Job Description: Circle of Friends Secretary

Job Description: Circle of Friends Chair
To lead and manage the Circle of Friends committee in organising events
for the benefit of the school community
Main duties
1. To arrange and chair regular committee meetings in such a way as to
allow all members to contribute to decision making
2. To liaise with the school staff, especially the Leadership Team and
Headteacher so that they are fully aware of Circle of Friends’
activities and decisions e.g. dates of events, funding decisions
3. To bring to the committee’s notice all requests for money from the
school staff (once approved by the Leadership Team) and ensure
each request is discussed and a decision made. To relay these
decisions back to staff and Leadership.
4. To bring to the committee feedback, opinions and suggestions from
school staff
5. To support the Secretary and Treasurer in carrying out their roles
6. To work with the committee in recruiting volunteers to assist at
7. To oversee the organisation of events arranged by committee
8. With the help of the Secretary to ensure regular newsletters and
other publicity material is produced to keep all parents informed
about our events and activities
9. To arrange with the Secretary for relevant information to be
published on the website
To apply for event and lottery licenses where required