Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Burnham

Minutes of the Aviary Group Meeting held Friday 15th November 2010
Zoe Alton, Charlotte Coleman, Brenda Houston, Jane Baird, Lisa Fidget, John Fidget,
Jane Fiddler, Tracie Wescombe
Mrs Downes, Caroline Givan, Sherie Bartlett, Maggie Bonser, Kelly Mitchell, Rachel Scott,
Charmaine Williams, Emma Hickman, Abby Vatcher, Pauleen Harvey, Ellen Cinnamon,
Tracey Neilson, Dee Lister
Christmas Fair booked for Friday 3rd December 2010
School Disco booked for Friday 7th January 2011
The money raised from the fair will be going towards some new equipment for the reception year playground, and
the Science Park.
Meat for the hog roast to be brought directly from Thatcham Butchers (approx £145 for 5 joints of meat – turkey,
Beef and pork).
Charlotte & Brenda to order rolls/sauces/napkins etc from the Burger Man.
ACTION: Charlotte & Brenda
Charlotte confirmed we do have a Father Christmas Outfit and his grotto can be placed in the Science Room.
The grotto will be charged at £2 – this includes groups of children having a story and a toy. Charlotte to buy the toys
ACTION: Charlotte
Brenda to buy Glo-Sticks (x300) to sell at fair
ACTION: Brenda
Jane Fiddler to buy sweets for the sweetie stall and give us receipts to be reimbursed.
ACTION: Jane Fiddler
Jane B to look into the adult lotto and speak to Heather if need to.
Jane F to do the pictures for the childrens lottery and treasure hunt (would need a toy/sweets as prizes, not money).
ACTION: Jane Fiddler
Charlotte to see if she can get a licence in time for the fair.
Zoe can make up some elves outfits for the Year 6’s to dress up in.
Charlotte to start putting together the leaflet to go to the parents including:26th November: Bring an item in for the tombola – no school uniform day
3rd December: Bring in some cakes – no school uniform day
Include date of New Year Disco on the leaflet – 7th January 2011
ACTION: Charlotte
The Tadley Youth Band has been booked – the PTA decided to make a donation of £30 to go toward their funds.
Caroline spoke to the Pamber Heath scouts regarding their marquee. The large marquee is too big to fit on the
playground but she suggested if we get some plastic sheets to go round the back of the bike sheds and then put the
tent in front of them, that would be quite a large sheltered area. We did have a few discussions around this and
gazebos. We need to make a decision what we would like to do!!!
Tombola (need 3 or 4people)
Childrens Sweetie Stall (Jane F buying sweets)
Childrens Craft Stall (Caroline buying items)
Treasure Hunt *
Spot the Robin *
Adult Lotto *
Childrens Lotto *
Face Painting
Glitter Tatoos
Glo-sticks & balloons(can be walked round to sell)
(*could be put on the same table)
Need to sort out a speaker system for announcements/Christmas carols
4.0 AOB
Charlotte to get a date confirmed for the Summer Fair 2011 – 6th May, 13th May or 10th June.
ACTION: Charlotte
It was suggested that the PTA hold an event where by people can sell second hand clothing/items etc. We thought
this would be better as a car boot sale – this will be looked into more detail after the New Year.
Friday 26th November, 1.30pm
For those people who are unable to attend the meetings, please can you let Charlotte/Brenda
know if you are able to help out at the Christmas Fair?? Thanks.