondorf (Eds.), Social forestry: Communal and private management strategies compared (pp. 35-44). Washington, D.C.: School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University. 1991 The phantom child in Haitian Voodoo: A folk-religious model of uterine life. In K. Davis & E. Farajaje-Jones (Eds.), African Creative Expressions of the Divine. Washington, D.C.: Howard U. Press, pp. 4-26. 1991 The determinants of soil conservation in the Dominican Republic: Operationalizing the concept of "culture". Washington, D.C.: World Bank 13 1991 Campesino, árbol, e Iglesia: Un proyecto de reforestacion intermediado por la Iglesia. Estudios Sociales (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) 84: 73-85. 1991 Response to comments by David Weiss on my review article "Rethinking the Wings of the Dove." Tradition 25(3):106-107 (A journal of the Orthodox Rabbinic Council of America) 1991 Globalization and the nation state: An anthropological perspective on the evolution of political structures. Washington, D.C.: McKinsey & Co. 1990 Anthropology, evangelization, and abortion: Applications of emics and etics. In T. Headland, K. Pike, & M. Harris (Eds.), Emics and etics: The insider/outsider debate (pp.144-163). Sage. 1990 Anthropology, evolution, and Judaism: Rethinking the wings of the dove". Tradition 25(1):81-90. (A journal of the Orthodox Rabbinic Council of America.) 1990 'Bon-dieu' e os ritos de passagem no Haiti rural: determinantes estruturais da teologia e dos rituais pos-coloniais. Estudos Afro-Asiaticos (Brazil) 19:5-28. Translation of 1985. 1990 Land tenure and trees in the Central Plateau: Anthropological guidelines for project design in Haiti. Port-au-Prince and Wash. D.C.: Organization of American States. (160 pp.) 1990 Post-mortem reconstruction of witchcraft: Anthropological background to a shooting incident. Expert witness report submitted to the law firm of Wm. Lasley, West Palm Beach Florida. (40 pp.) 1990 Protected area grant management: A strategy for linking conservation & development. Antananarivo: USAID/Madagascar. (50 pp.) 1990 Slide shows, T-groups, or cash flows: Competing theoretical scaffolds for applying Anthropology. Paper presented at the 89th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. (30 pp.) 1990 The protection of trees or the production of trees?: The World Bank's Haiti portfolio. Wash., D.C.: World Bank. (17 pp.) 1989 The artisans of Totonicapan: An indigenous development model in Western Guatemala. Rosslyn, Va.: Inter-American Foundation. 1989 The domestication of wood in Haiti: A case study in applied evolution. In A. Podolefsky & P.J. Brown (Eds.), Applying anthropology: An introductory reader (pp. 148-156). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. (Reprinted from 1987). 1989 Programming tree flows in Haiti: A case study. Cambridge, MA: Case Study #1 of the 14 Coolidge Center for Environmental Leadership. 17 pp. 1989 Anthropology and the tree planting transition in Haiti. Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. November 19, 1989. 1988 Technology without literacy: Agrarian innovation in rural Haiti. Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society 7 (5-6): 615-20. 1988 Accelerating rural credit flows: A case study of project evolution in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Rosslyn, Va.: Inter-American Foundation. (72 pp.) 1988 Forest resources for a stable environment in Costa Rica: A social soundness analysis. Tropical Research and Development (Gainesville, FL) and USAID/Costa Rica. (62 pp.) 1988 Programming developmental cash flows: An evaluation of the In-Country Fund of Costa Rica. Rosslyn, Va.: Inter-American Foundation. (27 pp.) 1988 The destruction of natural resources in Burundi: Anthropological considerations. Energy Developmental International (Wash. D.C.) and USAID/Burundi. (42 pp.) 1988 Biodiversity in Burundi: A natural resource management assessment. Energy Developmental International (Wash.D.C.) and USAID/Burundi. (Written with Steve Dennison.) 1987 The domestication of wood in Haiti: A case study in applied evolution. In R. Wulff & S. Fiske (Eds.), Anthropological praxis (pp. 223-240). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1987 Land tenure and agroforestry in Haiti: A case study in anthropological project design. In J.B. Raintree (Ed.), Land, trees, and tenure: Proceedings of an international workshop on tenure issues in agroforestry (pp. 323-328). Nairobi and Madison: Int'l Council for Research in Agroforestry and Land Tenure Center, U. of Wisconsin. 1987 Reforestation and agroforestry in the Peruvian Andes: Evaluation of a Multi-Institutional Project. Lima: USAID/Peru. (65 pp.) 1986 Seeing the forest while planting the trees: An anthropological approach to agroforestry in rural Haiti. In D.W. Brinkerhoff & J.C. Garcia-Zamor (Eds.), Politics, projects, and peasants: Institutional development in Haiti (pp. 193- 226). N.Y.: Praeger. 1986 Watersheds, hillside agriculture, and erosion control in Haiti: The feasibility of a project design. Wash. D.C.: Development Alternatives, Inc. (43 pp.) 1986 Foreign aid with a private flavor. Wall Street Journal (6/9), Op Ed page. 1985 Bon-Dieu and the rites of passage in rural Haiti: Structural determinants of postcolonial 15 religion. In T. Bruneau, M. Mooney,& and C. Gabriel (Eds.), The Catholic Church and religions in Latin America (pp. 188-231). Montreal: Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGill University.. 1985 Extencionistas y promotores nativos en la selva peruana: Pautas para la participación de comunidades nativas en un proyecto de desarrollo. Lima: USAID/Peru. (55 pp.) 1985 Haitian peasants, cash flows, and felt needs: Integrating "process" and "product" in project design. Westport, Ct.: Save the Children. (25 pp.) 1985 Prerequisitos socioeconómicos para la plantación maderera rural. Paper presented at the Symposium on Silvicuture in the Neotropics. Turrialba, Costa Rica: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y EnseÑanza (CATIE). June 24 - June 28. 1985 Promotores, patrullas, and cash flows: An analysis of credit projects in rural Guatemala. Rosslyn, Va.: Inter-American Foundation. (79 pp.) 1984 The wood tree as a peasant cash-crop: An anthropological strategy for the domestication of energy. In A. Valdman & R. Foster (Eds.), Haiti--today and tomorrow: An interdisciplinary study (pp. 141-160). N.Y: University Press of America. 1984 Pastures, charrales, and woodlots: Guidelines for the organization of tree-planting in Costa Rican cattle country. Rosslyn, Va.: Inter-American Foundation. (75 pp.) 1984 The use of public health centers by Puerto Rican and Haitian migrants. Boston: John Snow Public Health Inst. (60 pp.) 1984 La organizacion de actividades agroforestales en un campo dominicano: Un modelo mixto de implementacion. Santo Domingo: Instituto Interamericano de Cooperacion Agricola. (28.pp) 1983 Los campesinos plantadores de árboles en Haiti. Ahora 22 (April): 40-48. (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic). 1983 Voodoo in Haiti. Scuwiff (College University of Dublin) 1 (1): 11-12. 1983 Agroforestry outreach: An approach to tree planting in rural Haiti. Zurich: Helvetas. (22 pp.) 1983 El arbol maderero como cultivo comercial: Pautas para un proyecto agroforestal entre campesinos dominicanos. Santo Domingo: Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación Agrícola (IICA). 1983 Haiti Agroforestry Outreach Project: The Church as an instrument of environmental 16 restoration in Haiti. Port-au-Prince: Pan American Development Foundation. (8 pp.) 1982 The groupman of Gros Morne: An experiment in Haitian peasant organization. Port-au-Prince: Catholic Relief Service.(40 pp.) 1981 The feeding of infants in northern Cameroon. Newton, Mass.: Education Development Center. (With Warren L. Berggren.) 1981 Mountain peasants of Honduras: Guidelines for the reordering of smallholding adaptation to the pine forest. Tegucigalpa: USAID. (67 pp. A Spanish translation also available) 1981 Peasant tree planting in Haiti: A social soundness analysis. Port-au-Prince: USAID. (33 pp.) 1981 Socialization for scarcity: Child feeding practices and beliefs in a Haitian village. Port-au-Prince: USAID. (Written with María Alvarez. 250 pp.) 1980 Population pressure, land tenure, and Voodoo: The economics of Haitian peasant ritual. In E. Ross (Ed.), Beyond the myths of culture (pp. 295-321). New York: Academic Press. 1980 Agricultural diversification in the Western Highlands of Guatemala: A social soundness analysis. Guatemala City: USAID. (85 pp.) 1980 Planificación regional agropecuaria en la República Dominicana: Observaciones, conceptos, y una metodología provisional. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (84 pp.) 1980 Hacia nuevos canales de comercialización: Metodología para el fortalecimiento de grupos campesinos. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (55 pp.) 1980 Consolidando los Centros de Servicios Rurales (CENSERI): Un manual de procedimientos diagnósticos para el uso de asesores y técnicos. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (55 pp.) 1980 El flujo de informacion para la planificacion agropecuaria: Pautas para un analisis institucional. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (21 pp.) 1980 Haitian peasant contour ridges: The evolution of indigenous erosion control technology. Development discussion paper #86, Harvard Institute for International Development. 1979 Terraces, trees, and the Haitian peasant: An assessment of 25 years of erosion control in rural Haiti. Port-au-Prince: USAID. (265 pp.) 1978 Hillside units, wage labor, and Haitian peasant land tenure: A strategy for the organization 17 of erosion control. Port-au-Prince: USAID. (35 pp.) 1978 Land tenure, land insecurity, and planned agricultural development among Haitian peasants. Port-au-Prince: USAID. (90 pp.) 1978 Bilingual interactions among preschool children: A preliminary research report. New York: Teachers College, Institute for Urban and Minority Education. 1977 The evolution of Haitian peasant land tenure: A case study in agrarian adaptation to population growth. Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, Department of Anthropology. 1977 Comment on "Standardization and measurement in Cultural Anthropology," by Jerry Moles. Current Anthropology 18(2): 249. 1977 Review of A Dominican Diaspora by Glenn Hendricks. American Anthropologist 79(3). 1977 Traditional and modern strategies of health care delivery among peasants of El Salvador. San Salvador: USAID. 253 pp. 1977 Folk healers of Petit-Goave: A model for incorporating traditional healers into the modern health delivery system. Port-au-Prince and Toronto: International Development Research Centre. (65 pp.) 1976 Women in perdition: Ritual fertility control in Haiti. In J. Marshall & S. Polgar (Eds.), Culture, natality, and family planning (pp. 59-68). Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina. 1976 Truths and untruths in village Haiti: An experiment in Third World survey research. In J. Marshall & S. Polgar (Eds.), Culture, Natality, and Family Planning (pp.241-262). Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina. (Written with K. Chen). 1976 La comercialización de plátanos en la República Dominicana. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (175 pp.) 1976 Dominican peasants and rural traders: A project-oriented research methodology. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (62 pp.) 1975 Haitian bean circuits: Cropping and trading maneuvers among a cash oriented peasantry. In Sidney W. Mintz (Ed.), Working papers in Haitian society and culture (pp. 85-126). New Haven: Antilles Research Program, Yale U. (Written with Maria D. Alvarez). 1975 Donde reina la escasez: Un panorama del sistema de mercadeo agrícola en la República 18 Dominicana. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (86 pp.) 1975 Behavior flow analysis: A methodology for the investigation of agricultural marketing systems. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (72 pp.) 1974 Selected aspects of the internal market system of the Dominican Republic. Santo Domingo: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (72 pp.) 1973 Childbearing, sickness and ritual healing in a Haitian village. Port-au-Prince: Division d'Hygiène Familiale. (With Maria D. Alvarez, 223 pp.) 1973 La commercialisation des haricots en Haiti: Une étude exploratoire. Port-au-Prince: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (With Maria D. Alvarez, 31 pp.) 1973 Aspectos de la actual organización económica y social de los campesinos de la llanura baja de Gonaives, Haiti. Port-au-Prince: Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Agrícola. (33 pp.) 1972 Dominicans in the diaspora: Adaptation of Dominican migrants to New York City. Masters paper, Dept. of Anthropology, Columbia U. (130 pp.) 1972 The economic context of fertility in a rural Haitian community. Columbia U.: International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction. (83 pp.) 1970 Los Conuqueros: Shifting Cultivation in the Dominican Republic. Masters paper, Dept. of Anthropology, Columbia U. (168 pp.) 1968 La Loma: Economy and Worldview among Mountain Peasants of the Dominican Republic. Senior Honors Thesis, Harvard College. 19