Shaw JA - University of Miami

Curriculum Vitae
Date: February 2006
Jon A. Shaw, M.D.
Address (home)
4. Phone - Office
Current Academic Rank
Professor of Psychiatry
6a. Current Track
Phone - Home
Primary Department
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Secondary/Joint Appointment
Professor of Pediatrics
Visa Type (if non citizen)
B.A., General Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
M.S., Psychology, University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon
M.D., University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon
10. Institutional (institution; degree; date conferred):
1964-1965 Internship, Letterman Army Medical Center, San Francisco, California
1965-1969 Psychiatry Residency, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
1967-1969 Child Psychiatry Residency, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
1966-1968 Special Training, Group Psychotherapy Training Program, Washington School of
Psychiatry, Washington, D.C.
Graduate Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program, Baltimore-D.C. Institute for
Graduate Child Psychoanalytic Training Program, Baltimore-D.C.
Institute for Psychoanalysis
1972-1973 Fellowship, Clinical Psychiatry Research, Walter Reed Army Medical Center,
Washington, D.C.
Non Institutional (description; dates):
Certification, Licensure (description; board or agency; dates):
District of Columbia
Washington School of Psychiatry, Group Psychotherapy
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Psychiatry
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Child Psychiatry
American Psychoanalytic Association Board, Adult and Child/Adolescent Psychoanalysis
Florida Medical License
13. Academic (institutions; rank/status; dates):
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Miami
School, Miami, Florida.
Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Miami School of
Medicine, Miami, Florida.
Professor and Director, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of
Miami School of Medicine
Visiting Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD.
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Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services
University of the Health Services, Bethesda, MD.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences, Washington, DC
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
14. Non-Academic (employers; title; responsibilities; dates):
Consultant, Terrorism and Disaster Center, University of Oklahoma Health
Science Center.
Psychiatric consultant, Kristi House, Orlowitz-Lee, Children’s Advocacy Center
Director, Task Force on Training and Education, NCCTS, Terrorism and disaster
Consultant to the Terrorism and Disaster Branch, NCTSN
Consultant, Department of Epidemiology and Emergency Preparedness, Florida
Disaster Health Curriculum
Director, Florida Psychoanalytic Institute
Chairman, Education Committee, Florida Psychoanalytic Institute
Supervising and Training Analyst, Florida Psychoanalytic Institute
Chief, Child and Adolescent Disorders Research Branch, Division of Clinical
Research, National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, MD.
Teaching Analyst, Baltimore-D.C. Institute for Psychoanalysis (Child
Development, Adolescent Continuous Care Conference, Child Analytic Literature,
Instinct Course)
Program and Research Director, Elaine Gordon Treatment Center for early
adolescent male sex offenders. Department of Psychiatry, University of Miami
School of Medicine, Pembroke Pines, Florida.
Professor of Psychiatry and Vice-Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD.
Faculty-Lecturer (Child Development and Child Psychopathology), Psychoanalytic
Aspects of Adolescence; Mourning and Bereavement Child Extension Division
Baltimore-D.C. Institute for Psychoanalysis.
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Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Clinical Associate Professor, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, D.C.
Chief, Department of Psychiatry, 130th Station Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
Part-time Private Practice of Psychiatry
15. Military (branch; rank; responsibilities; dates):
Active Duty, US Army; Retired Col. USMC
Psychiatry & Neurology Consultant, Office of the Surgeon General, Pentagon
HQDA (DASG - PSC-F), Washington, D.C.
Chief, Department of Psychiatry, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, D.C.
Chief, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service, Training Director, Child and
Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Department of Psychiatry, Walter Reed Army
Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
Assistant Chief, Department of Psychiatry, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Child, Adult Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
Assistant Chief, Child Psychiatry and Training Director, Child Psychiatry Service,
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center,
Washington, D.C.
Chief, Department of Psychiatry, 130th Station Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany.
16. Books and monographs published:
Shaw JA, (Editor) 1999, Sexual Aggression, APA Press, Washington, D.C.
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17. Juried or referred journal articles or exhibitions:
Shaw JA & Thompson RF: Inverse relationship between evoked cortical responses and
behavioral orienting to repeated auditory stimuli. Psychonomic Sciences, 1:399-400, 1964.
Thompson RF & Shaw JA: Behavioral correlates of evoked activity recorded from association areas
of the cerebral cortex. J Comp Phys Psy, 60(3):329-339, Dec, 1965.
Shaw JA, Wheeler P & Morgan DW: Mother-infant relationship and weight gain in the first month
of life. J Amer Acad Child Psychiatry, 9(3):428-444, Jul 1970.
Shaw JA & Pangman J: Geographic mobility and the military child. Mil Med, 140(6):413-416, Jun,
Shaw JA, Donley PJ & Morgan DW: Treatment of depression in alcoholics. Am J Psychiatry,
132(6):641-644, Jun, 1975.
Shaw JA: Man and the problem of aggression, Journal of the Philadelphia Association for
Psychoanalysis, 6 (1/2), 41-53, 1978.
Shaw JA: Adolescents and the mobile military community, Adolescent Psychiatry, 7, 1979, 191198.
Shaw JA: Adolescence, mourning and creativity, Adolescent Psychiatry, 9,1981, 60-77.
Shaw JA: The post-adolescent crisis of John Stuart Mill, Adolescent Psychiatry. 10, 1982, 85-98.
Shaw JA: Comments on the individual psychology of combat exhaustion, Military Medicine, March
1983, 148, (3), 223-231.
Shaw JA: Goethe's elective affinities: Themes of loss and restoration Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 1984,
4, (4), 627-642.
Shaw JA: “Unmasking of the illusion of safety: psychic trauma in war." Bulletin of the Menninger
Clinic, 51,(1), January 1987, 49-63.
Shaw JA: (1987) "Children in the military," Psychiatric Annals, 17:539-544.
Rothberg JM, Rock NL, Shaw JA, Jones F: (1988), "Suicide in United States Army personnel,
1983-1984", Military Medicine, 153 (2): 61-64.
Shaw JA: (1988) “Childhood Depression”, Medical Clinics of North America, 72 (4), 831-45.
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Rothberg JM, Fagan J, Shaw JA: (1990) "Suicide in United States Army Personnel, 1985-86,
Military Medicine, 155 (10) 452-456.
Jensen PS, & Shaw, JA: (1993) "Children as Victims of War: Current Knowledge and Future
Research Needs" Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
32(4): 697-708.
Shaw JA, Campo-Bowen AE, Applegate B, Perez D, Antoine LB, Hart EL, Lahey BB, Testa RJ,
Devaney A (1993) "Young Boys Who Commit Serious Sexual Offenses, Bulletin of the
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 21(4):399-408.
Shaw JA, Applegate B, Tanner S, Perez D, Rothe E, Campo-Bowen AE, Lahey BB (1995) "A
study of psychological effects of Hurricane Andrew on an elementary school population"
Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 34 (9), 1185-1192.
Shaw, JA, Applegate, B & Schorr, C, (1996) "Twenty one month follow-up study of school-age
children exposed to Hurricane Andrew" Journal of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, 35 (3) 359-364.
Shaw, JA, Applegate, B, Rothe, E and Perez, D, (1996) “Psychopathology and Personality
Disorders in Adolescent Sex Offenders” American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry,
Shaw, JA, (1998) Narcissism, identity formation and genocide, Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol 22, pp
Shaw JA, (1999) Practice Parameter: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
Principle Author, assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents who are
Sexually Abusive of Others, Vol. 38, No. 12 (Suppl) pp 555-765.
Shaw, JA (2000) Children, Adolescents and Trauma, Psychiatric Quarterly, 71(3), pp. 227-244.
Shaw, JA (2000) Thomas Wolfe: Study of a Wanderer, J App Psychoanalytic Studies, 2(2) pp.
Shaw, JA et al., (2000) Child on child sexual abuse, psychological perspective, Journal of Child
Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 24(12), pp 1591-1600.
Shaw, JA (2000) Narcissism as a motivational structure: The problem of personal significance,
Psychiatry, 63(3), pp 219-230
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Shaw, JA et al., (2001) Comparison of Hispanic and African-American sexually abused girls
and their families, Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect. 25: 1363-1379
Shaw JA et. al.(2001) A Study of Quetiapine: Efficacy, and Tolerability in Psychotic
Adolescents, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 11 (4) 415-424
Brickman, AL, Garrity, CP, Brickman, AL, Garrity, CP Shaw, JA (2002) Risk Factors for
psychosocial dysfunction among Enrollees in the State’s Children Health Insurance
Program, Psychiatric Services, 53: 614-619
Egeland J, Shaw, JA, Endicott J., Allen CR, Hostler AM & Sussex J. (2003) Bipolar Risk
Ratings for Amish Children in a Prospective Study, JAACAP 42: 7, 786-796
Shaw, J (2003) Children exposed to war/terrorism, Clinical Child and Family Psychology
Review, 6: (4) pp.237-246
Shaw, JA (2004) The Legacy of Child Sexual Abuse, Psychiatry 67(3) Fall 2004, pp 217-221
Shaw, JA. Egeland J. et al, (2005) A 10 year prospective study of prodromal patterns for
bipolar disorder among Amish Youth, accepted for publication in JAACAP, 44:11
Shaw, JA (2005) A Pathway to Spirituality, Psychiatry, 68(4)Winter 350362
Other works, abstracts, chapters and other publications:
A 10-year prospective study of prodromal patterns for Bipolar disorder among Amish Youth, American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada, October 2005
Acute behavioral hospital based psychological interventions for mass casualties, International Society for
Traumatic Stress Studies, Toronto, Canada, September 2005
The Acute Traumatic Moment in War, (by invitation) presented to the International Psychoanalytic
Association, Rio de Janeiro, 4 August 2005
Bipolar Prodromal Patterns among Amish Youth, presented to the annual meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association, Atlanta, Georgia May 25, 2005
Individual and Conjoint approaches to couples theory, presented to the annual meeting of the American
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Psychiatric Association, Atlanta, Georgia May 25, 2005
A Public Health Model for Disaster and Terrorism, presented to the APSAC, August 4, 2004,
Hollywood, Calif
Child Soldiers, presented to the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, May 3, 2004,
Morbidity and Mortality of Ecstasy Use in Miami-Dade County, presented to the annual meeting of the
American Academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, San Francisco, October 25, 2002
Bipolar risk ratings for Amish children in prospective study, presented to the annual meeting of the
American Academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, San Francisco, October 25, 2002
Trauma and the World in Conflict, Presented to the Georgia Psychiatric Association Meeting, Amelia
Island, August 2002
Trauma and Loss, Presented to the Georgia Psychiatric Association Meeting, Amelia Island, July 31, 2002
A Study of Quetiapine: Efficacy and Tolerability in Psychotic Adolescents: presented to the International
Conference on Schizophrenia, Whistler, Canada, 27 April 2001
An Overview of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in children and adolescents, Presented to the annual
meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, October 1999, Chicago, IL.
Child on Child Sexual Abuse: Sexual Play and Victimization, presented to the annual meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, May 17, 1999.
Suicide Notes: A Content Analysis Between Younger and Older Victims, presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Canada May, 1998
A Comparison of Hispanic and Afro-American Sexually Abused Children, presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Canada June, 1998
Psychopathology and Violence, presented to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
Philadelphia, PA, October 23, 1996.
Effects of Parental Response to Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse, presented to the American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA, October 24, 1996.
Role of Child Psychiatrists: Responding to Disaster, presented to the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, October 25, 1996.
Psychopathology and Personality Disorders in Adolescent Sex Offenders, American Psychiatric
Association, NYC, NY, 8 May 1996.
Treating the Borderline Patient with Severe Identity Diffusion, American Psychiatric Association, Miami,
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FL, 24 May 1995.
Follow-up study of children exposed to Hurricane Andrew, American Psychiatric Association, Miami, FL,
22 May 1995.
PTSD in Young Children after Hurricane Andrew, American Psychiatric Association, Miami, FL, 22 May
Psychopathology in Adolescent Sex Offenders, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
New York, NY, October, 1994
Twenty-one Month Follow-up Study of Children Exposed to Hurricane Andrew, American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York, NY, October, 1994.
School Based Consultation following Hurricane Andrew, Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association, Philadelphia, PA, May, 1994.
PTSD Symptomatology in Children: The Columbus Day School Bus Accident, Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA, May 1994.
The Adolescent Sex Offender and Borderline Psychopathology," Restorative Justice for Juvenile Sex
Offenders, Sponsored by National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 19-22 February
1994, Denver, CO.
Young Boys Who Commit Serious Sexual Offenses, (1993) Journal of the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, New Research, 32:4 p. 885.
The Early Adolescent Male Sex Offender, Restorative Justice for Juvenile Sex Offenders, Sponsored by
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 15-17 November 1992, Lake Tahoe/Reno,
Psychotherapy of Child Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association, New Orleans, May 15, 1991.
Child PTSD, Clinical and Research Perspectives, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
New York, October 15, 1989.
Recent 1996 advisory Board, Juvenile Assessment Center, Miami, FL, 1994 Task Force on Juvenile
Sexual Offenders and Victims of Juvenile Sexual abuse and Crime, June, 1994.
Advances in Child Psychotherapy Research.” Annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, Washington, D.C., October 1987.
NIMH Clinical Research Training: Future Directions, American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, Los Angeles, California, October 1986.
"Varieties of Combat Reaction in the Lebanon War." American Psychiatric Association, Washington,
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D.C., May 1986.
"The Traumatic Situation and Psychic Trauma." American Psychiatric Association, Dallas, Texas, May
"Psychological Sequella of Early Object Loss, A Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.” American Psychiatric
Association, Dallas, Texas, May 1985.
"Adolph Meyer and the Emerging Concepts of Child Mental Health." American Academy of Child
Psychiatry, October 1983.
Shaw JA: Reporter, Discussion Group, Developmental Aspects of Transference, Annual Meeting of the
American Psychoanalytic Association, Baltimore, Maryland, May 1976.
Accountability in Child Psychiatry Training. Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association,
Anaheim, California, May 1975.
Shaw JA & Zients AB: The diagnosis and management of the battered child and his family (Chap.20). In
G. Balis (ed.), Psychiatry Problems in Medical Practice, Vol. 6, Psychiatric Foundations of Medicine,
Butterworth Pub Inc, Boston, 1978, 381-392.
Shaw JA & Finger, R: Personality development motivational theories (Chap. 15). In G. Balis (ed.),
Dimension of Behavior, Vol 1, Psychiatric Foundation of Medicine, Butterworth Pub. Inc., Boston,
1978, 345-370.
Shaw JA: Personality development: psychoanalytic theories (Chap. 16). In G. Balis (ed.), Dimensions of
Behavior, Psychiatric Foundations of Medicine, Butterworth Publ. Inc., Bost, 1978, 371-391.
Shaw JA: Psychoneurotic disorder of childhood (Chap. 27). IN G. Balis, et al. (ed.), Clinical
Psychopathology, Vol. 4, Psychiatric Foundations of Medicine, Butterworth Publ. Inc., Boston, 1978,
Shaw JA: The child in the military community. In J. Noshpitz (ed.), Basic Handbook of Child Psychiatry,
Vol 1, Development, Basic Books, New York 1979, pp. 310-316.
Shaw JA: The Adolescent experience in the military family, Hunter, E.J. and Nice, D.S. (ed.), Children of
Military Families: A Part and Yet Apart.
Shaw JA: Psychodynamic consideration in adaptation to combat, Contemporary Studies in Combat
Psychiatry, (ed.), (Belenky), Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1987, 117-132.
Shaw JA: "Stress engendered by military action on military and civilian populations." In Stressors and
Adjustment Disorders, (eds.), (Noshpitz, J.D. and Coddington, R.D.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, pp. 340-361, 1990.
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Shaw, JA: Children of War and Children at War: Child victims of terrorism in Mozambique. Ursano et.
al. (ed.) In Human Response to Trauma and Disaster, Cambridge Press, England, pp. 287-305, 1994.
Shaw, JA & Campo-Bowen, AE: Aggression. In G.P. Sholevar (ed.), conduct Disorders in Children and
Adolescents, AP Press, Washington, DC, 1995, 45-57.
Shaw JA: The Effects of War and Parental Deployment upon Children and Adolescent. In Emotional
Aftermath of the Persian Gulf War, (eds.) Ursano, RJ and Norwood, AE, APA Press, Washington,
DC, 1996, 83-109.
Shaw JA: Children of the Storm: A Study of School Children and Hurricane Andrew (Chap. 7). In PostTraumatic Stress Disorders: Acute and Long Term Responses to Trauma and Disaster, (eds.)
Fullerton CS and Ursand o RJ, AAPI Progress try Series #51. APA Press, Washington, DC, 1997,
Shaw, JA & Jenson, PS: Children in the military (Chap 5). In Handbook of Child Psychiatry, (eds.)
Noshpitz, JD and Alessi, NE #4, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997, 39-45.
Shaw, JA & Jenson, PS: Children of war (Chap 7). In Handbook of Child Psychiatry,(eds.) Noshpitz, JD
and Alessi, NE, #4, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997, 53-64.
Jenson, PS and Shaw, JA: Foreign culture, geographic mobility and children’s
mental health (Chap 47). In Handbook of Child Psychiatry, eds. Noshpitz, JD and Alessi, NE, #4,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997, 504-509.
Shaw JA (2001) Sexually Aggressive Youth, In Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry (ed) Schetky. &
Benedek, American Psychiatric Press, pp 279-289
Shaw JA (2003) Children of war and Children at War: child victims of terror in Mozambique, In
Terrorism and Disaster (eds) Ursano R, Fullerton CS & Norwood A, Cambridge University Press, pp
Shaw J (2004) The Psychological Effects of a Community-Wide Disaster on Children: Planning for
Bioterrorism, In Bioterrorism: Psychological and Public Health Interventions (eds.) Ursano, R.,
Cambridge Univeristy Press, London, pp. 144-164
Other Publications
Egeland JE, Shaw, JA, Endicott J, Allen CR, Hostetter A, Letter to the Editor, JAACAP, 44:11, November
Shaw, J. A. (2005) The Cloak of Invincibility over the New Orleans Experiences, Contributions to
Denial, Out of our Minds, Fall 2006, p.5, Florida Psychoanalytic Institute
Shultz, J.M., Espinel Z., Flynn, B.W., Shaw, J.A., Watson, P.J., Schreiber, M. Operations Training for
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Disaster Behavioral Health for Health Care Professionals. DEEP Center, University of Miami
School of Medicine, 2005.
Shultz, J.M., Espinel, Z., Cohen, R.E., Shaw, J.A., Flynn, B.W., Ursano, R.A. Behavioral Health
Awareness Training for Terrorism and Disasters. DEEP Center, University of Miami School of
Medicine, 2003, 2004, 2005.
Shultz, J.M., Espinel, Z., Cohen, R.E., Shaw, J.A., Flynn, B.W., Ursano, R.A., Insignares, J.R.
Entrenamiento en Salud Funcional para Terrorismo y Desastres. DEEP Center, University
of Miami
School of Medicine, 2003, 2004, 2005.
Shultz, J.M., Espinel, Z., Flynn, B.W., Barbera, J., Ursano, R.A., Cohen, R.E., Shaw, J.A., Memon, A.,
Lynn, M. Disaster Behavioral Health Awareness Training for Health Care Professionals. DEEP
Center, University of Miami School of Medicine, 2004.
Shultz, J.M., Espinel, Z., Flynn, B.W., Barbera, J., Ursano, R.A., Cohen, R.E., Shaw, J.A., Memon, A.,
Lynn, M., Insignares, J.R. Entrenamiento en Salud Funcional ante Desastres y Terrorismo
para T
Trabajadores de la Salud. DEEP Center, University of Miami School of Medicine, 2004.
Shaw, J., A Walk in Provence, Florida Psychoanalytic Institute, News Letter, Out of Our Minds,
Issue 6, Fall 2004, Florida Psychoanalytic Institute
Castellanos, Perez, Lewis & Shaw (2003) Youth Suicide and Hurricane Andrew, Letter to the Editor,
JAACAP, 42 (2) p. 131
Shaw, J.A., Espinel, Z., Shultz, J.M. Children: Stress, Trauma, and Disaster. Department of Psychiatry
and Behavioral Health, University of Miami School of Medicine, 2004.
Shaw JA & Shaw S (2001): Should children testify in Family Court, The Family Law Section,
Commentator, 37 (1) 25-27
Shaw, JA, Ursano, R.(2000) “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”, ACP Psychiatric Update, Amer Academy
of Clinical Psychiatrists, 1 Vol 21(4)
Bernet, W & Shaw J (2000) Letter to the Editor, Children and Adolescents who are abusive of others.
JAACAP. 39:7, p. 810
Shaw, JA (Book Review) Minefields in Their Hearts, Roberto Apfel & Bennett Simon, New Haven &
London, Yale University Press, Journal of the American Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Shaw, JA, Pynoos, R and Blumenfield, M. "Psychiatrist Response to Disaster", ACP-Psychiatric Update,
American College of Psychiatrist, Vol. 14, Issue 12, 1994.
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Shaw, JA, (Book Review) Children and Political Violence, Ed Cairns, Cambridge, MA, Blackwell
Publishers, 1996
Shaw, JA: (Book Review), "Rage, Power and Aggression", (ed) Glick, RA, Roose, SP
J of American Psychoanalytic Assoc 1994.
Shaw, JA: (Book Review), The Vulnerable Child (ed) Cohen, TB, Hossein, Etezady, H and Pacella, BL, J
of Amer Psychoanalytic Assoc. Int. Univ Press, Madison, Conn, 1993.
Shaw JA: "The Psychological Response to Disaster", Miami Medicine, Vol. 13 Issue 10, pp 13 & 15,
November, 1992.
Shaw JA: The military family: Who has been scapegoated? Amer J. Psych, Letter to the Editor, 136 (3),
351-2, March 1979.
Shaw JA: The family move and the military child. Med Bull. US Army, Europe, 29(7-8):213-216, 1971.
Shaw JA: The origins of aggression in human behavior. Med Bull US Army, Europe, 27(9): 311-315,
Other works submitted/accepted for publication
Shaw, JA, 2006, The Acute Traumatic Moment, Psychic Trauma in War: Psychoanalytic Perspectives,
Accepted for publication, Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Academic Psychiatry.
Funded Research Performed (include all grants received in the last five years, identifying the
principal investigator, and the amounts and dates of the awards):
December 15, 1989 - June 30, 1990; Elaine Gordon Treatment Center Grant, State of Florida Health
& Rehabilitative Services, for early male adolescent sex offenders, 9-14 years of age. $516,000
July 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991; Elaine Gordon Treatment Center Grant, State of Florida Health &
Rehabilitative Services, for early male adolescent sex offenders, 9-14 years of age. $1,038,795
1991 - 1995; Dominguez, Roberto, M.D. and Jon A. Shaw, M.D., "Open Follow-up of Sertraline in
Children and Adolescents with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, $198,400
July 1, 1991 - June 30, 1992; Elaine Gordon Treatment Center Grant, State of Florida Health &
Rehabilitative Services, for early male adolescent sex offenders, 9-14 years of age. $2,010,000
July 1, 1992 - June 30, 1993; Elaine Gordon Treatment Center Grant, State of Florida Health &
Rehabilitative Services, for early male adolescent sex offenders, 9-14 years of age. $1,873,000
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November, 1992; Study of an elementary school population traumatized by Hurricane Andrew,
Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center. $1,500
December, 1992; Co-Director, Post-Disaster Training Center (Hurricane Andrew) Supplemental
Disaster Assistance Fund training Substance Abuse Prevention, Center for Family Studies. $451,000
July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1994; Elaine Gordon Treatment Center Grant, State of Florida Health &
Rehabilitative Services, for early male adolescent sex offenders, 9-14 years of age. $1,898,441
1994 - A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Pilot Study to assess the safety and efficacy of Fluoxetine
(Prozac) in the treatment of male adolescent sexual offenders.
1996-98 - DuPont Foundation, Sexual Abuse Trauma Clinic, $204,000.
1999 - A Pilot Study of Quetiapine (Seroquel) in Adolescents with the Spectrum of Psychotic
Disorders. Zeneca, $65,988.
2000-2001 Bulletproofing an Elementary School, Miami Beach Police Department, Law Enforcement
Trust Fund
2001-2002 Bulletproofing an Elementary School, Miami Beach Police Department, Law Enforcement
Trust Fund $6000.00
2004-2005 A 3-week multi-center, ramdomized, double blind, parallel group, placebo-controlled,
study of the efficacy and safety of Quetiapine Fumarate IR tablets in daily doses of 400 and 600 mg
compared with placebo in the treatment of children and adolescents with BP I Mania, Astra Zenica
2004-2005 A 26 week international, multi-center, open-label study of the safety and tolerability of
Quetiapine Fumarate IR tablets in daily doses of 400 and 600 mg compared with placebo in the
treatment of children and adolescents with BP I Mania, Astra Zenica
2006 Lasdon Foundation Grant, $100,000, to study issues that effect the recruitment of child and
adolescent psychiatry residents in Florida Medical Schools.
2006 Department of Epidemiology and Emergency Preparedness, Miller School of Medicine,
University of Miami School of Medicine, Florida Disaster Health Curriculum, $10,000.
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21. Editorial responsibilities
Editorial Board; Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, 1993-1999
Reviewer; Hospital and Community Psychiatry
Reviewer; Archives of General Psychiatry
Reviewer; Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Reviewer: Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes
Book Reviewer, Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association
Book Reviewer, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
22. Professional and Honorary Organization
Distinguished Life Fellow; American Psychiatric Association
Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
Fellow, American Academy of Child Psychiatry and Adolescent Psychiatry
Member, American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
Member, American Psychoanalytic Association
Member, American Association for Child Psychoanalysis
Member, Society for Academic Psychiatry
Member, Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
23. Honors and Awards
Phi Beta Kappa
Alpha Omega Alpha
The First J. Franklin Robinson, M.D., Memorial Award, presented by the American Academy of
Child Psychiatry, October 1970, for Scientific Research Paper, "Mother-Infant
Relationship and Weight Gain in the First Month of Life"
Lewis B. Hill Award, Presented by the Baltimore-D.C. Institute for Psychoanalysis, January 1977, for
Scientific Paper, "Man and the Problem of Aggression"
Selected for inclusion in the first edition of The Best Doctors in America: South East Region.
Sarah Esselstyn Howell Teaching Award, 1996, 2000, for caring commitment, curiosity and
intellectual honesty, University of Miami.
Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, (by invitation) Aspen, Colorado, 1996.
Plaque for “scholarship and the creation of our practice parameters for the Assessment and treatment
of children and adolescents who are sexually abusive of others by the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, October, 1999, Chicago, IL.
2001-2002 “Best Doctors In America Award”, selected by his peers
2002-2003 Top Psychiatrists, Consumer’s Research Council of America
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24. Post-Doctoral Fellowships
1972-1973 Clinical Research Fellowship, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC.
25. Other Professional Activities (e.g., papers presented; performances, conferences proceedings;
seminar or conference panel member; catalogue work; etc.):
Faculty, REACH (Recommendations for the employment of antipsychotics in children,
Medical Decision Point, 10 Summit Avenue, Montvale, NJ
Invited Presenter to NICHD Conference on Children Exposed to Violence, July 2426, 2002. Presentation “Psychological Effects of War and Terrorism”.
National Conference, Planning for Bioterrorism, Uniform Services University School
of Medicine, Washington DC, 19-21 October 2001
National Conference: Planning for Bioterrorism, Uniform Services University School
of Medicine, Washington, DC 14-17 July 2000.
Chairman, Study Group, Grief and Mourning, American Academy of child and
Adolescent Psychiatry.
Member, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry work group on
quality issues.
Co-Chairman, Disaster and Trauma Committee, American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry.
Co-Director, Special Interest Study Group, Creativity and Play, American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Co-Director, Institute, Violence and Related Psychotherapy: Diagnosis, Prevention and
Treatment, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA
APA National Consensus Conference on the Role of Psychiatrist in Disaster, Role of
the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Washington D.C., September 18-19, 1995
Committee on Conduct Disorder, American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Committee on Disaster and Trauma, American Academy of Child and Adolescent
President, South Florida Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
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Workshop, The Adolescent Sex Offender presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association, 25 May, Philadelphia, PA.
Presented workshop for CSAP grant following Mississippi flooding, Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder, Chicago, IL, October 22, 1993.
Program Committee, Annual Meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress.
Research Committee, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Task Force on Research, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Project Prevention Steering Committee, American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Participant, National Conference on Strategies for the Prevention of Youth Suicide,
The Task Force on Youth Suicide sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Bethesda, Maryland
Chairman, CME Program Committee, Baltimore-D.C. Institute for Psychoanalysis
Washington Psychiatric Society, Peer Review and Standards Committee
Member of Executive Council, Washington, D.C. Council of Child Psychiatry
Chairman, Committee on Continuing Medical Education, Washington, D.C. Council
of Child Psychiatry
Personnel Management for Executives Program, Department of the Army,
Williamsburg, Virginia
Participant, Research Committee National Conference on Child Abuse,
Washington, D.C.
Teaching Awards Received
Sarah Esselstyn Howell Teaching Award, 1996 & 2000, for caring commitment, curiosity and intellectual
honesty, University of Miami.
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Teaching Specialization (briefly, courses taught, new courses developed, innovative or
experimental teaching etc.)
Courses Taught
Growth and Human Development
Child Psychopathology
Child Forensic Psychiatry
Child Psychotherapy
Narcissism and Borderline Conditions
Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology of Adolescence
Workshops taught at American Psychiatric Association
Psychiatrist role in Disaster
Sexually abusive adolescents
Conduct Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in children and adolescents
Grief and Mourning in children
Mourning and Creativity
Thesis and Dissertation Advising/Post-doctoral student supervision
Internal Representation of Sexually Abused Boys, Claudia Lang, Dissertation Proposal to the Faculty of
the University of Miami, Department of Psychology, November, 1995.
University Committee and Administrative Responsibilities
Member, Medical WMD School Committee
Chair, Department Committee on Trauma and Disaster
UMMG Committee, University of Miami School of Medicine
Executive Training Committee, University of Miami School of Medicine
Quality Improvement Committee, Managed Cared (UBH
Steering Committee, Managed Cared (UBH)
Chairman, HIV Infection in Children and Adolescents
Chairman, Department of Psychiatry Research Committee
Mental Health Facility Selection Committee
Promotions and Tenure Committee
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January, 2005
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Community Activities
Florida Palm Beach, DOH consultation team to Punta Gorda, August 18-21 August 2004
2000-2003 Developing and Monitoring Bullyproofing program at Biscayne Elementary School
Placque "In appreciation of your guidance and supervision in the aftermath of Hurricane
Andrew" from the Dade County Public Schools' Crisis Response Team, 21 May, 1993.
Placque "For your guidance, understanding and support in our road to recovery from
Hurricane Andrew" from Redondo Elementary School, 10 December 1992.