Syllabus for Chem110.006/007 Spring 2010 Lecture Instructor: Liina Ladon Office: Chemistry Tutoring Center, SM538 Office Hours: By appointment Phone: 410-704-3054 E-mail: Web page: Lecture: MWF 9:00am – 9:50am in SM556 (both sections) Sec 006 Lab Instructor: Liina Ladon Lab Lecture: T 1:00pm – 1:50pm in SM554 Blackboard site log-in: Lab: T 2:00 pm – 3:50pm in SM505 Sec 007 Lab Instructor: Dr. Sonali Raje Lab Lecture W 1:00pm – 1:50 pm in SM506 Lab: W 2:00pm – 3:50 pm in SM505 Required Materials: Lecture Textbook: General Chemistry, Raymond Chang, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill, Boston, 2008, Text ISBN 978-0-07-304851-2 Lab Textbook: Laboratory Experiments In General Chemistry: CHEM110 and CHEM111, Version 8.0, 2005, Towson University. This is an “in-house” manual. Make sure you get the correct version! Laboratory Goggles: Must be ANSI approved and cover the eyes completely. The chemistry club sells two varieties ($10.00). They are cheaper and more comfortable than the goggles sold at the university bookstore. Additionally, there are a limited number of used pairs for $5.00, but they sell out quickly. The used pairs have been sanitized. Laboratory Notebook: Must have carbon copy pages that can be turned in as a duplicate of what has been recorded in the notebook. These are also sold by the chemistry club ($11.00), and at a price that is cheaper than the bookstore. Calculator: A scientific calculator is recommended for the course. The calculator should be able to display scientific notation, be able to take roots of numbers, raise numbers to any power, take logarithms and antilogarithms in base 10 and base e. I will not allow programmable calculators for this course due to increasing incidence of students storing illegal information in the memory of this variety of calculators. I suggest a calculator, such as the TI36X, which is solar (no batteries needed) and simpler to operate. Note: Palm pilots and cell phones may not be used for exams! Attendance: Prompt attendance is strongly recommended. If you are late or miss a lecture, it is your responsibility to acquire information given out during lecture. Make-up exams will not be given. In the event an exam is missed, the final exam will be weighted an additional 7.5 % to cover points missed. If you are more than 20 minutes late for a lab lecture, you will not be able to perform the experiment and will receive a grade of 0 for that lab. If you miss any lab session, you may make up the lab only if you have a verifiable excuse for your absence. Please take into consideration that it takes the same amount of time for the lab manager to prepare a lab for one person as it does for an entire section. Please turn off cell phones, beepers and MP3 players while in class out of consideration for your classmates. It can be very distracting – especially during an exam! In addition, class time is not a social hour. Please refrain from casual conversation during class time. You will be asked to leave the classroom if you disrupt the class. Blackboard website: I will be using Blackboard, an online information hub for coursework. I hope to post useful information, the challenge problems and have a chance for you use the discussion board for help from your classmates and me on course material. Any suggestions from those of you who have used Blackboard in the past are welcome! To access Blackboard, you need to create an account for this course. To do so, launch your browser and open Click Create Account, follow the instructions on the screen and fill in the form accordingly. The username must be lower case. If you have trouble, please see me and I’ll see what I can do to help you. Once you have logged into the LearnOnline, click the Courses tab and locate this course using either the course ID or my name. Next, click Enroll and then Submit. ARIS website: The textbook has a useful website: which is a great resource of supplemental material. You do not need to sign in or register for the site and it is free of charge. In particular are many animations (for you “visual learners”) and self-assessment quizzes. Chose “chemistry” as the subject, Chang, 5th ed. as the textbook. When the textbook section appears, choose the self-study tab at the upper left corner of the tool bar and go nuts! Pick a chapter and see what you find! Lab Reports: Lab reports and prelab assignments will be due at the beginning of lab lecture. Since the answer to many of the prelab questions are given during lab lecture, late prelabs will not be accepted. Any lab report handed in after lab lecture will be considered late, and a grade penalty will be assessed. The grade penalty is a reduction of one letter grade for each day the report is late. Once the graded lab report is returned to the class, you may not submit a late report. Lab reports will be graded based on completeness (all parts of the report are included), accuracy of the calculations (where appropriate), accuracy of answers to prelab and post lab questions, and accuracy of results (where appropriate. If the report is incomplete or has calculation errors, points will be deducted accordingly, so it is to your benefit to check your report carefully for completeness and check your calculations for accuracy before submitting the report. If you do not attend lab and do not turn in a report, a grade of 0% is given. If you attend a lab, but do not turn in a report, a grade of 50% is given. A complete report that is turned in will receive a minimum grade of 70%. Please feel free to seek help in the tutoring center, should you need help with your reports. Reports should be prepared using a word processor using single spacing. Graphs should be prepared using Excel. Other graphing programs may be used, but please show a sample graph to your lab instructor for his/her approval. CurveExpert is a easy to use scientific graphing program that is used. If you want a copy of CurveExpert, see me and I will tell you how to either download the program or provide you with a copy. All graphs and tables should be properly formatted to include labels and units. I will accept reports via e-mail but only to prove that you have completed the report. You must bring me a hard copy identical to the e-mailed report by noon of the next day. You will be working with a lab partner. Please make sure that your lab report is not identical to your partner’s. This carries the penalty of plagiarism. The lab schedule is at the end of the syllabus. Grading: 4 lecture exams 10 – 13 quizzes (drop 3 lowest) 15 laboratory experiments 1 – 3 challenge problems 1 final exam (cumulative) 30 % 10 % 25 % 5% 30 % Your course grade will be based on the percentage of points earned. As you can see, a good course grade is achieved by performance in all aspects of the course. Don’t count on any one section of the course to either pass or fail you. The final exam is cumulative for good reason. The material you will have learned in Chem110 is essential background material for Chem111 and beyond. Course grades will be assigned as follows: 93 –100 90 – 92.9... 87 – 89.9… 83 – 86.9… 80 – 82.9… A AB+ B B- 77 – 79.9… 73 – 76.9… 70 – 72.9… 67 – 69.9… 60 – 66.9… C+ C CD+ D <60 F Your course grade is calculated as a weighted average: Final course grade = 0.3(lecture exam average) + 0.1(quiz average) + 0.25(lab average) + 0.05(challenge problem average) + 0.3(final exam grade) Also, you must pass both lab and lecture in order to pass the course. In over 20 years of teaching, I have never had to curve grades. Cheating I “take no prisoners” when it comes to people cheating on exams. If you want to guarantee yourself an F in the course, then cheat on the exam. All incidences of cheating will be reported to the University Academic Standards Committee, and you will risk dismissal from the university and have a notation of academic dishonesty placed on you permanent school record. It would thus seem that flunking an exam, if unprepared, would be preferable. Additionally, a lab report must not be identical to that of another classmate. Tutoring Since I am in charge of the tutoring for the sciences—please feel free to seek me out in the tutoring center. Tutoring is available, free of charge at the Chemistry Tutoring Center located in SM538. No appointment is needed to access the service. The general hours of operation will be: Monday thru Thursday from 8:00am - 6:00pm. Check the schedule located on the door for specific times—there may be a few “gaps” in the times specified above. I may have other duties to attend to at times, such as meetings, so I may not always be there when scheduled. When this happens, I will try to post a sign in advance, and/or let you know during lecture. I encourage you to avail yourselves to this service—many students do well in chemistry courses with help from the tutoring center. Also available as a resource is the tutoring center’s home page: There are well over 150 pages of study aids there for your use. The Academic Achievement Center, CK505, offers numerous workshops throughout the semester to build your study skills. I urge you to take advantage of these free workshops to improve your study skills and thus success in your coursework. General Advice 1) Don’t procrastinate—a lab report isn’t going to magically appear on your monitor in the 45 minutes before it is due, nor is 3 weeks worth of lecture material going to download into your brain in 3 hours before the exam. 2) Work as many problems from the textbook as you can. If you can only correctly answer 50% of the problems, then you have a good idea of your potential test score—GET HELP! 3) Let the information build—the subject gets easier, not harder, if you do this. There are only 24 hours to a day. If you have to relearn what you forget, at some point there won’t be enough time to do all the work needed to review the old material and learn the new material. Do whatever it takes you to put information into long-term memory. (Association, repetition, reinforcement—using flashcards you can make, working problems, thinking about the concept, talking or explaining the concept to someone else, rewriting notes, mnemonic devices.) Look over your class notes from day one to the current day at least once a week to refresh your knowledge. This will make studying for a cumulative final exam easy! 4) When taking an exam, all you can ask of yourself is the best you can do—so don’t stress. Chemistry 110 Lecture Schedule Spring 2010 Date Topics covered 1/25 Introduction, Chapter 1 Sec. 1.1 – 1.3 1/27 Chapter 1 Sec. 1.4 – 1.5 1/29 Chapter 1 Sec. 1.6 – 1.7 2/1 Chapter 2 Sec. 2.1 – 2.2 2/3 Chapter 2 Sec. 2.3 – 2.5 2/5 Chapter 2 Sec. 2.6 – 2.7, skip 2.8 ** End of Exam 1 material ** 2/8 Chapter 3 Sec. 3.1 – 3.3, skip 3.4 2/10 Chapter 3 Sec 3.5 – 3.6 2/12 EXAM 1 Covers Chapters 1, 2 2/15 Chapter 3 Sec. 3.7 2/17 Chapter 3 Sec. 3.8 2/19 Chapter 3 Sec. 3.9 2/22 Chapter 4 Sec. 4.1 – 4.2 2/24 Chapter 4 Sec. 4.3 2/26 Chapter 4 Sec. 4.4 3/1 Chapter 4 Sec. 4.5 3/3 Chapter 4 Sec. 4.6 3/5 Chapter 5 Sec. 5.1 – 5.2 3/8 Chapter 5 Sec. 5.3 – 5.4 3/10 EXAM 2 Covers Chapters 3, 4 3/12 Chapter 5 Sec. 5.5 ** End of Exam 2 material ** 3/15 – 3/19 **** SPRING BREAK! RELAX!! **** 3/22 Chapter 5 Sec. 5.6 – 5.7 3/24 Chapter 6 Sec. 6.1 – 6.2 3/26 Chapter 6 Sec. 6.3 3/29 Chapter 6 Sec. 6.4 – 6.5 3/31 Chapter 6 Sec. 6.5 ** End of Exam 3 material ** 4/2 Chapter 7 Sec 7.1 – 7.2 4/5 Chapter 7 Sec 7.3, Chapter 21 Sec. 21.1, 21.2, 21.4 only 4/7 EXAM 3 Covers Chapters 5, 6 4/9 Chapter 7 Sec. 7.4 – 7.5 4/12 Chapter 7 Sec. 7.6 – 7.7 4/14 Chapter 7 Sec. 7.8 – 7.9 4/16 Chapter 8 Sec. 8.1 4/19 Chapter 8 Sec. 8.2 4/21 Chapter 8 Sec. 8.3 4/23 Chapter 8 Sec. 8.4, skip 8.5 4/26 Chapter 9 Sec. 9.1 – 9.3 4/28 Chapter 9 Sec. 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, skip 9.5 4/30 Chapter 9 Sec. 9.8 ** End of Exam 4 material ** 5/3 Chapter 10 Sec. 10.1 – 10.2 5/5 Chapter 10 Sec. 10.3 – 10.5, skip 10.6 5/7 EXAM 4 Covers Chapters 7, 8, 9 5/10 Review for final exam or “catch-up day” FINAL EXAM is on Friday, May 14th from 8:00am – 10:00am in SM556. This is a CUMULATIVE exam (covers the entire course!) Be on time!! Laboratory Schedule Text: Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Towson University, Version 8.0, 2007 Dates Expt. Title 1/25 – 1/29 1 Graphing Programs, Safety, Check-in, Record-Keeping What are Extensive and Intensive Properties 2/1 – 2/5 2 3AB The Laboratory Report What is the Relationship Between Mass and Volume of a Substance? 2/8 – 2/12 3CDE How Can the Density of a Substance be Determined with Accuracy and Precision? Parts C, D, & E 2/15 – 2/19 4 How Can Matter Be Classified? 2/22 – 2/26 8 Synthesis and Limiting Reactant 3/1 – 3/5 5 Ionic Compounds and Precipitation Reactions 3/8 – 3/12 6 Determination of the Identity of an Ionic Compound 3/15 – 3/19 - No Lab – Spring Break 3/22 – 3/26 7 Chemical Reactions 3/29 – 4/2 9 Acid-Base Titration 4/5 – 4/9 14 Applications of Gas Laws to Chemical Analysis 4/12 – 4/16 10 Calorimetry: Heat of Reaction 4/19 – 4/23 11 12 Emission Line Spectrum of Hydrogen Absorption Spectroscopy 4/26 – 4/30 13 - Bonding and Molecular Structure, Parts A, B, C, & D Check-out 5/3 – 5/7 13 Bonding and Molecular Structure, Part E Chem110 Suggested Problems and Study Guide Chapter 1 Study Guide 1. Make sure you memorize the metric prefixes and how to do unit conversions within the metric system and between the English and the metric system. 2. Learn how to handle significant figures in calculations. 3. Learn how to use you calculator to do scientific notation. 4. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 22. Chapter 1 Suggested Problems 1.2 – 1.6, 1.10, 1.18, 1.22, 1.24, 1.30, 1.32, 1.38, 1.44, 1.66 Chapter 2 Study Guide 1. Be able to describe the work of any scientist described in this chapter. 2. Learn the names and symbols of the representative elements and the first two rows of the transition metals. 3. Know how to recognize whether a compound is ionic or covalent. 4. Know how to name ionic compounds. 5. Know how to name covalent compounds. 6. Know how to name acids. 7. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 53 Chapter 2 Suggested Problems 2.4, 2.10, 2.16, 2.34, 2.46, 2.48, 2.50, 2.53, 2.59 Chapter 3 Study Guide 1. Know the relationship between mass, moles, particles and Avogadro’s Number. 2. Be able to find the molar mass of a substance. 3. Be able to find the percent composition of a compound. 4. Be able to calculate the empirical formula and molecular formula of a compound from its percent composition. 5. Be able to balance a chemical reaction. 6. Be able to determine the amount of reactant, product (theoretical yield) and percent yield for a chemical reaction. 7. Be able to find the limiting reagent. 8. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 86. Chapter 3 Suggested Problems 3.14, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20, 3.24, 3.26, 3.40, 3.44, 3.50, 3.54, 3.60, 3.66, 3.72, 3.86, 3.92 Chapter 4 Study Guide 1. Review the polyatomic ions from Chapter 2. 2. Be able to write the molecular, total ionic and net ionic equation for a precipitation reaction and an acid/base reaction. 3. The solubility rules will be given on the exam, but you have to be able to apply them correctly. 4. Be able to determine the oxidation state of element(s) in a compound. 5. Be able to identify the compound oxidized, compound reduced, oxidizing agent and reducing agent in a redox reaction. 6. Be able to calculate the molarity of a solution. 7. Be able to do a solution stoichiometry problem. 8. Know the Key Equations on page 123. 9. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 124. Chapter 4 Suggested Problems 4.10, 4.22, 4.34, 4.40, 4.42, 4.54, 4,56, 4.58, 4.64, 4.74, 4.80, 4.92 Chapter 5 Study Guide 1. Know how to convert between pressure units. The conversion factors will be given on the exam. 2. Review how to convert a given temperature from Fahrenheit or Celsius to Kelvin. 3. Know what is STP. 4. Know the various gas laws discussed in the chapter. 5. Know the Key Equations on page 162 except the van der Waals equation. 6. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 163. Chapter 5 Suggested Problems 5.13, 5.14, 5.20, 5.24, 5.32, 5.40, 5.44, 5.48, 5.60, 5.84, 5.108 Chapter 6 Study Guide 1. Understand the terms system and surroundings. 2. Know the sign conventions for work and heat. 3. Be able to calculate the internal energy change or enthalpy change for a process. 4. Be able to describe a reaction as endothermic or exothermic based on the enthalpy change. 5. Be able to find any of the variables in a calorimetry problem (heat, mass, specific heat capacity, initial temperature or final temperature). 6. Know the Key Equations on page 197. 7. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 198. Chapter 6 Suggested Problems 6.1, 6.7, 6.18, 6.20, 6.26, 6.34, 6.36, 6.38, 6.54, 6.58, 6.90 Chapter 7 Study Guide 1. Know the relationship between wavelength, frequency and energy. 2. Know the Bohr Model for an atom and the Bohr’s Equation. 3. Know the quantum numbers and what they signify. 4. Be able to give the electron configuration of an atom. 5. Know the Key Equations on page 237. 6. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 238. 7. Know the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Chapter 7 Suggested Problems 7.1 – 7.4, 7.8, 7.16, 7.32, 7.42, 7.54, 7.82, 7.84, 7.86, 7.98 Chapter 8 Study Guide 1. Be able to write the electron configuration of an ion. 2. Know the periodic trends for atomic size, ionic size, effective nuclear charge, ionization energy, electron affinity. 3. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 272. Chapter 8 Suggested Problems 8.5, 8.6, 8.11, 8.18, 8.28, 8.32, 8.38, 8.44, 8.51, 8.58, 8.80 Chapter 9 Study Guide 1. Review the difference between an ionic compound and a covalent compound. 2. Know the following terms: octet, electronegativity, resonance. 3. Be able to do Lewis structures. 4. Be able to find the enthalpy change for a reaction using bond energies and review the terms endothermic and exothermic. 5. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 306. Chapter 9 Suggested Problems 9.1 – 9.11, 9.34, 9.38, 9.49, 9.70, 9.74, 9.98 note: omit formal charges. Chapter 10 Study Guide 1. Be able to draw the Lewis structure, give the structure type (AB2, etc.), hybridization, bond angles, and molecular geometry of a compound. 2. Be able to use valence bond theory (box diagrams) to show how hybridization takes place. 3. Be able to identify sigma and pi bonds in molecules. 4. Know the meaning of the terms listed under Key Words on page 349. 5. We are skipping section 10.6 on Molecular Orbital Theory. Chapter 10 Suggested Problems 10.7, 10.10, 10.12, 10.34, 10.36, 10.40, 10.66 Whew!! Enjoy your summer break and good luck in CHEM111!