capture sheet

Name__________________________________________Period_______Due Date_____
Middle Age Stations
1. Complete the activities at each station.
2. Use specific information from the text and/or details from your
observations. Neatness, grammar, spelling and punctuation are important.
Hint: Remember to read the questions to be answered at each station before you start
the activity….that way you know what you are looking for.
Station A: The Fall of Rome – 476 A.D. (C.E.)
1. Examine the picture: “Map: Roman Empire” and read Section A of
“The Fall of the Roman Empire” to understand how large it was.
2. Examine the picture: “Huns at a Feast” and read Section B.
a. What did the Romans call the people that invaded their empire along the eastern
and western borders?__________________________
b. What was the name of the famous Hun leader?_____________________________
c. What three problems did the Romans have which lead to the fall of their empire.
d. In what year did the Western Roman Empire collapse?___________________
e. What happened to the eastern part of the Roman Empire?
Station B: Feudal Europe - 476-1400 A.D. (CE)
Put the “Triangle of Feudalism” together.
1. What are the 6 classes of feudal society?
2. Which section of society had the greatest population?__________________________
3. Now, take turns and read about each of the feudal classes. As one person in the group
reads, the others listen and:
Identify the role of each member of feudal society. (or, what each person does)
Nobles: _____________________________________________________________
Clergy: _____________________________________________________________
Knights: _____________________________________________________________
4. Based on what you read, is feudalism a simple or complex political system? Write
feudalism under the “simple to complex” symbol where you think it belongs.
Station C: Siege Warfare (or attacking a castle) .
Watch “Castle” by David MacCauley and answer the following questions.
1. Describe four strategies used to attack a castle.
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
2. Identify three strategies used to defend a castle.
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
Station D: Cathedrals
Examine the slides and read the corresponding placards. Name and describe six
characteristics of a Gothic cathedral.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
Station E: Gregorian Chants.
Listen to the tape and examine the picture.
1. Look at the tape’s cover and identify the singing group.
2. Suggest five adjectives to describe the music.
__________ __________ ______________ _______________
3. Who were monks? List 3 things you think they did with their time.
Station F: The Byzantine Empire – 726-1095 A.D. (C.E.)
Examine the picture: “Trade Routes to Constantinople” and read Section A.
1. Constantinople was the capital of ______________________________________
2. Who overthrew the Western Roman Empire in 476 ?___________________________
3. Constantinople was an ideal port for trade. What were the 3 areas that utilized
Constantinople as a center of trade ? a._________________________________
4. How did the Byzantine Empire become so wealthy?__________________________
5. Based on what you read, was the Byzantine Empire a simple or complex political
system? Write Byzantine Empire under the “simple to complex” symbol where you
think it belongs.
Read Section B and examine the overhead: “Hagia Sophia”.
6. a. Originally, the Hagia Sophia was a ________________.
b. Later, when Constantinople fell to the Muslims, it became a _____________.
c. Today, it is a _________________.
Station G: Facts about Islam
Read “Facts about Islam” and examine the artifacts.
1. Who is the prophet of Islam?_____________________________________________
2. What does Islam mean?_________________________________________________
3. What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
e. ________________________________________________________________
4. What is the holy book of the Muslims?____________________
5. How many Muslims are there in the world today?____________
Station H: The Mongol Empire – 1200-1447 A.D. (C.E.)
1. Read Section A of “The Mongols” and examine the map: “Mongol Empire,
1200-1294 “. Use the map scale and a ruler to estimate the east-west extent of the
entire Mongol Empire.
2. Turn to pages 52 and 68 of the atlas and examine the maps of Europe and Asia.
List 5 modern countries included in the Mongol Empire.
________________ _______________ ________________
________________ _______________
Read Section B of “The Mongols” and examine the picture of Genghis Khan.
3. Who was Genghis Kahn?
4. What does “Genghis Khan” mean? ________________________________________
5. Identify two reasons why Genghis Khan was such a strong leader.
6. True or False. Many religions existed in the Mongol Empire.
7. True or False. The Mongol rule promoted trade.
Station I: The Islamic Empire – 635-750 A.D. (CE)
A. Examine the size of the Islamic Empire and the trade routes. Then, read the
information page about the Islamic empire and answer the following questions:
1. What cultural achievements were significant?
__________________________________ ________________________________
2. What beliefs and values were important?
3. How did the political system support trade?
B. Examine the alphabet poster and write your own name in Arabic letters.
C. Based on what you read, did the Islamic Empire have a simple or complex political
system? Write Islamic Empire under the “simple to complex” political system symbol
where you think it belongs.
Station J: The Magna Carta – 1215 A.D. (C.E.)
Examine the picture: “Barons Presenting Magna Carta to King John” and read
the article.
1. What is the literal translation of the Magna Carta?_____________________
2. What is the Magna Carta?________________________________________
3. Who signed the Magna Carta?______________________________________
4. In what year was it signed?________________________________________
Station K: The Crusades 1095-1291 A.D. (C.E.) The Atlas of the Medieval World
Pages 28 and 29
Read the section titled (in large letters) “The Crusades”.
1. What were the Crusades?________________________________________________
2. When did the Crusades take place?________________________________________
3. Skim the rest of the pages. Based on this information, generate a question that might
be used on a test about the Crusades. Then, write the answer.
Station L: “Life and Times in the Year 999”
The Washington Post 5/12/99
1. Skim the subtopic, “Life Span”. What was the life expectancy in the Middle
2. Skim the subtopic, “Marriage Vows”. In the year 999, at what age did a person
become a legal adult?_____
3. Skim the subtopic, “Personal Hygiene”. What were the only colors peasants were
allowed to wear?___________________________________________________
4. Skim the subtopic, “Church and State”. What was the most influential force in Europe
in the year 999._____________________Why?______________________________
5. Skim the subtopic, ”Elsewhere: The Vikings”. The Vikings (pirates) were from
6. Skim the subtopic, “the Byzantine Empire”. What was the capital of the Byzantine
Empire ?__________________.
Station M: Making Wool
Watch the video and examine the artifacts to learn about making wool.
1. Indicate two problems shepherds face when caring for their sheep.
2. How long did it take a medieval shearer to shear a sheep?
3. Feel and smell the wool (a moment in a peasant’s life). Decide on three adjectives
that best describes the wool. No slang please.
Station N: Medieval Food
Read “Medieval Food” and examine the pictures on the back.
1. During the Middle Ages, poor people mostly ate______________________________.
2. Drinking water was often unclean and considered unsafe to drink. Instead, the poor
3. While not a spice, ____________was so important that when serving a meal, it was
considered a privilege to sit close to it at the dinner table.
Read “Medieval spices” and smell the samples.
1. Name 5 spices that were used by the nobility during the Middle Ages.
2. Name 2 places from where these spices came from.
3. What was the name of the guild that to some extent controlled the availability and
prices of the spices.__________________________________________________