Name________________________________Per____ Date________________ Birth Defect Review Birth Defect Resource Person Description/Prevention/Cure or Treatment? Achondroplasia – “Dwarfism” Auto Dom. Genetic disorder of bone growth. Arms, legs short; head large; forehead prominent; normal intelligence. No prevention. Albinism Lack of pigment in skin, hair, eyes – no melanin (helps you tan). Vulnerable to sun. Varied severity. Genetic – no prevention. Autosomal Recessive Anencephaly Neural tube doesn’t close during fetal dev’t. 23-26 day of preg. Add folic acid (vit B9). Blind, deaf, unconscious, unable to feel. Brain often not full dev’d. Breathe, respond but few live beyond 10 days. Arnold-Chiari Malformation Fluid around brain & spine malforms. Upper limb weakness, sleep apnea, common w/spina bifida. Autosomal recessive. Harmful substances – drugs, alcohol. Decompression surgery. Autism/Asbergers Dev’tal disorder that affects the way a child sees and interacts with the world – lg range of severity. Abnormal comm’n, soc’l skills and reasoning. Males 4x+ females. Appear normal to 30mos. Just recently found gene. Brain damage. Before, during, after birth. Injury, faulty growth, disease. Severe crippling and mental retardation. Lack of muscle control –stiffen. Autosomal Recessive, injury, nutrition, smoking, harmful substances. Cerebral Palsy Chromosomal Abnormalities Includes all the birth defects caused by imperfections or damage to chromosomes. Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Genetic, environmental – drugs, smoking, alcohol. Abnormalities of lip and mouth. 1/700. Early in pregnancy when sides of lip and roof of mouth do not fuse. Folic Acid helps. Clubfoot Foot turned inward. Theory – during 1st trimester. Genetic, infection, drugs, disease, smoking. Position in uterus. Higher occurrence in males. Color Blindness (red-green) X-linked recessive, eye or chemical damage. Can’t distinguish shades of red/green. Can be advantage: nite vision, camoflauge, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Genetic defect with adrenal glands. Difficult to determine sex of child. Does not produce corticosteroids which are vital for body to function. Treatment: steroids. auto recessive. Congenital Heart Defects (general category) Multifactorial. Heart devs early in preg. Abnormal heart structure or function caused by abnormal heart dev’t before birth. Alcohol, cocaine, acne med, anti-seizure meds, others. Rubella 1st trimester. More deaths in first year than any other disease. Most common of major birth defects. Craniosynostosis 1 suture in skull closes early, skull expands in direction of open sutures, deforms head. Increased pressure on brain. Psychological damage, plastic surgery. Autosomal dominant. Cystic Fibrosis Body produces thick, sticky mucus that clogs lungs = infections. Autosomal recessive. Fatal often by 20’s. Down Syndrome Extra 21st chromosome. Specific physical characteristics, mental retardation. Born with it. Older mothers. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Fragile X Syndrome Preventable. Brain damage. Low birth wt, shorter, smaller heads, facial features deformed, abnormal joints/limbs, poor coordination, learning dis’s, short memories, mental health problems. Leading cause of brain damage. Does more damage than any drugs. Recessive – carrier mother (male can be carrier also but will only pass on to daughters), long hands, finger bones, enlarged ears, behav/emot probs, more males/more severe, mental retardation, hyper, anxious, speech probs, Gaucher Disease Autosomal recessive. Fatty deposits build up in organs and bones. Inherited. Enzyme deficiency that breaks down fat molecules. Life threatening – 3 types/life spans. Can affect brain. More boys. Genital and Urinary Tract Defects (ex: bladder extrophy) Multifactorial – fluke. malformation of bladder, often turned inside out, on outside of body. Theory 4-5 wks error in halves joining. Glaucoma Causes blindness. Damage to optic nerve. Prevention: no smoking, looking at uv rays, unhealthy eating, not using eye safety. Multifactorial. Hashimoto’s Syndrome Inflammation of thyroid gland. Cause by adrenal insufficiency/type I diabetes. Not preventable. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Abnormal blood antibodies and white blood cells mistakenly attack and damage healthy thyroid cells. Multifactorial. Hearing Loss Multifactorial – ear damage, ear infection, swimmer’s ear, fluid in middle ear, birth injury, head trauma, etc. Genetic? Hemophilia Blood doesn’t clot. Recessive x-linked. Inject daily with clotting substance. Bruise easily. Hypotonia Multifactorial. Low muscle tone. Floppy. Muscles do not tighten and retract. Trouble holding head up. Trauma, envir. factors, genetic, central nervous system disorders. Posture, lethargy, some treatments help. Jaundice Multifactorial. Metabolic. Yellow color in skin, mucous membranes, eyes. From bilirubin, by product of old red blood cells dying too soon. Blood incompatibilities, diseases, genetic syndromes, hepatitis, cirrhosis, bile duct blockage, liver diseases, infections, medications. Prematurity, difficult delivery, other. Klippel-Fell Syndrome Multifactorial, dominant or recessive – short neck vertebrae fused, low hairline. Division of cervical vertebrae. Surgery to relieve cranial pressure. Causes scoliosis. Early fetal dev’t. Marfan Syndrome Autosomal dominant. Dormant – amt of proteins. Connective tissue (holds body together – framework for growth & dev’t) – doesn’t do it’s job. Grow larger, long slender limbs, fingers. Scoliosis. Lincoln, Osama BL. Muscular Dystrophy x-linked recessive. Weak and Degenerative muscles, affecting voluntary muscles, weakens. Insufficient production of dystrophin (a protein that keeps muscle cells intact). No prevention. Neurofibromatoses Tumors grown on skin can affect bones. 50% genetic, 50% mutation. Oseogenesis Imperfecta Dominant or spontaneous mutation - “Brittle Bone Disorder” caused by less or poor quality collagen. Metal rods for strength. “Rodding”. PKU Auto rec. Inherited (both parents have gene) disorder of body chemistry, causes mental retardation. Treated early, can have normal intelligence. A deficient enzyme. Chrom. 12. Diet low in amino acids. Progeria Auto. Dom. Genetic. Rapid aging. Look normal at birth. Narrow faces, old look. Live to teens, rare to 30’s. Death due to heart attack or stroke often. Rh Disease Hemolytic (blood) disease causing destruction of fetal red blood cells. Brain damage, heart failure, most can die. Prev: women tested for Rh type. Incompatibility between mother and baby. Mother’s antibodies fight baby’s blood. Transfusion shortly after birth. Sickle Cell Disease Recessive. Genetic. blood cells contain mostly Hemoglobin S instead of Hemoglobin A, become stiff and distorted in shape. Lesson blood flow to an area of the body, causing tissue damage. Antibiotics, surgery. Cell transplants.Cells don’t last as long as regular blood cells (only ~20 days). Spina Bifida not on test Tay-Sachs Disease not on test Thalassemia not on test Turner Syndrome not on test Genetic, nutrition and environment (Mf). Spinal column doesn’t close to form a strong spine when fetus is dev’g. No prev: Growth of spine occurs (28th day) before woman discovers she is pregnant. Lack of folic acid. Multifactorial. Whole grains, dried beans, fruit. Both parents must carry gene. Fatal inherited disease of central nervous system. Harmful amounts of fatty substances build up in tissues and nerve cells in the brain. Mental physical ability deteriorates a few mo’s after birth, then blind, deaf, un-able to swallow, Usually die by age of 4. Auto rec. Notice 3-5 mos. Dimentia, startle, lg head, red spots in eyes. X-linked recessive. Red blood cell deficiency. Healthy at birth, then pale, listless, fussy, poor appetite, slow growth, jaundice. Heart failure and infection can lead to death. Mild for first 2 decades of life. Transfusions help. Pushes bones out, distorts body. Hem can’t carry oxygen to body. Dominant? Damaged x chromosome (only 1 x chrom). Female sexual characteristics to be underdeveloped. Short stature, swelling hands/feet, broad chest, low hairline and ears, sterility, sm lower jaw, turned-out elbows, webbed neck, soft, upturned finger nails. No cure, estrogen replacement therapy, growth hormones help. Werner’s Syndrome not on test Noonan Syndrome not on test Auto. Rec. Premature, accellerated aging disease. Werner protein, WRN gene. Normal til puberty, no senility. Do not live past late 40’s, early 50’s. Die of cancer of heart disease (older age diseases), lack of teen growth, high voice, birdlike, thin skin, arms, legs shorter, diminished fertility, loss hair, cataracts, diabetes, early periods for girls, early menopause. Hidden. Auto. Dom. Congenital heart malformation. Short, learning problems, chest indented, impair blood clotting, characteristic facial features, signs of heart disease, wide set eyes, slanted lids, diamond shape eyebrows, ears lowset and backward. 1/3 mild retardation. Not always id’d early because range and severity varies. Birth Defect Report Notesheet/Review 11 3 09