
Title: It's a small worm after all - Shell - from YouTube
Duration: 1:35 minutes
It's a small worm after all - Shell - from YouTube Film Transcript
[Video footage]
Man sitting at a desk in a lab classroom, surrounded by test tubes, models, diagrams.
“Do you like science? I do. Want to save the world? Cool, me too."
[Video footage]
Man gets up from desk and walks towards camera. Picks up a photo of a man and sticks it to the
“How, you ask? Well, we need more people like this handsome fellow. Sidney Brenner. The guy loved
worms. That’s right, worms.”
[Video footage]
Man walks through classroom, talking to camera. A whiteboard wheels in behind him with a picture of
a worm on it. The man pushes the whiteboard out of shot.
“He said to science, hey, science, these worms are great, they’re so simple. Let’s use them to study
genetics and stuff. And science said, okay, and boy did that set off a chain of events.”
[Video footage]
Man lying on the floor next to a set of dominoes standing on end. Man almost pushes the first domino
to set off the chain reaction but instead pushes them all over at once.
“All sorts of advances have been made in all areas of biology all over the world. And then came the
coffee catastrophe.”
[Video footage]
Man gets up and walks back to desk. Opens the desk drawer and gets a mug of coffee out.
“Coffee everywhere was being destroyed by a new disease called coffee rust, so science was like, guys,
let’s use what we’ve learned about genetics to fix this, and they are. They’re putting new genes into
coffee to create stronger, more disease-resistant strains. It’s called transgenics. And now coffee will
[Video footage]
Man takes a sip and puts mug on desk.
[Video footage]
Man sweeps mug off desk. Man walks towards camera. Stops next to picture of Brenner and points at
“More coffee means more coffee grounds and that could mean saving the world because a bright mind
has figured out a way to turn coffee waste into biofuel and biofuel is the way of the future. It could
mean no energy crisis, no climate change, no destroying the world, all because a guy loved worms.”
[Background music]
Fast piano solo.
[Video footage]
Man writing on whiteboard: Brenner; worms; transgenics; coffee; biofuel, future. Underlines future.
“Brenner, worms, transgenics, coffee, biofuel, future.”
[Video footage]
Man turns around and talks to camera. Drops pen and walks out of room.
“Why? Because science. So what are you going to do?”
[Text displays]
What if your idea could change the world?
Riff plays
Shell logo
[Text displays]
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