Under 19 Long Squad Performance Profile Information to be completed by the District Coach or (Club Coach where there is no District Squad) Athlete: Criteria: Physiology (Description of athlete, including height, athletic build, muscle definition, speed, elevation etc) Characteristics of Excellence (This statement should represent all that you know about the athlete and her behaviours and attitude towards improving performance) Capability – Effectiveness on court (What is it that she does well on court – how does she process information, how quickly can she take coaching points to the court – how effective is she at analysis the opposition and determine ways to beat her? How consistent a performer is she during competitions? Ability to progress to 2013/14/15 (How do you view her current level and ability to progress to the next level. What type of behaviours has she demonstrated to support your opinion – what are the athletes aspirations – does she really want it – Is she likely/able to make the sacrifices necessary to be an elite netball athlete?). Mental & emotional capacity (Your assessment of the athlete – how has she performed under pressure – how does she cope with making mistakes, how does she view mistakes, type of barriers/challenges evident verbal or behavioural, maturity for age, organized, disciplined etc) Date: District Coach or (Club Coach where there is no District Squad) Under 19 Long Squad Performance Profile Information to be completed by the District Coach or (Club Coach where there is no District Squad) Specific needs (If you feel she needs any specific individual work, note it here, especially if it concerns other disciplines ie Nutrition, Performance Lifestyle, S & C, Physiotherapy) Nomination grade which corresponds to the National Talent Identification structure used at National competitions: 1 = Excellent – recognized as potential athlete 2 = Very good – Potential Identified 3 = Good – Certain aspects need developing 4=Average – Needs much more work 5 = Currently not at the required standard Education/Employment details Please add additional rows to this form to include the following information School/College/University Year group Course/Exam details Employer details (if any) Please include part-time work undertaken District/Club Coach contact details: Mobile: E-mail Grade: