Medieval Class Choice Board

Medieval Class Choice Board
Please choose one of the activities listed under your class to
complete for homework tonight
- You have just been crowned king/queen. Write a speech (at
least two paragraphs) to give to your people describing how
you will fulfill your duties as monarch and what your hopes
are for the future.
- Create a comic strip about a day-in-your-life. The comic strip
should have six panels and at least a one-sentence caption for
each panel.
- Though you started out as a weak monarch, you have become
stronger over time. Write a song (or poem) describing the
difference between who you were then and who you are now
and what you did to become strong.
- The new monarch is thinking about giving you a fief (land).
Write a persuasive speech (at least two paragraphs) trying to
convince the monarch that you should be given this land. Be
sure to describe how you will fulfill your duties and
demonstrate your loyalty to the king/queen.
- Create a comic strip about a day-in-your-life. The comic strip
should have six panels and at least a one-sentence caption for
each panel.
- You have recently returned from a trip to France, and heard
some beautiful love songs written by troubadours about the
person they loved. Write a love song to your spouse about
what you like about the way he or she dresses, what he or she
enjoys doing in their free time, and what you love about your
life together.
- After years of hard training, you are about to be knighted.
Write a speech (at least two paragraphs) that you will give
after the ceremony describing how you will fulfill the code of
- Create a comic strip about a day-in-your life. The comic strip
should have six panels and at least a one-sentence caption for
each panel.
- Your mentor, an older knight, has recently died. Write a song
about his life, describing why he was a good knight and how
he fulfilled the code of chivalry.
- After years of hard work, you are sick of not getting anything
more than the promise of protection from your lord. Write a
speech (at least two paragraphs) persuading the lord to give
you some money. Focus on why you are so important to the
- Create a comic strip about a day-in-your life. The comic strip
should have six panels and at least a one-sentence caption for
each panel.
- It is the end of April and May Day, May 1, is approaching.
Traditionally this is a day when peasants do not have to work
and, instead, go to a festival celebrating the arrival of spring.
Write a song contrasting your life this past winter with your
life in the now spring and coming summer.