TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING - LEVEL IV NON-ACUTE CARE SETTING CLINICAL ROTATION OBJECTIVES DOCUMENT ON WEEKLY EVALUATION (Not on e-course) FIRST WEEKLY EVALUATION - Document the philosophy, mission and/or goals of the clinical site under Section 2. C. SECOND WEEKLY EVALUATION - Identify three National Patient Safety Goals and discuss how the facility complies with the goal. THIRD WEEKLY EVALUATION - Identify the project that was completed for this preceptor under Section 2.C. ****ALL OTHER DOCUMENTATION FOR THE NON-ACUTE SITE IS POSTED ON ECOURSES **** POST FIRST WEEK OF CLINICAL ROTATION BY MIDNIGHT SUNDAY INTRODUCTION THREAD - Identify the name of clinical site on the introduction thread. Briefly discuss the geographic location, population served and scope of service. Describe the organization’s target population(s). Discuss a typical day of the preceptor at this clinical site. POST SECOND WEEK OF CLINICAL ROTATION BY MIDNIGHT SUNDAY ETHICAL DILEMMA THREAD - Copy and paste the assigned dilemma on the ethical dilemma thread so that clinical group will know which ethical dilemma is being discussed. The ethical dilemma is the number by the non-acute clinical site under the clinical group assignments. Analyze your assigned ethical dilemma by identifying a minimum of five (5) possible choices that could be made by the RN for this dilemma. For all choices, analyze and justify each choice using ethical principles (i.e. veracity, autonomy). The student must identify, discuss, analyze and justify at least five (5) ethical principles from the RN’s viewpoint. The principles cannot be used twice. Finally, identify which choice you would select and why. POST SECOND WEEK OF CLINICAL ROTATION BY MIDNIGHT SUNDAY CLINICAL OBJECTIVE THREAD - Answer the objectives for the assigned clinical site on the objective thread. The objectives must address and contain accurate and sufficient information along with evidence of critical thinking and research. Participation and interaction with clinical group members is evidenced by pertinent questions, comments, and clarification of objectives. There will be an e-course quiz over these objectives at the end of the semester. Be sure to read your peer's objectives. You are responsible for this information. SCHOOL NURSE A 1. Define primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing care services provided by the school nurse. 2. Discuss what parameters must be met for the school nurse to send a child home from school. Explain the policy and procedure for notifying parents if child must go home. Cite what happens if the nurse is unable to notify parents to come and collect their child. Discuss how the school nurse keeps in contact with the parents concerning their child’s health status. 3. Describe the policy and procedure in dispensing medication to students. Identify the person(s) to whom the school nurse may delegate the dispensing of medication. Discuss Texas Board of Nursing Rule 15.13 – Role of the School Nurse to discuss how school nurses can delegate medications to unlicensed personnel. 4. Describe the role of the school nurse for identifying and reporting suspected cases of child abuse, peer abuse, bullying, and sexual harassment 5. Identify Erikson’s stages of growth and development with specific examples and how the preceptor implements interventions on growth and development needs. SCHOOL NURSE B 1. Discuss the role of the school nurse when caring for the school faculty and support staff. Identify nursing activities that the school nurse does for the faculty and staff. 2. Identify required health care screening for school children as mandated by the Texas Department of State Health Services and the referral process for each health care screening (review vision/hearing, spinal screening booklets and must take your certification cards to clinical). 3. Describe the policy and procedure when caring for children with physical and mental disabilities such as tube feedings, Foley catheter insertions, or tracheostomy care. Explain the rights of a physically challenged child in the public school system according to the American Disability Act. 4. Describe the role of the school nurse when disasters occur including fire, tornado, bioterrorism, or contagious illness. Explain how parents are notified and children are safely sent home. 5. Identify Erikson’s stages of growth and development with specific examples and how the preceptor implements interventions on growth and development needs. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE SITES NURSE PRACTITIONER OFFICE, COMMUNITY CLINIC, DIABETES EDUCATOR, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 1. Describe the population within the wellness-illness continuum of care that the facility serves. Briefly review the services the client can expect to receive at this facility. 2. Define the scope of practice for the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) and describe how it differs from the RN. Discuss Texas Nursing Practice Act Sec 301.152 – Rules Regarding Specialized Training; Advanced Practice Nurses (APN’s) or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). 3. Compare and contrast the roles and educational preparation of APN/APRN and a Physician Assistant (PA). 4. Describe the nurse's role and responsibility regarding medications management referencing the nursing process and NPA 217.11. 5. Describe the impact of Health Care Reform on this facility. What impact does the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have on current practice? LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY 1. Observe, describe and discuss the minimum data set (MDS). 2. Identify Medicare/Medicaid/private pay requirements in long-term care facility. 3. Describe the role of the primary health care provider (nurse practitioner, physician, physician assistant) in care for the client in a long-term care facility. 4. Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of the corporation on the management of the long-term facility. Discuss the role of the Ombudsman program in the long term care facility. 5. Discuss the procedure for identifying and reporting suspected cases of elderly abuse. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSE/EMPLOYEE HEALTH 1. Compare and contrast the scope of practice between a hospital staff nurse and a nurse in this setting. 2. Define case management. Describe the pros and cons of case management on client care. 3. Describe the process of dealing with a suspected employee substance situation. Discuss the EHN's role in the process. 4. Describe the protocols regarding medication dispensing to the preceptor's clients. 5. Discuss workman’s compensation including the legal issues, health care issues, and impact on the client and the employer. EMERGENCY CLINIC 1. Describe the application of the nursing process as demonstrated by the staff nurses in the acute emergency facility. 2. Discuss the application of growth and development and cultural activities when performing nursing in a public domain. 3. Discuss principles of triage in an acute emergency facility. 4. Discuss the collaborative roles of the nurse within an acute emergency facility. 5. Discuss the procedure for transferring a client to an off-site inpatient facility. TEXAS HEALTH RESOURCES BREAST IMAGING CENTER AND BARIATRIC CENTER 1. Compare and Contrast roles and responsibilities of the hospital staff nurse and the preceptor. 2. Describe the population within the wellness-illness continuum of care and services received at this clinical site. Identify this population’s Erikson’s Stages of Growth and Development. Provide specific examples of the interventions implemented by the preceptor. 3. Provide examples with explanations of how the preceptor functions within the NPA. 4. Describe the protocols or policies/procedures utilized by this clinical site. 5. Identify teaching/learning goals for this site. Explain how the preceptor meets these goals. POST THIRD WEEK OF CLINICAL ROTATION BY MIDNIGHT SUNDAY Discuss the following objectives. The objectives must address and contain accurate and sufficient information along with evidence of critical thinking and research. Participation and interaction with clinical group members is evidenced by pertinent questions, comments, and clarification of objectives. STANDARDS/RULES/REGULATORY AUTHORITIES- Identify and discuss rules/licensing organizations/accreditations, local, state, federal, and corporate regulations that affect the organization you were assigned. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION THREAD - Identify and discuss the professional nursing organizations that are specific to this practice setting. Even if the preceptor does not belong to the organization(s), discuss the organization. LEADERSHIP THREAD - Identify assigned preceptor leadership style and personality color with specific examples. Identify and explain the role and position of the informal leader including the personality color. Use first names only. MOMENT OF EXCELLENCE THREAD Identify an instance where you made a difference in the client's nursing care or the sites delivery of care. N:Spring/RNSG 2562 Non-Acute Care Clinical Objectives Revised11/13