Paper Making - STEM

Paper Making
Curriculum Topic:
Mathematics Standards
Grade One – Number, Number Sense and Operations
Number and Number Systems
6. Identify and state the value of a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and
Meaning of Operations
10. Model, represent and explain addition as combining sets (part
+ part = whole) and counting on. For Example: a. Model and
explain addition using physical materials in contextual situations.
11. Model, represent and explain subtraction as take-away and
comparison. For example: a. Model and explain subtraction using
physical materials in contextual situations.
Grade Two – Number, Number Sense and Operations
Number and Number Systems
3. Count money and make change using coins and a dollar bill.
Science Standards
Grade One – Earth Sciences
Earth Systems
2. Explain that the supply of many resources is limited but the
supply can be extended through careful use, decreased use,
reusing and/or recycling.
Grade One – Physical Science
Nature of Matter
4. Explore changes that greatly change the properties of an object
(e.g., burning paper) and changes that leave the properties
largely unchanged (e.g., tearing paper).
Grade One – Science and Technology
Understanding Technology
2. Explain that when trying to build something or get something to
work better, it helps to follow directions and ask someone who has
done it before.
Abilities To Do Technological Design
7. Explore that several steps are usually needed to make things
(e.g., building with blocks).
Grade Two – Scientific Ways of Knowing
Science and Society
4. Demonstrate that in science it is helpful to work with a team and
share findings with others.
Target Grade Level: 1-2
Project Overview: Students will learn how paper is made, uses of paper, and why
recycling paper is important. Students will learn how to make recycled paper from scrap
paper found in the classroom and natural materials. The recycled paper will be used to
create recycled paper products to give as gifts or sell. The money raised could be used to
purchase a tree to be planted on school grounds or at a local park.
Anticipated Time Required: 5-6 class periods
Project Structure: classroom and small groups for the recycling paper activity
Suggested Community Partners: school or local park
Supplies Needed: examples of recycled paper products, kitchen blender, iron, cloth,
strainer, jars, dish basin, sponges, window screen, newsprint
Estimated cost to implement: medium
Project Implementation: Research with students how paper is made using trade books
from the library or visiting websites. Brainstorm with students a list of paper products
people use. Have students keep a tally of the number of times and types of paper they
use in a day. Graph the results. Talk about what happens to all the paper used.
Investigate how much paper is used in the classroom for a week. Weigh it. Estimate
how much is used in a school year. Brainstorm ways to recycle some of the paper used in
the classroom. Have students work in small groups to follow the steps to recycle scrap
paper. Students will decide what products they want to make with the recycled paper.
They will have to decide if these products will be given to people in the school
community, such as parent helpers, or sold to the school community. Profits could be
used to purchase a tree to donate to the school or a local park.
Student Assessment: graphs, posters with recycling messages
Career Connections:
1. A chemist and a biologist work together to modify a common plant to provide
more fiber that can be used for making paper.
2. A computer programmer designs a software package that allows local wste
management firms to more efficiently recycle paper goods.
3. A mechanical engineer designs a machine that uses 40% less energy to convert
wood pulp to paper.
Additional Resources: The Lorax