Molecular NYC Molecular NYC Research Overview Fall Urban


Molecular NYC

Molecular NYC Research Overview


Urban Ecology 

Inwood Hill Park Ecosystem Study 

 CREATE Method for reading primary literature 

 DNA Extraction 

 Fall Final Report 


Introduction to Molecular Ecology 

DNA Barcoding

Fall Semester Syllabus - Field Ecology

The goal of the fall semester is to introduce students to the ecology of New York City through a study of Inwood Hill Park, as well as research methods used in the field for studying ecosystems. In addition, students will learn the CREATE method for reading scientific papers and write a final report on their Fall Semester work.

Topic Essential Question Learning Activities Assignments

1. Introduction to Urban


Why are urban ecosystems important and how can we study them?

Manahatta Project


Manahatta Ted Talk Notes

Reading/Discussion on Urban Ecosystems

2. Inwood Hill Park Ecosystem


How can we learn about urban ecology and field research at Inwood Hill Park?

3. CREATE Method How can we find, read and understand scientific articles?

GPS coordinates/mapping

- Soil pH, texture, moisture, nutrients

Water Quality - DO, nutrients, pH

Collecting and preserving samples of invertebrates and plants

Identifying species using dichotomous keys and field guides

track traps for small mammals

reading articles

finding journal articles

citing articles

Field Notebook for all 4 days at Inwood Hill


Soil Analysis

Water Quality Analysis

Species Identification

Species Preservation

CREATE Notebook for 2 articles (New York

City biodiversity and article of choice)

4. DNA Extraction

5. Final Report

How can we extract DNA from our samples?

How can we combine everything we have learned this fall into a final paper?

dirty prep DNA extraction

lab report write up/ scientific method

Lab notebook with 2 DNA Extraction protocols

Lab report

background paper on urban ecology, Inwood Hill - 10 page paper

Park and your species

Methods Section (study site, field methods, DNA extraction)

Results of Soil analysis, water analysis, species identification, DNA extraction

Spring Semester Syllabus – Molecular Ecology

The goal of the spring semester is to introduce students to biotechnology techniques through literature that focuses on ecological questions and molecular lab activities.

Topic Essential Question Learning Activities Assignments

1. Introduction to DNA


2. DNA Barcoding Article

How does DNA barcoding identify a species?

How can DNA barcoding support traditional morphological species identification?

3. Collection, identification and How can individuals of the same species observation of samples vary in a population?

Lecture, Reading, Discussion

CREATE DNA Barcoding Article, Pros and cons of

DNA Barcoding

Identify your specimens, observe your specimens, drawings and descriptions of individuals

Notes and discussion participation

CREATE Notebook, One page Pros and Cons list for DNA Barcoding using evidence from the readings

Sample ID, observations and drawings of individuals with a labeling system

4. Preservation and documentation of samples

How do specimens need to be preserved for use in the lab?

Lecture, sample preservation and documentation

5. Introduction to lab technique

How is the molecular laboratory set up and what is the function of all of the equipment?

6. DNA Extraction of Samples How is DNA extracted from individual specimens?

7. Primer Selection How are primers selected for PCR?

8. Sample PCR

9. Gel Electrophoresis

Lecture, Tour of the lab, making solutions/dilution, pipieting,

Lecture, DNA extraction using Qiagen DNeasy DNA extraction kit

Lecture, primer search

How can sample DNA be amplified using


Lecture, PCR using Qiagen PCR kit

How can we confirm if PCR was successful Lecture, Pour an agarose gel, prepare sample for using gel electrophoresis? gel electrophoresis, load gel, run gel, stain/destain gel, visualize gel (take picture) analyze gel

10. DNA Sequencing

11. Proposal



12. DNA Barcode Analysis

How are DNA samples sequenced? Lecture on DNA sequencing, field trip to sequencing lab, computer simulation

Search google scholar for primary literature on How can we ask a new research question using DNA barcoding techniques? DNA barcoding, Find 5 articles, print articles,

CREATE articles, develop new research question

How are samples related to one another and the BOLD database?

Lecture on bioinformatics, Compare DNA samples from sequencing to the Barcode of Life Database

(BOLD), interpret your results

Write a full report including background, methods, results and conclusions for one of your sample organisms.

Course Themes/Goals

Research Literacy

Locate printed and online articles from the professional scientific literature

Read and interpret data in the professional scientific literature

Write a review of scientific literature in the area of interest

Critically assess relevance and procedures of primary research

Experimental Design

Develop a research plan in the area of interest

Identify and develop testable hypotheses

Understand the significance of relevant variables, controls, materials, and overall experimental design

Explain and perform analytical procedures in the area of interest

Data Collection/Analysis

Apply appropriate laboratory techniques to data collection in the area of interest

Summarize and present data in an appropriate format using statistical software such as Excel

Interpret and evaluate data as supporting or refuting the hypothesis proposed

Maintain organized lab/field notebook

Sharing Results

Write, present and publicly defend a research proposal

Summarize key points of research concisely and clearly using PowerPoint software

Prepare a research poster to be displayed in a public presentation

Write a final research proposal/report

Relevance and Impact of Research

Connect primary research to everyday problem solving

Evaluate the ethical implications of research and acknowledge limitations of research

View problems using a whole system approach that incorporates various fields of inquiry

Apply critical thinking skills outside of the classroom.
