Canterbury Tales -----------------------------------------------------------------------------VIDEO 820 PRO A Prologue to Chaucer. Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities, 1993, c1986. Relates the characters and themes of the Canterbury tales to everyday life in late 14th century England. VIDEO 821 CAN Canterbury Tales II. The second episode of this Modern English adaptation incorporates stunning model animation coupled with traditional cell animation to create a rich and vivid portrayal of Chaucer's literary masterpiece. VIDEO 821 CAN Canterbury Tales I. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, 2000. In the Modern English adaptation, amazing model animation and traditional sketch work are combined with the dramatic voices of actors from the Royal Shakespeare Company. VIDEO 821 CAN Geoffrey Chaucer the Canterbury Tales. Princeton, New Jersey : Films for the Humanities,. Video 821 CAN Canterbury Tales III. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger, 2001. VIDEO 921 CHAUCER Chaucer. Princeston, NJ., Films for the Humanities and Sciences, : 1988. Chaucer is the first great English poet whose name we know, and also. VIDEO 940.1 KNI Knights and armor. New York : A&E Home Video : distributed in the U.S. by New Video Group, c1994. Narrator: Nick Chilvers. Explores the many aspects of knights, knighthood, armor, and heraldry of the Middle Ages, focusing on the history of knighthood and armor in England. Looks at William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke as an example of the ideal knight. VIDEO 941 LIV Living in the past. W. Long Branch, NJ : Kultur International Films, 2000, c1995. v.1. Life in Anglo-Saxon Britain -v.2. Life in medieval Britain -- v.3. Life in Victorian Britain.