Age of Discovery - Salem State University

Age of Discovery
Social Structures
Power Shift
• In 1500 China is most powerful country in the world
• Key to East-West power shift
– European voyages of discovery
• New long-distance trading routes
• New centers of trade
Society –
The Rulers: Kings, emperors
Elites & Merchants
• Military caste (nobles)
– Usually own land, collect ‘rent’ in kind from peasants (serfs)
• Religious organizations
– In West, structured along same hierarchical lines as ruling and noble
classes, own serfs
• Merchants
– Not considered as members of the elites
• About 95% of people lived in country
Illiterate, work land belonging to others
Speak local languages, dialects
Live with their animals in smoky hovels
Marry young
Life expectancy: about 30
Entertainment: story-telling by the hearth
Communications with the outside world extremely limited
• Word of mouth
– Many dialects, languages
– Latin, language of intellectuals, the church
• Invention of printing, mid-1400s (Gutenberg)
• Reformers encouraged Bible reading
» Bible translations help stabilize languages
Age of Exploration
• Mediterranean dominated by Muslims to late 15th century
– Expulsion from Spain (Reconquista) after more than 700 years
– 1415, Portuguese capture Ceuta on North African coast (modern
• Portuguese take lead in exploration
– Seafaring tradition, crusading spirit, and in search of cheaper
access to Eastern luxuries
• Prince Henry the Navigator plays key role as sponsor of voyages of
discovery around Africa
Discovery & technology
Better maps & charts
Lateen sails combined with square sails
Tools to determine latitude
Magnetic compass
Better ships (the caravel)
Sternpost rudder
Growing knowledge of wind patterns
Voyages of Discovery
Dias rounds tip of Africa, 1488
Columbus to the New World, 1492
Vasco da Gama sails round Africa to India, 1497-98
Magellan sails around the world 1519-1522
Who Paid?
• Early voyages sponsored by Portuguese & Spanish rulers
– On borrowed money from Italian bankers
– Rulers grant concessions to merchants
• Formation of joint stock companies - spreads risk among investors
– English East India Company, 1600
– United East India Companty (VOC), Dutch, 1602
Why not the Chinese?
• Zheng He’s seven voyages of exploration in the Indian
Ocean in the early 15th century
– Voyages prove that China had the technology, manpower, and
wealth to explore the world
– Voyages end in 1433
The Spanish in America
• How did a small band of soldiers led by Cortes defeat the
strong, sophisticated Aztec Empire?
• How did an even smaller band of soldiers led by Pizarro
defeat the even stronger and more sophisticated Inca
Aztec Empire & Cortes
Cortes & the Aztecs
• Cortes (1485-1547) -- minor Spanish nobility
• Left Cuba in 1519 with 600 men to make his fortune
• Enlists Aztec enemies in his attempt
to conquer empire led
by Moctezuma (at right)
• Estimates vary -- no real way to know for certain. Up 95%
of Aztec population died with count going from roughly 21
million people to 1 million
• Figures are highly controversial -- historians and other
experts have been arguing over them for years
Francisco Pizarro
• Limited education. Arrived in America in 1502 to seek fortune
• By 1520 he is wealthy landowner and official in Panama
• Went into Inca Empire with a motley band of 180 men, 37 horses, and two
cannon (1532)
Inca Empire
Inca Characteristics
• More sophisticated than Aztec civilization
• Cities, productive agriculture
• System of communications using runners
– May have had a writing system
• Consolidates empire (1531-1532)
• Pizarro imprisons him while Inca army of 40,000 stands by. Promises enormous ransom:
room full of gold
• Betrayed: Offered death either by burning or by strangling if he becomes Christian -chooses latter. His death breaks resistance
Why Cortes & Pizarro Won
Spanish arms superiors to native weapons
Smallpox & other ‘European’ diseases
Strife within the indigenous empires
‘Shock & awe’