LEAD-BASED PAINT DETERMINATION FORM Rehabilitation Projects built prior to January 1978. Projects receiving HUD funds, including HOME, project based rental assistance, and the Risk Sharing Program, will be subject to the new lead-based paint regulations of 24 CFR 35. Questions about lead-based paint regulations should be directed to John Cora at (502) 564-7630, extension 399. 1. Will the project receive HUD funding? Yes_____ No_____ If “No,” you do not have to complete the remainder of this form, submit only this sheet with the application. 2. Several exemptions exist which may apply to rental funding. These exemptions are: Structures that were built on or after January 1, 1978. Facilities that are designated exclusively for the elderly or persons with disabilities, unless a child under the age of six is expected to reside there. Zero bedroom dwellings, including efficiency apartments, single-room occupancy housing, dormitories, or military barracks. Property that has been found to be free of lead-based paint by a certified inspector. Property where all lead-based paint has been removed and clearance has been achieved. Unoccupied housing that will remain vacant until it is demolished. Non-residential property such as business or industrial property (common areas and exterior surfaces shared by residential and non-residential uses are considered residential). Rehabilitation projects that do not disturb a painted surface. (The new regulations still apply if the project involves project-based rental assistance or risk sharing. Also, the new regulations apply if the project uses HOME and involves acquisition or operations). Projects involving an application for multifamily mortgage insurance in connection with a refinancing transaction where an appraisal is not required under the applicable procedures established by HUD are exempted from the Multifamily Mortgage Insurance requirements of 24 CFR 35 Subpart G. If the project involves any other HUD funds, you are not exempt. You are still subject to the requirements of the other programs. Is the project exempt under one of the above? Yes No If “Yes,” indicate which exemption(s) and provide an explanation and any appropriate supporting documentation. You do not have to complete the remainder of this form. 3. Does the project involve rehabilitation? If “No,” skip to question 4. Yes No 3a. Does the project request assistance under the Risk Sharing Program? Yes No Yes No If “No,” skip to question 3c. 3b. Does the project involve nonresidential property that is to be converted to residential use, or residential property that is to undergo rehabilitation that is estimated to cost more than 50 percent of the estimated replacement cost after rehabilitation? If “Yes,” the project will require paint inspection and abatement. Skip to question 4. 3c. Please complete attachment 1 4. Attachment 2, 3, and 4 are overviews of the lead-based paint requirements for project- based rental assistance, rehabilitation, acquisition leasing and support services (ALSSO), and multifamily mortgage insurance. If your project is subject to the requirements of more than one program, you must comply with the most stringent. Please explain the steps you have taken to understand the requirements pertaining to your project and further explain how you intend to comply with these regulations. Be sure to include a discussion on the certification/training requirements. 5. Please explain how lead-based paint-related costs were estimated. Be sure to include discussions on hard costs and soft costs such as risk assessments and clearance reports, if applicable. Lead-Based Paint - Attachment 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Determination of Lead Treatment Category for Rental Rehabilitation Projects Subject to the New Lead-Based Paint Regulations Name and Location of Project/Unit IF ALL UNITS ARE FEDERALLY ASSISTED 1. Total Construction Hard Cost 2. Construction Hard Costs to Reduce Lead-Based Paint Hazards (attach additional sheet listing each construction item separately) 3. Line #1 minus line #2 4. Total Number of Units 5. Line #3 divided by Line #4 6. Total Amount of Federal Funds in Project (all funds, not just construction related) 7. Line #6 divided by Line #4 8. Enter the lesser of the two numbers found in lines #5 and #7 Line #8 determines the category of lead reduction necessary. Please note that if #8 is equal to or below $5,000 Subpart K of 24 CFR 35 must be followed. IF SOME UNITS IN THE PROJECT ARE NOT FEDERALLY ASSISTED 1. Total Construction Hard Cost for Assisted units only (not including ext. & com. areas) 2. Construction Hard Costs to Reduce Lead-Based Paint Hazards in assisted units only (attach additional sheet, list each construction item separately) 3. Total Construction Hard Cost for common areas and exterior surfaces 4. Construction Hard Costs to Reduce Lead-Based Paint Hazards in common Areas and exterior surfaces (attach additional sheet, list each construction Item separately). 5. Line #1 minus Line #2 6. Line #3 minus Line # 4 7. Number of Federally assisted units in the project. 8. Total number of dwelling units in the project. 9. Line #5 divided by line #7 10. Line #6 divided by Line #8. 11. Line #9 plus line #10 (this is the average hard cost after deductions) 12. Total federal assistance (all federal assistance, not just hard costs) 13. Line #12 divided by line #7 (this is the average federal assistance) 14. Enter the lesser of the two numbers found in lines #11 and #13 Line #14 determines the category of lead reduction necessary. Please note that if #14 is equal to or below $5,000 and the project involved acquisition, Subpart K of 24 CFR 35 must be followed. Lead-Based Paint – Attachment 2 ATTACHMENT 2 PROJECT-BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE Notification Lead Hazard Evaluation Lead Hazard Reduction Multifamily >$5,000/unit Multifamily <$5,000/unit And Single-Family Units All 4 Types All 4 Types Risk Assessment Built Prior to Built 19601960 1977 By 9/17/2001 By 9/15/2003 Visual Assessment Interim Controls Paint Stabilization Safe Work Practices Yes Yes Clearance Yes Yes Ongoing Maintenance Yes Yes EIBLL Yes Yes Category Notes Owner must perform ongoing lead-based paint maintenance until the risk assessment is complete. Most activities on this chart require specialized training and/or certification. Lead-Based Paint - ATTACHMENT 3 (ICF Chart Modified by KHC) SUMMARY OF LEAD-BASED PAINT REQUIREMENTS Approach to Lead Hazard Evaluation and Reduction Notification Lead Hazard Evaluation Lead Hazard Reduction Clearance Ongoing Maintenance EIBLL Requirements Options <$5,000 1. Do no harm All 4 types Paint Testing Repair surfaces disturbed during rehabilitation Rehabilitation (Subpart J) $5,000-$25,000 3. Identify and control lead hazards All 4 types Paint Testing and Risk Assessment Interim Controls Safe work practices Clearance of work site If HOME Rental No Safe work practices Clearance of unit If HOME Rental Presume lead-based paint, requires use of safe work practices on all surfaces Presume leadbased paint and/or hazards, requires use of standard treatments No TBRA (Subpart M) >$25,000 4. Identify and abate lead hazards All 4 types Paint Testing and Risk Assessment Abatement (Interim controls on exterior surfaces not disturbed by rehabilitation) Safe work practices Clearance of unit If HOME Rental No 2. Identify and stabilize deteriorated paint A,L,SS,O (Subpart K) Homebuyer 2. Identify and stabilize deteriorated paint All 4 types Visual Assessment All 4 types Visual Assessment Paint Stabilization Paint Stabilization Safe work practices Clearance of unit Yes Safe work practices Clearance of unit Yes (if ongoing relationship) No Yes Presume lead- Test based paint deteriorated and/or paint hazards, requires abatement of all applicable surfaces A,L,SS,O - Stands for Acquisition, Leasing, Support Services and Operations Most activities on this chart require specialized training and/or certification. Test deteriorated paint Lead-Based Paint – Attachment 4 MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE INSURANCE (v. 9/20/00) Constructed Before 1960 Constructed after 1959 and before 1978 Conversions and Major Rehabilitations All 4 Types All 4 Types All 4 Types Lead Hazard Evaluation Risk Assessment Ongoing Maintenance Paint Inspection Lead Hazard Reduction Interim Controls Ongoing Maintenance Abatement Safe Work Practices Yes Yes Yes Clearance Yes Yes Yes Ongoing Maintenance Yes Yes Yes, if encapsulation or enclosure is used. Also if the historic properties clause is used (see note). Notification Most activities on this chart require specialized training and/or certification.