Application form here

Upper Division Undergraduate and M.S. Science Students
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
California State University, Los Angeles
California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
The CIRM internship program is a student development program sponsored by the California Institute of
Regenerative Medicine. The long-range goal of the program is increase the number of students who enter
careers in stem cell research, either immediately upon completion of the student’s current degree program or
following additional education. The program will provide 5 internships for each of the two participating
campuses for each of the next 3 academic years.
Undergraduate and MS Programs
For Cal Poly and Cal State LA science students who have
met the requirements stipulated in the application.
A 6 month full-time paid research internship
($2652/month***STIPEND SUBJECT TO TAX) in a stem
cell lab at City of Hope, Caltech, USC, Scripps Institute or
Western University. During the internship, the student
must keep his/her status as a full-time student and
receives unit credit (3 positions available)
M.S. students:
A one year full-time paid research internship ($2652/month
***STIPEND SUBJECT TO TAX) in a stem cell lab at City
of Hope, Caltech, USC, Scripps Institute or Western
University. During the internship, the student must keep
his/her status as a full-time student. The internship
research is considered the student’s thesis research and
the student receives thesis research units. If necessary to
finish the thesis project, research may continue after
completion of the internship, but without support from
CIRM. (2 positions available)
Program will provide experience that should make it
possible for a student either to enter the workforce as a
stem cell research associate or to continue his/her
education in graduate or professional school upon
completion of the degree.
Participants will be chosen by a committee including
faculty from both Cal Poly Pomona and Cal State LA.
Further more detailed information:
Participants: Junior or Senior Undergraduate Students and MS Graduate Students
Deadline for completed application: Applications accepted throughout the year. Cal Poly Pomona
students contact Airan Jansen ( or Dr. Adler-Moore
( CSULA students contact Dr. Sharp [] or
Dr. Nissen [] for more information.
Name: ________________________________________________________
Last, First, Middle initial
Your campus: ____ Pomona ____LA
Applying for: ____ Undergraduate full-time internship (6 continuous months) June 2015-December 2015
____ Undergraduate full-time internship (6 continuous months) January2016-June 2016
____ Undergraduate full-time internship (6 continuous months) March 2016-September 2016
____Graduate full-time internship (12 continuous months) Beginning after June 1, 2015
Anticipated graduation date for Undergraduates: ___B.S. ___B.A
Major:_________________ Minor: ________________
Anticipated starting date for MS degree program for graduate students:______
Anticipated graduation date for current MS students______
Phone: _____________________________
Mailing Address:
Criteria for Evaluation: Overall and science GPA must be a 3.0 or above; personal statement;
letters of recommendation; quality of research statement only if you have had previous research
experience; coursework completed in preparation for internship
All Applicants
Overall Undergraduate GPA: _____
Undergraduate GPA in the sciences: _____
Post-baccalaureate/graduate GPA to date (if applicable): _____
List all educational institutions you have attended since high school, including your current campus.
Name of Institution
Location (City, State, Country)
Dates attended
You must have completed at least three of the courses listed, or their equivalents, with a B or better, prior to
starting your internship. Make sure you Indicate your completion or intended completion date for each course.
Cal Poly Pomona
Course taken/to be taken
Qrtr/yr taken/to be taken
BIO 465/465L Stem Cell Biology or BIO 565/565L Animal
Tissue Culture
BIO310 Molecular and Cell Biology
BIO450 Concepts of Molecular Biology
BIO451/451L Molecular Biology Techniques
BIO455/455L Molecular Biology of Recombinant DNA
BIOL 570/570L Cellular Immunity and Disease
MICR415/415L Immunology and Serology
List below, by number and name, equivalent upper division/grad course work taken elsewhere.
Institution where taken
Qrtr/sem and year taken
Cal State L.A. (next page)
Cal State L.A.
Course taken/to be taken
Qrtr/yr taken/to be taken
BIOL 481 Basic Cell Culture Theory and Techniques
BIOL 380 Cell Biology OR CHEM 431 ABC Biochemistry
BIOL 413 Molecular Diagnostics
BIOL 416 Molecular Genetics
BIOL 417 Principles of Gene Manipulation
BIOL 519 Genetic Engineering Laboratory
MICR 304 Immunology and Serology
MICR 450 Innate Immunity
List below, by number and name, any equivalent upper division/grad course work taken elsewhere.
Institution where taken
Qrtr/sem and year taken
In the space below, tell us why you are interested in doing research, and why stem cell research in particular.
Describe your future educational and career goals, and how this internship will help you to attain them. Please
use only the space allotted, and font no smaller than Arial, 10 point (this font and size). (Please note: This
internship is open to those with a variety of career aspirations, from employment immediately after graduation
to continuing on to graduate school and a subsequent professional career.)
Briefly summarize in the space below any previous research experience. State the objective of your research,
the approaches you used to meet your objective, and what conclusions you were able to make, if any. List
any publications and presentations for which you were an author or co-author. Use only the space allotted,
and font no smaller than Arial, 10 point (this font and size).
Additional Documentation Required
It is your responsibility to request official transcripts from all previous post-secondary educational institutions to
be mailed directly to the address below. An unofficial electronic copy of your transcripts needs to be sent to You must also have three letters of recommendation in an electronic form as an
attachment (pdf on letterhead preferred) sent by your recommenders to Hard copies of
the letters must also be sent to the address below.
Airan Jansen, Program Administrator
Department of Biological Sciences
Cal Poly Pomona
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768
References for Letters of Recommendation
Please list three professors or research advisors from whom you have requested letters of recommendation.
Reference 1
Name _____________________________________________________________
Title ________________________________ Insitution___________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________
Reference 2
Name _____________________________________________________________
Title ________________________________ Insitution___________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________
Reference 3
Name _____________________________________________________________
Title ________________________________ Insitution___________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________
Completion Checklist
________ Have completely filled out this application form.
________ Have requested letters of recommendation from three professors or research mentors listed on this application.
________ Have requested transcripts from all prior post-secondary educational institutions that I have attended and that I
have listed on this application.