Teacher: Ms. Leftwich, Ms. Telfort, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Garrett

Renaissance Middle School Lesson Plan
Teacher: Ms. Leftwich, Ms. Telfort, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Garrett
Period: 7
Week of 1/25/2016
Week of 2/8/2016
Standard: S7L3. Students will
Standard: S7L3. Students will
Standard: S7L3. Students will
recognize how biological traits are
recognize how biological traits
recognize how biological traits
passed on to successive
are passed on to successive
are passed on to successive
Month: Dec. - Jan
Course: Science
Week of 1 /18/2016
Standard: S7L2: Students will
describe the structure and
function of cells, tissue organs,
and organs systems,
c. Explain that cells are
organized into tissues, tissues
into organs, organs into
systems and systems into
d. Explain that tissues, organs
and organ systems serve the
needs cells have for oxygen,
food and waste removal.
c. Explain the purpose of the
major organ systems in the
human body.
b. Compare and contrast that
organisms reproduce asexually
and sexually (bacteria, protists,
fungi, plants & animals.
c. Recognize that selective breeding
can produce plants or animals with
desired traits.
Explain the role of genes
and chromosomes in the
process of inheriting a
specific trait.
b. b. Compare and contrast
that organisms reproduce
asexually and sexually
(bacteria, protists, fungi,
plants & animals. ting a
specific trait.
c. Recognize that selective
breeding can produce plants or
animals with desired traits.
Week of 2/16/2016
Standard: S7L3. Students will
recognize how biological traits
are passed on to successive
Explain the role of genes
and chromosomes in the process
of inheriting a specific trait.
b. Compare and
contrast that organisms reproduce
asexually and sexually (bacteria,
protists, fungi, plants & animals.
ting a specific trait.
c. Recognize that selective
breeding can produce plants or
animals with desired traits.
Essential Question: Explain the
difference between mitosis and
Describe how chromosomes
determine sex.
Essential Question: Explain why
sex linked disorders occur in one
sex more often than in the other.
Interpret a pedigree.
Essential Question: Explain pedigree,
Punnett squares, gametes,
Vocabulary (L.O.T.S): Hereditary,
dominant trait, recessive trait,, genes,
alleles, phenotype, genotype, Punnett
square, probability, homologous,
chromosomes, meiosis, sex
chromosomes , pedigree
Essential Question: Explain how
genes and alleles are related to
genotype and phenotype.
Explain how probability can be
used to predict possible genotype
in offspring.
Describe three exception to
Mendel’s’ observation.
Vocabulary (L.O.T.S): Hereditary,
dominant trait, recessive trait,, genes,
alleles, phenotype, genotype, Punnett
square, probability, homologous,
chromosomes, meiosis, sex
chromosomes , pedigree
Vocabulary (L.O.T.S):
Hereditary, dominant trait, recessive
trait,, genes, alleles, phenotype,
genotype, Punnett square,
probability, homologous,
chromosomes, meiosis, sex
chromosomes , pedigree
Vocabulary (L.O.T.S): Hereditary,
dominant trait, recessive trait,, genes,
alleles, phenotype, genotype, Punnett
square, probability, homologous,
chromosomes, meiosis, sex
chromosomes , pedigree
Vocabulary (L.O.T.S): Hereditary,
dominant trait, recessive trait,, genes,
alleles, phenotype, genotype, Punnett
square, probability, homologous,
chromosomes, meiosis, sex
chromosomes , pedigree
W.I.L.T: To see if students can
explain the life of a cell
W.A.L.T: To see if students can learn
how cells reproduce.
W.I.L.T: To see if students can
understand biological traits.
W.A.L.T. Understand how
biological traits are passed on.
W.I.L.T To see if students can
understand biological traits.
W.A.L.T. Understand how
biological traits are passed on.
W.I.L.T To see if students can
understand biological traits.
W.A.L.T. Understand how
biological traits are passed on
W.I.L.T To see if students can
understand biological traits.
W.A.L.T. Understand how
biological traits are passed on.
Essential Question: Explain how
cells produce more cells.
Describe the process of mitosis.
Explain how cell division differs in
animals and plant.
Warm Up:
PMAT Explanation Phases of
mitosis (cell division): Interphase,
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase,
Warm Up ( < 10 min.):Check for
understanding . Real World
connection, Science RAP, FLIP book
for vocabulary, Scavenger Hunt for
Warm Up ( < 10 min.): WIN
reading strategy,
Sample Talking Drawings
Back To Activating
Warm Up ( < 10 min.): Check for
understanding by having the
students write their own definition,
Mini Lesson (5-10 min) Think Pair
Share, Graphic Organizer,
Mini Lesson (5-10 min
Pre Lab assignments (Frog)
Mini Lesson (5-10 min.): Frayer
Mini Lesson (5-10 min.):
Warm Up ( < 10 min.): Check for
understanding by having the
students write their own definition,
Mini Lesson: Create a flip chart
for the DNA strand
Assign seat
Set-up Interactive Notebook
Work Period (25-30 min.):
Facilitated Instruction
Parallel Instruction
Interactive Instruction
Station Teaching
Problem based learning
Work Period: PBL tracing their
traits using the Punnett square and
the pedigree chart
Work Period (25-30 min.):
Facilitated Instruction
Parallel Instruction
Interactive Instruction
Students will dissect a frog to
identify different organs.
Work Period (25-30 min.):
Political cartoon
Comparison chart
Comic strip
Venn diagram
Foldable booklet
Flip chart
Work Period (25-30 min.):
TOTD: List three things you
TOTD: Exit slips
TOTD: Snowball fight
TOTD: Stand Up
TOTD: Exit slip
Students are to complete whatever
work they did not finish
Homework: Students are to
complete whatever work they did not
Homework: Students are to
complete whatever work they did not
Homework: Students will review
rules/expectations and regulations
Homework: Extended classwork
becomes homework
Assign seat
Set-up Interactive Notebook