Abstract Submission Guideline (word)

Guidelines for Abstract Submission for “Integrating BrainComputer Interfaces with Conventional Assistive Technology”
J. del R. Millán1, C. Neuper2, D. Mattia3, …
E-mail: Address of the first author
EPFL , Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Department of Psychology University of Graz, Graz,
Austria;3IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy;
Instructions are provided for preparing papers for the upcoming “Integrating BrainComputer Interfaces with Conventional Assistive Technology”. They are intended to
guide the authors in preparing electronic form of their abstract. The abstract should
not exceed 500 words and one A4 page.
Use Times New Roman as Font. Write the title with font size 14 and the rest with font
size 12. Centre the Title, Authors and name of institutions. Write the Subtitle and the
text with font 12, use capitals for the subtitles. Leave a row between subtitle and text.
Illustrations and tables: One illustration or table is allowed in addition to the text.
Figure or Table must fit on page. Illustrations and tables are to be referred in the text
e.g.: Fig. 1 and/or (Fig. 1) or Tab. 1 and/or (Tab. 1) and should be aligned at the end
of the page. In addition, the illustration must be provided e.g. in JPEG or TIFF format
with sufficiently high resolution. Refer to references using numbers and brackets, e.g.
The submitted papers will be directly incorporated into the conference volume. Check
for spelling. Only papers submitted by December 11th, 2009 will be considered.
Submit the paper as a PDF file and word document.
Please prepare your contributions in accordance with the format given in this file.
Individual headings can be supplemented or removed if necessary. You can find the
latest information on the conference at the website at: