Humanities 2 -- Timeline of Important Events

Western Civ 1 -- Timeline of Important Events
3100 BCE
2700 BCE
2350 BCE
1500 BCE
1482 BCE
1207 BCE
1200 BCE
1175 BCE
980 BCE
934 BCE
720 BCE
622 BCE
586 BCE
539 BCE
515 BCE
509 BCE
490 BCE
399 BCE
387 BCE
331 BCE
166-160 BCE
44 BCE
27 BCE-14 CE
6 CE
35-36 CE
50s-120s CE
70 CE
313 CE
325 CE
381 CE
476 CE
527-565 CE
570-632 CE
622 CE
710 CE
768-814 CE
800 CE
1066 CE
1095 CE
1215 CE
The rise of Sumer. First evidences of writing. Narmer unites Egypt.
Gilgamesh reigns in Uruk
Sargon of Akkad creates Akkadian Empire
Rise of Mycenaeans
Thutmose III defeats Canaanites in Battle of Megiddo
Merneptah composes Merneptah Stela (first mention of Israel)
Trojan War
Philistines settle in Gaza Strip
Solomon builds Temple in Jerusalem
Israel and Judah split into two kingdoms
Assyrians conquer northern kingdom of Israel
Josiah of Judah begins religious reforms
Babylonians conquer southern kingdom of Judah
Cyrus the Great conquers Babylon, frees Jewish exiles
Second Temple built in Jerusalem
Founding of the Roman Republic
Athenians win Battle of Marathon against the Persians
Trial and execution of Socrates
Plato founds Academy in Athens
Alexander defeats Persians at Battle of Gaugamela
Maccabean Revolt against Seleucids
Assassination of Julius Caesar
Reign of Augustus Caesar
Birth of Jesus (not certain; alternate dates are 6 or 2 BCE)
Ministry of Jesus (death in 36)
Earliest Christian writings, including the New Testament
Romans destroy Jerusalem and its Temple
Edict of Milan. Christianity made legal under reign of Constantine (306-337)
Council of Nicea
Christianity made official religion of the empire. Council of Constantinople.
Last emperor in Rome deposed.
Reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian. (reconquers Italy 535-554)
Life of Muhammad
Date of the Hijra (Flight to Medina)
Muslims invade Spain
Reign of Charlemagne
Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor
William the Conqueror wins Battle of Hastings
First Crusade begins
John of England signs Magna Carta
Know the following places:
Aachen (Aix)
Constantinople (Byzantium)
Mediterranean Sea
Black Sea
Red Sea
Aegean Sea
Tigris River
Euphrates River
Nile River
Jordan River