Eastern Civilization Mr. Pannone mpannone@wallingford.k12.ct.us Welcome to Eastern Civilization! This class will explore the fascinating history of the Far East, South Asia, Middle East and the ex-Soviet Union. Aside from the textbook, there will be other supplemental readings as well as an emphasis on writing. Course Objectives: Organize major events & historical trends chronologically Gain a historian’s perspective on eastern regions & countries Be able to analyze & interpret primary documents Use critical thinking skills when looking at historical events/trends Write organized & documented essays & papers Class Rules: These are simple, to the point and non-negotiable. RESPECT YOURSELF RESPECT OTHERS RESPECT PROPERTY Grading Structure: There will be a variety of assignments including tests and papers. The breakdown is as follows: 40% = Tests & Papers 15% = Projects/Class Assignments 30% = Homework 15% = Participation Help & Questions: In my classroom, a main ingredient for success is a welcoming atmosphere in which students feel comfortable asking questions or asking for extra help. At NO point will I allow a class environment to discourage a student from doing so. I can be made available any day after school, or even before school. Don’t be afraid to ask. Email: Although I try to check my email as often as possible, I recommend you get your questions to me BEFORE 9:00pm. I am usually very good about checking my email, but please remember, this is not something you should rely on to carry you through the entire course. My email address is mrpannone@cox.net. Homework Policy: Assignments will not be accepted late unless accompanied with valid documentation. If you are absent, please be responsible enough to ask for the work & notes you missed. Remember, plagiarism is theft! EASTERN CIVILIZATION CHAPTERS COVERED Chapter 1, Sec 5: The Phoenicians, Lydians, and Hebrews Chapter 3: Ancient Indian Civilization Chapter 4: Ancient Chinese Civilization Chapter 8: The Byzantine Empire, Kievan Russia, and the Mongols Chapter 9: The Islamic Empire Chapter 12: The Civilizations of East Asia Chapter 15, Sec 5: Eastern & Central Europe in the Age of Absolutism Chapter 18: Asia in Transition Chapter 22, Sec 4: Reform and Revolution in Russia Chapter 23, Sec 4: European Expansion in South and East Asia Chapter 23, Sec 5: Foreign Influence in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Chapter 24, Sec 3: The Russian Revolution Chapter 25, Sec 5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Chapter 26, Sec 3: Unrest in China Chapter 26, Sec 4: Japan Between the Wars Chapter 27, Sec 4: The Soviet Union and the United States Chapter 29: Asia Since 1945 Chapter 32, Sec 3: The Fall of Communism