Chapter 10: Genes and Chromosomes

Chapter 10: Genes and Chromosomes
Section 2: Mutations
A change in the genetic material of a cell is known as a _____________________
Not all mutations are harmful
Many mutations either have no effect or cause slight, harmless changes
Once in awhile a mutation may be ________________________________ to an
Mutations may occur in any cell
Mutations that affect the ____________________________________________,
or germ cells, are called ____________________________________________
Mutations that affect the other cells of the body are called ___________________
Because they do not affect the reproductive cells, somatic mutations are
Many ____________________________ are caused by somatic mutations
Both somatic and germ mutations can occur at two levels – the level of
___________________________________ and the level of _________________
Chromosomal mutations involve segments of chromosomes, whole
chromosomes, and even entire sets of chromosomes
Gene mutation involve individual genes
Chromosomal Mutations
Whenever a _____________________________________________________
occurs, there is a change in the number or structure of chromosomes
There are four types of chromosomal mutations
o ____________________________________
o ____________________________________
o ____________________________________
o ____________________________________
A deletion involves the ________________ of part of a chromosome
The opposite of a deletion is a duplication, in which a segment of a chromosome
is __________________________
When part of a chromosome becomes oriented in the _______________________
of its usual direction, the result is an inversion
A translocation occurs when part of one chromosome ______________________
and attaches to another, nonhomologous chromosome
In most cases, nonhomologous chromosomes exchange segments, so that two
translocations occur at the same time
Chromosomal Mutations
Chromosomal mutations that involve whole chromosomes or complete sets of
chromosomes result from a process known as _____________________________
Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate normally
during meiosis
When one extra chromosome is involved, nondisjunction results in an
___________________________________ of a chromosome in one cell and a
___________________ of that chromosome in another cell
Nondisjunction can involve more than one chromosome
o _____________________________
o _____________________________
Almost always _____________________ in animals
However, polyploid plants are often larger and hardier than
normal plants
Mutations in Genes
Mutations can occur in individual genes and can seriously affect gene function
Any chemical change that affects the DNA molecule has the potential to produce
The smallest changes, known as _______________________________________,
affect no more than a single nucleotide
However, if a single base is inserted or deleted, the groupings are shifted for every
codon following the point mutation
Such _____________________________________________ can completely
change the polypeptide product produced by a gene