37 SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) St. Basil’s Parish Ottawa, Ontario SCRIPTURES FOR NOVEMBER 26/06 First Reading: Daniel 7: 13 - 14 His dominion is an everlasting dominion. Second Reading: Revelation 1: 5 - 8 The ruler of the kings of the earth has made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God. Gospel: John 18: 33 - 37 You say that I am a king. TRIP TO POLAND AND PRAGUE With Fr. Daryl Kennedy and Fr. Dan Dubroy, April 16th to 26th, 2007 Trip includes visits to places of religious and cultural interest and fourstar accommodations. There will be the choice of daily Mass and Divine Mercy devotions. The price is $2,719.00 plus applicable taxes. For further information call Fr. Kennedy at 613-562-3298. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Monday, November 27, at 7:00 p.m. at St. John The Apostle, in the Parish Lounge. Presentation by Dr. Bob Swenson, head of psychiatry at the Ottawa Hospital, entitled “GOOD GRIEF”, sponsored by St. John’s Pastoral Care Team. The talk will look at questions around anxiety and worries that patients and family members face when illness or death comes. CHRISTMAS CARDS St. Basil’s Knights of Columbus will be selling their beautiful religious Christmas Cards after all Masses throughout the month of November. Please patronize this activity as all proceeds go towards parish needs. This Week Monday, November 27 9:00 a.m. Mass for Ed Driscoll req. by Art & Lola Burnett 9:30 a.m. Slim & Trim 8:00 p.m. AA Meeting – Westboro Step Tuesday, November 28 9:00 a.m. Mass for Ruth Harley req. by her son Rory 9:30 a.m. Legion of Mary 6:30 p.m. Brownies 7:30 p.m. JOY youth meeting Wednesday, November 29 (*At Notre Dame High School) 9:00 a.m.* Mass for a special intention 9:30 a.m. Slim & Trim 1:15 p.m. Retirees’ Social 6:15 p.m. Beavers 7:00 p.m. Scouts 7:15 p.m. Choir Practice Thursday, November 30 9:00 a.m. Mass for Ray Danis req. by the Bala family 6:30 p.m. Cubs Friday, December 1 (First Friday) 9:00 a.m. Mass for Irene Luczynski 9:30 a.m. Slim & Trim 7:30 p.m. A.A. Meeting – By the Book Saturday, December 2 5:00 a.m. Mass for Daniel Janigan on his 6th anniversary req. by Anna Janigan Sunday, December 3 (First Sunday of Advent) 9:00 a.m. Mass for the People of the Parish; AND. . . 9:00 a.m. also for Norman Smith req. by Elizabeth & Brendan Roy 10:00 a.m. Advent Brunch 11:00 a.m. Mass for the deceased members of the Casey & McKeegan families; AND. . . 11:00 a.m. also for Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Thibodeau req. by the Kingsbury and Keogh families. 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer JUST OTTAWA YOUTH JOY Gathers this Tuesday, Nov. 28; from 7:30-9:00pm. It’s for teens in grades 9-12 and college-age adults. This month we meet in St. Basil’s, the Conference Room. We’ll be joined by teens from other parishes and schools. We’ll be looking at environmental issues around sustainability. If you’re interested, please check us out; and let me know in advance if you’re coming. Contact Dave at 288-8679. CHRISTMAS TOY AND DINNER HELP PROGRAM Three weeks before our Christmas parcel distribution date. Toys and knitted items will be collected until December 10th when we will prepare the parcels so we can hand them out the following Saturday and Sunday. - A PILGRIM’S PROGRESS The Life and Art of Gerald Trottier Be sure not to miss this exhibition of Gerald Trottier’s art and design commissions completed for local Catholic churches, including St. Basil’s. The exhibition takes place at the Carleton University Art Gallery, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Nov. 20th to Jan. 21, 2007. See the website www.carleton.ca/gallery/upcoming.html for more information. 37 DATE (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) From the Pastor’s Desk 1. Today is the feast of Christ the King; it also marks the conclusion of our parish Jubilee Year. I would like to thank all parishioners for marking this our Jubilee Year with special projects and celebrations. May we continue to give thanks for the abundant blessings we have received. 2. Christmas Pageant practice will take place again this Sunday, Nov. 26 at 1:00 p.m. Interested participants are to gather in the parish hall. We need more children to participate. The pageant will take place at 4:45 p.m. on Christmas Eve just before the 5:00 p.m. Mass. 3. Last year we had a Pageant before the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve. While it was well received, some parents still asked why it is not included within the Mass. Here is an explanation: a) The Liturgy of the Word proclaims Christ’s presence, not a performance. The only times a variation is 'allowed' is to have several readers, as we do on Good Friday or Passion Sunday, for the Passion. We are not doing a historical re-enactment during the Liturgy of the Word, so having the children act out the Christmas story becomes performance and not proclamation. b) In the Directory for Masses with Children, there is no provision for acting out readings during Mass. Although this does happen in some places, this is not how the Mass is celebrated according to the liturgical instruction of the Church (GIRM), which is what all parishes are supposed to follow when Mass is celebrated. Some parishes may do this, but it is not according to the instructions. When there is a pageant during Mass, the focus is on the performance rather than on God’s presence being proclaimed. c) The pageant is not the only way children are involved at Mass. When we celebrate the Eucharist, it is for everyone, both children and adults. During the celebration of the Eucharist with children present, they, as well as everyone, participate fully, through singing, listening, responding to the prayers, gesture, movement and by bringing up the gifts and receiving communion. The Mass is always about praising and thanking God for the gift of Jesus Christ, in which God’s unconditional love is offered to us. d) Having the pageant before the liturgy has been a very good way to allow children to be part of the Nativity story in a dramatic way as well as maintaining the integrity of the liturgy. Heather Reid, for the liturgy committee [adapted for publication in the pastor’s column]. 4. November is the month of Remembrance, we remember in a special way the faithful departed of our Parish Community by praying for those who have gone before us. We have set up the “Book of Remembrance” on All Saints’ Day November 1. Parishioners are encouraged to enter the names of their deceased loved ones whom they wish to be remembered. We will also include a list of parishioners who were buried from St. Basil’s during this year for your remembrance. I have provided you additional information concerning funeral arrangements in the form of bulletin inserts, which dealt with Eulogy, the Pall and the Flag, and as well with Cremation, published by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Please keep the material for future reference. 5. Our congratulations to the Bouchard family for the baptism of Sabrina Bouchard. FRUITCAKES FROM THE CISTERCIAN MONKS Gourmet fruitcakes made by the Cistercian Monks of Oka, Que. will be sold after Masses December 2nd & 3rd weekend. Cost is $14 for the 2lb cake and $22 for the specially packaged 3lb round cake. Sales support Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa and the Cistercian Monks. SACRED MUSIC CONCERT The Sacred Music Society with the World Youth Day Choir and Sinfonia Sacra Orchestra will be performing HANDEL’S MESSIAH on Friday, Dec. 15, 2006 at St. Patrick’s Basilica, 281 Nepean St., Ottawa from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. $20 Adults; $10 Students; Children 5 & under are free; $50 Family. Sponsored by Maryvale Academy. For more information, or to purchase tickets, contact Maryvale Academy at 613-321-2186 or Jim & Rebecca Meuse at 613-744-3026. CHRISTMAS CONCERT The Bytown Voices (conducted by Robert Jones, our Saturday Mass organist) will present their Christmas Concert, including a Brass Quartet and St. Luke’s Church Choir, at St. Basil’s Church on Sunday, Dec. 10th at 3:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased through the parish office, from Bob Jones, or at the door: Adults $10.00; students $5.00. ST. BASIL’S TRIVIA NIGHT 2006 Thank you to all those who participated in the St. Basil's Trivia Night 2006. It was an entertaining evening that brought teams together in friendly competition. Thanks to the adults and young adults of the parish who shared their skills: Francesca, Johanna, Andrew, Cameron, Graham, Sarah, Claire and Ian. Congratulations to all the teams. CHRISTMAS MEMORIAL SERVICE McEvoy-Shields Funeral Home would like to welcome you and your family to a special interdenominational Christmas Memorial Service in memory of those who have died this past year. It will be held on Thursday, December 7, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. in Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 1758 Alta Vista Drive. Refreshments will be served immediately following the service. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please RSVP to 613-232-5337 or 613-737-7900. THE DEPARTMENT OF PEACE: An Idea Whose Time has Come? At the Ottawa Shambhala Centre, 984 Wellington St., West (upstairs). Wednesday, November 29, 8:00 p.m. Open to all. No Charge. Bill Bhaneja, a former Canadian diplomat, will present the arguments for a new Department of Peace at the federal level in Canada. A Department of Peace would provide the essential focal point in government and end the highly diffuse nature of peacebuilding at the present time. The Minister would be a voice in Cabinet who could fundamentally alter the nature of debate and decision-making towards a culture of peace and non-violence both on domestic and foreign issues, and would provide the long-range thinking required to address the root causes of violence. Departments of Peace have already been established in several countries around the globe. Bill Bhaneja has spoken nationally and internationally on the movement to institute Departments of Peace in numerous countries. He is a member of the Canadian Pugwash Group and Science for Peace and is an Associate with the Centre for Global Nonviolence. Bill will present a short talk followed by discussion. For information, please call 613-725-9321. CHILDREN’S LITURGY ADVENT CELEBRATION Sunday, December 3, 2006 All families are invited downstairs in the Church Hall after the 9:00 a.m. Mass to celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent. We will light the first candle on our Advent wreaths and sing the Advent Song. A potluck brunch will follow. You are welcome to bring your own wreath. Each family should 37 SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) bring 6 muffins or bagels, jams, cream cheese, squares, etc. Coffee, tea, and juice will be provided. All welcome! Hope to see you there.