Page 1 CLASSES OF ROCKS VOLCANIC SEDIMENTARY METAMORPHIC REGIONAL METAMORPHIC GRANITE DIORITE GABBRO CLASTIC BIO GENE CHEMICAL LOW GRADE GRADE RATING MEDIUM HIGH GRADE CONTACT METAMORPHIC Page 2 Igneous rocks These rock types are derived from the solidification of molten earth material (magma), which may occur below the Earth's surface (intrusive igneous rocks) or on the Earth’s surface (extrusive igneous rocks). The different methods of cooling, lead to the formation of rocks with different structures that allow them to be distinguished easily. Page 3 An intrusive igneous rock is characterised by its lucid structure with evident presence of wellformed crystals juxtaposed next to each other. Felsic rocks are enriched in the lighter elements-the minerals are usually light in colour, as in granite. Most mafic minerals are dark in colour. Common mafic rocks include basalt and gabbro. Page 4 Metamorphic rocks Different types of rocks, subjected to temperature and pressure changes within the Earth's crust, are subject to the phenomenon of metamorphism. ** Metamorphism consists in the reorganization of existing minerals and / or the formation of new minerals, more stable to the new conditions of temperature and pressure, without changing its form.** **(I may have misunderstood the Italian, but the last few words are incorrect as metamorphism means “change in form”)** Page 5 How to recognize a metamorphic rock. Schist is characteristically foliated, meaning the individual mineral grains split off easily into flakes or slabs and is a rock that has undergone a low-grade metamorphism. Another example is **FILLADE** (** Couldn’t find the English word for this rock**) The minerals of Gneissic rocks are arranged in compact, alternate light and dark bands, (AS IN GNEISS) where high-grade metamorphic processes form the rock. Page 6 Sedimentary rocks These rocks are derived from the processes of physical and chemical erosion suffered by all types of rocks present on the Earth’s surface. The products of erosion, undergoing the processes of transport and sedimentation, may give rise to various types of sedimentary rocks. The structures and characteristics vary widely. Page 7 Granite (leucograniti, monzograniti, fine-grained granite On the archipelago of La Maddalena, granite cliffs emerge all over the island, giving it dominant morphological characteristics. This is the monzograniti eterogranulari rosati (to mean large grain, of whitish colour (leucocratic), inside of which there is often fine grain (micrograniti) to medium grain, characteristic of most leucocratic. The granites generally represent radically different compositions and fractures, which are emphasized and highlighted in a variety of ways, often typical of one or another granite. From deep dissected rugged cliffs, to irregular reliefs with deposits of great emerging blocks and morphology characterised by a less deep dissection with extended and sometimes powerful covers of material derived from the alteration of the granites. The ground that is found generally has a light sandy colour that dominates and reflects the mineralogical composition of the rock source. The natural distribution of coarse-grained granite is locally interrupted by the presence of thickening biotitic and pegmatite. First they are local ferromagnesian mineral concentrations that sometimes vanish into the granite mass and it is not always possible to define the limits, while they sometimes have the appearance of the included granite. Forms and dimensions are variable: from centimetres to metres, and lenticular to spherical. The pegmatite is coarsely crystalline granite or other high-silica rock. The mineralogical constituents are characteristic of granite (quartz, orthoclase, microcline, plagioclase, soda-lime and those regarded as accessories of the granite (tourmaline, zircon, garnets and fluorspar) that sometimes cease to be accessories and become abundant and large. Page 8 Mineral veins The mineral veins that penetrate the granite and metamorphic formations differ in their petrography, residual power and linear development, but are fundamentally united by a general-uniformity. On the basis of their principal constituents, the basic veins varying from quarzodioritica to leucocratic can be generally distinguished. Quartz occurs in hydrothermal veins and owes their origin to the segregation of minerals from aqueous solutions at a temperature below 370 ° c. The mineral is crystal clear and colourless. Aplites (fine-grained acid veins) are diffusely injected both in granites and in metamorphic rock. A fine to granulate pale pink paste with rare ferromagnesian minerals characterizes them. Porforite veins in granite are the most important and impressive manifestations, macroscopically characterized by a reddish-grey colour with phenocrysts of feldspar and magnetite. Lamprophyre veins( spessartiti, camptoniti), although not reaching significant developments are among the most frequent mineral veins. They have a homogenous grey-green colour, with small blackish punctuations due to metallic oxides. Morphologically mineral veins give rise to different forms depending on their composition and strength and of the embedding cliff. The first are predominantly acidic (aplite, granite porforite an intermediate granodioritica composition. and stand in a less emphasized way from the embedding heap granite, which sometimes can not be distinguished easily. The basic mineral veins (lamprophyre) are more widespread and although the usual thickness is sometimes limited, their sharp chromatic contrast with the embedding rock makes them easily recognisable. The chromatic contrast with embedding cliffs are the result of a forced alteration the embedding granite in comparison to those that are cliffs which sometimes introduce an exfoliation characteristic.