USDA-NASS Stock # 94145 Livestock Slaughter 9/21/98 This is the documentation for the USDA-NASS livestock slaughter data. There are two sets of data, Weekly Federally Inspected (FI) head, and Monthly head, liveweight, dressed weight and meat production for Commercial and FI. The data are in ASCII, comma delimited files (.CSV). These data can be imported directly into spreadsheet software. Monthly Commercial and FI Slaughter Files: The Federal Inspected data are available for the U.S. only. contains 12 months and annual total data for the years 1974-97. Each file The slaughter data reporting requirements changed beginning in 1977 to include more detail for FI slaughter. These detail data are not available for the years 1974-76, therefore, some rows will contain zeros for these years. The 1982 data are reported by quarter only, because of budget cuts for that year. There was a change to the cow data beginning with 1986. The dairy buyout program required monitoring the number of dairy cows going to slaughter. Beginning January 1986 the cows are reported for the subclasses dairy cows and all other cows. The dairy cows and other cows were summed to make the all cows series complete. Weekly FI Slaughter: The Weekly head kill by species and class includes data for Cattle, Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Goats and Equine. Because each year has one or two days more than 52 weeks, some years have 53 weeks of data. The data series begins in 1978. The file naming convention follows. CTMO7497 HGMO7497 SHMO7497 MTMO7497 SLWK7897 - Cattle & Calves, Monthly 1974-97 Hogs, Monthly 1974-97 Sheep & Lambs, Monthly 1974-97 Red Meat Production, Monthly 1974-97 Federally Inspected, Weekly 1978-97 ************************************************************************* ****** * Questions about the data or the use of this diskette should be directed to: * * Jim Brueggen, NASS, (202) 720-4889. * ************************************************************************* ******