SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
St. Basil’s Parish
Ottawa, Ontario
“The souls of the just are in the hand of
God, and no torment shall touch them. ”
First Reading: Lamentations 3: 17 – 26
It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 51 – 57
Death has been swallowed up in victory.
Gospel: Matthew 11: 25 – 30
You have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have
revealed them to infants.
96 Empress Ave. Evening (7:00 - 9:00 p.m.): TH 3709, L’Église et les
soins de santé : brève histoire, (1 cr.), du 28 octobre au 2 décembre
(mardi), Claude Auger; TH.E 3967, Yours, Mine : The Liturgy of the
Hours, (1 cr.), Nov. 4 – Dec. 4, (Tuesdays), with Martin Farrell, O.P.
TH.E 3608, To Forgive : Another Name for Love, (1 cr.), Saturdays,
Nov. 1 – 22, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m., with Pierre Allard, S.M. Info: (613-2335696, ext. 206); (registraire@collegedominicain.ca);
All war veterans planning to attend the Mass of Remembrance on
Sunday, November 9, 2008 at 11 o’clock are requested to assemble in
the church hall by 1045 hrs for a short briefing prior to proceeding into
the church as a group. The dress is blazer and flannels or suit, with
medals. A reception will be held in the church hall following the mass. If
a veteran requires a caregiver’s assistance, this aide may accompany
the veteran to the front pew. Everyone is welcome.
You are invited to two further evenings of reflection and conversation on
“Spirituality and Peace Making” from the perspective of different faith
traditions. Dates: Thursday, Nov. 13th and Thursday, Dec. 11th
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Place: Spirituality for Social Justice Centre – Bronson Centre, 211
Bronson Ave., Room # 306
This Week
Monday, November 3
9:00 a.m. Mass for a special intention
9:30 a.m. Slim & Trim
9:30 a.m. Legion of Mary
8:00 p.m. AA Meeting Westboro Step
Tuesday, November 4
9:00 a.m. Mass for a special intention
6:30 p.m. Guides
Wednesday, November 5 (Mass at St. Basil’s, not NDHS)
9:00 a.m. Mass for Joe Pugliese req. by Marion Pugliese
9:30 a.m. Slim & Trim
1:15 p.m. Retirees’ Social
6:30 p.m. Beavers
7:00 p.m. Scouts
7:15 p.m. Choir Practice
Thursday, November 6
9:00 a.m. Mass for a special intention
6:30 p.m. Cubs
7:30 p.m. Liturgy meeting
Friday, November 7 (First Friday)
9:00 a.m. Mass for a special intention
9:30 a.m. Slim & Trim
7:30 p.m. A.A. Meeting – By The Book
7:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Remembrance Evening
Saturday, November 8
2:30 p.m. Wedding: Melissa Hogervorst & Brendan Betts
5:00 p.m. Mass for the late Anne Janigan req. by Anna Janigan
5:00 p.m. Mass for Gene Malone req. by Mary Emery
Sunday, November 9
9:00 a.m. Mass for the People of the Parish;
9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy
11:00 a.m. Mass for a Special Intention req. by Gabriella Martino
11:00 a.m. Mass of Remembrance followed by reception in hall
6:30 p.m. Sacramental Prep-Session 1: Parish Hall
“Let the Children Come to Me”. For all those involved in leading the
Liturgy of the Word on Sunday with children and during the week in
schools and parishes. Facilitator: Heather Reid. Sat., Nov. 8, 9:00 –
12:00 p.m. Diocesan Centre, 1247 Kilborn Place. Registration:
(abrown@ecclesia-ottawa.org); (613-738-5025, ext. 217).
The Bereavement Support Group will hold its annual memorial service for
all those whose funeral Masses were celebrated at St. Basil’s during the
past year on Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. It is particularly
fitting that this Sunday be chosen, as it is the feast of All Souls. The
celebration will take the form of evening prayer. All are welcome.
Throughout the month of November after all Masses, The Knights of
Columbus will be selling beautiful spiritual Christmas Cards at great
prices. Please support this initiative and ‘keep Christ in Christmas’.
Liturgical Publications will be setting up the advertisements for our
church bulletin the week of November 17, 2008. The advertisements
make our bulletin possible. Please support the bulletin and advertise
your product or service. Call Liturgical Publications at 1-800-268-2637
DATE (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
From the Pastor’s Desk
1. We have received the following directive from archbishop
Prendergast: “I am asking the faithful in all the parishes of the
Archdiocese, effective the First Sunday of Advent 2008, to kneel after the
Sanctus (Holy, Holy) and to stand ” at the memorial acclamation. For a
number of years, we have followed the liturgical interpretation of adopting
the standing posture throughout the whole Eucharistic Prayer, assuming
that the standing posture is more appropriate for an Easter people than
the posture of kneeling as one of adoration or penance. However, a great
number of parishes have maintained the kneeling posture as a gesture of
humility and reverence. Since the Mass is the sacrifice of praise and
thanksgiving that we, who make up the Body of Christ, offer to God, in
union with our Lord Jesus Christ, a common posture both promotes and
signifies our unity in the Body of Christ. It is also important, in welcoming
visitors to our parish, that they experience this gesture of unity with which
they are familiar. In solidarity and unity with our diocese, we will adopt
the same for our parish community, except in the case of the elderly and
those who are unable to, they can remain seated.
2. In order to help us better prepare for funeral liturgy, we will circulate
again the CCCB Liturgy Office’s publications concerning “Catholic
Funerals and Eulogies, the Pall and the Flag,” and another one called
“Catholics and Cremation.” Please keep them for future reference.
3. Community News: Our thanks to the Boyce family for the berries
fund-raising event for the bell-tower. Our congratulations to all the
children who have been enrolled and will be completing their initiation
sacraments during the upcoming Easter Season. Please also remember
in your prayers the following people who are sick or hospitalized: John
O’Hara, Beverley Ray, John Cole and Moyra McKenzie.
4. Please join in solidarity with the families who lost a loved one, to
remember those who were buried from St. Basil’s this year join us in the
evening prayer on All Souls’ Day, Nov. 2 at 4 pm.
5. The regular morning Mass this Wed. will be at St. Basil’s church, as
I will be joining my brother priests for our Study Days from Monday to
Thursday, Nov. 3-6.
On Sunday, November 9th, there will be a reception for the Vets
following the 11 o’clock Mass. Once again, I ask you to bring sweets,
fruit, or a cheese tray. The Knights have volunteered to purchase the
sandwiches. This is an opportunity to thank & honour our Veterans for
the many sacrifices they made for our country, and through them, to
show our support for the young men and women in our military forces
who are still on active duty. A sigh-up sheet is in the narthex. Please
have your donation ready to serve and please indicate if it contains nuts.
Thank you for your help. Lorraine Shields – 613 728-8504
November 16, 2008: 12:30 pm
St. Elias Centre -750 Ridgewood Ave. (at Riverside Drive) The OK
Clean Water Project . Tickets at $25.00 for adults and $15.00 for
children are available from Carmel at 613-737-3681. A silent auction,
crafts and other purchase items will be available. Check the bulletin
board for further info. Come out for an enjoyable brunch and learn how
this life-giving water project is continuing to improve the lives of many in
Thank you to all parishioners and friends who helped make this our most
successful berry fundraiser for the Bell Tower yet. We raised a total of
$600. Thank you to all those who showed up on time to pick up their
berries even though I was a little late. Special thanks to Doreen Cripps
and J.P. Lamberti for making the unloading and distribution of the berries
go as smoothly as possible. Extra special thanks to Bern White who
graciously agreed to store the berries that were not picked up in his own
freezer. Space was at a premium in the church hall freezer so all could
not be accommodated there. Overall, this was a successful venture,
raising money for our Bell Tower and experiencing a sense of community
with fellow parishioners who stepped up to help when needed.
Thank you!
Anne Marie and Dale Boyce
The Knights of Columbus Council 485 (the council that sponsors our
Round Table) will be hosting a ‘Remembrance Evening’ at St. Basil’s
Church, Friday, November 7th starting at 7:30 pm. The evening Mass
will remember deceased Knights, as well as family and friends that have
passed away. All parishioners are welcome. A light reception will follow.
The CWL will help facilitate receptions following parish funerals, upon
request. This service will include making tea and coffee, setting up the
tables, serving food and beverages and cleaning up afterwards. This
does not include the preparation or supply of food.
If you choose to use this service, a contribution to the CWL would be
For further information, contact Lorraine Shields @ 613-728-8504.
Christmas will be here soon and this is a difficult time for many families.
To help our needy people, we are going to assist as many as we can with
Christmas dinner and toys for the children. To help us with the gifts for
the children up to 16 years of age, there will be a Christmas tree in the
vestibule as you enter the church next weekend. The sex and ages of our
special children will be on it. Take a name and when you are shopping,
select a toy with a minimum value of $20.00, wrap the gift and return it,
with the tag securely attached any time up to DECEMBER 7th. As in
past years, we are asking for your support through contributions of
money. This collection date is November 9th. Special envelopes are
among the regular weekly envelopes, or you may use any envelope and
mark it “Christmas Help Program”. We give each family various amounts
of food vouchers from local supermarkets so they will be able to
purchase all the necessities for a nice Christmas meal.
Gerald Trottier
Cube Gallery, 7 Hamilton Avenue North, Ottawa (beside
Parkdale Market) is honored to hold a solo exhibition of the
celebrated Canadian artist, Gerald Trottier. Mr. Trottier
designed St. Basil’s Stations of the Cross, baptismal font,
crucifix, corpus and other liturgical furnishings. The
exhibition will be held from October 22 to November 23.
For more information, call Cube Gallery at (613) 728-1750.