Name Index (with page references) from: (Compiled 2005)

Name Index (with page references) from:
(Compiled 2005)
Life of a River Village:
Dobbs Ferry A Centennial Publication
Morgan Press, Dobbs Ferry, 1974
Ackerman, Edgar, 66
Ackerman, Howard, 40
Ackerman, J. R., 38, 54
Ackerman, Miss (librarian), 89
Ackerman, Mrs. Walter, 70
Ackerman’s hardware, 54
Adams, John, 13
Adams, Ruth Jewell, 23
Altieri, Louis, 93
Alworth’s Garage, 78
Ambler, Dr. John Gardiner, 15, 16
Anchor Brewing Co., 16, 37-39, 54, 57, 71
Anderson, Alan, 88
Andreotti, Robert, 107
Annichiarico, Vincenzo, 53, 54
Anthony Inn, 17, 18
Appleton, D.S., 35
Archer family (deaths 1882), 48
Arnard, William B., 92
Arthur, Chester A., 46
Arthur, John, 5
Astor, John Jacob, 38
Bachant, Herbert, 92
Baiano, Charles, 91, epilogue
Baiano family, 53
Bailey, Dr. H.A., 41
Ball, Rev. Hosea, 32
Bancroft, George, 3
Barbone, Daniel, 96
Barnes Upholsterers, 66
Barnum, P.T., 68
Barrett, Ken, 69
Baviello, Agnes L., 38
Baviello, Leopold, 53, 54
Beacon Hill Estates, 93
Beckley, Edwin, 97
Bernhardt, Herbert F., 92
Besson’s, 56, 84
Besson’s dock, 16, 18, 56, 84
Best, John, 58-59,
Best Livery Stable, 46, 59
Biegen, Peter, 37
Biegen’s Hudson River Brewing Co., 16, 32,
Blasko, Marie, 86
Blass, Margot, 86
Boccumini, Helen Dickerman, 84
Bohlinger, Arthur V., 92
Bohlinger, Robert, 88
Bonadies, Louis J., 92
Boyle, Lawrence W., 34
Boyle, Margaret Kerwin, 35
Boyle, William, 35
Bradley, Emma Kellie, 29
Bradley, Frederick, 29
Bradley, Harry, 29
Bradley, Mr., 41
Bradley, Dr. S. (veterinarian), 54
Brady, William V. 16
Braga, Dr. J., 98
Bray, Elliot, front cover
Bremers, Madeleine, 122
Brooks, Phillips, 63
Brown, Alfred, 66
Brown, Bud, 97
Brown, Franklin Q., 55, 79
Brown, Mrs. Franklin Q., 78
Brown, Nevans, 86
Brown, W. G., 66
Brown, W. J., 59
Brown’s (William) Horse Shoeing
Establishment, 39
Bruce, Mr. (Greenburgh Register owner), 29
Bucci family, 53
Buckley, Terence, front cover
Bunn, Walter E., Jr., 99
Burke, David, 38
Burleigh, Richard, 92
Bushnell, David, 8
Butler, William Allen, 33
Cabrini, Mother Francis Xavier, 68
Cannon, Howard, 40
Cannon, M., 54
Carlton, Sir Guy, 13
Caro, Joseph S., 92
Carolin, Kitty, 54
Carpenter, Peter J., front cover
Casey, Mother Regina, 68
Cass, Mrs. (and Liberty Ball), 78
Cavellero, Dick, 87
Clinton, Sir Henry, 12, 13
Clough, Joe, Jr., 37
Clough, Joseph, 37
Clough, Theodore, 37
Cochran family, 40
Coffey, Henrietta, 86
Coffey, Jack, 90
Coffey, William, front cover
Cole, Dr. (dentist), 66
Collins, Robert, 21
Conklin, Charles, 86
Conlin, John, 31
Conlin, Theresa, 31
Connelly, Lydon, front cover
Connola, Antonietta DeRosa, 52-53
Connola, Josephine, 54
Connnola, Pasquale, 52-54
Connola, Rachel, 54
Connola Tailor Shop, 52, 54, 66
Conover’s Wheelwright Shop, 66
Cornwallis, General Charles, 12, 13
Costello, Captain, 79
Crawford, Bradley, 86
Creighton, Rev. William, 21
Cronin, Jane, 86
Crusius, Ralph, 86
Cunningham, John, 22
Cunningham, John J., 22
Deal, Mr., 23
DeCarlo, James, 86
DeCaro, James J., 92
Del Grande family, 53
Delmerico, Falco, 97
Delmerico, Fay, 99
Delmerico, Giovanni, 53, 54
Delmerico, Joe, 61, 63, 69
Delmerico, Peggy, 91
DeLuca, Elia, 53
DeLuca, Louis, 91
DeLuca, Moses, 53
DeLuca, Rose, 107
Denike, Alice M.S., 28, 37, 44
Denike, William H., 37
DePaolo family, 53
DeRosa, Frank, 53, 54
DeRosa, John, 53, 54
DeRosa, Larry, 91
DeRosa, Michael, 53
DeRosa, Vitale, 53
DeWitt, Jacob, 9
DeWitt, Martha, 9
Dickerman family, 84
Dick’s Cabin, 54
DiGugliemo, Joseph, 88
DiGugliemo, Marie, 86
Disosway, Mrs., 79
Divvers, Porter, 40
Dixon, George, 98
Dobbs, Captain, 10
Dobbs, Eliza Ann, 17
Dobbs, Jeremiah, 5
Dobbs, John, 4, epilogue
Dobbs, William, 4-5
“Dobbs His Ferry” (Butler), 33
Dobs, Jan and Abigail, 4
Doris of Dobbs Ferry (Carolyn Wells
creation), 84
Dowling, Joe, 69
Downey, Chester, 66, 85
Downey, Hugh, 31
Downey house, 59
Draper Estate, 93
Drummond, Happy, front cover
Dunn, Ray, 69
Dwight, Rev. Dr. Timothy, 8
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 94
Elder, Dr. George, 66
Elder, Mamie, 70
Elder, Margaret, 97
Elder, Mildred, 86
Elliot, Charles, 95
Elting’s Dry Goods Store, 44
Embree, William H., 48
Englert, Charles, 99
Englert, Mrs. Paul, 70
English, Harold, 69
Ernst, Mrs. Arthur, 93
Esdaille, E. L., 38
Evory, Loren, 107
Ewen, William H., 18, 20
Ewing, Rosanna, 40
Fay, Agnes, 29
Fay, Catherine, 29
Fay, Edward, 29
Fay, Edward, Jr., 29
Fay, Ellen Lantry, 29,
Fay, Frank, 29
Fay, Mamie, 29
Fay, Margaret, 29
Fay, Nellie, 29
Fay, Rose, 29
Fay, Thomas, 29
Felypse, Vreedrych, 4
Ferber, Mrs. Herman, 93
Field, Cyrus W., 38, 46
Fields, Andrew C., 23, 33, 54
Fields family, 45
Flemming, Jim, 69
Flood, Margaret, 78
Foley, Max, front cover
Foote, Clifton, 97
Foulk, Thomas, 101
Frasca, Kenneth, 92
Frasca family, 53
Frederick, Alice, 97
Frees, Laurie Watson, 35
Freitag, Mr. (of Livingston Inn), 58
French, Franklin C., 92
French, Howard, 92
French’s Farm, 70
Friberg, Wayne, 92
Frontignano, Michael, 53
Fulton, Robert, 74
Gagliardi, Margaret, 86
Gamerota, William E., 92
Garfield, James A., 46
Genehurst Estate, 45
Genish, John, 97
George Knox Tavern, 17
Gernivivo, Anthony (Goldie), 106
Gisner, Charles, 35, 44, 54
Gisner Livery Stable, 35, 44, 54
Glennon, Margaret, 63, 99
Golden, Hiram, 66
Golden’s Wheelwright Shop, 66
Golio family, 53
Gould, Edwin, 55
Gould, Frank Jay, 55
Gould, Mrs. Frank, 78
Gould estate, 40
Gould’s pier, 22, 74
Gourdier, John, 66
Graham, Agnes Fay, 29
Graham, Hugh, 29
Graham, Mr. (village trustee), 79
Grande, Gerardo, 53, 54
Grant, Ulysses S., 32
Grasse, Count Francois de, 10, 12, 13
Griffin, George, 29
Griffin, Margaret Fay, 29
Grinnell, Moses H., 31
Gross, Rita, epilogue
Grosset, David, 88
Guinan Annie, 55
Hallahan, Richard G., 92
Hamill’s hardware, 38
Hamilton, Alexander, 10, 16
Hamilton, Alexander, Jr., 21
Hamilton, Colonel James A., 16, 21
Hanlon, Owen, 34
Harrison, Benjamin, 29
Harvey, Harry, 16
Hasbrouck, Dave, 75
Hasbrouck, Dr. Joseph, 54, 75
Hasbrouck House, 32
Hauptman, George H., 92
Hay, Alex, 100
Hayes, Benny, 66
Hayes, Hugh, 66
Heath, Gilbert, 22
Heath, General William, 8
Herbeck, Julia, 54
Hill, John, 83
Hill, Leo R., 92
Hogan, William, 100
Hotchkiss, Jeremiah, 23
Howe, General, 8
Howland, Samuel, 20
Hudson, Henry, 2, 4, 74
Hyatt, Thomas, 4
Irving, Oscar, 21
Irving, Washington, 17, 21
Israel, Henry, front cover
Jackson, Andrew, 17
James, Joyce, 100
Jefferson, Thomas, 13
Johnson, Lady Bird, 94
Johnson, Lyndon B., 94
Jordan, Howard, 97
Judson, Dr. Champion H., 40, 48-49
Juet, Robert, 2-3
Juhring estate, 38, 94
Karsten, Father, 83-84
Karsten, Mrs., 84
Keeler, Charles, 28
Keeler, William H., 29, 45, 46
Keiling, Charles, front cover
Keiling, Herman, front cover
Keiling, Oscar, front cover
Kelley, William, 69
Kelly, Joseph, 88
Kemble, Thomas W., 30
Kendall, Messmore, 54
Kennedy, John F., 94
Kerr, Herb, 91
Kerr, Raymond, 86
Kerwin, Margaret, 35
Kessler’s Pharmacy, 66
King, Captain John, 17-18
King, Joseph, 46
King, Ruth, 57
King house, 66, 67
King Pickle Works, 18
Kitching, Colonel J. Howard, 31, 32
Kitching, Mr., 41
Kleisler, Miss, 78
Knight, Gisela, 122
Knox (George) Tavern, 17
Kohl, William, 107
Kunkler’s Bakery, 60
Lane, Margaret Kind Travis, 18
Lang’s (Johnny) Saloon, 74
Lantry, Ellen, 29,
Lauterbach, Henry, 38, 79
Lauterbach, Mrs. Henry, 70
Lavista, Joe, 69
Lawlor, Joseph, 22
Lawrence, (boykilled by Tory Cowboys,
1777), 8
Lawrence (Nat) Company, 54
Leadbetter, Horace, front cover
Lee, Sergeant Ezra, 8
Leggiero family, 53
Leigh, Vivian, 85
Lelden, Colonel, 9
Lester, Florence, 91
Lester, Grace, 55
Lester & Odell’s flour and feed store,34
Levy, Mrs., 93
Levy Estate, 93
Lewis, Alvina Rich, 23
Lichter, Lester, 99
Lincoln, Abraham, 46
Linehan, Audrey, 86
Lissim, Dorothea (Mrs. Simon), 63
Livingston, Philip, 15
Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 14, 15-16, 20,
Livingston Arms, 78
Livingston-Hyatt house, 11, 54, 75
Livingston Inn, 58, 78
Loan, John, 48, 54
Loans’ Butcher Shop, 37, 39, 54
Lockwood, Wolfert E., 27, 38
Losee, Reg, 69
McCabe, Frank, Sr. 47
McClellan, General George B., 31
McClelland, Alexander, 22
McClelland, Charles P., 17, 28, 33, 34, 37,
McComb, J. Jennings, 41, 54, 55
McCormick, James B., 92
McCoy, James R., 93
McDermott, Mary Dunn, 92
McDonald (historian), 5
McElroy, Art, 59, 75
McGlynn, Michael, 48
McGuire, Esther, 97
McIlvain, Pat, 122
MacKenzie, James B., 92
McKenzie School for Boys, 41, 68
MacKinney, Eugene C., 29, 30
McNamara, Florence Lester, 91, 106
Maguire, Catherine Fay, 29
Maguire, William, 29
Maguire, William, Jr., 29
Mahan, Lawrence D., 92
Manilla-Anchor Brewery, 16, 37
Marquis, Don, 84
Masters, Eliza (Lillie), 16, 41, 78
Masters, Francis R., Jr., 16
Masters, Mrs. Francis R., 41
Masters, Sallie, 16, 41, 78
Masters School, 16, 41, 42-43, 54, 79
Mastroianni, Louis E., 92
Materazzo, Luciano, 53
Mayers, Henry, 55
Meyer, Meyer H., 16
Meyer, Mr. (of Livingston Inn), 58
Millar, Duncan, 97
Minturn, Robert B., 21
Monahan, James, front cover
Monte Brothers, 54
Morgan, J.P., 55, 74
Morley, Linda H., 37, 38
Morris, Betty, 86
Morris, Joseph, 40
Moynihan, Peggy, 97
Murphy, Winifred, 86
Murray, Eloise, 55
Myers house, 16
Nanna, John F., 94, 99
Nathaniel Lawrence Company, 54
Nemo’s Garage, 87
Nevis estate, 16, 21
Nisco Cleaners, 54, 66
Niven, Rev. Thornton, 55
Nixon, Richard M., 94
O’Brien, Evelyn, 98
O’Connor, Rev., David, 22
O’Connor, Emily, 78
Odell, Annie, 48
Odell, Hannah, 48
Odell, Moses, 48
O’Dell, Niram, front cover
Olivier, Sir Laurence, 85
O’Malley, Joseph, 32
Orlandi, Marzio, 53
Osborn Manor, 93
Paino, Angelo, 53, 54
Paino, Anthony, 53, 54
Paino, Joseph, 53
Palermo, Joseph, 101
Palmer, Courtland, 55
Paton, Morton S., 55
Pearce, Barbara, 96
Pearce, Gordon, 87, 88
Pearce, Jess, 56, 90, 99, 123,
Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 59-63
Pearce, Robert W., 86, 92
Pearce home (1st Library), 59, 63
Pellegrino family, 53
Persinger, Mildred, 9
Peterman, John H.V., 30
Peterman’s Hotel, 29, 30
Petruzzelli, Vincent, 97
Petruzzelli family, 53, 54
Phieffer, Ernstine, 86
Philipse, Adolphus, 4
Philipse, Frederick, 4
Philipse, Frederick II, 4
Philipse, Frederick III, (Colonel Philipse), 4,
Philipse, Philip, 4
Pisani, William J., 92
Polk, James K., 20
Ponce, Henry, 86
Pooley, Dr. James H., 40
Proudfoot, Ted, 68, 85
Proudfoot property, 68
Quick, Rev. Eli, 27
Quick, George, front cover
Quick, Mr., 23
Quigley, Paul, 97
Raff, Anthony, 106
Raffa, Charlie, 75
Raffa, Clemente, 53, 54
Rankin, Rebecca, 37, 55, 57, 78
Ravekes, David, 55, 58
Ravekes, John H., 37, 44, 46
Ravekes, Lily Storms, 9, 55
Ravekes, Miss (and Liberty Ball), 78
Reader, Louis M., 99
Reich, Johnny, 86
Reilly, H. J., 32
Reilly, Robert J., 94
Reilly’s Brook, 37
Reilly’s quarry, 22
Ricci, Francis, 86
Ricci, Lawrence P., 99, 121, epilogue
Ricci, Patrick, 99
Ricciardi, Francesco, 53, 54
Rifkind, Carole, 16
Ritch, John H., 99
Robison Oil Co., 85
Rochambeau, General Jean, 12, 13
Rosenthal’s Dry Goods Store, 37
Rothschild, Lincoln, 16
Ruotolo, Patsy, 86
Salmon, Dick, 57
Sanfilippo, Sam, 96
Sanfillipo, Anthony P., 92
Sanford, Bobby, 85
Sargent, Edward, front cover
Sariell, John, 54
Sariell, Julia Herbeck, 54
Scaperotta, Christy, 87
Scaperotta, Raymond J., 92
Scaperotta family, 53
Schiavo, Carmela, 86
Schiavo family, 53
Schmidt, Harold G., 93
Schoeler family, 48
Schuck, Ray, 90
Schuler, Mrs., 78
Schuyler, Mrs. James, 29
Scribner’s Stationery Store, 82
Secor, Franklin, 48
Secor, Jennie, 48
Secor, Thomas, 48
Secor Dairy Farm, 38
Self, Edna, 98
Shaw, Walter, front cover
Silliman, Arthur W., 17
Sisters of Mercy, 93
Slezia, Wallace, 101
Smith (boy killed by Tory Cowboys, 1777), 8
Smith, Edwin G., 92
Smith, George, 37
Sneden family, 5
Sneden’s Landing, 5, 13, 57
Springsteel, Herb, 66
Springsteel, Officer, 57
Stanton, Edwin M., 31
Statuti, Elvira, 86
Stinson, Ralph, 69
Storm, Andrew, 48
Storm, Anthony, 17
Storm family, 18
Storms, Charles E., 34
Storms, Harold S., 93
Storms, John J., 22
Storms, Lily, 9, 55
Storms, Marion, 99
Storms, Miss (and Liberty Ball), 78
Storms, Patience, 9
Suchin, Alvin, 99
Sullivan, Joseph W., 92
Taxter Blacksmith Shop, 66
Taylor, James L., 29
Taylor, Shadrack, 16
Taylor & Besson Lumber & Coal Yard, 16,
54, 56, 58
Thatchers, Dr., 13
Thomas, General Samuel, 40, 55
Thornton, Judge Hugh, 79
Thornton, Mrs.Hugh, 70
Thornton, Jack, 97
Tiernan, Archie, front cover
Tiernan, Hugh, 22
Tiernan, Jane, 22
Tiernan, Maggie, 38
Tiernan, Brothers, 48
Tilghman, Tench, 9
Tino, Anthony, G., 92
Tisi, Tony, 88
Tisi family, 53, 54
Tittle, D., 16
Tittle’s Brewery, 16
Todd, Martin, M., 22, 31, 55
Tucker, William III, 92
Tyers, R.R., 38
Wilde, Harry DeWitt, 9
Willey, Mrs. Stanley C., 78
Williamson, Major David B., 31
Wilsea, Captain Daniel, 17
Wilson, Lt. Gov. Malcolm, 123
Wood, Miss (and Liberty Ball), 78
Yozzo, Francisco, 53, 54
Zemnick, William, 96, 101
Zevola family, 53
Zipfel, Robert N., 92
Uchtman famiy, 84
Uchtman’s Hotel, 56, 84
Vanderbilt, Alfred G., 55
Venuto, Francesco, 53
Verdin, Eugene R., 92
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 40
Vitagliano family, 53
Walker, Mrs. J.J., 78
Washington, George, 8-13
Watson, Margaret Boyle, 35
Weiss, Mrs. Al., 70
Weiss, Camilla, 70
Wells, Carolyn, 84
Wheatly, Lieutenant, 9
Wheelwright shops, 66
White, James, 101
Whiteman, Miss (teacher), 85