Note: The topics for 2012 will remain the same but the dates will change. NATURAL HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA (BISC 369L) SPRING 2011 Syllabus* Lecture Class No. 13025A (file: 369 - syllabus – 2011) Laboratory Class No. 13351R Instructor: Dr. Gerald J. Bakus, AHF B4A, 213-740-5790 cellphone 714-345-1360 (see Emergency Contacts Sheet for other numbers). email: Teaching Assistant: Jun Zhao, RTH 522, 213-821-4250, cellphone 213-300-3589 Textbook: Bakus, G.J. 2011. Natural History of California. To appear in print about February 2011. Alden, P. (ed.) 1998. Regional Guide to California. National Audubon Society. Office Hours: Bakus – Tu 1-2 Th 12-2 AHF B4A ?? TA Lecture: 2-3:20 TuTh ZHS 460 Laboratory: 3:30-6:20 Tu ZHS 460 Field Trips: See below (**) for overnight or full-day trips Date Jan. 11 13 Jan. 18 20 Lecture Topics Reading Introduction. Work on library report. Lec.- Natural regions, ecology geology, collecting techniques, research topics Fieldtrip (Palos Verdes: -1.3 ft at 2:42 p.m. Depart USC at 2 p.m.) Return to USC 6 p.m. Lec.- Classification of organisms, collection techniques. Research topics. 1 *It may be necessary to make some adjustments to the syllabus during the semester. 25 Lec.- Ecology Geography Quiz Work up Palos Verdes 27 Lec.- Cismontane Southern California Lab – Pacific Northwest Mountains Feb. 1 Field Trip (Santa Ana Mountains - chaparral Depart USC at 2 p.m.) Return to USC 7 p.m. 3 Lec.- Coast Ranges 8 Lab.- work up Santa Ana Mountains Turn in a 1 page outline of your proposed research project. Follow the format provided. 10 Lec.- Great Central Valley Lec.- California Deserts 15 Geography Quiz Lec.- Coastline Prepare to discuss your research topic today - then start it! 17 Lec – Inland Waters 2 22 Lec. – Sierra Nevada, Lec. - Mountaintops 24 Taxonomy Quiz. Research Projects Mar. 1 FIRST LECTURE EXAMINATION (100 pts) 3 Lab - Report on Status of Research Project Bring all information and data to class. 8 Lab – Visit Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach – Depart USC 2 p.m) Return to USC 6 p.m. 10 Lec. – Quantitative Techniques 14-19 Spring Recess (work on individual research projects) 22 Lab. - Field Trip (Big Bear Lake & Mojave Desert – Terrestrial & Freshwater - Depart USC at Noon). Return to USC 7 p.m. 24 Quantitative Techniques (hands-on) 29 Work up Big Bear Lake and Mojave Desert 31 Flower, insect and bird study projects due Apr. 1-3 5 7 . ** Field Trip – weekend fieldtrip to Santa Catalina Island. Depart USC 6:30 a.m. Apr. 1 and Return to USC 5 p.m. Apr. 3 Lec. – Santa Catalina Island. Discuss the fieldtrip. Work up Santa Catalina Island trip. Present final semester notebook. Research Project. 12 Prepare for final lab exam 14 SECOND LECTURE EXAMINATION (100 pts). 19 Prepare for final lab exam 3 . 21 RESEARCH PROJECT REPORTS DUE (100 pts) 26 FINAL LABORATORY EXAMINATION (300 pts) 28 Prepare for final examination FINAL EXAMINATION: THURSDAY MAY 5 2-4 p.m.. PowerPoint demonstration and oral report on research project – 10 min (50 pts) Attendance by all students for the entire time is mandatory. No make-up exams! Other Items: The final laboratory examination will cover all field trips and laboratory work-ups. Point Breakdown (Summary) First Lecture Examination 100 pts Second Lecture Examination 100 pts Final Lab Examination 300 pts Research Project 100pts PowerPoint Oral Presentation 50 pts Misc. Tasks 350 pts (see Grading Policy for details) 4