minutes of a meeting of the board of trustees

Call to Order and Roll Call
At 7:44 p.m. President Pino, called the Meeting to order. The Deputy Village Clerk called the
roll and then led the pledge of Allegiance.
Present in Person:
Also Present:
President Pino, Trustees Boland, Pais, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
Village Clerk Kathy Nelander
J.W. Braithwaite, Village Attorney
Kris Lennon, Deputy Village Clerk
Bruce and Janice Sauer, 23 Hidden Brook Lane
Susan Allman, 425 Mockingbird Lane
Nancy Schumm, Schumm Consulting, LLC
John Cifonelli, 297 Oxford Road
Gery Herrmann, 297 Kimberly Road
M/M Steve Lutz, 112 Cherry Hill Road
Alison Landeck, 112 Old Barrington Road
Cameron Pease, 112 Old Barrington Road
Paul Wilson, Wilson’s Fencing Service, Inc., Crystal Lake
Dara Saunders, 104 Cherry Hill Road
John Schnure, 224 Orchard Road
Paul Wilson, 6007 Chestnut Court, Crystal Lake
Dyllis Braithwaite, 540 S. Hough Street
Kathleen Leitner, 219 E Lake Shore Drive, Tower Lakes
Camille Koertner, 58 S. Wynstone Drive
M/M Kevin Richardson, 28433 Casey Court, Lake Barrington
Robert Abboud, 13 County Oaks Lane, Barrington Hills
Brian Battle, 200 White Oak Court, Barrington
M/M Robert Oliver, 480 Eton Drive
Karen Daulton Lange, 8 Golfview, Lake Barrington
Tom Leonard, 661 Shoreline Road, Lake Barrington
Cara Kretz, 31 S. Wynstone Drive
Bob Ritschel, 284 Oxford Road
Nick Sauer, 416C Old Barrington Road
Adam Sauer, 1212 N. Wells Street, #306, Chicago
Sharon Schmidt, 130 W. Russell Street, Barrington
Bruce Kramper, 178 Pheasant Run Trail
Louise Pozzi, 2360 Oak Hill Road, Lake Barrington
Kim Pesavento, 586 Golfview Drive
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Approve Resolution # 2682 advising and consenting to the President’s appointment of
Janice Sauer as Village Trustee, filling the unexpired term of Trustee Mark Kolar ending
April 30, 2015.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve Resolution #2682; seconded by Trustee Weiner.
Discussion: There was no discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
Trustees Boland, Pais, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the Resolution approved.
Oath administered to Trustee Janice Sauer
President Pino asked Janice Sauer, 23 Hidden Brook Lane, to come forward in order to be sworn
in. President Pino administered the Oath to Janice Sauer as Village Trustee and Trustee Sauer
was seated with the Board.
John Schnure, 224 Orchard Road, addressed the Board to recommend trimming the overgrowth
of weeds/branches in Village right of ways. He is of the understanding that there is a current
work order with Cuba Township Highway Department to trim the Village right of ways;
however, noted that the Village’s back roads have not been trimmed. He strongly suggested
trimming Glen Circle.
President Pino stated that he spoke with Cuba Township Highway Commission Randy Marks
who is aware of the overgrowth and will continue to work on the Village right of ways.
Mr. Schnure suggested that the Village take down signage within the Village that is outdated or
not visible due to the overgrowth of weeds.
John Cifonelli, 297 Oxford Road, addressed the Board as the Village Zoning Board of Appeals
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Mr. Cifonelli recommended that the Village Code be amended to allow horse fences. The Village
Code currently permits a maximum fence height of 46” however; a horse fence requires a
minimum of 54”. The Zoning Board of Appeals met in September with applicants applying for a
zoning variation in order to construct a horse fence on their property.
Mr. Cifonelli noted that Section 10-1-1(B) of the Village Code may need to be examined as
modern technology has advanced. Mr. Cifonelli noted that a recent zoning matter addressed an
issue where a new septic system was approved on an approximate 20,000 sq. ft. non-conforming
Gery Hermann, 257 Kimberly Road, addressed the Board as Plan Commission Chairman.
Mr. Herrmann stated that the Plan Commission continues to work on revisions to the Village’s
Comprehensive Plan.
President Pino requested that the Plan Commission review the issues mentioned by Mr.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved, seconded by Trustee Weiner, that the consent agenda
consisting of the following agenda items be approved:
Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, 8/28/13
Approve 9/25/13 Vouchers for payment of bills
Approve the Treasurer’s Report for the 4th month of Fiscal Year 2014
Approve Resolution # 2683 appointing Chris Nolan to the Parks Commission
(filling the unexpired term of Terri Wall) for a term ending June 30, 2014
Approve Resolution # 2684 appointing Lawre Weiner as an Alternate member of
the Barrington Area Council of Governments Executive Board
Motion to approve a Proclamation proclaiming October, 2013 as Domestic
Violence Awareness Month
Discussion: There was no discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
President Pino, Trustees Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the motion approved.
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Consideration of Ordinance # 1243, Zoning Variation Request submitted by Ms. Alison
Landeck and Mr. Cameron Pease, 112 Old Barrington Road, North Barrington, IL 60010
No horses shall be housed or grazed within two hundred feet (200’) of
an adjacent property owner’s dwelling.
The existing stable is located approximately 195 feet from the dwelling at
120 Old Barrington Road. The proposed fencing around the perimeter of the
horse pasture area will be located approximately 110 feet from the dwelling
at 120 Old Barrington Road and approximately 180 feet from the dwelling at
112 Cherry Hill Road.
Except as otherwise permitted or required by this chapter or by this
code, no fence shall be more than forty two inches (42”) in height at any
point, including vertical posts, columns, or pillars.
The proposed three board Oak fencing and associated access gates along the
South and East sides of the pasture will have an overall height of
approximately fifty six inches (56”).
The proposed woven wire fencing and associated access gates installed
along the West and North sides of the pasture will have an overall height of
approximately forty eight inches (48”).
The proposed galvanized steel panel fencing forming the interior pastures
have an overall height of approximately sixty inches (60”).
All fences shall be constructed of wood, stone, brick, wrought iron,
aluminum, or synthetic materials that are molded and give the
appearance of wood, stone, brick or wrought iron fences. No barbed
wire, razor wire, other sharp or hazardous materials are allowed for
use on any type of fence. No aboveground electrically charged fences
are permitted. Underground magnetically coupled dog fences
(commonly known as invisible fences) are allowed. No fence or part
thereof that is of the form, shape or structure or a chain link, or mesh
like, or wire fabric, made of any material (including, but not limited to,
metal or plastic) is permitted.
The proposed fencing along the West and North sides of the pasture will be
2” x 4” woven wire constructed from Class III galvanized high-tensile steel
with one strand of white vinyl coated high-tensile steel top wire.
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The proposed gates and interior pasture fencing will be tubular hot dip
galvanized steel.
John Cifonelli, Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Chairman, addressed the Board and explained
that the ZBA unanimously approved one of the three zoning variations. ZR-10-11-2(B) was
unanimously approved with a favorable recommendation however; ZR-10-4-4(E) and
ZR-10-11-2(C) were denied. Neighbors objected to the appearance of the proposed wire fence
and to the distance of the proposed fence to their dwelling. The owner who resides at 112 Cherry
Hill Road was significantly opposed to both the distance and appearance of the proposed (wire)
fence. Chairman Cifonelli additionally noted that the property at 112 Old Barrington Road has a
long history of being horse property.
President Pino reviewed the zoning variations with Chairman Cifonelli. It was noted that the
ZBA unanimously denied the proposed wire fence and preferred a three board oak fence for the
entire perimeter.
Cameron Pease and Alison Landeck, 112 Old Barrington Road, addressed the Board. Ms.
Landeck stated that she and her husband are withdrawing their zoning variation request for
ZR-10-11-2(C) pertaining to the proposed wire fence.
It was noted that there is existing agricultural wire fence that is covered by buckthorn on the
south side (near the Village’s property) and the west side of the petitioner’s property.
Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite noted that the petitioners purchased the property from the
Village and at the time of purchase, they specifically inquired whether horses were permitted.
They were that told that horses were permitted.
Ms. Landeck explained that a distance of approximately 180 ft. exists between the proposed
fence and the property located at 112 Cherry Hill Road and; a distance of approximately 110 ft.
exists between the proposed fence and the property located at 120 Old Barrington Road. The
petitioners spoke to the residents located at 120 Old Barrington Road and noted that they do not
object to the petitioner’s request.
Ms. Landeck stated that they would like to use the existing barn and paddock area for their
horses. She explained that there are existing trees located on the property that cannot be removed
which contributed to the design of the fence as they plan to utilize the full extent of the property
and the existing contours of the pasture.
It was noted that the applicants submitted a proposal from Wilson’s Fencing Service, Inc. Paul
Wilson of Wilson’s Fencing Service, Inc. was in attendance and available for questions.
Kristi Lutz, 112 Cherry Hill Road, addressed the Board and explained that she has issue with the
180 ft. distance of the proposed fence from their dwelling. She explained that the distance
between her house and the proposed fence does not meet the requirements of Village Zoning
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Regulations and that the regulations were written to protect neighboring properties from pastures
being located too close to adjacent dwellings. Ms. Lutz suggested that the petitioners move the
proposed fence toward their house.
It was noted that Ms. Lutz did not have an issue with the height of the proposed fence.
Trustee Boland stated that the 20 ft. difference (between the proposed fence and the property
located at 112 Cherry Hill Road) was not a major issue and considered it a minimal variation.
Trustee Boland suggested that the Board approve the variation request.
Trustee Pais stated that the petitioners could revise their plans and move the proposed fence
inward 20 ft. toward their house and still have adequate room for the horses.
Trustee Boland replied that the location of the petitioner’s septic system limits the area for a
pasture and horses.
Ms. Landeck noted that they would like to use the entire western portion of the property for the
pasture. Trees as well as the location of the septic system limits the use of land needed for a
Mr. Pease explained that they recently cleared a great deal of buckthorn on the west side of their
property near the existing wire fence which currently makes their property more visible to the
President Pino noted that Village is an equestrian community.
Ms. Lutz stated that there have not been horses on the property located at 112 Old Barrington
Road for approximately 15 years.
There was discussion among the Board about the number of horses allowed per acreage.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve ZR-10-4-4(E); seconded by Trustee Smith.
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
Trustees Boland, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Pais
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the motion approved.
Steve Lutz, 112 Cherry Hill Road, addressed the Board and asked who would measure the
distance of 180 ft. from his dwelling.
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President Pino advised Mr. Lutz to contact the Village Building and Zoning Officer.
Mr. Pease and Ms. Landeck stated that the proposed fence would be 54 to 56 inches in height
and made of wood.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve ZR-10-11-2(B); seconded by Trustee Weiner.
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
Trustees Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the motion approved.
President Pino noted for the record that the request for zoning variation ZR-10-11-2(C) was
withdrawn from petitioners’ proposal at their request. The petitioners proposed to construct a
three board oak fence 54 to 56 inches in height around the proposed perimeter of the property.
Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite recommended that the Board approve an Ordinance granting
the zoning variations ZR-10-4-4(E) and ZR-10-11-2(B) and deleting ZR-10-11-2(C).
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve Ordinance #1243 granting the approval of zoning
variations ZR-10-4-4(E) and ZR-10-11-2(B) and deleting ZR-10-11-2(C) from the zoning
variation request for the property located at 112 Old Barrington Road; seconded by Trustee
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
Trustees Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the Ordinance adopted.
VIII. ADMINISTRATION – President Albert R. Pino
Consideration of additional billing – Oxford Road Pavement Removal (first phase)
President Pino explained that the contractor, Rose Farm Paving, encountered unforeseen site
conditions regarding the pavement thickness. The Village’s engineer anticipated 6-inch
pavement thickness and Rose Farm Paving stated that they encountered 12-inch thickness which
caused additional truckloads for pavement removal. Village Engineer John Tierney, Baxter &
Woodman, Inc. reviewed the invoice submitted by Rose Farm Paving and suggested that that
additional loads were most likely necessary however; not as many as they invoiced. Mr. Tierney
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recommended that the Village compensate Rose Farm Paving for the amount of $4,573.61 (of
the $8,409.00 invoiced).
There was brief discussion among the Board.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve the amount of $4,573.61 for additional compensation
to Rose Farm Paving related to the pavement removal on Oxford Road between Glen Circle
Drive and Brookside Road; seconded by Trustee Weiner.
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
President Pino, Trustees Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the motion approved.
Consideration to award bid – Oxford Road Infrastructure Removal (second phase)
President Pino stated that the second phase of the Oxford Road project requires the removal of
two culverts. Bids were opened at the Village on 9/16/13 and only one bid was received from
Copenhaver, Inc. in the amount of $75,515.00. It was noted that the Village Engineer, Baxter &
Woodman, Inc., sent requests for bids out to all of the known contractors and that the bid
received was below the engineers cost estimate. President Pino stated that Copenhaver, Inc. is a
qualified excavation company.
Village Clerk Kathy Nelander stated that funds for the project would be taken out of the funds
received from the County for the Miller Road project.
Trustee Boland recommended that the Board proceed with the project.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve the award of contract to Copenhaver Construction,
Inc. in the amount of $76,515.00 for the Oxford Road project (second phase); seconded by
Trustee Weiner.
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
President Pino, Trustees Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the motion approved.
Resurfacing Village Hall Parking Lot
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President Pino withdrew the matter from the agenda.
Consideration to accept proposal for Material Testing Services – 2013 Road Program
President Pino explained that material testing for the 2013 Road Program is required. Village
Engineer Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. obtained proposals for the testing and recommended
that Soil & Material Consultants, Inc. be awarded the contract in the amount of $2,843.00.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve the award of contract to Soil and Material
Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $2,843.00 for the material testing for the Village’s 2013 Road
Maintenance Program; seconded by Trustee Smith.
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
President Pino, Trustees Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the motion approved.
Nancy Schumm, Schumm Consulting, LLC
Flint Creek Restoration – Log Jam Removal
Nancy Schumm, Schumm Consulting, LLC addressed the Board. Nancy explained that there is a
log jam in the creek which may affect the restoration work and recommended that the Village
remove the logs. She submitted a proposal in the amount of $1,500.00 from Bob’s Landscaping
to remove the logs. The cost would qualify as a match under the grant received for the Flint
Creek Restoration project. It was noted that the logs will be chopped and burned on site.
Trustee Pais noted that the logs are on private property and is concerned about setting a
precedence clearing debris on private property. Trustee Pais stated the issue came up during the
Plan Commission meeting.
There was discussion among the Board and Ms. Schumm about the Village setting a precedence
by performing work on private property. President Pino and Ms. Schumm noted that the logs
may compromise the restoration work previously performed on the creek.
Motion: Trustee Pais moved to approve the amount of $1,500.00 to Bob’s Landscaping for
clean–up work (log jam & debris removal) on Flint Creek; seconded by Trustee Boland.
Discussion: There was some discussion.
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Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes:
President Pino, Trustees Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Trustee Andrew
President Pino declared the motion approved.
Ms. Schumm stated that the additional work south of the property located at 257 Kimberly
(Herrmann) as well as the downstream modification (Kalinowski’s property) was completed and
approved by the Stormwater Management Commission (SMC). She noted that SMC would be
reimbursing the Village with a check in the amount of $10,000 for the restoration project.
Ms. Schumm explained that the boundary survey was completed regarding the proposed pathway
to Eton Park. There are plans to have the pathway mowed in order to identify Village boundaries.
The mowing would additionally allow the residents to see the extent of the path. Ms. Schumm
noted that she has informed the Parks Commission.
Volunteers Needed: Village Treasurer, Environmental & Health Commission (4), Parks
Commission (1), Plan Commission (3)
President Pino explained that the Village is seeking volunteers to fill the vacant positions on the
Environmental & Health Commission, the Parks Commission, and the Plan Commission. The
Village is also in need of a Village Treasurer. President Pino noted that should no one volunteer
for the treasurer position, the Village may have to create a paid position.
Update – Bridge/Driveway Construction 443, 444, 446 Signal Hill Road
Village Engineer Al Stefan, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. addressed the Board to provide an update.
He explained that the owners continue to work thru the permitting process which includes
working with a number of agencies including the Army Corps of Engineers. The owners have
decided not to pursue a Special Service Area. They have contacted the Fire Department to work
out specifics and; the utility issues were resolved.
Village Update
President Pino stated that Village requested extra patrol for cut-through traffic in Biltmore &
Oaksbury, as well as Indian Trail Road. Miller Road is scheduled to re-open on October 26th.
President Pino stated that he met with Lake County Officials Craig Taylor and Nick Sauer, Lake
County Stormwater Management Representative Mike Warner, Village Engineer John Tierney,
among others, to discuss regional stormwater issues.
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President Pino stated that he met with Cuba Township Highway Commission Randy Marks and
Cuba Township Supervisor Dave Nelson to discuss the Village Intergovernmental Agreement
(IGA) with the Cuba Township Highway Department. A proposed contract was distributed to the
Board. President Pino asked that the Board review the IGA in order to consider the matter next
President Pino stated that the Village’s Fall Festival will be held Sunday, October 6th from 14pm. He encouraged the Board and residents to attend.
President Pino stated that the Barrington Area Council of Governments (BACOG) will be
holding a Water Quality Testing Event in October. He noted that residents may pick up their test
kits at the Village Hall October 21st - 24th. Test kits are $14.00.
President Pino stated that BACOG will be holding its annual BACOG Member Dinner for
Village and Township Officials on November 1, 2013. He encouraged the Board to attend.
Trustee Boland concurred.
President Pino congratulated Mr. Cifonelli for being appointed as a member of the State Housing
Appeals Board by Governor Quinn. Village Attorney J.W. Braithwaite noted that Mr. Cifonelli’s
appointment to the State Housing Appeals Board is significant to the Village and BACOG.
Trustee Jackie Andrew
Trustee Andrew was absent.
Trustee Pete Boland
Trustee Boland had no report.
Trustee Martin Pais
Trustee Pais reported that the Plan Commission continues to work on revisions to the Village’s
Comprehensive Plan.
Trustee Todd Smith
Trustee Smith reported that there is an upcoming Lake County educational seminar which will
discuss stormwater management/groundwater issues. Details to be provided. He also noted the
importance of residents testing their well water via the BACOG Water Quality Testing Event in
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Trustee Lawrence Weiner
Trustee Weiner had nothing to report.
There was no closed session.
There was no old business to discuss.
There was no new business to discuss.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Weiner moved to adjourn the
meeting; seconded by Trustee Smith. The voice vote was unanimous in favor.
At 9:04 p.m. President Pino declared the meeting adjourned.
These Minutes were approved by the Board at a meeting held October 23, 2013.
Kris Lennon, Deputy Village Clerk