Bibliography - University of California Press

The Environmental Legacy of the UC Natural Reserve System
Edited by Peggy L. Fiedler, Susan Gee Rumsey, and Kathleen M. Wong
Published by UC Press, 2013
Bibliography: All References, Including Sources and Literature Cited
Editors’ Note: Included in this section are all sources consulted in the preparation of this
book as well as a selected listing of research conducted at each of the NRS reserves.
This list includes master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and published research in
peer-reviewed journals, books, book chapters, and selected technical reports. These
references are not comprehensive but serve to illustrate the range of research that has
been, and continues to be, conducted at NRS reserves.
Part I: Inspiration and Vision
Alagona, P. S. 2008. Homes on the range: Cooperative conservation and environmental
change on California’s privately owned hardwood rangelands. Environmental
History 13: 287-311.
Anonymous. 1939. “Dr. Grinnell, famous U.C. scientist, dies: Ornithologist succumbs to
heart attack,” The San Francisco Examiner, 30 May 1939.
California Environmental Quality Act, “Article 20 Definitions,”
California State Department of Education. 2006. A Master Plan for Higher Education in
California, 1960-1975, Sacramento. 230 pp.
Gomez-Pompa, A. 1998. Letter nominating Wilbur Mayhew for Chevron Conservation
Awards Program.
Herring, M. 2000. Studying nature in nature: The history of the University of California
Natural Reserve System. Chronicle of the University of California 3: 65-74.
Koenig, W. D. 1981a. Space competition in the acorn woodpecker: power struggles in a
cooperative breeder. Animal Behaviour 29: 396-409.
--------. 1981b. Reproductive success, group size, and evolution of cooperative breeding
in the acorn woodpecker. American Naturalist 117: 396-409.
Koenig, W. D. and J. M. H. Knops. 2002. The behavioral ecology of masting in oaks. In
Oak Forest Ecosystems, W. J. McShea and W. M. Healy (eds.), 129-148. The
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Kohler, R.E. 2002. Landscapes and Labscapes: Exploring the Lab-Field Border in
Biology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 341 pp.
Mathias, M. 1970. Natural Land and Water Reserves System of the University of
California. Biological Conservation: 2:4.
Mathias, M. 1973. The value of natural areas. Fremontia 1: 3-6.
Mathias, M. 1982. “Among the plants of the earth oral history transcript,” interviewed by
Mary Terrall in 1978 and 1979, Oral History Program, University of California,
Los Angeles.
Mayhew, W.W. 1998. “Transcription of Oral History Interview with Wilbur W. Mayhew,
August 10, 1998,” UC Riverside.
Mittermeier, R. A., P. R. Gil, M. Hoffmann, J. Pilgram, T. Brooks, C. G. Mittermeier, J.
Lamoreaux, and G. A. B. Da Fonseca. 2004. Hotspots Revisited. Cemex, Mexico
City. 390 pp.
Norris, K. S. to Clark Kerr, 4 June 1963, NRS collection.
Norris, K. S. 1966. The Use of Natural Land and Water Reserve Land. February 11,
--------. 1997. Letter of support for Bill Mayhew to Chevron Conservation Awards, March
23, 1997.
--------. 1999. Kenneth S. Norris, Naturalist, Cetologist and Conservationist, 1924-1998:
An Oral History Biography. University of California, Santa Cruz. 344 pp.
--------. 2010. Mountain Time — Reflections on the Natural World and Our Place in It.
Lulu Press, 360 pp.
Organization of Biological Field Stations,
Partnership for Indisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans.
Santa Cruz Island Foundation. 2011. Oral History with Lyndal Laughrin, Channel
Islands National Park, Santa Cruz Island Foundation, Santa Barbara, May 2011.
Smith, M. L. 1987. Pacific Visions: California Scientists and the Environment, 18501915. Yale University Press, New Haven. 243 pp.
Sproul, R. G. to Mrs. Russell P. Hastings, 5 September 1956. University Archives,
University of California, Berkeley. CU-5, Series 3, Box 15, Folder 7.
Star, S. L., and J. Griesemer. 1989. Institutional ecology, ‘translations’ and boundary
objects: Amateurs and professionals in Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate
Zoology. Social Studies of Science 19: 387-420.
Stegner, W. 1992. The Sense of Place. Random House, Inc., New York.
Suttle, K. B., M. A. Thomsen, and M. E. Power. 2007. Species Interactions reverse
grassland responses to changing climate. Science 315: 640-642.
Trenham, P. C. and H. B. Shaffer. 2005. Amphibian upland habitat use and its
consequences for population viability. Ecological Applications 15: 1158-1168.
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, “California,”
University of California. 1965. Regents Committee on Educational Policy
recommendation, approved and adopted by The Board of Regents on January
22, 1965.
University of California, Natural Land and Water Reserves System. 1978. Systemwide
Academic. November 14,1978.
University of California, Natural Reserve System,
--------. 1985. Natural Reserve System. The First Twenty Years. University of California.
University of California Natural Reserve System, Oakland, CA. 24 pp.
--------. 1999. Reserve Use Guildelines. University of California Natural Reserve System,
Oakland, CA.
--------. 2003. Acquisition Guidelines. University of California Natural Reserve System,
--------. 2004. Administrative Handbook. University of California Natural Reserve
System, Oakland.
--------. 2008. Special Research Projects: National Centers and Other Landscape-Scale
Projects that Utilize NRS Reserves. University of California Natural Reserve
System, Oakland, CA. 19 pp.
--------. 2009. UC Courses Hosted by UC Natural Reserves. University of California
Natural Reserve System, Oakland, CA. 39 pp.
University of California, Oral History Program. 1982. Among the Plants of the Earth,
Transcript 1978-1979. Mildred Ester Mathias; Harlan Lewis, Mary Terrall.
University of California, Los Angeles.
University of California, Santa Cruz, “Natural History Field Quarter Information and
Wikipedia, “List of U.S. National Forests,”
Wu, D., P. Gupta, and P. Mohapatral. 2007. Quail Ridge Reserve Wireless Mesh
Network: Experiences, challenges, and findings. International Conference on
Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Network and
Communication (TridentCom) 2007: 1-6.
Wu, D., and P. Mohapatra. 2011. QuRiNet: a wide-area wireless mesh testbed for
research and experimental evaluations. Communication Systems and Networks
(COMSNETS) 2010: 1-10.
Part II: Reserves
Heath and Marjorie Angelo Coast Reserve
Bastow, J. L., J. L. Sabo, J. C. Finlay, and M. E. Power. 2002. A basal aquatic-terrestrial
trophic link in rivers: algal subsidies via shore-dwelling grasshoppers. Oecologia
131: 261-268.
Bergey, E. A., C. A. Boettiger, and V. H. Resh. 1995. Effects of water velocity on the
architecture and epiphytes of Cladophora glomerata Chlorophyta. Journal of
Phycology 31: 264-271.
Berlow, E. L., S. A. Navarrete, M. E. Power, B. A. Menge, and C. Briggs. 1999.
Quantifying variation in the strengths of species interactions. Ecology 80: 22062224.
Estes, J. A., J. Terborgh, J. S. Brashares, M. E. Power, J. Berger, W. J. Bond, S. R.
Carpenter, T. E. Essington, R. D. Holt, J. B. C. Jackson, R. J. Marquis, L.
Oksanen, T. Oksanen, R. T. Paine, E. K. Pikitch, W. J. Ripple, S. A. Sandin, M.
Scheffer, T. W. Schoener, J. B. Shurin, A. R. E. Sinclair, M. E. Soulé, R.
Virtanen, and D. A. Wardle. 2011. Trophic downgrading of planet earth. Science
333: 301-306.
Finlay, J. C., S. Khandwala, and M.E. Power. 2002. Spatial scales of carbon flow in a
river food web. Ecology 83: 1845-1859.
Herring, M. 1987. Heath and Marjorie Angelo Coast Range Reserve. University of
California Natural Reserve System, Oakland, CA. 8 pp.
Hill, W. R., and A. W. Knight. 1987. Experimental analysis of the grazing interaction
between a mayfly and stream algae. Ecology 68: 1955-1965.
Hunter, J. C., and M. G. Barbour. 2001. Through-growth by Pseudotsuga menziesii: A
mechanism for change in forest composition without canopy gaps. Journal
Vegetation Science 12: 445-452.
Kotanen, P. M. 1997. Effects of experimental soil disturbance on revegetation by
natives and exotics in coastal Californian meadows. Journal of Applied Ecology
34: 631-644.
Levine, J. M., and C. M. D'Antonio. 1999. Elton revisited: a review of evidence linking
diversity and invasibility. Oikos 87: 15-26.
Lowe, W. H., G. E. Likens, and M. E. Power. 2006. Linking scales in stream ecology.
BioScience 56: 591-597.
McClure, M. M., S. M. Carlson, T. J. Beechie, G. R. Pess, J. C. Jorgensen, S. M.
Sogard, S. E. Sultan, D. M. Holzer, J. Travis, B. J. Sanderson, M. E. Power, and
R. W. Carmichael. Evolutionary consequences of habitat loss for Pacific
anadromous salmonids. 2008. Evolutionary Applications 1: 300-318.
McNeely, C., and M. E. Power. 2007. Spatial variation in caddisfly grazing regimes
within a northern California watershed. Ecology 88: 2609-2619.
Power, M. E. 1990. Effects of fish in river food webs. Science 250: 411-415.
--------. 1992. Top down and bottom up forces in food webs: do plants have primacy?
Ecology 73: 733-746.
--------. 2006. Environmental controls on food web regimes: a fluvial perspective.
Progress in Oceanography 68: 125-133.
Power, M. E., N. Brozovic, C. Bode, and D. Zilberman. 2005. Spatially explicit tools for
understanding and sustaining inland water ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and
the Environment 3: 47-55.
Power, M. E., and W. E. Dietrich. 2002. Food webs in river networks. Ecological
Research 17: 451-471.
Power, M. E., R. Lowe, P. C. Furey, J. Welter, M. Limm, C. Bode, S. Chang, M.
Goodrich, and J. Sculley. 2009. Algal mats and insect emergence in rivers under
Mediterranean climates: Toward photogrammetic surveillance. Freshwater
Biology doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02163x.
Power, M. E., J. C. Marks, and M. S. Parker. 1992. Variation in the vulnerability of prey
to different predators: Community-level consequences. Ecology 73: 2218-2223.
Power, M.E., M. S. Parker, and W. E. Dietrich. 2008. Seasonal reassembly of river food
webs under a Mediterranean hydrologic regime: Floods, droughts, and impacts of
fish. Ecological Monographs 78: 263-282.
Sabo, J. L., and M. E. Power. 2002. Numerical response of riparian lizards to aquatic
insects and the short-term consequences for alternate terrestrial prey. Ecology
83: 3023-3036.
Siedl, M. A., and W. E. Dietrich. 1992. The problem of channel erosion into bedrock.
Catena Supplement 23: 101-124.
Sklar, L., and W. E. Dietrich. 1998. River longitudinal profiles and bedrock incision
models: stream power and the influence of sediment supply. Geophysical
Monograph 107: 237-260.
Strayer, D. S., M. E. Power, W. F. Fagan, S. T. A. Pickett, and J. Belnap. 2003. A
classification of ecological boundaries. BioScience 53: 723-729.
Suttle, K. B., M. E. Power, J. M. Levine, and C. McNeely. 2004. How fine sediment in
riverbeds impairs growth and survival of juvenile salmonids. Ecological
Applications 14: 969-974.
University of California, Natural Reserve System, Angelo Reserve,
Wootton, J. T., M. S. Parker, and M.E. Power. 1996. The effect of disturbance on river
food webs. Science 273: 1558-1560.
Wootton, J. T., and M. E. Power. 1993. Productivity, consumers, and the structure of a
river food chain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 90:
Año Nuevo Island Reserve
Andrews, R.D., D. R. Jones, J. D. Williams, P. H. Thorson, G. W. Oliver, D. P. Costa,
and B. L. LeBoeuf. 1997. Heart rates of northern elephant seals diving at sea and
resting on the beach. Journal of Experimental Biology 200: 2083-2095.
Block, B.A., I. D., Jonsen, S. J. Jorgensen, A. J. Winship, S. A. Shaffer, S. J. Bograd, E.
L. Hazen, D. G. Foley, G. A. Breed, A-L. Harrison, J. E. Ganong, A.
Swithenbank, M. Castleton, H. Dewar, B. R. Mate, and D. P. Costa. 2011.
Tagging of pacific predators: Tracking apex marine predator movements in a
dynamic ocean. Nature 475: 86-90.
Boehlert, G. W., D. P. Costa, D. E. Crocker, P. Green, T. O'Brien, S. Levitus, and B. J.
Le Boeuf. 2010. Autonomous pinniped environmental samplers: Using
instrumented animals as oceanographic data collectors. Journal of Atmospheric
and Oceanic Technology 18: 1882-1893.
California State Parks, “Año Nuevo State Park,”
Costa, D. P. How Electronic Tags Are Helping to Understand the Movements, Behavior
and Habitats of Marine Vertebrates. Online publication
Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS).
--------. 2009. Osmoregulation. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. 2nd Edition, W.F.
Perrin, J.G.M. Thewissen, and B. Wursig, (eds.), pp. 791-796. Academic Press,
New York.
Costa, D. P., D. E. Crocker, J. Gedamke, P. M. Webb, D. S. Houser, S. B. Blackwell, D.
Waples, S. A. Hayes, and B. J. LeBoeuf. 2003. The effect of a low-frequency
sound source (acoustic thermometry of the ocean climate) on the diving behavior
of juvenile northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America 113: 1155-1165.
Costa, D. P., L. A. Huckstadt, D. E. Crocker, B. I. McDonald, M. E. Goebel, and M. A.
Fedak. 2010. Approaches to studying climatic change and its role on the habitat
selection of Antarctic pinnipeds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50: 10181030.
Crocker, D. E., D. P. Costa, B. J. Le Boeuf, P. M. Webb, and D. S. Houser. 2006.
Impact of El Niño on the foraging behavior of female northern elephant seals.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 309: 1-10.
Crocker, D. E., B. J. LeBoeuf, and D. P. Costa. 1997. Drift diving in female northern
elephant seals: Implications for food processing. Canadian Journal of Zoology
75: 27-39.
Crocker, D. E., J. D. Williams, D. P. Costa, and B. J. LeBoeuf. 2001. The effects of
maternal mass, body composition, and age on reproductive effort in northern
elephant seals. Ecology 82: 3541-3555.
Graham, B. S., P. L. Koch, S. D. Newsome, K. W. McMahon, and D. Aurioles. 2010.
Using isoscapes to trace the movements and foraging behavior of top predators
in oceanic ecosystems. In Understanding Movement, Pattern, and Process on
earth Through Isotope Mapping, J. B. West, G. J. Bowen, T. E. Dawson, and K.
P. Tu (eds), 299-318. Springer Science + Business Media, New York.
Hassrick, J. L., D. E. Crocker, N. M. Teutschel, B. I. McDonald, P. W. Robinson, S. E.
Simmons, and D. P. Costa. 2010. Age and mass impact oxygen stores and dive
duration in adult female northern elephant seals. Journal of Experimental Biology
213: 585-592.
Herring, M. 1987. Año Nuevo Island Reserve. University of California Natural Reserve
System, Oakland, CA. 8 pp.
Hoelzel, A. R., B .J. Le Boeuf, J. Reiter, and C. Campagna. 1999. Alpha male paternity
in elephant seals. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46: 298-306.
Hoelzel, A.R., R.C. Fleischer, C. Campagna, B. Le Boeuf, and G. Alvord. 2002. Impact
of a population bottleneck on symmetry and genetic diversity in the northern
elephant seal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15: 567-575
Holt, M. M., B. L. Southall, S. J. Insley, and R. J. Schusterman. 2010. Call directionality
and its behavioural significance in male northern elephant seals, Mirounga
angustirostris. Animal Behaviour 80: 351-361.
Klimley, A. P., B. J. Le Boeuf, K. M. Cantara, J. E. Richert, S. F. Davis, S. Van
Sommeran, and J. T. Kelly. 2001. The hunting strategy of white sharks at a
pinniped colony. Marine Biology 13: 617-636.
Kuhn, C. E., D. E. Crocker, Y. Tremblay, and D. P. Costa. 2008. Time to eat: Measuring
at-sea feeding behavior of a large marine predator, the northern elephant seal
(Mirounga angustirostris). Journal of Animal Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.13652656.2008.01509.x.
Le Boeuf, B. J., D. E. Crocker, D. P. Costa, S. B. Blackwell, P. M. Webb, and D. S.
Houser. 2000. Foraging ecology of northern elephant seals. Ecological
Monographs 70: 353-382.
Lester, C. W, and D. P. Costa. 2006. Water conservation in fasting northern elephant
seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 4283-4294.
Mitani, Y., R. Andrews, K. Sato, A. Kato, Y. Naito, and D. P. Costa. 2010. 3D resting
behaviour of northern elephant seals: drifting like a falling leaf. Biology Letters 6:
Meir, J. U., C. D. Champagne, D. P. Costa, C. L. Williams, and P. J. Ponganis. 2009.
Extreme hypoxemic tolerance and blood oxygen depletion in diving elephant
seals. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative
Physiology 297: R927 –R939, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00247.2009
Padman, L., D. P. Costa, S. T. Bolmer, M. E. Goebel, L. A. Huckstadt, A. Jenkins, B. I.
McDonald, and D. R. Shoosmith. 2010. Seals map bathymetry of the Antarctic
continental shelf. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L21601,
Radford, K.W., R.T. Orr, C.L. Hubbs. 1965. Reestablishment of the northern elephant
seal (Mirounga angustirostris) off central California. Proceedings of the California
Academy of Sciences 31:601-612.
Rea, L., and D. P. Costa. 1992. Changes in standard metabolism during long-term
fasting in northern elephant seal pups (Mirounga angustirostris). Physiological
Zoology 65: 97-111.
Rick, T. C., R. L. DeLong, J. M. Erlandon, T. J. Braje, T. L. Jones, J. E. Arnold, M. R.
Des Lauriers, W. R. Hildebrandt, D. J. Kennett, R. L. Vellanoweth, and T. A.
Wake. 2011. Where were the northern elephant seals? Holocene archeology and
biogeography of Mirounga angustrirostris. Holocene 21: 1159-1166.
Robinson, P.W., S. E. Simmons, D. E. Crocker, and D. P. Costa. 2010. Measurements
of foraging success in a highly pelagic marine predator, the northern elephant
seal. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 1146–1156
Simmons, S. E., D. E. Crocker, J. L. Hassrick, C. E. Kuhn, P. W. Robinson, Y.
Tremblay, and D. P. Costa. 2010. Climate-scale hydrographic features related to
foraging success in a capital breeder, the northern elephant seal Mirounga
angustirostris. Endangered Species Research 10: 233-243.
Thayer, J. A., M. M. Hester, and W. J. Sydeman. 2000. Conservation biology of
Rhinoceros Aukleets, Cerorhinca monocerata, on Año Nuevo Island, California,
1993-1999. Endangered Species Update 17: 62-67
Thornton, S. J., D. M. Speilman, N. J. Pelc, W. F. Block, D. E. Crocker, D. P. Costa, B.
J. Le Boeuf, and P. W. Hochachka. 2001. Effects of forced diving on the spleen
and hepatic sinus in northern elephant seal pups. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences USA 98: 9413-9418.
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Weise, M. J., J. T. Harvey, and D. P. Costa. 2010. The role of body size on the foraging
behavior of an apex predator, the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus.
Ecology: 91: 1004–1015.
Williams, T. M., R. W. Davis, L. A. Fuiman, J. Francis, B. J. Le Boeuf, M. Hornin, J.
Calambokidis, and D. Croll. 2000. Sink or swim: Strategies of cost-efficient diving
by marine mammals. Science 288: 133-136.
Blue Oak Ranch Reserve
Bainbridge, S., and T. Kan. 1997. Botanical survey of the Blue Oak Ranch, Santa Clara
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Benson, B. J., B. J. Bond, M. P. Hamilton, R. K. Monson, and R. Han. 2010.
Perspectives on next generation technology for environmental sensor networks.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 193–200.
Fry, D. L. 2008. Prescribed fire effects on deciduous oak woodland stand structure,
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University of California, Natural Reserve System, “Blue Oak Ranch Reserve,”
Wilcox, J. T., and D. H. Van Vuren. 2009. Wild pigs as predators in oak woodlands of
California. Journal of Mammalogy 90: 114–118.
Wilcox, J. T. 2010. Actinemys marmorata western pond turtle predation. Herpetological
Review 41: 212.
Bodega Marine Reserve
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biological invasion by plants. Biological Invasions 2: 33-40.
Danin, A., S. Raie, M. Barbour, N. Jurjavcic, P. Connors, and E. Uhlinger. 1998. Early
primary succession on dunes at Bodega Head, California. Madroño 45: 101-109.
Dawson, M. N., R. K. Grosberg, Y. E. Stuart, and E. Sanford 2010. Population genetic
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Miller, W. B., and A. E. Weis. 1999. Adaptation of coyote brush to the abiotic
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Morgan, S. G., J. L. Fisher, S. H. Miller, S. T. McAfee, and J. L. Largier. 2009.
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Strauss, S. Y., D. Siemens, M. B. Decher, and T. Mitchell-Olds. 1999. Ecological costs
of resistance to herbivores in the currency of pollination. Evolution 53: 11051113.
Strong, D. R., and R. Pemberton. 2000. Biological control of invading species – risk and
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University of California, Natural Reserve System, “Bodega Marine Reserve,”
Vila, M., and C. M. D'Antonio. 1998. Fruit choice and seed dispersal of invasive vs.
noninvasive Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae) in coastal California. Ecology 79: 10531060.
Waycott, M., C. M. Duarte, T. J. B. Carruthers, R. J. Orth, W. C. Dennison, S. Olyarnik,
A. Calladine, J. W. Fourqurean, K. L. Heck, A. R. Hughes, G. A. Kendrick, W. J.
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across the globe threatens coastal ecosystems. Proceedings of the National
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White, J. W., L. W. Botsford, A. Hastings, and J. L. Largier. 2010. Population
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larval dispersal. Marine Ecology Progress Series 298: 49-67.
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intertidal zone on photosynthesis in the macroalgae Postelsia palmaeformis and
Hedophyllum sessile (Phaeophyceae). Marine Biology 116: 519-525.
Box Springs Reserve
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Philip L. Boyd Deep Canyon Desert Research Center
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Maciolek, J. A., and P. R. Needham. 1951. Ecological effects of winter conditions on
trout and trout foods in Convict Creek, California. Transactions of the American
Fisheries Society 81: 202-217.
Mateo, J. M. 2010. Self-referent phenotype matching and long-term maintenance of kin
recognition. Animal Behaviour 80: 929-935.
Muir, J. 1911. My First Summer in the Sierra. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
Needham, P. R. 1947. Survival of trout in streams. Transactions of the American
Fisheries Society 77: 26-31.
Nelson, C. E., S. Sadro, and J. M. Melak. 2009. Contrasting the influences of stream
inputs and landscape position on bacterioplankton community structure and
dissolved organic matter composition in high elevation lake chains. Limnology
and Oceanography 54: 1292-1305.
Nisbet, R. M., S. Diehl, W. G. Wilson, S. D. Cooper, D. D. Donalson, and K. Kratz.
1997. Primary productivity gradients and short-term population dynamics in open
systems. Ecological Monographs 67: 535-553.
Nolin, A. W., and J. Dozier. 1993. Estimating snow grain size using AVRIS data.
Remote Sensing of the Environment 44: 231-238.
North, M. P., K. M. Van de Water, S. L. Stephens, and B. M. Collins. 2009. Climate, rain
shadow, and human-use influences on fire regimes in the eastern Sierra Nevada,
California USA. Fire Ecology 5: 17-31.
O'Loghlen, A. L., and S. Rothstein. 2010. Delayed sensory learning and development of
dialect songs in brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater. Animal Behaviour 79:
Rosenthal, W., J. Saleta, and J. Dozier. 2007. Scanning electron microscopy of impurity
structures in snow. Cold Regions Science and Technology 47: 80-89.
Smith, O. R. and P. R. Needham. 1935. A Stream Survey in the Mono and Inyo National
Forests, California, 1934. Bureau of Fisheries, Department of Commerce,
Washington, DC.
University of California, Natural Reserve System, “Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research
Vredenburg, V. T., R. A. Knapp, T. S. Tunstall, and C. J. Briggs. 2010. Dynamics of an
emerging disease drive large-scale amphibian population extinctions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107: 9689 - 9694.
Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserves - Valentine Camp
Carpenter, F. L. 1987. Food abundance and territoriality: to defend or not to defend.
American Zoology 27: 387-399.
Carpenter, F. L., and M. A. Hixon. 1992. Fighting rufous hummingbirds. Anima 2: 59-64.
Fleischer, R. C., S. I. Rothstein, and L. S. Miller. 1991. Mitochondrial DNA variation
indicates gene flow across a zone of known secondary contact between two
subspecies of the brown-headed cowbird. Condor 93: 185-189.
Greenstone, M. H. 1984. Determinants of web spider species diversity: vegetation
structureal diversity vs. prey availability. Oecologia 62: 299-304.
Holtsford, T. P. 1985. Nonfruiting hermaphroditic flowers of Calochortus leichtlinii
(Liliaceae): Potential reproductive functions. American Journal of Botany 62: 299304.
Howald, A. M., and B. K. Orr. 2000. A Flora of Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserve. 2 nd
edition. University of California, Santa Barbara, Museum of Systematics and
Ecology, Santa Barbara.
Karban, R., C. Karban, and J. Karban. 2007. Haypiles of the mountain beaver,
Aplodontia rufa. Western North American Naturalist 67: 618-621.
Morris, K., and S. S. Gustafson. 1987. Valentine Camp. University of California Natural
Reserve System, Oakland, CA. 8 pp.
Stephens, S. L. 2001. Fire history differences in adjacent Jeffrey pine and upper
montane forests in the eastern Sierra Nevada. International Journal of Wildland
Fire 10: 161-167.
Tomback, D. F. 1978. Foraging strategies of the Clark’s nutcracker. Living Bird 16: 123162.
Tomback, D. F. and Y. B. Linhart. 1990. The evolution of bird-dispersed pines.
Evolutionary Ecology 4: 185-219.
University of California, Natural Reserve System, “Valentine Camp,”
Vizgirdas, R., and E. M. Vizgirdas. 2006. Wild Plants of the Sierra Nevada. University of
Nevada Press, Reno, NV. 321 pp.
Welch, K. C., Jr., and R. K. Suarez. 2008. Altitude and temperature effects on the
energetic cost of hover-feeding in migratory rufous hummingbirds, Selasphorus
rufus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86: 161-169.
Yokel, D. A., and S. I. Rothstein. 1991. The basis for female choice in an avian brood
parasite. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 29: 39-45.
White Mountain Reserve
Bettinger, R. L. 1991. Aboriginal occupation at high-altitude: Alpine villages in the White
Mountains of eastern California. American Anthropologist 93: 656-679. In the
White Mountains, Bettinger documented the highest village site found in North
America and related it to theories of cultural change.
Carbone, M.S., G. C. Winston, and S.E. Trumbore. 2008. Soil respiration in perennial
grass and shrub ecosystems: linking plant and microbial sources with
environmental controls on seasonal and diel timescales. Journal of Geophysical
Research 113:1-14 Ecosystem research on the Owens Valley floor.
Chappell, M. A., and E. M. Dlugosz. 2009. Aerobic capacity and running performance
across a 1.6 km altitude difference in two sciurid rodents. Journal of Experimental
Biology 212: 610-619. A long history of research on rodent physiological
performance at high altitude using the Barcroft Field Station.
Dahlhoff, E. P., S. L. Fearnley, D. A. Bruce, A. G. Gibbs, R. Stoneking, D. M. McMillan,
K. Deiner, J. T. Smiley, and N. E. Rank. 2008. Effects of temperature on
physiology and reproductive success of a montane leaf beetle: Implications for
persistence of native populations enduring climate change. Physiological and
Biochemical Ecology 81:718-732. The long-running National Science
Foundation-funded “beetle project” based at Owens Valley Laboratory has
produced dozens of publications as well as involving nearly 50 undergraduate
and graduate students.
DeDecker, M. Botany. In The Crooked Creek Guidebook, C. A. Hall, Jr. and B.
Widawski (eds.), 99-105. University of California, Los Angeles.
Ducsay C. A., K. Hyatt, M. Mlynarczyk, K. M. Kaushal, and D.A. Myers. 2006. Longterm hypoxia increases leptin receptors and plasma leptin concentrations in the
late gestation ovine fetus. American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory,
Integrative, and Comparative Physiology. 291: R1406-R1413. A multi-decadal
project on how long-term hypoxia affects pregnancy and fetal development in
sheep at Barcroft Field Station; a top ranked research program at the National
Institutes of Health.
Elmore, A.J., S. J. Manning, J. F. Mustard, and J. S. Craine. 2006. Decline in alkali
meadow vegetation cover in California: the effects of groundwater extraction and
drought. Journal of Applied Ecology 43: 770-779. National Science Foundationsponsored research on the ecosystem impacts of groundwater pumping in the
Owens Valley.
Epps, C. W., J. D. Wehausen, V. C. Bleich, S. G. Torres, and J. S. Brashares. 2007.
Optimizing dispersal and corridor models using landscape genetics. Journal of
Applied Ecology 44: 714 - 724.
Ernst, W. G. 1992. Post-Archean crustal evolution, terrane accretion, and
metamorphism of the western Cordillera, with emphasis on northern and central
California. In Basement Tectonics 8: Characterization and Comparison of Ancient
and Mesozoic Continental Margins: Proceedings of the Eighth International
Conference on Basement Tectonics, M.J. Bartholomew, D.W. Hyndman, D.W.
Mogk, and R. Mason (eds.), R 151-175. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Berlin.
Gary Ernst worked at White Mountain Research Station [now White Mountain
Reserve] and published many significant geoscience articles during four decades
at the facility. He was the 2004 recipient of the Penrose Medal of the Geological
Society of America.
Frank, C. L., E. S. Dierenfeld, and K. B. Storey. 1998. The relationship between lipid
peroxidation, hibernation, and food selection in mammals. American Zoologist
38: 341-349. This long-running study of golden-mantled ground squirrel
hibernation physiology uses telemetry to measure underground conditions.
Glazner, A. F., J. M. Bartley, D. S. Coleman, W. Gray, and R.Z. Taylor. 2004. Are
plutons assembled over millions of years by amalgamation from small magma
chambers? GSA Today 14: 4-11. An on-going active research program
examining the development of mountains such as the Sierra Nevada.
Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA),
Grubisic, V., J. D. Doyle, J. Kuettner, S. Mobbs, R. B. Smith, C. D. Whiteman, R. Dirks,
S. Czyzyk, S. A. Cohn, S. Vosper, M. Weissman, S. Haimov, S. F.J. De Wekker,
L. L. Pan, and F. K. Chow. 2008. The terrain-induced rotor experiment: a field
campaign overview including observational highlights. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society. 89:1513-1533. White Mountain Research Station [now
White Mountain Reserve] sometimes hosts large field expeditions, in this case,
serving as the command center for three aircraft in this National Science
Foundation-funded effort to understand mountain-induced airflows.
Hall, C. A. Jr. (ed.) 1991. Natural History of the White-Inyo Range, Eastern California.
Berkeley: University of California Press, Berkeley. 536 pp.
Hall, C. A., Jr., and N. Pace. 1994. History of the White Mountain Research Station and
the Crooked Creek facilities. In The Crooked Creek Guidebook, C. A. Hall, Jr.
and B. Widawski (eds.), 1-8. University of California, Los Angeles.
Hall, C. A., Jr., and N. Pace. 1973. A history. In 25 Years of High-Altitude Research,
White Mountain Research Station, Hall, C. A., Jr., and N. Pace (eds.) 1-8.
University of California White Mountain Research Station, Bishop.
Hall, L. S. and M. L. Morrison. 1994. Natural history of vertebrate animals of the
Crooked Creek area, White Mountains, California. In The Crooked Creek
Guidebook, C. A. Hall, Jr. and B. Widawski (eds.), 106-110. University of
California, Los Angeles.
Hall, C. A., Jr. and B. Widawski. 1994. The Crooked Creek Guidebook. University of
California, Los Angeles. 132 pp.
Holmquist J. G., J. Schmidt-Gengenbach, and S. A. Haultain. 2010. Does long-term
grazing by pack stock in subalpine meadows result in lasting effects on arthropod
assemblages? Wetlands 30: 252-262. White Mountain Research Station [now
White Mountain Reserve] research scientist Jeff Holmquist contracts with
National Park Service to study communities and conservation ecology in the
Jayko, A. S. 2009. Deformation of the Late Miocene to Pliocene Inyo Surface, eastern
Sierra region. In Late Cenozoic Structure and evolution of the Great Basin-Sierra
Nevada, J.Oldow, P. Cashman (eds.), 313-350. Geological Society of America,
Special Paper 447, Boulder. Dramatic and diverse geology and the sparse
vegetation facilitate studies of surface processes.
LaMarche Jr., V. C. 1984. Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide: tree ring evidence for
growth enhancement in natural vegetation. Science 225: 1019-1021. LaMarche
used White Mountain Research Station [now White Mountain Reserve]
meteorological data to make one of the first arguments that atmospheric CO 2
build-up explains recent increases in bristlecone ring width.
Lloyd, R. M., and R. S. Mitchell. A Flora of the White Mountains, California and Nevada.
University of California Press, Berkeley. 202 pp.
Meinhold, P. R., M. Bersanelli, J. Childers, N. Figueiredo, T. C. Gaier, D. Haveli, G. G.
Huey, M. Kangas, C. R. Lawrence, A. Levy, P. M. Lubin, M. Malaspina, N.
Mandolesi, J. Marvil, J. Mejía, P. Natoli, I. O’Dwyer, H. O’Neill, S. Parendo, A.
Pina, M. D. Seiffert, N. C. Stebor, C. Tello, F. Villa, T. Villela, L. A. Wade, B. D.
Wandelt, B. Williams, and C. A. Wuensche. 2005. A Map of the Cosmic
Microwave Background from the BEAST Experiment. Astrophysical Journal
Supplement 158: 101-108. The astrophysics research program continues to the
present day under the leadership of UCSB Professor Philip Lubin.
Pace, N., D. F. Rahlmann, A. M. Kodama, R. C. Mains, and B. W.Grunbaum. 1974. A
monkey metabolism pod for space flight weightlessness studies. Life Sciences
and Space Research 12: 149-157. In the 1970s, White Mountain Research
Station [now White Mountain Reserve] received major support from NASA for
preparing monkeys for space flights.
Powell, F. L., H. Shams, S. C. Hempleman, and G. S. Mitchell. 2004. Breathing in thin
air: Acclimatization to altitude in ducks. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
144: 225-235. White Mountain Research Station [now White Mountain Reserve]
started as a place to study high altitude physiology, and this is only one of many
articles on that subject in the reserve’s publication list.
Rundel, P. W., E. A. Graham, M. F. Allen, J. C. Fisher, and T. C. Harmon. 2009.
Environmental sensor networks in ecological research. New Phytologist 182:
589–607. White Mountain Research Station [now White Mountain Reserve] has a
long history as a site for testing new technologies, in this case, environmental
sensor networks.
Scherer, H. H., W.G . Ernst, and R. B. Hanson. 2008. Geologic implications of new
zircon U-Pb ages from the White Mountain Peak metavolcanic complex, eastern
California. Tectonics 27, TC2002, doi:10.1029/2007TC002141. A detailed look at
the geology of White Mountain Peak using new dating techniques.
Schulman, E. 1954. Longevity under adversity in conifers. Science 119: 396-399.
Edmund Schulman documented the great longevity of bristlecone pines in the
White Mountains and called attention to their value for the study of climatology.
Severinghaus, J. W., R. A. Mitchell, B. W. Richardson, and M. M Singer. 1963.
Respiratory control at high altitude suggesting active transport regulation of CSF
pH. Journal of Applied Physiology 18: 1155-1166. John Severinghaus and
colleagues published many landmark articles on the physiology of breathing.
Smoot, G. F., III. 2007. Nobel Lecture: Cosmic microwave background radiation
anisotropies: Their discovery and utilization. Reviews of Modern Physics 79:
1349-1379. George Smoot’s decade of work at White Mountain Research Station
[now White Mountain Reserve] is one of the high points of a more than 60-year
tradition of astrophysics research.
Van de Ven, C., S. B. Weiss, and W. G. Ernst. 2007. Plant species distributions under
present conditions and forecasted for warmer climates in an arid mountain
range. Earth Interactions 11: 1-33. This long-running project includes remote
sensing, on-the-ground measurements of vegetation and microclimate, and
modeling climate change effects.
Wehausen, J. D. 1996. Effects of mountain lion predation on bighorn sheep in the Sierra
Nevada and Granite Mountains of California. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24: 471-79.
Wehausen, J. D. 1999. Rapid extinction of mountain sheep revisited. Conservation
Biology 13: 378-384. White Mountain Research Station [now White Mountain
Reserve] research scientist John Wehausen, an acknowledged authority on
Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, has worked for decades to understand the
conservation biology and genetics of these endangered vertebrates.
Wilkinson, D. T. 1967. Measurement of the cosmic microwave background at 8.56-mm
wavelength. Physical Review Letters 19: 1195-1198. Right after the discovery of
the “cosmic fireball” (i.e., “big bang”), astrophysicists flocked to Barcroft Field
Station to make more accurate measurements.
Yilmaz C., D. M. Dane, and C. C. W. Hsia. 2007. Alveolar diffusion-perfusion
interactions during high altitude residence in guinea pigs. Journal of Applied
Physiology 102: 2179-2185. Effects of long-term hypoxia on lung development in
guinea pigs raised at Barcroft Field Station.
Younger Lagoon Reserve
Weiner, R., and K. S. Norris. 1983. A Plan for a Natural Areas Reserve on the UC Santa
Cruz Campus. Publication No. 12, Environmental Field Program, University of
California, Santa Cruz.
Brown, M., and K. S. Norris. Campus Natural Reserve Committee. 1986. Academic
Plan for the Campus Natural Areas Reserve, University of California, Santa Cruz.
Murphey, P. G. 1978. Collisella austrodigitalis sp nov.: A sibling species of limpet
(Acmaeidae) discovered by electrophoresis. Biological Bulletin 155: 193-206.
Prest, H. F., and L. A. Jacobson. 1995. Passive sampling of water and coastal air via
semipermeable membrane devices. Chemosphere 30: 1351-1361
Part III: Future Directions for the UC Natural Reserve System
Ackerly, D. D., S. R. Loarie, W. K. Cornwell, S. B. Weiss, H. Hamilton, R. Branciforte,
and N. J. B. Kraft. 2010. The geography of climate change: Implications for
conservation biogeography. Diversity and Distributions 16: 476-487.
Adventure•Risk•Challenge (ARC),
Bowen, G. M. and W-M. Roth. 2007. The practice of field ecology: Insights for science
education. Research in Science Education 37: 171-187.
[State of] California, “Department of Finance,”
Dallman, P. R. 1998. Plant Life in the World’s Mediterranean Climates. California Native
Plant Society and University of California Press, Sacramento and Berkeley. 257
Dayton, P.K. 2003. The importance of the natural sciences to conservation. The
American Naturalist 162: 1-13.
Kraft, N. J. B., B. G. Baldwin, and D. D. Ackerly. 2010. Range size, taxon age and
hotspots of neoendemism in the California flora. Diversity and Distributions 16:
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, “Commission on Ecosystem
Management,” about/union/commissions/ cem/cem_about/.
Leache, Adam L., Der-Shing A. Helmer, Craig Moritz. 2010. Phenotypic evolution in
high-elevation populations of western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) in
the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 100:
Loarie, S. R., B. E. Carter, K. Hayhoe, S. McMahon, R. Moe, C. A. Knight, and D. D.
Ackerly. 2008. Climate change and the future of California’s endemic flora. PLoS
ONE 3 e2502, 18 pp.
Mathias, M. 1973. The value of natural areas. Fremontia 1: 3-6.
Moritz, C., J. Patton, C. Conroy, J. Parra, G. White, and S. Beissinger 2008. Impact of a
century of climate change on small-mammal communities in Yosemite National
Park, USA. Science 322: 261-264.
National Ecological Observatory Network,
Norris. K. S. 2010. Mountain Time — Reflections on the Natural World and Our Place in
It. Lulu Press, 360 pp.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, “Millienium Seed Bank,”
Rubidge, E. M., Monahan, W. B., Parra, J. L., Cameron, S. E. and Brashares, J. S.
2011. The role of climate, habitat, and species co-occurrence as drivers of
change in small mammal distributions over the past century. Global Change
Biology 17: 696-708.
Sagehen Creek Field Station website
State of California, “Governor’s home page,”
Tingley, M.W., W.B. Monahan, S.R. Beissinger, and C. Moritz. 2009. Birds track their
Grinnellian niche through a century of climate change. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science USA 106 (suppl. 2): 19637-19643.
Tingley, M.W., and S.R. Beissinger. 2009. Detecting range shifts from historical species
occurrences: new perspectives on old data. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24:
University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, “The Grinnell
Resurvey Project”,
University of California Natural Reserve System website
U.S. Bureau of Land Management, “Seeds of Success,”