Civics and Economics

Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
Name of Honors Course:
Civics and Economics
Course Code:
Course Description:
Course Goals and Objectives:
Through the study of Civics
and Economics, students will
COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will investigate the
acquire the skills and
foundations of the American political system and explore
knowledge necessary to
basic values and principles of American democracy.
become responsible and
effective citizens in an
interdependent world.
Students will need a practical
1.01 Describe how geographic diversity influenced
understanding of these systems
economic, social, and political life in colonial North
of civics and economics that
affect their lives as consumers
and citizens. Furthermore, this
1.02 Trace and analyze the development of ideas about
course serves as a foundation
self-government in British North America.
for United States History. It is
recommended that this course,
1.03 Examine the causes of the American Revolution.
Civics and Economics, directly
precede the eleventh grade
1.04 Elaborate on the emergence of an American
United States History survey
course to maintain continuity
and build historical
1.05 Identify the major domestic problems of the nation
under the Articles of Confederation and assess the
extent to which they were resolved by the new
As informed decision-makers,
students will apply acquired
knowledge to real life
1.06 Compare viewpoints about government in the
experience. When studying
Federalist and the Anti-Federalist Papers.
the legal and political systems,
students will become aware of
1.07 Evaluate the extent to which the Bill of Rights
their rights and responsibilities
extended the Constitution.
and put this information into
practice. The economic, legal,
1.08 Compare the American system of government to
and political systems are
other forms of government.
balanced for presentation and,
like other social studies
COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will analyze how
subjects, these lends itself to
the government established by the United States
interdisciplinary teaching. The Constitution embodies the purposes, values, and principles
goals and objectives are drawn of American democracy.
from disciplines of political
science, history, economics,
geography, and jurisprudence.
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
Honors Civics and Economics
should cover the material in
greater complexity, novelty,
acceleration, or pacing, and
reflect a defensible
differentiated curriculum.
Honors students should learn
to express and defend their
ideas while attaining the
distance necessary to accept
constructive criticism.
Teachers should incorporate
opportunities for each student
to become a reflective thinker
who possesses the potential to
become an initiator of learning
and accomplishments,
exploring areas of his/her
interests within the designated
course of study. Honor Civics
and Economics is
distinguished by a difference
in the quality of the work
expected, not merely an
increase in quantity.
Honors Civics and
Economics should cover the
material in greater
complexity, novelty,
acceleration and/or pacing,
and reflect a defensible
differentiated curriculum
than is delivered in a
standard Civics and
Economics course. Honors
students should learn to
express and defend their
ideas while attaining the
distance necessary to accept
constructive criticism.
Teachers should
2.01 Identify principles in the United States
2.02 Explain how the United States Constitution defines
the framework, organization and structure of the three
branches of government at the national level.
2.03 Explain how the United States Constitution grants
and limits the authority of public officials and
government agencies.
2.04 Describe how the United States Constitution may
be changed and analyze the impact of specific changes.
2.05 Analyze court cases that illustrate that the United
States Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
2.06 Analyze court cases that demonstrate how the
United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights protect
the rights of individuals.
2.07 Identify modern controversies related to powers of
the federal government that are similar to the debates
between Federalists and Anti-Federalists over
ratification of the United States Constitution.
2.08 Examine taxation and other revenue sources at the
national level of government.
2.09 Describe the services provided by selected
government agencies and how funding is provided.
COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will analyze how
state and local government is established by the North
Carolina Constitution.
3.01 Identify the principles in the North Carolina
Constitution and local charters.
3.02 Explain how the North Carolina Constitution and
local charters define the framework, organization, and
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
incorporate opportunities
for each student to become
a reflective thinker and
writer who possesses the
potential to become an
initiator of learning,
exploring ideas of his/her
interest within the course.
Honors Civics and
Economics is distinguished
by a difference in the
quality of the work
expected, not merely an
increase in quantity.
Students must take a state
End-of-Course test for this
course. This course should
be taken prior to any United
States history course.
structure of government at the state and local level.
3.03 Explain how the state constitution grants and limits
the authority of public officials and government
3.04 Describe how the state constitution and local
charters may be changed, and analyze the impact of
specific changes.
3.05 Analyze court cases that illustrate that the North
Carolina Constitution is the law of the state.
3.06 Analyze how the Fourteenth Amendment extends
the Bill of Rights' protection to citizens of a state.
3.07 Identify modern controversies related to powers of
the state government.
3.08 Examine taxation and other revenue sources at the
state and local level.
3.09 Describe the services provided by state and local
government agencies and how funding is provided.
COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will explore active
roles as a citizen at the local, state, and national levels of
4.01 Examine the structure and organization of political
4.02 Describe the election process and the qualifications
and procedures for voting.
4.03 Analyze information on political issues and
candidates seeking political office.
4.04 Demonstrate active methods of promoting and
inhibiting change through political action.
4.05 Analyze consequences of compliance or
noncompliance with laws governing society.
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
4.06 Describe the benefits of civic participation.
4.07 Analyze costs and benefits of jury service, voting,
seeking office, and civic action at the local, state, and
national level.
4.08 Participate in civic life, politics, and /or
4.09 Utilize various methods of resolving conflicts.
COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will explain how
the political and legal systems provide a means to balance
competing interests and resolve conflicts.
5.01 Evaluate the role of debate, consensus,
compromise, and negotiation in resolving conflicts.
5.02 Identify the jurisdiction of state and federal courts.
5.03 Describe the adversarial nature of the judicial
5.04 Evaluate the role of debate and compromise in the
legislative process.
5.05 Explain how local government agencies balance
interest and resolve conflicts.
5.06 Analyze roles of individual citizens, political
parties, the media, and other interest groups in public
policy decisions, dispute resolution, and government
COMPETENCY GOAL 6: The learner will explain why
laws are needed and how they are enacted, implemented,
and enforced at the national, state, and local levels.
6.01 Trace the development of law in American society.
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
6.02 Cite examples of common, criminal, civil,
constitutional, administrative, and statutory law.
6.03 Identify the various procedures in the enactment,
implementation, and enforcement of law.
6.04 Identify ways citizens can be informed about the
6.05 Investigate the role and responsibility of
government to inform the citizenry.
6.06 Analyze the role of lobby groups and special
interest groups in the enactment of legislation.
6.07 Compare responsibilities, jurisdictions, and
methods of law enforcement agencies.
6.08 Evaluate methods used by society to address
criminal and anti-social behaviors.
COMPETENCY GOAL 7: The learner will investigate
how and why individuals and groups make economic
7.01 Describe the basic factors of production such as
land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial skills and their
impact on economic activities.
7.02 Explain how scarcity influences producers and
consumers to make choices.
7.03 Compare examples of tradeoffs and opportunity
costs of economic choices.
7.04 Analyze the impact on economic activities of
specialization, division of labor, consumption and
production increases.
7.05 Explain the impact of investment on human,
capital, productive, and natural resources.
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
7.06 Compare and contrast how different economic
systems address key economic factors.
COMPETENCY GOAL 8: The learner will analyze
features of the economic system of the United States.
8.01 Compare characteristics of command, market,
traditional, and mixed economies.
8.02 Describe how the free enterprise system
encourages private ownership of property and promote
individual initiative.
8.03 Explain the circular flow of economic activities
and how interactions determine the prices of goods and
8.04 Illustrate how supply and demand affects prices.
8.05 Predict how prices change when there is either a
shortage or surplus.
8.06 Explain how changes in the level of competition
can affect price and output levels.
8.07 Identify and describe the roles and functions of
various economic institutions and business
8.08 Evaluate the investment decisions made by
individuals, businesses, and the government.
8.09 Describe the role of money in trading, borrowing,
and investing.
COMPETENCY GOAL 9: The learner will analyze factors
influencing the United States economy.
9.01 Identify phases of the business cycle and the
economic indicators used to measure economic
activities and trends.
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
9.02 Describe the impact of government regulation on
specific economic activities.
9.03 Explain the impact of the movement of human and
capital resources on the United States economy.
9.04 Assess how current events impact decisions made
by consumers, producers, and government policy
9.05 Explain the impact on the United States economy
of international trade and global products.
9.06 Investigate the ways that domestic and
international economies are interdependent.
9.07 Analyze the short- and long-term effects of fiscal
and monetary policy on the United States economy.
9.08 Analyze the influence of environmental factors,
economic conditions, and policy decisions on individual
economic activities.
COMPETENCY GOAL 10: The learner will develop,
defend, and evaluate positions on issues regarding the
personal responsibilities of citizens in the American
constitutional democracy.
10.01 Explain the distinction between personal and
civic responsibilities and the tensions that may arise
between them.
10.02 Develop, defend, and evaluate positions on issues
regarding diversity in American life.
10.03 Evaluate the importance of supporting, nurturing,
and educating oneself in the United States society.
10.04 Demonstrate characteristics of effective
10.05 Describe examples of recurring public problems
and issues.
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
10.06 Discuss the consequences and/or benefits of the
freedom of economic, legal, and political choices.
Concepts, and
Goal 1: How did we form and shape our identity as an American
How did the concept of popular sovereignty develop into an
American ideal?
What makes us American?
What lessons did America learn prior to becoming a nation that
influenced its creation of a new Constitution?
Goal 2: What influence does the United States Constitution have on our
How does compromise and debate play an integral role in selfgovernment?
How do we as a country limit the powers of government
What ideals are fundamental to our American Constitution and
Why is the Constitution called a Living Document?
Goal 3: How do local and state governments impact the lives of
How does the concept of federalism promote and resolve
conflict within our state and country?
How do priorities and resources impact the running of a
Goal 4: What are the characteristics of an active citizen?
How can a citizen effect change in his/her community?
How do I and why should I vote?
What are the consequences of an unlawful society or
How can citizens fight injustice in America?
What responsibilities and duties must I fulfill as a citizen to
maintain my guaranteed rights?
Goal 5: How do societies resolve conflicts?
Why is our judicial system adversarial in nature?
Why does the minority group have an advantage in the law
making process?
What roles do special interest groups and the media play in
public policy decisions?
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
Goal 6: How do laws impact people’s lives?
Who enforces laws?
What type of laws exist in America?
How and why should citizens be informed about the law?
Goal 7: What are the factors that move individuals, communities, and
nations to make economic choices?
How does a nation or corporation become more efficient and
How do the different types of economies answer the basic
economic questions?
Goal 8: How do the features of the economy of the United States
influence our lives?
Which economic system is best?
How do we as consumers and citizens affect prices in America?
Is competition a good thing for a society?
How does a business make money?
How does technology and science affect the standard of living
in the United States and the world economy?
Goal 9: How do the factors of the economy of the United States
influence our lives?
How does the government effect the economic livelihood of
How can world events impact the American economy?
How is America a member of the global economy?
Goal 10: What are the individual’s responsibilities to the community as
well as the community’s responsibility to the individual?
How do we resolve the conflict between security and freedom
in America?
What are the major public problems facing communities today
and what are the best solutions?
Issues Related to
the Course
For purposes of this document from here on out, the term “WE” refers to
my students and I because it is my belief that this class is in fact all of
ours, not just mine. Therefore, when I mention “WE” it takes into
consideration the responsibility the student assumes in this endeavor.
In this course, we will examine the economic, legal, and political systems
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
in America. In so doing, we will examine the themes of conflict,
compromise, diversity, change, debate, competition, thought, selfgovernment, personal responsibility, trust, consequences, and active
citizenry. In order to develop thoughtful, questioning, creative problemsolvers, we will examine controversial issues including but not limited to
annexation, immigration, abortion, education, war powers, terrorism,
prejudice, and government involvement in people’s lives. We will use
several different teaching styles in order to achieve our goal. We will
definitely use the Socratic method frequently to enhance student’s ability
to develop not only answers but questions that need to be addressed.
Below is a list of other methods that will be used as well:
Interchange-we use debates, panels of experts, dialogue between
students and teachers, and cooperative learning groups.
Independent study- we use outside projects that require
independent research; i.e. the Constitution project, the
convention debate, the numbers assignment, federalism
assignment, president assignment, book reports.
Research- several research assignments on economic, political,
and social issues
Technology- we use SAS in school to supplement class
activities, my website has quizzes and links for student use,
we create powerpoints for different class materials.
Integration of learning- we integrate other disciplines in our
curriculum; examples include examining the impacts of
pollution on the environment(science), creation and analyzing
graphs(mathematics), creation of budgets(mathematics), daily
writing assignments called Thoughts of the Day(English),
analyzing key historical documents(English), importance of
exercise to the citizens(health), etc.
Authentic learning- debates of current issues, participation in
local politics(i.e. school board meetings, town meetings, etc),
creation of the Constitution project showing today issues.
Higher level thinking skills-we use application, synthesis,
analysis, and evaluation skills throughout the course.
Examples: creation of a business to illustrate the business
cycle, the use of mock trials, creation of the Constitution
project, playing the role of a founding father in the
Convention debate, anticipating what the Fed will do in
different situations.
Instructional diversity-We use thinking maps and different
reading strategies to address diversity. We do different
activities that include the kinesthetic, auditory, visual, and
tactile learners. Examples: the Convention debate, middle
passage exercise, notes, pictures, notecards, webpage
availability, project work allowing different presentations(i.e.
powerpoint, art, etc.) At the beginning of each semester, we
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
take a learning style survey to determine the best way in
which we learn. In addition, the presentation of materials in
projects and assignments is frequently left to the student’s
choice and preference. Several students use art or music to
address the requirements of the projects.
Pedagogy-we address different reading strategies and model
reading through outside readings by the teacher; and by using
different activities as addressed in instructional diversity.
Expectations for
My students are expected to be able to develop, support, defend, and
articulate their opinions in written and oral form on many different
issues. They are expected to think beyond the “nine dots” in order to
develop innovative solutions to problems that we are encountering. In
order to develop these skills, we interpret primary documents, engage in
debates-formal and informal, write daily on topics(Thoughts of the Day),
write essays on each test, develop formal essays outside of the testing
environment, develop unique presentations(Constitution project), analyze
positions on topics, etc. On each of these exercises, I expect them to go
beyond the norm and must present clear, unique thinking beyond the
book explanations.
Deadlines, and
My attached syllabi show timeframes and pacing.
Below are some of the major projects assigned to my students.
Constitution project-assigned early, due by end of 1st nine
weeks. See attached
Constitution Convention-assigned early, due on debate day,
students are assigned a specific delegate to the convention,
research that individual in order to role play him discussing
several issues on the debate day. See attached.
Thoughts of the Days are assigned daily-see attached
Congress assignment- examine the leadership roles of Congress
using SAS in school website.
Presidential Want Ad- create a want ad for the presidency. See
Presidential Roles assignment- examine and explain the roles
of the president. See attached.
Executive agency scenario assignment- see attached
Book Report requirement-see attached
Numbers don’t lie(12 days of civics) assignment- see attached
Supreme Court Cases assignment-see attached
Criminal Trial Stories: see attached
Factors of Production Assignment: See assignment
Economic Storybook Assignment-see attached
Immigration Booklet: see attached
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
Thinking Maps Assignment: see attached
Making Economic Trade-Off Assignment: See attached
Making a Business Plan Assignment: See attached
Investing In Stock Assignment: See attached
Demand & Supply in a Market Economy: See attached
Pacing Guide
90 Minute Block/Days
The above is the general pacing guide for the Honors Civics course.
Attached are my last two syllabi for my honors civics course. Pre-testing
before the semester begins allows me to include more in-depth analysis
of current events within each unit if appropriate.
As is shown by our assignments, we will use a number of different
assessment tools to measure the students’ mastery of the curriculum and
to assist me in adjusting teaching based on the students’ responses. On a
daily basis, we will use the Socratic method frequently to ascertain
whether the students are indeed understanding the material. In addition,
we use presentations, debates, role playing, hands-on materials, writings,
and projects to assess the students. The Thoughts of the Day are related
to the topics of the day and the students’ writings assist me in
determining their mastery of the subjects as well. On different occasions,
the students grade themselves and provide self-evaluations of their
performance and the effectiveness of the assignment itself in assisting
Honors Course Curriculum Guide Template
them in learning. This is done during the Convention debate for instance.
In addition, we have amendment quizzes weekly to continue reviewing
materials from the past and to add to our understanding of those
materials. These are self-graded as well in order to ensure the students
understand the meaning of trust and responsibility.
Tests are given after each main concept has been covered and can be seen
on the syllabus. Our tests generally contain multiple choice questions,
matching, short answer and an essay. The essay is taught as a 5
paragraph, 3 point essay and counts 10% of each test.
At least once a nine weeks, we create our own tests. This is in order for
us to verify if we are progressing as students who can differentiate the
important material from the inconsequential and trivial. The students are
graded on their choice of questions as well as their answers.
Grading System
At the end of the 1st nine weeks and the semester, the students write
evaluations of the course to address those things that are assisting them in
their learning and those that are not. I use this to address changes in the
In our Honors Civics class, test and projects comprise 65% of the grade
and homework/classwork are 35%. See attached grading policies.
We use a wide variety of instructional materials in our Honors Civics
course. They include but are not limited to the following:
Primary sources(federalist papers, Declaration of Independence, Seneca
Falls, Letters from a Birmingham jail, etc), websites including my
teacher web page at
SASinschool web site, National Archives websites, all websites included
in my page, video clips, books within our classroom library which the
students can choose for their book reports, Citizenship Activity Book,
newspaper articles.
*When you are ready to type, delete the sentences in gray and change the font color to black to
put in your own course information.