Module 1

Module 1. Cellular level of Life Arrangement
1. Biology as a science. Significance of biology in physician training.
2. Definition of life concept on the modern level of science. The fundamental
properties of living beings.
3. Cell as a elementary genetic, structural and functional biological unit.
Prokaryotic and eucaryotic cells.
4. Cell theory. Its hystory and modern condition. Significance for medicine.
5. Mitotic cycle. Its stages.
6. Cell division. Mitotis. Araitotis.
7. Meiosis. Its significance.
8. Chromosome chemical composition and peculiarities of morphological and
functional structure. Chromosomes in interphase and metaphase of mitotis. Heteroand euchromatine.
9. Human karyotype. Classification of human chromosomes.
10. DNA and RNA structure and functions.
11. Gene definition. Gene classification (structural, regulative, t-RNA and r-RNA
synthesis genes).
12. The main stages of protein biosynthesis. Exons and introns in eukariotic genes.
13. Operon regulation of gene activity. Jacob and Mono theory.
Module 2. The Essentials of Human Genetics
14. Subject and basic tasks in genetics. Stages of genetic development.
15. Main concepts of genetics: heredity, variation, genetic material and its
properties (concervatlon, variation, reparation, realization of genetic information).
Allel genes. Dominant and recessive genes. Homo- and heterozygous organisms.
Genotype, genome, phenotype.
16. Monohybrld crossing, 1st and 2nd Mendel's laws.
17. Dihybrid crossing. Polyhybrid crossing, 3rd Mendel's law.
18. Interaction of Allelic genes: Incomplete dominance, codominance. Expressivity
and penetrance of genes. Pleyothropy.
19. Interaction between non-allelic genes: complementarity and epistasls.
20. Polygenic traits. Polygenic diseases.
21. Multiple alleles. Blood groups determination on ABO system.
22. Sex determination. Chromosome diseases caused by variation of quantity of
sex chromosomes.
23. Inheritance of sex-linked characters of man.
24. Chromosome theory of heredity. Gene linkage. Crossing-over. Chromosome
25. Variation types: modifications, combinations, mutations. Their significance in
ontogenesis and evolution.
26. Modifications. Norm of reaction. Adaptation. Role of heredity and
environment Indevelopment and education of a person.
27. Combinative variation. Its mechanisms. Significance of this type of variation
in genetic diversity of human population.
28. Mutation types. Its classification. Mutations in somatic and germ cells.
29. Chromosome mutations: deletions, duplications. Inversions and translocations. Chromosome diseasescaused by chromosome aberrations.
30. Polyploidy, haploidy, its mechanisms.
31. Heteroploidy. Diseases caused by heteroploidyin autosomes and sex
32. Point mutations. Their mechanisms. Gene diseases. Violation of protein's,
carbohydrates' and lipids metabolism.
33. Spontaneous and induced mutations.Mutagenicfactors. Mutagenesis and
34. Prenatal diagnosis of inherited diseases. Medical genetic counselling.
35. Man as a specific object of genetic analysis. Method of human heredity
36. Pedigree analysis and twin methods.
37. Genetics in medicine. Cytogenetic methods.
38. Dermatoglyphics. Biochemical and population genetics.
39. Ontogenesis and its periods.
40. Embryonic development and its stages.
41. Molecular and cellular mechanisms ofdifferentiation. Embryonic induction.
42. Critical periods of embryonic development. Teratogenic factors.
43. Post-embryonic ontogenesis. Man's growth and development.
44. Death as a final stage of ontogenesis. Clinicaland biological death.
45. Regeneration of organs and tissues. Types of regeneration. Its significance in
medicine and biology.
46. Problemsof organandtissuetransplantation.Typesof transplantation.
Transplantationofvital-important organs. Tissue incompatibility and ways of its
overcoming. Artificial organs.
47. Homeostasls. Mechanisms of its regulation. Role of endocrine and nervous systems in providing of homeostasis and adaptation.
48. Biological rhythms. Its medical significance.
Module 3. Population-specie levels of Life Arrangement. Parasitology. Human
49. The basic principles of Darwin's theory. Modem concept of evolution.
50. Micro- and macroevolutlon. Population structure of mankind. Dems and
51. Application of Hardee-Wainberg's low in characterics of human populations.
52. Influence of mutations, migrations. Isolation and gene drift on human genetic
constitution. Genetic load and its biological essence.
53. Phylogenesis of chordata. Anomalies in development.
54. Comparative observation of skeleton structure. Anomalies of development.
55..Phylogenesis of digestive system of chordata. Anomalies of development. 56. Phylogenesis of respiratory - system of chordata. Anomalies in
57. Phylogenesis in circulatory system of chordata. Anomaliesin development.
58. Phylogenesis of nervous system of chordata. Anomalies in development.
59. Phylogenesis of exqretory andreproductive systems of chordata. Anomalies of
60. Defects of development of organs and systems in human and its onto-phylo
genetic causes.
61. Position of Homo sapiens amonganimals. Qualitative peculiarities of human
62. Ecology. Environment as an ecological concept. Environmental factors.
Ecosystem, Biocenosis.
63.Ecology of man. Adaptation of people to life conditions on cellular, organism,
population and biosphere levels.
64.Man as an ecological factor. Main directions and results of anthropogenic
influence in environment. Environment protection.
65.Parasitism. Interaction of parasite and its host. Morphological adaptation of
66.Principles of parasite classification. Obligatory, facultative, constant, temporary
parasites, endo-and ectoparasites.
67.Transmissive diseases.Obligatory and facultative transmissive diseases. Specific
and mechanical carriers.
68.Living cycles of parasites. Alternation of generations and hosts. Primary and
secondary hosts.Bio-and geohelminthes.
69.Nature-focated diseases.Naturefocus structure. Understanding of anthroponoses
and zoonoses.
70.Phylum Protozoa. Classification. Characteristic features of their organization.
Medical significance.
71. Entoamoeba histolytica. Systematic position and morphology. Life cycle.
Methods of laboratory diagnosis. Prophylactics.
72. Trichomonas and Lamblia. Systematic position, morphology and life cycle,
ways of infection, methods of laboratory diagnosis.
73. Systematic position, morphology and biology of Leishmanlosis agent.
Methods of laboratory diagnosis and prophylactics.
74. Malarian parasites. Systematicposition,morphology, difference between
species. The control of malaria.
75. Toxoplasm. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of infection,
laboratory diagnosis andprophylactics.
76. Balantidium. Systematic position, morphology, development. Ways of
infection and methods of laboratory diagnosis.
77. Trypanosomes. Species morphology, life cycle. Ways of infection and
78. Flatworms (Plathelminthes). Classification. Characteristic features. Medical
79. Liver fluke (Fasclola hepatica). Systematic position, life cycle, ways of ..
invasion, methods of laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis.
80. Opisthorhis felineus. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of
invasion, methods of laboratory diagnosis.
81. Paragonimus ringed. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of
invasion, methods of laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis.
82. Shistosoma - agents of urogenital and intestinal shistosomiasis. Systematic
position, morphology, ways of invasion and prophylaxis.
83. Unarmed tapeworm (Taeniarhynchus saglnatus). Systematic position,
morphology, life cycle. Methods of laboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis.
84. Armed tapewarm (Taenia solium). Systematic position, ways of invasion, prophylaxis, laboratory diagnosis.
85.Cysticercosis. Ways of invasion, prophilaxis, laboratory diagnosis.
86. Dwarf tapewarm (Hymenolepis nana). Systematic position. Morphology. Life
cycle, ways of Invasion, diagnosis, prophylaxis.
87. Echinococcus and Alveococcus. Systematic position. Morphology, ways of
invasion, diagnosis, prophylaxis, difference between larvae.
88. Diphyllobotrlum latum. Systematic position, life cycle, methods of laboratory
diagnosis, ways of Invasion, prophylaxis.
89. Phylum Round worms (Nemathelminthes). Classification. Characteristic features. Medical significance.
90. Ascaris. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of invasion,
methods of laboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis.
91. Trichocephalus trichiurus. Systematic position, morphology, ways of invasion,
methods of laboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis.
92. Enteroblus vermicularis . Systematic position, morphology, ways of invasion,
life cycle, methods of laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis.
93.Ancylostomidae. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of invasion,
methods of laboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis.
94.Trichlnella. Systematic position, morphology, lifecycle, methods of laboratory
diagnosys, prophylaxis.
95. Dracunculus medinensis. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle,methods
oflaboratory diagnosis, prophylaxis.
96.Wuchereria bancrofti. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of
invasion. Methods of laboratory diagnosis. Prophylaxis.
97. Brugia malayi.Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of invasion,
methods of laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis.
98.Loa loa. Systematic position, morphology, life cycle, ways of invasion.
Methods of laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis.
99. Onchocercus volvulus. Systematic position, morphology, living cycle, ways of
invasion. Methods of laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis.
100. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of helminthoses. Ovonelminthoscopy.
101. Phylum Arthropoda. Classification. Characteristic features. Medical
102. Ticks and Mites. Systematic position, morphology, families, development,
significance. " Spiders* scorpions, solpugae.; .
103." Class Insecta. Classification, characteristic features. Medical significance.
104. Mosquitoes. Systematic position, morphology, life cycles. Medical significance. Methods of control. Phlebotomus.
105. Housefly(Musca domestica). Stomoxis calcitrans. Tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis). Wolfartia taagnifica.Systematic position, morphology, epidemiologic
significance, methods of control.
106. Lice and fleas. Systematic position, morphology, development and medical
107. Venomous animals.
108. Ageing as a stage of ontogenesis.