Project Travel Brochure Web 2006-7

Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences
Mr. C. Del Ré
Mr. J. Zaza, Principal
Ancient Civilization Travel Brochure - Project
Due Date: ___________________________
Choose an Ancient Civilization that interests you from the opposite side of this sheet. You will be
researching this topic and creating a travel brochure based upon this information.
This travel brochure is to include the following:
Part I: Cover (5 points)
On the cover page of your brochure, be sure to include somewhere your name, partner=s name,
band, name of brochure, and civilization of brochure.
Part II: Maps & Pictures of Location (15 points)
A travel brochure is nothing without a map of the location where people want to travel. On your
map make specific references to important advancements, religious origins, battles, leaders=
homes, etc. You want to sell this location to travelers, so be sure to include reasons as to why a
person should come and visit, as well as pictures of the area. Creativity is a MUST! Be sure to
make the advertisement match the time period!
Part III: History of the Civilization (15 points)
If you want people to travel to your civilization you have to excite them and make them want to
see it for themselves. You must provide the history of the civilization from its creation. Include
approximate dates for when the civilization began as well as why and how it was started.
Part IV: Important Development or Advancement (15 points)
All of the early civilizations were important for their own reasons. Choose one important
political, social, economic, or technological development that was created during the time period
of your civilization and explain why it was important or highly advanced for its time.
Part V: Important Leader (15 points)
The early civilizations would be nothing without important leaders. Choose a leader, political,
religious, or philosophical, provide a brief biography of his/her life and explain how this leader
greatly influenced the development of the civilization.
Part VI: Religious Beliefs (15 points)
All of the early civilizations had some type of spiritual belief. Choose one and explain its
origins, belief system, important religious figures, and events. Be sure to explain how the
people=s religious beliefs were important to the development of the civilization.
While researching and writing your brochure, you are to actually believe that you are living in that
civilization during that time period in history.
Everything is to be written in the PRESENT tense (for that time).
Use your imagination and be creative BUT everything that you write must be based on
historically accurate information.
This project is in the form of a travel brochure, therefore you must use a legible 12 point font.
Your articles must be APPROXIMATELY 1 PAGE EACH.
Part VII: Bibliography (10 points)
You MUST document any sources that you use in your project. If you choose to quote someone
else=s work in your project, you must give them credit for their information. You MUST follow
MLA format provided on the next page. At the conclusion of the quote, cite your source in the
following manner: (Author=s Last Name, page). You must use 3 valid sources that are correctly
documented. One source may be from the Internet (minimum of 2 books). This source must be
from a credible Website. Neither your textbook, class notes, nor encyclopedia count as a source.
Part VIII: Group Questionnaire (10 points)
You will be assigned a partner depending on Lunch Bands. You can use this time to talk, do
research in one of the many computer rooms, etc. Group work can be difficult at times, so you
will need to learn to work together. If you encounter any problems, you must tell me. Both
members of the team will get the same grade, unless I am given adequate proof that one member
is not completing his/her duties. A student in this situation will receive a failing project grade.
You are required to submit the group questionnaire upon completion of this project. Part of the
questionnaire is a log to be filled out each time you work together.
All work should be grammatically correct and proofread for errors.
Projects should be typed, double-spaced, and no bigger than 12 point font, with 1 inch page
Penalty for lateness: 5 points for each day late regardless of whether or not our band meets!!
Mesopotamia - P. 58-64, 83-93
Egypt - P. 46-53
India - P. 66-68, 202-210
China - P. 69-71, 220-232
Greece - P. 106-145
Rome - P. 152-178
Byzantine Empire - P. 244-264