Biology 3.3 - Meiosis 7th Grade Science Junior Scientist__________________________________________________ MAIN IDEA ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION SEXUAL REPRODUCTION MEIOSIS DETAIL NOTES Asexual Reproduction: Only __ parent is needed. What happens? The structures inside the parent are __________________ and _________exact copies are made. What type of cell division is this?_______________ Remember this type LIST PHASES OF MITOSIS: MOST CELLS IN YOUR BODY REPRODUCE THROUGH _____________. EXAMPLES IN ANIMALS: Sponges bud.... Sexual Reproduction: ________ parent cells join together to form _______________that are different from the parents. The parent cells are called __________cells. Sex cells are _______________from ordinary body cells. Most body cells carry 2 sets of genes or __________ chromosomes. Sex cells carry only 1 set of genes - HALF THE NUMBER OF CHROMOSOMES = ________________CHROMOSOMES Sex cells are made during __________. WHAT IS MEIOSIS?: Each sex cell receives one-half of each _______________pair. For example: a human egg cell has ____ chromosomes, and a sperm cell has _________ chromosomes. The new cell that forms when an egg and a sperm cell join has ___________ chromosomes. Biology 3.3 - Meiosis 7th Grade Science Junior Scientist__________________________________________________ MAIN IDEA GENES AND CHROMOSOMES DETAIL NOTES What did Walter Sutton discover: MEIOSIS Watch Brain Pop on Meiosis. :) What happens during Meiosis? How many new cells are produced in Meiosis compared to Mitosis?________________ MEIOSIS AND MENDEL SEX CHROMOSOMES Sex chromosomes carry __________ that determine sex. Females have ________ X chromosomes. Males have ____X and ____Y chromosome. When meiosis produces the egg cells, each egg gets 1 X chromosome and 1 Y chromosome. Meiosis produces sperm with either an _______or ______ chromosomes. XX =________________ XY = _______________ The Y chromosomes DOES NOT carry all of the genes of an X chromosome. Females have ___________ X chromosomes. This makes a ______________ gene available if one becomes damaged. Males only have one X and one Y. Certain disorders such as color blindness are carried on the X chromosome. These are called sex-linked ________________. Men are more likely to have sex-linked disorders. GENETIC COUNSELING Pedigree: SELECTIVE BREEDING Organisms with desired characteristics are mated to obtain the best species. SEX LINKED DISORDER