Introduction To Engineering – 4 Bike Lab 1 Report

Introduction To Engineering
Bike Lab 1 – 4
Lab Report Format
Team Writing
Outline Lab 1 Report
Team Writing
Outline is important (include placement of
tables of data and illustrations).
Each team member has an assignment.
Review each others’ work.
Integrate all of the pieces (sections
written by different people, data,
illustrations) to make a smoothly flowing,
coherent, complete report.
In general, when writing an individual
report, you often keep the outline of the
report in your head
When writing a team report, you must
have a detailed outline to avoid
redundancies and omissions.
Each Member Writes
Employers rate writing among the most
important skills
Take the opportunity to practice
Each person develops and writes at least
one section
Integrate the Pieces
The report should look like it was written
by one person
Use bold headings and subheadings
Use the same font and heading style
Each team member should review the
entire report
Look for
Consistent format
Errors in fact, spelling, & grammar
Lab Report Format
Lab reports should be typed, doublespaced, 10-12 pt. font
Reports are typically 4-5 pages and should
include a cover page
Lab reports are graded out of 50 points
Assume your audience has some
knowledge of engineering principles
Goal of Lab Report
Report should tell another team exactly
how to repeat your experiment and clearly
document the results
More detailed information and an example
can be found in your course packet
following this presentation
Lab Report Outline
Experimental Methodology
Results and Description
Summary and Conclusions
All team members should participate in the
summary and conclusions section
Outline Details
Introduction: provide an overview of what
was done in the lab, describe the
objectives of the lab, describe the
information in the rest of the report
Experimental Methodology: brief
description of the procedures and
equipment from the lab, including sketches
if necessary
Outline Details
Results and Description: includes tables
and figures, plus a description of the
information contained
Discussion: discuss the significance of
the results and provide support for your
Summary: includes summary of
information and any conclusions that you
may draw
In-Class Assignment
 Meet as a team
 Outline Bicycle Lab 1 Report
 Assign writing tasks to each member
Each team member writes his or her
section of the lab report.
Bring your completed sections to the next
class meeting