2014 - 2015
Kellands Primary
Aberdeenshire Council Education & Children’s Services
“Our vision is for an Aberdeenshire in which everyone is able to develop the skills and
confidence needed for learning, life and work.”
Kellands Primary School
‘Where Everybody is somebody’
In Kellands School our vision is the driving force behind all our improvement activity.
Education & Children’s Service’s Quality Improvement Framework, is the overarching
strategic management tool which directs and supports school improvement in
establishments across Aberdeenshire. At the heart of the framework is the belief that self
evaluation in each school drives improvement and all improvement is aimed at delivering
positive outcomes for children and young people.
“Self evaluation is a reflective, professional process through which schools get to know
themselves well…Improvement Planning builds on that self knowledge by involving us in
understanding and valuing the best of that which already exists, deciding how good we
can really be, and identifying the best way forward.
The Journey to Excellence Part 4: Planning for Excellence, HMIe, 2007
Self-evaluation is an on-going process and involves all stakeholders, including our pupils.
It is reported annually to parents/carers in our Standards and Quality Report.
Education & Children’s Service Improvement Cycle
Self evaluation to find out
where you have to go
Re-affirm vision
priorities and
Self evaluation to
Self evaluation
to determine
Check to
ensure impact
Take action
Self evaluation to monitor
and determine progress
The priorities for improvement contained in the Improvement Plan for 2014 – 15 reflect this
process and the priorities identified locally and nationally.
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Improvement Plan
Improvement Priority No.
Intended Outcome (s) / Impact
Actions / Lead member of staff
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Improvement Plan
All children to feel safe, healthy, respected, responsible, nurtured,
included and achieving to the best of their ability.
Children feel valued and included in developing the future of the
Quality learning and teaching experiences for all children, seeing
individual progression across the curriculum, taking into account
different learning styles and needs. Children’s achievements in and
out of school to be recognised and celebrated.
Robust procedures in place for identifying specific needs and
meeting them.
All staff to continue to be up-skilled to meet the needs of all children.
To look at creating a dyslexic and autistic friendly school.
ASN audit of whole school, creating relevant IEPs and target sheets,
including meeting the needs of able children.
Quality learning and teaching using planning and assessment tools
to provide progression and challenge across the curriculum for all
Regular staff meetings looking at the IAF process, GIRFEC,
Pathways to policy etc. Child protection training (in service) and
reviewed throughout year.
Create school aims, ethos and values to be shared with the wider
school community.
Develop the school playground and equipment. Involve parents in
applying for a lottery funded grant. (beginning of 3 year plan)
SMT to have RRS assemblies. All classes to focus on an article of
theTerm, which is shared with parents using newsletters. (Rights
Respecting Group)
Create an achievement wall.
Weekly certificates of achievements to be given out to pupils at
assembly and introduce home postcards linked to 4 capacities..
Parents kept up to date through newsletters.
Develop pupil groups – Eco, Pupil council, RRS, Fair Trade.
Develop a link class between P4-7 and P1-3 to feedback and
encourage involvement. Invite parents to be part of these groups.
SFL teacher working with all staff members to discuss needs of all
children to create an ASN database.
To further develop and implement the school’s behaviour policy in
line with RRS.
To develop a strong working framework with outside agencies.
Staff to be trained on ASN – SFL, EAL, SALT
Apply for funding to create multi-sensory areas.
All classes to be trained in Makaton.
Review child protection/GIRFEC/MAAP guidelines and to implement
coherently across the school.
Review of all policies and to update where appropriate and creating a
whole school ‘Communication’ guidelines
On going
On going
Dec 2014
Jun 2015 and on
On going
On going
Dec 2014
Oct 2014
Dec 2014
On going
Jun 2015
On going
Jun 2015
Mar 2015
How will you measure success?
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Improvement Plan
Happy and achieving children
Learning journeys
Visitor feedback
Children’s needs documented and acted on (e.g. learning conversations)
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
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Improvement Plan
Improvement Priority No.
Intended Outcome
Pupils are confident discussing their learning and setting targets for
their learning.
Pupils will work on a Learning Journey profile of work completed
throughout the year. This will be shared with parents.
Pupils will have termly learning conversations with pupils to create a
personal learning plan to set targets and review previous targets.
Pupils will be encouraged to reflect on their learning weekly during
‘excellence time’, which will be built into the timetable.
AifL strategies will be used by teachers.
PIPs to be completed in P1 and INCAS in P3, P5 and P7. Results to
be analysed and compared to seemis tracking and appropriate
intervention strategies implemented.
Tracking will be completed on SEEMIS in October, December and
June and pupil progress reports will be completed in March.
Pupils will have a ‘One Week Jotter’ where all work will be completed
in the jotter. This will be sent home to allow parents to see progress
Pupils will share their outside achievements and these will be
celebrated in school.
GTCS CPD profile will be run out and teachers will be supported to
use this.
Planning, teaching and learning will be monitored termly by SMT.
Reflective practice will be encouraged through regular peer
Whole school evaluation on Quality Indicators will be completed in
CDM time.
Quality Assurance yearly calendar will be given to staff.
The quality of teaching is of a very high standard.
Teachers will evaluate their teaching and pupils’ learning.
Teachers will be supported to improve their professional
Teachers track pupils’ progress throughout the year to ensure
progress is made.
Parents are partners in their child’s learning. The school will regularly
keep parents informed of their child’s progress. Parents and children
will share outside achievements with the school.
On going
On going
On going
On going
June 2015
June 2015
On going
June 2015
On going
On going
Dec 2014
Sept 2014
How will you measure success?
Children are confident discussing their learning.
All pupils make appropriate progress in their learning.
Staff PDRS
Moderation discussion.
Staff professional dialogue.
Parent questionnaires/feedback
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Improvement Plan
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
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Improvement Plan
Improvement Priority No.
Intended Outcome
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Improvement Plan
Ensure that our curriculum meets the needs of all of our learners by
planning, assessing and evaluating learners’ experiences based on
the design principles and four contexts for learning.
Develop a shared understanding of our curriculum map for pupils,
staff and parents.
Develop a dyslexia friendly school.
Parents understand how they can support their child.
Learning and Teaching at the heart of our Improvement
planning focussing on improving basic skills in numeracy and
Learning intentions and success criteria to be shared with all
pupils and discussed and evaluated in plenary sessions. Pupils
should continually set targets and evaluate their progress
A consistent assessment approach adopted throughout school
with continual moderation.
Develop a Curriculum Map and share with pupils and parents.
Espresso training to be given to all staff to enable them to use the
resource successfully.
Introduce floor books and learning walls for planning in all classes.
Literacy guidelines to be updated and shared
All classes to use active literacy resources and continue with training.
All classes to continue to work on Big Writing. Teachers will
moderate writing regularly with colleagues.
Listening & Talking will be embedded into daily practice. P1-3 pupils
will do a prepared talk once during the year using talking boxes etc.
P4-7 pupils will do prepared talks at least twice a year.
Mar 2015
Oct 2014
Jun 2015
Mar 2015
On going
Jun 2015
Jun 2015
On going
On going
Maths and Numeracy
All pupils must complete mental maths activities daily to increase
pupils’ confidence in their number bonds and times tables ensuring
that mental maths is mental and not always written. Individual mental
maths workbooks to be purchased for every child.
Introduce new interactive maths homework scheme ‘My Maths’. SMT
will run CPD training for staff.
All pupils should learn strategies for problem solving.
There will be flexibility in teachers’ timetables to give more depth to
Dec 2014
On going
Co-operative learning
Cooperative learning should continue to be embedded into the
On going
On going
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Improvement Plan
How will you measure success?
Pupils happy to learn at school.
Pupils, staff and parents can see progression in learning across all curricular areas.
Parental feedback.
Moderation discussion.
Staff professional dialogue.
Pupils will show increased standards of attainment in maths especially mental maths.
Espresso to be used for teaching and learning in all classes.
Help guides for parents emailed to parents.
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
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